Kyoto Prefecture

Japan's first level administrative region (government)
zero Useful+1
Kyoto Prefecture Roman Pinyin :Kyoto-fu; English: Kyoto Preview) [1] , on Japan Honshu Island Of Three metropolitan areas in Japan one of Osaka Metropolitan Area Of Japan in Kinki To the north of the center of Sea of Japan , east Fukui Shiga County Sanzhong County , south Nara Prefecture , West and Osaka Prefecture Hyogo County Bordering. It is in a slender shape stretching from the southeast to the northwest, and consists of three kinds of landforms, namely, the Riya coast surrounding Wuhe Bay in the northwest, Danbo Mountain in the middle and Kyoto Basin in the east. Kyoto Prefecture is one of the autonomous bodies with a large population. It is the spiritual hometown of the Japanese Japanese culture Source point of, is Japanese culture The symbolic place of. The ancient capital of Kyoto was built on the basis of the Japanese aestheticism prevailing in the dynastic culture. The Shinto Shrine Buddha Pavilion And other historical buildings, represented by courtyards, paintings, traditional activities and Kyoto cuisine, are known as the "Millennium Capital". [2]
Chinese name
Kyoto Prefecture
Foreign name
Kyoto Prefecture [1]
geographical position
be located Japanese archipelago center
4612.71 km²
Area under jurisdiction
Beijing Metropolis etc.
Government residence
Xiali Maitong Xincho, Shangjing District, Beijing Metropolis
population size
2614099 (2014)
Famous scenic spot
Toji The temple of the Golden Pavilion etc.
train station
Kyoto Station
Fu Shu
Beishan fir
House bird
Dashui Shaving Birds
Current Governor
Xiwei Longjun [3]
Metropolitan area
Osaka Metropolitan Area
Official flower
Weeping cherry Sago chrysanthemum dianthus

brief introduction

Kyoto Prefecture [4]
kyoto House [4] Hiragana :きょうとふ; Roman Pinyin :Kyoto-fu ) [1] It's Japan Kinki region Of Dudaofu County One, Kyoto has been the capital and political, economic and cultural center of Japan for more than a thousand years from the establishment of the capital in 794 AD to the relocation of the capital to Tokyo in 1868 cultural heritage Kyoto is the seventh largest city in Japan, with a population of 1.4 million.
Kyoto is called "the hometown of the soul" by Japan, and it is a place of cultural symbols of Japan. Over the centuries, Kyoto has been destroyed by war many times because of its precious historical value the Second World War During this period, Kyoto was not subjected to large-scale air strikes (only five small-scale air strikes were carried out from January 16 to June 26, 1945, and then the US military officially ordered to ban air strikes) Wuhe City Has been subjected to large-scale air strikes). Numerous temples, shrines and other buildings of great historical value have been preserved.
The location of Kyoto Prefecture is superior Japanese archipelago The central part is the center of Kinki. Its terrain is long and narrow, bordering on the north Sea of Japan , and Fukui Adjacency; In the south is the Kyoto Basin, and Osaka Prefecture and Nara Prefecture Border; East and Sanzhong County and Shiga County Connection; West and Hyogo County Bordering. The climate difference between north and south is obvious. Taking the Danbo Mountain in the central area as the boundary, the climate of the long and thin Kyoto Prefecture in the north and south is divided into the Sea of Japan type and the inland type. In the south Continental climate , including Jingdu Kameoka , South Danbo, Danbo, the middle of the mountain city and the south of the mountain city. The northern part is located on the coast of Japan Marine climate , including Wuhe City Ayabe Fuzhishan City And Dan Hou.
Kyoto official seal




Long view of the capital of Kyoto 2 [5]
The area where the Kyoto Prefecture is located has been inhabited by ancient people since the Stone Age, and many prehistoric and ancient sites and relics have been found in succession.
Kyoto was designated as the capital of Japan in 794, imitating the Chang'an and Luoyang It was built by the Japanese city construction and naming in ancient China significant impact Therefore, in 2012, Kyoto became China Shaanxi province Xi'an Municipal Sister city Kyoto is also called“ Ping'an Beijing ”, which means "a city of peace and stability". Despite changes, Kyoto has survived as Japan's former capital. In the ancient city of Kyoto, many stately palaces and mansions for serving officials and nobles were built. From the 9th century to the middle of the 12th century, it gradually reached the peak of power and glory. At that time, Japan also made great progress in culture, producing many literary and artistic works that purely reflect Japanese aesthetic feeling.
However, due to the rise of the local warrior class, court politics declined. Since then, for thousands of years, the land of Danhou in the north of Kyoto has belonged to local warriors. The Golden Pavilion (1398) and Silver Pavilion (1489) built in the Muromachi era have Representativeness The elegant and noble image of the monumental giant building is in sharp contrast to the chaos and chaos of the society at that time. Between 1467 and 1477“ nin War ”In China, Kyoto was burned to a white ground. Fengchen Xiuji After unifying Japan, rebuild Kyoto. When Kyoto was rebuilt, Toyotomi Xiuji stipulated that residents should follow the Wide and narrow Tax payment. Therefore, most of the old courtyards seen in Kyoto are entrances Small stomach Large.
Finally, the war since the Middle Ages was accompanied by 1603 Tokugawa Shogunate The establishment of the end. In the next two and a half centuries, Japan was closed to the rest of the world Lock policy The society has always been stable, and Kyoto still maintains its former prosperity as the capital. 1868 Return the Great Policy Later, the capital moved to Edo and was renamed Tokyo. [6]

