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Man and Biosphere Program

Plan proposed in October 1966
synonym Man and the Biosphere (Man and Biosphere) generally refers to the Man and Biosphere Program
The Man and Biosphere Programme (MAB) was first proposed at the "Intergovernmental Expert Meeting on the Scientific Basis of Rational Utilization and Protection of Biosphere Resources" held in October 1966. [1]
On December 1, 2021, at the 41st General Conference of UNESCO held in Paris, China's successful candidate and biosphere program (MAB )Member of the International Coordinating Council. [5]
Chinese name
Man and Biosphere Program
Foreign name
Man and the Biosphere Programme
UNESCO Scientific sector
Release time

brief introduction

The Man and the Biosphere Program is an international, intergovernmental cooperative research and training program. Its purpose is to natural science and social sciences The combination of basic theory and applied technology, Scientific and technical personnel , production managers, political decision-makers and the general public, systematically study the structure and function of different regions of the biosphere, and predict the changes in the biosphere and its resources caused by human activities, as well as the impact of such changes on mankind itself. For rational utilization and protection biosphere Resources for, saving genetic genes To improve the relationship between human beings and the environment, provide scientific basis and theoretical basis to find effective ways to solve population, resources, environment and other problems.

present situation

The Man and Biosphere Program has attracted the attention of all countries in the world. More than 100 countries have participated in it, and some countries have established national committees on man and biosphere. China joined the program in 1972 and was elected as a member of the Council. In 1978, the National Committee on Man and the Biosphere of the People's Republic of China was established. In China, 10 subjects have been included in the Man and Biosphere Program, and 26 nature reserves have joined World Biosphere Reserve
Current status of Man and Biosphere Program
Biosphere reserves are different Biogeographic province A global nature protection network has been established. The World Commission on Man and the Biosphere divides the world into 193 biogeographic provinces (14 in China), among which various types of ecosystems are selected as Biosphere Reserve It should not only have the characteristics of network, but also combine natural reserves with scientific research, environmental monitoring, talent training, demonstration and participation of local people. Its purpose is to preserve biological genetic diversity by protecting various types of ecosystems. The biosphere reserve has three characteristics: first, it is a typical protected environmental area, its protection value needs to be recognized domestically and internationally, and it can provide scientific knowledge, skills and human value for maintaining its sustainable development. Secondly, all protected areas form a global network to share research materials on ecosystem protection and management. Second, the protected areas include not only some "core areas" under strict protection, but also the "buffer areas" around them for research, environmental education, talent training, etc., as well as the "transition areas" or "open areas" with a larger outermost area. The open zone can provide close cooperation between researchers, operators and local people to ensure the rational development of natural resources in the area.
In July 2022, the UNESCO "Man and the Biosphere" Program (MAB) announced the addition of 11 protected areas in 9 countries, of which Chad, Georgia and Zambia have their own biosphere reserves for the first time, and Spain's original two protected areas have been expanded. The number of members of the World Biosphere Reserve Network has increased to 738, distributed in 134 countries and regions. The biosphere reserve network covers 1.3 million square kilometers of protected areas around the world. [6]

China's accession

China joined the program in 1972 and has been a member of the International Coordinating Council for Man and the Biosphere, which established the National Committee for Man and the Biosphere of the People's Republic of China. As of November 2014, there are 34 nature reserves in China's World Man and Biosphere Conservation Network [2] They are Wolong, Dinghu Mountain Changbai Mountain , Fanjing Mountain, Wuyi Mountain Shennongjia , Xilingol, Bogda Peak, Yancheng, etc. China will also establish a Chinese biological area protection network to attract more natural reserves to join and gradually transfer to the international network.


Through global cooperation, the following goals are achieved:
——Study on the relationship between human and environment with ecological methods
- To provide scientific basis for the protection and rational utilization of relevant resources and ecosystems through multidisciplinary and comprehensive research;
——To study the impact of human beings on the biosphere through long-term systematic monitoring;
——Conduct personnel training and information exchange to provide effective management of biosphere natural resources.


The MAB International Coordinating Council is the highest authority of the international MAB. Its important responsibility is to guide and supervise the implementation of the MAB program and coordinate the relationship with other international scientific programs. A general meeting is held every year. China is a member of the organization. Organization scale: So far, more than 100 countries have participated in the plan. Since the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, MAB has carried out activities in combination with the Convention on Biological Diversity and other important international conventions, clearly proposing to study and protect biodiversity through the biosphere reserve network, and promote the sustainable use of natural resources.