Historical chronology

713, since Danbo Separation Kingdom of Danhou
Owned by the temple.
In 740, Emperor Shengwu Move the capital Gong Renjing
In 784, Emperor Kammu Move the capital Changgangjing
In 794, the capital was moved to Ping'an Beijing;
Night View of Kyoto
In 1183, Yuanyizhong When he entered Beijing, his family fled;
In 1221, Enduring chaos , setting Six Polos
In 1337, Jianwu Zhongxing
In 1338, Muromachi bakufu Establishment;
In 1392, the Northern and Southern Dynasties were unified;
In 1467, Yingren Rebellion;
In 1568, Oda Nobuna Entering Beijing;
Appearance of Kyoto Railway Station
In 1586, Fengchen Xiuji built Juledi
1601, set Kyoto Shoshidai
In 1863, New Group form;
In 1864, Change of Forbidden Door (The change of Heyumen);
In 1867, Wang Zheng Restores Ancient Times Abolish the practices in Kyoto;
In 1868, Battle of Toba-Fushimi The establishment of Kyoto Prefecture;
In 1869, Meiji Emperor , Edo Xingxing, Tokyo Dien du
In 1889, kyoto The city was founded, Governor Served concurrently as mayor Dancing crane Set Navy 4th Zhenshou Mansion (Wuhe guarding the mansion);
In 1892, it was founded in Ayabu Omotokyo
In 1897, the Imperial Palace Museum in Kyoto kyoto imperial university
Administrative Division Map of Kyoto Prefecture
In 1898, Kyoto Prefecture and Jingdu became two separate organizations;
In 1907, the 16th Division was set up in Shencao (separated from the 4th Division);
In 1932, Giant Starling Pond The cause of expansion began;
In 1944, the 16th Division Leyte Island battle complete failure;
In 1945, General Kruger, commander of the 6th Army of the United States, entered Los Angeles;
In 1950, Husan Cuochuan was elected governor of Kyoto Prefecture to reform government administration;
In 1957, the Okubo base of the Land Self Defense Force was set up;
In 1964, Tokaido Shinkansen Opening;
In 1994, Cultural wealth in the ancient capital of Kyoto To be listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site;
In 1997, Jingtianbian City Establishment;
In 2004, Jingdan Houshi Establishment.

Magistrates of previous dynasties

Name of governor
Number of times elected
Generation 1
Mucun Dun
April 12, 1947 to April 2, 1950
1 time
Generation 2
Curled Sichuan Tiger Three
April 20, 1950 to April 15, 1978
7 times
Generation 3
Yasuo Lin Tian
April 16, 1978 to April 15, 1986
2 times
Generation 4
Rage Volume Zhen Yi
April 16, 1986 to April 15, 2002
4 times
Generation 5
Keiji Yamada
April 16, 2002 to April 15, 2018
4 times
Generation 6
Xiwei Longjun
From April 16, 2018
1 time
[5] [7]

Administrative jurisdiction

Kyoto Prefecture governs 15 cities, 11 districts, 10 towns and 1 village:
Beijing Metropolis
Dashasaki cho
Conxi County
Uji Tanhara cho
Mujin cho
Nanshancheng Village
Kitakuwada District
Jingbei cho
Meishan cho
Yuanbu cho
Yagi cho
Nagano cho
Oe Kong cho
And Xie Jun
Kayue cho
Nodagawa cho
Fengshan cho
Otomiya cho
Zhuye Prefecture
Mirong cho
Kumano Prefecture


Traffic Map of Kyoto Prefecture
airport: Kansai International Airport To Kyoto, one hour and 15 minutes for the emergency HARUKA;
the Shinkansen : Kyoto to Tokyo (2 hours and 20 minutes) Nagoya (35 points);
Incoming line: Kyoto to Osaka (30 minutes) Nara (41 points);
Kyoto to Uji (16 points), Kuoka (30 points).

economic construction



Kyoto Tower [8]
In 1990, the total number of factories in Kyoto Prefecture was 167000, of which 99.1% were small and medium-sized enterprises, accounting for 2.5% of the total number in Japan, ranking 11th. Total industrial output value 5779.5 billion yen, including electric Machinery industry 18.3%, fiber textile industry 12.6%, transportation machinery 10.8%, beverage and feed 9.0%, and general machinery 7.1%. modern industry , has formed a high-tech enterprise cluster. For example: Shimadzu Production Institute Mainly produce advanced Medical equipment And aviation equipment; kyoto fine ceramics Engaged in the development and application of new ceramic materials, production of advanced cameras and other cutting-edge products; Lishi Electric develops and produces a variety of advanced electrical machinery, such as automatic ticket checkers and computers Automatic Door , electronic medical devices, etc; Wakaolu is a Japanese company Clothing industry The high-quality women's underwear produced by this enterprise ranks first in the world and is exported to the international and overseas markets. There are 42 enterprises in Changtianye Industrial Park located in Fuzhishan City, such as Kobe Steel Group (welding rod), Green Cross (medicine), Takeda Medicine (medicine), Tangqian Battery (battery) and other products enjoy a certain reputation in Japan. In addition, the textile printing business Yuzhi With the fiber manufacturing industry of the Performance Department, the shipbuilding industry of Wuhe plate glass Chemicals It plays an important role in the industry of Kyoto.
Compared with modern industry, traditional fine industry is simple and unadorned, but Traditional industry With a long history and wide distribution, it is deeply rooted in all parts of Kyoto Prefecture. Kimono production once flourished in Kyoto The era of peace Xizhen textile, Youchan printing and dyeing in Kyoto and crepe silk in Danhou all played an important role in kimono industry. Danhou crepe is said to originate from Edo Period After the Kyoto Xichen textile technology was introduced to Danhou, the Fengshan Fan adopted a policy of rewarding production, which made Danhou crepe silk quickly develop into a major local industry. Due to the change of modern Japanese lifestyle, kimono wearing has been limited to weddings and funerals, grand festivals, and persuasion is getting farther and farther away from modern life. The kimono industry is in serious decline. Other traditional industries include Qingshui ceramics, Litian ceramics, embroidery Bamboo products Lacquerware, Japanese fan, etc. It is particularly worth mentioning that Kyoto Fu Jian has been one of the few Japanese wine producing areas in Japan since ancient times, and its output ranks among the top in the country, well-known wine yes Laurel laurel , pine, bamboo, plum, etc. Whether Traditional industries still Modern industry Kyoto government's policy is to encourage development high added value While protecting and supporting traditional industries and Small and medium-sized enterprises


Yachuan flows through the north and south of Kyoto
There are more than 50000 farmers in Kyoto Prefecture, including Specialized farmers There are only 6854, and 68230 people are engaged in agriculture (the results of the 1990 agricultural spot check). Among them, the number of female employees exceeds that of male employees Aging Tendency. Total agricultural output value 95 billion yen (1990) is a low level output value in Japan. As there is no great plain in Kyoto except for the basin, and part of it is mountainous Cultivated land area Only 3.75 hectares (1980). Paddy fields account for 79.5%, dry farmland 10.4%, vegetable orchards 10.1%, large paddy fields are limited to Kyoto Basin or small mountain basins. Due to the climate, most areas in the north can only plant and harvest one season. Agricultural operations are highly intensive and mechanized, with an annual rice output of 103300 tons (1987), Output per unit area It does not reach the national average. The main crop in dry land is wheat. The suburb of Kyoto mainly develops vegetable and fruit cultivation. The main vegetables are radish Cabbage , eggplant, cabbage, etc. Around the Kyoto Basin, there are large tea gardens mainly centered on Yuzhi, which are rich in tea“ Yuzhi Tea ”。 "Yuzhi Tea" is a famous and special product of Kyoto, with a long history, good quality, and the output ranking first in the country. Produced in Danhou area tulips The output is among the best in Japan. Fuzhishan There are mulberry forests distributed in the Youliangchuan basin of the basin Sericulture It flourished and then declined. Animal Husbandry With the Fuzhishan Basin as the center, it raises cows, beef cattle, pigs, chickens, etc.

Forestry and fishery industry

Forests account for 75% of the total area of Kyoto Prefecture, with an area of 346000 hectares (1985). There are large areas in Danbo and Danhou China fir Forest and cypress forest. The mountain area in the north of Beijing produces fir trees. Danbo plateau produces Danbo Tricholoma matsutake And Danbo chestnuts enjoy a high reputation in Japan. Aquaculture On the other hand, the coast of the Sea of Japan in Kyoto Prefecture is affected by the warm current Mackerel sardine The main fishing grounds are Danhou Peninsula to Ruoxia Bay Between coasts. Egen, Tianjing, Miyadzu, Wuhe and other places constitute the center of the fishing ground, but they are generally operated on a small scale. The total number of fishing boats was 2.271 (1986), of which more than half were powered boats. The annual fishing volume was 93000 tons (1985). Kyoto is committed to development Catfish Fish Abalone etc. Seedlings The hatching and releasing of fish have transformed the fishery from fishing to aquaculture. [6]

social undertakings


cultural education

Kyoto as Japanese culture The birthplace of. Known as the capital of learning, it is one of the two largest academic and artistic cities in Tokyo Central place One of the important responsibilities of the Kyoto government is to ensure that everyone has equal access to education. To this end, efforts should be made to maintain high-quality education in all regions. For the education of the physically and mentally disabled, the first school for the deaf and the blind in Japan was opened in 1978. There are many special education facilities in Kyoto.
The main universities in Kyoto include: Kyoto University of Education (National) kyoto institute of technology (National), Kyoto University (National, No. 35 in the latest ranking of 2013QS world universities) Kyoto Municipal University of the Arts (Public) Kyoto Prefectural Medical University (Public) Kyoto Prefectural University (Public) Otani University (private, short and large), Kyoto Medical science University (private, short-term) Kyoto Foreign Studies University (private, short and large) Kyoto Gakuen University (private) Kyoto Guanghua Women's University (private, short and large) Kyoto University of Information Technology (private) Kyoto Cuo'e Art University (private, short and large) Kyoto University of Technology (private) Kyoto Women's University (private, short and large) Kyoto Seika University (private) Kyoto Shaping Art University (private), Kyoto Huading University (private, short-term) Kyoto Tachibana University (private) Kyoto Notre Dame University (private) Kyoto Bunkyo University (private, short and large) Kyoto Pharmaceutical University (private) Kindergarten University (private) Lesbian Women's University (private) University of Comrades Society (private) Garden University (private), Buddhist University (private) Ping'an Women's College University (private, short and large) Chengmei University (private, short and large) Meiji International Medical University (private) Ritsumeikan University (private) Longgu University (private, short and large) Chifang Short term University (short and large) Huading Short term University (Short term), Kyoto Economics Short term university (short and large) Kyoto Xishan Short term University (Short term University), Notre Dame College Short term University (Short term University). Vocational training facilities, Correspondence course Not only for School age We are open to people who have moved towards social relearning. There are many kinds of professional schools, including Flower path Tea ceremony , commercial design, electronics computer Programming and other industries.