Cooperation and activities

The China MAB National Committee was established in 1978 with the approval of the State Council. The Committee is composed of officials from relevant government departments, representatives from the scientific and technological circles, the press and academic groups. Academician Xu Zhihong of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is the chairman of the 6th National Committee of the Chinese MAB [3] The secretariat is located in the Bureau of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Researcher Han Nianyong is the Secretary General of the National Committee of China MAB, responsible for the daily work of MAB.

Elected members

On December 1, 2021, at the 41st General Conference of UNESCO held in Paris, China's successful candidate and biosphere program (MAB )Member of the International Coordinating Council. [5]

Impact and function

An international and intergovernmental comprehensive program for ecological research, referred to as MAB. It is based on 1970 UNESCO It was established by the 16th General Assembly in resolution 2.313. The purpose of the Man and Biosphere Program is to systematically study the structure and function of the biosphere and its different regions, and predict the changes in the biosphere and its resources caused by human activities through the combination of natural science and social science, the combination of basic theory and applied technology research, and the combination of scientific and technical personnel, production management personnel and decision makers, And the impact of this change on mankind itself, in order to make rational use of and protect the resources of the biosphere and preserve heredity gene To improve the relationship between human beings and the environment.
The coordination and management body of the Man and Biosphere Program is the International Coordinating Council for Man and Biosphere, which is composed of 30 member countries and meets every two years. During the intersessional period of the Council, the Executive Board is composed of one President, four Vice Presidents and one Rapporteur. It has a secretariat (within the UNESCO Division of Ecological Sciences) to coordinate bilateral or multilateral international cooperation, promote the establishment of the World Biosphere Reserve Network, organize the exchange of research results and information, and organize various academic seminars and training courses.
The Man and the Biosphere Program has attracted widespread attention internationally. More than 100 countries have participated in this program, and some countries have established the National Committee on Man and the Biosphere. There are more than 1000 research topics of the Man and Biosphere Program, and more than 10000 scientists have participated in the research work. There are more than 200 biosphere reserves, forming a global network of biosphere reserves. The main publications of the Man and Biosphere Program include: Technical Data of Man and Biosphere Research, Report Collection of Man and Biosphere Program, and some irregular collections of papers.

Project content

The Man and Biosphere Program has 14 research projects:
1. The increasing human activities in the tropics and subtropics Forest ecosystem Impact of;
Image of Man and Biosphere Program
2. Different land use and management practices have an impact on temperate and mediterranean sea Ecological impact of forest landscape;
3. Impact of human activities and land use practices on grazing land, savanna and grassland (from temperate to arid areas);
4. Impact of human activities on ecosystem dynamics in arid and semi-arid areas, with special attention to the effect of irrigation;
5. The ecological impact of human activities on the value and resources of lakes, marshes, rivers, deltas, estuaries, bays and coastal areas;
6. The impact of human activities on mountain and Tundra ecosystem Impact of;
7、 Island ecosystem Ecological and rational utilization of
8. Protection of natural areas and genetic materials contained therein;
9. Pest and disease management and fertilizer use have a significant impact on terrestrial and Aquatic ecosystem Ecological assessment;
10. Impact of main engineering construction on people and environment
11. The ecological problems of urban system focusing on energy utilization;
12. The interaction between environmental change and population adaptability, demography and genetic structure;
13. Understanding of environmental quality;
14. Environmental pollution and its impact on the biosphere.

China related activities

On the morning of December 15, 2020, the 22nd Conference of China Biosphere Reserve Network was opened in Yantai. The theme of this conference is "implementing the overall layout of the Five in One, and coordinating the harmonious development of man and nature". Chairman of the Chinese National Commission on Man and the Biosphere Xu Zhihong Chen Fei, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Yantai Municipal Committee and Mayor of Yantai, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Wang Ding, Secretary General of the National Commission of Chinese People and the Biosphere, presided over the meeting. [4]
On June 12, 2023, the International Coordinating Council of UNESCO's "Man and the Biosphere Programme" held in Paris deliberated and decided that the Fifth World Congress of Biosphere Reserves would be held in Hangzhou, China, from September 22 to 27, 2025. [7]