Sports facilities

The terrain of Kyoto Prefecture varies greatly, which is very suitable for outdoor use Sports entertainment Activities. Camping sites, hiking routes, ski resorts Bicycle travel Etc. In the northern Danbo Plateau, there is Kyoto Prefecture, Danbo Natural motion There are Track-and-Field Ground Tennis courts, volleyball courts, baseball fields, putter golf courses, children's parks and other recreational and recuperation facilities that do not damage the nature of the mountains. In the south of the city, there is a comprehensive sports park in the prefecture of Kyoto, as well as a popular track and field field, tennis court, match court, swimming pool and unique entertainment forest.
indoor Sports facilities There are Jingdu Gymnasium and Fuli Gymnasium. There are some suitable for domestic and International competitions The venue can accommodate 10000 spectators. The elderly and the disabled can also use special sports equipment Sports activities
Judo and kendo are Japanese traditions Sports The equipment of the project is provided by various sports centers of the government. The gymnasium in Fujian Sports Park has a solar heated swimming pool. Kyoto Prefecture has twice hosted the National Sports Congress of Japan.

public welfare

In order to further improve living standard , and the country municipal Cooperation and common promotion Public utilities , education social welfare And other businesses serving the local people. As of July 2002, there were 13 windows in the government to listen to the public's opinions and requirements on administration. There is also a special window for housing traffic accident Consumer issues
Welfare administration of Kyoto citizens Yes Give to low-income people financial aid Facilities for the elderly, homes for the elderly, lectures for the elderly, relief and vocational training for the disabled. It also opened a center to hold Consumer learning Yes, I will accept the opinions and inquiries on the commodities.
Newspaper Radio National Edition Local edition Newspapers and radio media of. In addition to national newspapers《 Kyoto Shimbun 》And many local newspapers. yes Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK) TV station, KBS Kyoto TV station and several private TV stations broadcast programs to Japan and Kyoto region.

Environmental construction

With the development of urbanization and industrialization. The problems of environmental pollution and destruction of nature have arisen everywhere. Kyoto Prefecture for protection natural environment , insist on banning everything Pollution source In 1971 Public nuisance regulations. In order to protect the health of the people and have comfortable environment The Kyoto government has specially set up a public health hazard research institute as the experimental research center to study and investigate the waste, waste gas and waste water discharged from the factory.

Medical facilities

Kyoto Prefecture
In 1990, the number of medical facilities in Kyoto Prefecture was 564, with an average of 136.9 per 100000 people, higher than that in Japan average The number of doctors is 6008, with an average of 231.8 per 100000 people, which is higher than the national average and second only to Tokyo in Japan.
Health management Including treatment and prevention. Kyoto government has built and managed many Public hospitals Medical universities and nursing schools. For the elderly over 65 years old Medical expenses subsidy. Disease prevention program includes injection for young children preventive injection cancer The inspection car travels around the mansion. With the cooperation of Shicho Village, the 12 health centers in Kyoto Prefecture (except Jingdu) Health consultation And health diagnosis, ensure the safety of medical instruments and guide the development of environmental sanitation, check and prevent public hazards, water quality and pathogenic bacteria, prevent infection
The progress made in health management is centralized management and computerized emergency treatment. control center The electronic computer can send signals to the ambulance at the nearest location, which can make more effective use of the ambulance.

housing construction

The rate of rental housing in and around Jingdu is relatively high. In order to make it easy for residents to change houses, rent and obtain their own houses, the Kyoto government is located in Jingdu Western construction Yeah, Lucy Residential quarters Xiangdao Residential Community was built in the south. Due to the rising land price, it is increasingly difficult to own houses Public housing The number of people in Kyoto has expanded to the middle class Housing demand Implement various measures, such as promoting family members' housing construction and subsidizing rent. [6]

Scenic Spots and Historical Sites

The urban area is divided into Zhongjing, Sakyō , Shangjing and Xijing. Schools, clubs, hospitals, etc. are prefixed with Kyoto. Here are the places of interest in several regions:


Tourist Map of Kyoto Prefecture
Toji World Cultural Heritage When building Ping'an Beijing, East Temple and West Temple were built in the east and west of Luocheng Gate, the main gate of the capital, to protect the country. In 823, Emperor Saga Give the East Temple a gift kukai Master, become the "East Temple" Zhenyan Sect ”Total of Benshan , I am Herbalist Buddha In the temple, there are lecture halls, imperial cinema, south gate, golden hall, five pagodas, and irrigation halls. his Iconic buildings The 56 meter five fold pagoda is the largest pagoda in Japan. [8]
Nishi Honganji : Japan Jodo Shinshu Benyuan Temple Pai's Big Ben Mountain. The founder of Xiben Wish Temple -- after the death of Shinran Sage, his daughter Juexini In Dongshan in 1272 Okaya Build temples and houses for the Shinran sages remains It is the origin of Xiben Wish Temple. In 1591, Toyotomi Xiuji donated money to Kyoto Xiajing District Horikawa Huawu cho. Pure Land Zhenzong is in Japanese Buddhism One of the largest sects can absorb so many believers, the main reason is that Shinran sages advocate monks to eat meat and marry. Xibenyuan Temple has many ancient cultural relics, including many ancient Chinese paintings. On April 9, 2011, the "750 back to Dayuan Festival of Shinran Sages" will be held in the Imperial Shadow Hall of Benyuan Temple. [8]
Kyoto Prefecture
Higashi Honganji : True Pure Land Sect of Japan Dagu Sect The base camp of. Tokugawa Jiakang In order to divide the power of the Pure Land Sect, the East Hope Temple was built to the east of the West Hope Temple to support another sect of the Pure Land Sect. The Imperial Shadow Hall in the temple is the world's largest wooden structure building.
Kyoto Imperial Institute : The public leisure square, built in 781, is an old imperial palace in Japan, and later moved to Tokyo due to the relocation of the capital. The Imperial Palace is 1300 meters long from north to south, 700 meters wide from east to west, and has four gates - Xianchun Gate (east), Yiqiu Gate (west), Jianli Gate (south), Shuoping Gate (north); The main hall of the imperial palace is Zichen Hall, the place where the emperor was crowned and enthroned. In the center of Zichen Hall, there is a "Royal Account Platform", which is the throne of the emperor and empress; On the left and right of the hall, there is a resting place for hundreds of palaces.
Ertiao City : Built by Tokugawa Kakam in 1603 Iemitsu Tokugawa The expansion is the most famous in Kyoto Historical buildings One, imitating the Tang Dynasty Chang'an Built in the city, there is a tall wall 500 meters long from east to west and 300 meters long from north to south. The center of the city is the "Two Pills" Imperial Palace, which was once the residence of General Tokugawa. In 1867, when the shogunate "returned the great policy" to the royal family, the return ceremony was held in the "Two Pills" palace. The corridor is paved with "Yingming floor" (Yingzhang Xuan). When the enemy invades, the floor will send out oriole The sound of singing. [8]
Thirty three halls It is the widest hall in Japan. Because the hall is divided into 33 rooms by columns, it is named "33 rooms hall". There are nine sides in the hall Thousand-hand Bodhisattva 1001 thousand hand Avalokitesvara are set around the sitting statue Standing statue 28 seats on both sides Dharmapala deity , Wind God, Thunder God. annually Adult Day The riding and shooting ceremony - "Tongya" will be held at. [8]
Kitano Tianman Palace : Kyoto Kitano Shimonoseki is the headquarters of Shimonoseki shrines all over Japan. Sacrifice to the Japanese god of knowledge and art—— Kanhara Daozhen Many students come to pray every time they take an exam to enter a higher school.
kamomioya jinja : It is one of the oldest shrines in Kyoto. It was originally a family shrine built by the Haozu He Mao, hence its name“ Shimogamo Shrine ”。 The society has two grand festivals every year, one on May 3“ Yabusame Sacrifice ", once on May 15“ Sunflower sacrifice ”(One of the Three Sacrifices in Kyoto), and in July“ Mitarashi Yes ". [8]


Peace Palace In 1895, it was built to commemorate the 1100th anniversary of the relocation of the capital to Ping'an Beijing. It was once the place where Emperor Huanwu and Emperor Xiaotomorrow offered sacrifices to gods. Its shape is designed according to the miniature of five eighths of Ping'an Beijing. There are many trees in the yard Meiji Period Garden architecture On behalf of. It is also held here on October 22 every year“ Era sacrifice ”'s parade.
Qingshui Temple: a world cultural heritage, located in Kyoto Dongshan It was built by Yanzhen people. Most of the remaining buildings were built in 1633 and rebuilt by Kakuo Tokugawa. There are main hall, bell tower, triple tower, scripture hall, local gods, achievement garden, etc. The main hall, which is designated as a national treasure, is supported by 139 columns, just like a huge stage, known as the "Water Stage". Qingshui Temple also appears in《 Tale of Genji 》、《 Occipital grass seed 》, Upgrading Diary, Secret Copy of Liang Chen, etc Classical literature In the works.
Ginkaku-ji : Originally Shogunate general Justice and justice 's Villa, named“ Dongshan Temple ”It was built in imitation of the Golden Pavilion Temple. Inside and outside the temple are all pasted Silver foil Silver Pavilion. There is also Dongqiu Pavilion in the temple, which is the oldest four and a half fold pavilion in Japan teahouse one of.
Nanzen-ji Temple : It was reconstructed from the left palace of Emperor Guishan. Yes Linji Sect Nanchan Temple Sect The main temple of. There are famous painters in the temple Hunting wild and exploring Of Door painting And drinking tigers. And from Horuchi Yuanzhou Handedness“ Dry landscape ”Mingting - "Huzi Ferry". The gate of the Buddhist Temple is called "Shichuan Five Guard Gate", which is also called "peerless scenery". [8]

go to the nation's capital

Shixian Hall: built in 1636. Was Edo period The poet of Shichuan Zhangshan A place of seclusion. In the "Poetry Immortals" in the main hall, there are famous painters of the Edo period, Shouye, exploring the seclusion, painting, and Shi Chuanzhang's inscription on the four walls Portrait painting The garden is elegant and quiet.
Manshu-in : It adopts dry landscape modeling and white sand as a symbol of fountain. It is ingeniously introduced into the scenic spot in Luobei. There are more than 1000 temple treasures in the temple, which is designated as a national scenic spot in Japan.
Kyoto Prefecture
Shugakuin Imperial Villa : Japan kyoto Big three palace One of the buildings, located in the north of Beijing Edo Period The left palace built by the emperor at Houshuiwei became the tea room for the emperor to visit. In 1884, it became a palace leaving again. The pavilions, small bridges and flowing water in the palace are very beautiful. The palace is divided into upper tea house Chinese tea House and tea house.
Baochi Park: the largest park in Beijing, with Baochi as the center, the lawn and the land are luxuriant, and there are walking paths and squares. There are national Kyoto International The design of the guild hall adopts the unique shape of Japanese traditional architecture and modern style. [8]

the Western Capital

Jinge Temple: and Ertiaocheng, Qingshui Temple Lanshan It is also known as the four scenic spots in Kyoto. The right name of the Golden Pavilion Temple is“ Rokuonji ”, formerly the shogunate general of Muromachi era Ashikaga Yoshimitsu The villa was later changed into a Buddhist temple. Because there are Gold foil , hence the name of Golden Pavilion Temple. It was destroyed by fire in 1950 and rebuilt in 1955. Golden Pavilion is the representative landscape of Kyoto.
Ryoan-ji : to“ Dry landscape courtyard ”It is famous all over Japan. In the east-west rectangular courtyard, white sand is paved with 15 stones of different sizes. The stones are placed strangely. No matter from any angle, one stone is invisible. This is the famous "dry landscape courtyard" in Japan.
Renhe Temple : It is the main mountain of the Royal Family of Zhenyan Sect. The name of the mountain is Daneishan, and the temple is Amitabha buddha The founder is Emperor Uda Renhe Temple has more than 200 imperial cherry trees up to about two meters high. The late April is the season to enjoy the flowers. Essays in ancient times《 Tsurezuregusa 》The opening sentence of "There is a mage in Renhe Temple" is also very famous.
Myoshin-ji : used to be On the garden The Imperial Palace is 500 meters long and 400 meters wide. There are 47 pagodas in the temple, only 3 of which are open to the public. There are paintings of hunting wild exploration《 Cloud Dragon Chart 》It is also very famous.
Tianlong Temple: Yes Ashikaga Takauji To support Later Enlightened Heavenly Emperor , which was founded in 1339 AD. Tianlong Temple is the head of Linji Sect Tianlong Sect temple , located in Kyoto Lanshan Crossing the Moon Bridge. The courtyard in the temple has survived eight fires and is the No. 1 national special historical site.
Lanshan: Known as "the first scenic spot in Kyoto", it is a spring resort cherry blossoms , a good place to see red leaves in winter. There is Premier Zhou Enlai at the foot of the mountain“ Rainy Arashiyama ”Of Poem
Sagano Located at the eastern foot of the beautiful Xiaocang Mountain, it was once the location of the royal villa. In ancient Japanese harmony songs, it was often sung by people. Bamboo forest And maple leaves are the most popular among literati. There are many hermit huts in the mountains; There are Qingliang Temple and Dajue Temple inside.


first ancient game of kicking a ball : The Japanese name "Cuju Shixuan (けりはじめめめ)". 8 performers kicked each other Deerskin The ball is made so that it does not land. Cuju came from China and was very popular during the Tang and Song dynasties, Du Fu There is a poem that says, "Ten years of watching Ju will be far away, and the custom of swing is the same". July 7 in Kyoto Kamigyo-ku The same "Cuju" performance was held at the Baifeng Shrine in Beijing. Chuhui Meishu: Huimei must be regarded as the god of commerce by the Japanese. At the beginning of the 16th century, Kyoto businessmen went to Edo to do business and achieved great success. Therefore, they worshipped the God Huimeixu to show their gratitude. The celebration time was from January 8 to 12. Kyoto played Huimeixu praise songs to pray for prosperous business and prosperity of family fortune.
plum blossom Flower Festival: Japan's "god of learning", Daozhen Kanhara, died on February 25. In the early Tang Dynasty, Chinese plum trees and black plums were introduced into Japan. Harmony celebrity Daozhen Kan loves red plum , named the study“ Hongmei Hall ”。 Later generations called him "Mei Shen". Later, more than 10500 shrines across Japan offered sacrifices to Kanhara, calling him "the god of heaven", and designated February 25, when he died, as the Plum Blossom Festival. When the Plum Blossom Festival was held, people worshipped red and white plum flowers in front of Kanhara's soul in Kitano's Tianman Palace. On more than 2000 plum trees, dance prostitutes and geisha in Shangqixuan held Tea Party
Spring dance: the Japanese name is "Dudangdangdangdangdangdangdangdang", which is a traditional art form in Japan. The celebration time is from April 1 to 30 every year. Dance prostitute Geisha performed "Du Dance", "Jing Dance" and "Beiye Dance" in various venues to celebrate the spring festival by singing and dancing. Among them, "Duwu" has the longest history, starting from the first Kyoto Expo in 1872, and will last for many days.
Liu Dy Horse God: "Liu Dy Horse" means riding a horse to shoot arrows, also known as“ To gallop a horse ”。 Flowing horse activity started from“ Kamakura period ”It is a god worship activity to pray for the peace of the world and the abundance of grain. On the galloping steed, the warriors in ancient clothing shouted arrows at three diamond shaped targets to divine early rice middle-season rice late rice The harvest is good or bad. The Japanese divide archery into Bowpath The former is standing fire and static fire, and the latter is walking fire and dynamic fire.
Yachuan cooling bed: It is a cooling platform on the bank of Yachuan River for four and a half months from May 1 On the West Bank Pontocho The restaurants of Lantern In the cool wind, people enjoy delicious food while looking at the East Mountain and enjoying the pleasant life.
Kyoto Shineng : Shineng is to perform Japanese traditions in the light of the bonfire noh Raving Drama. In 1950, Jingdu City and the Kyoto Energy Music Association jointly held a ceremony to pay for energy, which was later taken over by the Peace Temple. Although the history is short, the imitation of Nara Fu Temple has a long history. Besides Tokyo Zengshang Temple And other places. Time: June 1-2, rainy days will be postponed.

Festival name

Kwai Festival : The ancient, elegant and magnificent festival is another grand festival after the "Liudi Horse God Event", one of the three major sacrifices in Kyoto, and the oldest one among them. It originated in the 6th century. The original name is He Mao Ji, but when the ceremony is held noble The cars they rode and the clothes of believers were decorated with sunflower leaves, which gradually became known as "sunflower sacrifice". In ancient times, the term "sacrifice" refers to "kui sacrifice". A 700 meter parade consisting of more than 500 people in ancient aristocratic costumes, led by horses and Ox cart The best way to reproduce the ancient style is to carry the sedan chair from the Imperial Palace in Kyoto, pass the Xiaya Shrine and run to the Hemao Shrine. The Kwai Festival is held to pray for a good harvest of crops.
Three Boat Festival: held on the third Sunday in May“ Three boat sacrifice ”At that time, 30 dragon head boats, Yi head boats, princess boats, servant boats, and modern boats will be put in the Lanshan Dayan River to recall the elegant pleasure of the royal officials in poetry, song, and orchestra.
Gion Section: Japanese name is“ A garden offering ”, pronounced "Gion Matsuri". In 869 AD, Kyoto plague , people carried out Shenyu from Gion Society, erected 66 sticks from all over Japan, and sent them to Shenquan Garden Pray for the elimination of disasters, thus forming a prosperous festival. The festival lasts from the beginning of July to the end of July, with the climax of "Xiaoshan" from 14 to 16 and "Mountain Tour" on 17. stay Gion Festival People use it on luxury decorated floats flute , gongs and drums Big drum More than one million people go to watch it every year when they play Gion music and pass through the street. Novels in Kawabata《 ancient capital 》It was on the Gion Festival that Chichong and his twin sister Miaozi met.
Pottery Festival: known as "Kyoto Summer Poetry". The festival lasts from August 7 to 10. During the festival, there are pottery fairs, stalls of more than 500 pottery shops across Japan, works exhibitions of potters, and pottery production performances. On the 8th day, the pottery god will be carried out for a parade.
Five Mountain Fire Sending Festival: the Japanese name is "Five Mountain Fire Sending Festival" (ござんおくりびび). Time: August 16; The main activities are: using pine 75 fire beds were burned, forming a brilliant "big" character. The first stroke of the word "big" is 73 meters, the second 146 meters, and the third 124 meters. 75 "big" bonfires Firebush It must be ignited simultaneously at 8:00 pm. The Fire Festival belongs to“ Yulan Bon Festival ”It is said that when the temple of Ruyiyue was on fire Lord Buddha Amitabha Buddha Rise to the top of the mountain to shine and illuminate the whole world. Since then, the "Fire Sending Festival" has been held every year to commemorate the efficacy of Amitabha Buddha.
Moon watching dusk: the Japanese name is "Landscaping the moon and watching the moon" (かんげつつゆゆべべべ), that is, on the Daze pool of the Dajue Temple, you can take a dragon boat, Yi head boat to drink tea, play flute, watch the moon, and sing and have fun. Dajue Temple, also known as Cuo'e Imperial Palace, was rebuilt from the imperial palace of Cuo'e Emperor. It was the abbot's temple of all previous law princes. There is Daze Pool in the temple, which is modeled on China Dongting Lake It is a good place to enjoy the moon.
Time sacrifice: it is a parade of customs of different dynasties and generations. In order to protect the big sacrifices, buildings and gardens of the Peace Shrine, the citizens organized a peace preaching club and started the activities of the times sacrifice. The time sacrifice includes Sacrifice The most wonderful activity is "the procession of times and customs". The procession started from the front of the Ritual Gate built by the Imperial Palace in Kyoto Wuwantong Yuchitong Kawahara Machito Three way The whole journey to the Peace Palace is 4.6 kilometers long.
Kyoto Prefecture
Pommel horse fire sacrifice : Japanese name "pommel horse fire sacrifice". It is one of the three wonderful sacrifices in Kyoto. In 940 (the third year of Tianqing), the gods were welcomed from the imperial palace in Kyoto to the north Torch Greeting and seeing off later evolved into each family lighting a bonfire at their own door and holding it to burn Songming , walk along the street, and finally lift out two Shenyu in front of the shrine square. The pommel horse fire festival means seeing off autumn and ushering in winter. Lanshan Red leaf node : The Japanese name is "Lan Shan Mo Mo" (らしやみじじ〦). Holiday time: the second Sunday in November. During the festival, colorful boats gather in Dayan River, and gongs and drums shout to the sky Silk bamboo Around the ears, there are all kinds of singing and dancing performances. On the river bank of Dayan River, there is also a grand stage for the performance of "Great Sage Chant Buddha Raving Yineng
Tea Festival: December 1. Starting from the meeting of Toyotomi Xiuji Beiye Tea Party In 1587, by Qianlixiu Host, Xiuji held a big tea party in the Tianman Palace in Beiye, Kyoto Tea maker Hocho people and common people flocked to become Tea ceremony A great event in history. Since then, it has become a traditional festival activity to pray for the prosperity of tea ceremony. After offering tea to God on the "Royal Teapot Festival"“ Kamishichiken ”Tea will be sold in the singing and dancing rehearsal place of, and people will enjoy tea tasting and festival together.

Specialty food

Clear water burning : The most representative traditional pottery in Kyoto, used for household tableware and tea ceremony Flower path Incense Path Tools, etc.
Yuzen Ran: The so-called "Yoshiyama Ran" is a dyeing method designed by Yoshiyama Miyazaki, a fan painter in the Yuanlu era. "Youchanran" Printing and dyeing And weaving (the most famous is“ Western array weaving ”)Correspondence. Yochanran, mainly from Kyoto Jingyou Zen and Shichuan County Jiahe Youchan. There is "Youchan Art Museum" in Kyoto. It is weaving in silk plain white cloth After painting and dyeing, rinse in the water to make it show bright colors.
Western Front Weaving: It is a gorgeous product produced in the Western Front area of Kyoto Silk floss Textile. Use various colors of silk threads to weave patterned fabrics. Most are used as kimono belts and tapestries.
Beijing Buddhist altar , Beijing Buddhist utensils As the center of Buddhist culture, Kyoto has formed a very sophisticated Buddhist altar and utensils Production process
Japanese wine: Kyoto is also Japan's wine country. Luonan Insidious“ Laurel laurel ”Sake Factory was founded in 1637.
yudofu : It is the name of Kyoto cuisine. It is to put the cut tofu pieces into the pot and eat them while cooking. The condiments are simple, such as soy sauce Honghua, raw ginger paste. It is a kind of light and tasty vegetarian food.
Huaishi Cuisine : Japan's very particular "Huaishi Cuisine" came from Kyoto. It is said that the Zen monks in the ancient Kyoto Temple ate simply and lightly, and they were hungry before the next meal, so the monks held warm stones in their arms to dispel hunger, so they left the name of "Huai Shi". Later, Huaishi Cuisine refers to inheriting this simple and light cuisine, which pursues the original flavor of the ingredients. In addition, the tableware and placement of Huaishi cuisine are very Zen oriented.
Yuzhi Tea : One of the three famous teas in Japan Japanese green tea The premium brand of Uji The southern part of Kyoto is the center. The most famous one is "Yulu".
Qianmei Pickle: one of the most famous specialties in Kyoto. It is a kind of pickled food. It is made of turnips cut into thin pieces and pickled. It tastes crisp and is one of the local products that most Japanese choose to buy after arriving in Kyoto.
Eight Bridges : Also called Baqiao Cake, it is made of rice flour and granulated sugar, cinnamon Japanese dim sum made by etc. It is the most representative famous local product in Kyoto, Japan.

Famous people

Seiji Maehara , born in Kyoto, Japan, on April 30, 1962. In the second grade of middle school, my father died and I kept on studying on the scholarship. Kyoto University International Politics After graduation, Maehara entered the "cradle of politicians" in 1987 Panasonic Political and Economic School further education. In 1993, he was elected a member of the House of Representatives as a member of the New Party of Japan, and left the New Party the following year. Maehara defeated Naoto Kan in the party elections in 2005, becoming the Democratic Party of the United States The youngest party leader in history. Served as Naoto Kan's government on September 17, 2010 foreign secretary , resigned on March 6, 2011. [9]
Yoshida Laiwei : His real name is Takeko Kanda, Japanese pop music Female singer, born in Uji City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan on November 13, 1982, graduated from Jingjing Women's College, Kyoto. Its record company is Rhythmzone, a brand of Aihui Company in Japan. [10]
Saussurea (な な お か お り): female, Japanese singer songwriter, born in Kyoto, blood type AB, graduated from short university in 1997.
Tian Cun Liang : Born in Kyoto Youjing District , graduated from Chengcheng University Department of Economics. He's an actor Sakamoto's wife and sanuro (Real name: Tanmura Chuanji) lost his father when he was still in the first grade of primary school. And his brothers include actors Takashi Tamura (Elderly Man), Masahiro Tamura (Three Men), collectively known as the "Three Brothers of Tamura", have been active in the film circle for a long time. In 1966, he made his debut in the movie "The Furious Right Guard", and later he played many roles Time play And modern drama. His characteristic is that he has a unique and charming voice. [11]
Yoichiro Kanda , No. Chang, 1897( Meiji 30 years) was born in Kyodo, Japan on October 16, and has written a lot of books, including "Shina Doctrine Forest", "Toyo Doctrine Forest", "Textual Research on Ancient Japanese Secretaries"《 Fifty Years of Dunhuang Studies 》Etc.
Miyamoto Mao : Born in the countryside of Kyoto, Japan, on November 16, 1952, a world famous game player, Nintendo He is the director and general manager of the Information Analysis and Development Head Office of Mario, known as the father of Mario. [12]
Tatsuya Ishihara : born on July 31, 1966 in Takeho City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan, male animation performer and director of Japan, Kyoto Animation director. stay Osaka Design Specialized schools After graduation, he entered the Kyoto Animation Studio (the predecessor of Kyoto Animation). In 2005, he first acted as a TV animation《 AIR 》The director of, because of high quality painting and performance and widely acclaimed.
Sasaki Hidetosuke : Born in Shangjing District, Kyoto Prefecture on February 4, 1968, graduated from Luonan University, Tokyo Agricultural University Drop out, Kobe University Graduation. In 1990, he joined the Doubtful Star Troupe, starred in the short play Alice in Wonderland in 1999, and starred in the film in 2005《 Brother Jiangong 》, starred in TV series in 2008《 Top male PR 》, is a famous Japanese haiku. [13]
not yet : Born in Kyoto, Japan on December 8, 1992, member of Japanese women's idol group akb48Team A, the current general supervisor of the group, participated in AKB48 The ninth student is selected and qualified. On October 10, 2010, it was announced to be upgraded to Team K. On June 9, 2011 AKB48 No. 22 Single Selection General Election Won the 19th place in the selection group. July 23, 2013, AKB48, Tokyo theatre Public performance China was officially appointed as Team A Leader of Hengshan Team and issued the declaration of appointment [3]. On June 7, 2014“ AKB48 37th single selection general election ”China won the 13th place again with 40232 votes [4]. December 8, 2014 Gaoqiao South When announcing graduation, Yokoyama Yuyi was named the next chief supervisor of AKB48. After the tenth anniversary of the public performance of akb theater, he officially took the post of chief supervisor of the group.

international exchange


Sister city

Situation of sister cities concluded between Kyoto and China:
Date of conclusion
Kyoto Prefecture
Shaanxi Province
July 16, 1983
Beijing Metropolis
Xi'an (Shaanxi Province)
May 10, 1974
Wuhe City
Dalian( Liaoning Province
May 8, 1982
Chang Gang Jing Shi
Ningbo City (Zhejiang Province)
April 21, 1983
Xianyang City( Shaanxi Province
July 24, 1986
Changshu City( Jiangsu Province
May 12, 1989
Bafan City
Baoji City (Shaanxi Province)
November 2, 1992
September 27, 1985
Qinhuangdao City (Hebei Province)
July 6, 1987
Kamioka City
Suzhou (Jiangsu Province)
December 31, 1996
Jingdan Houshi
Bozhou City( Anhui Province
October 6, 2006


April 1986, China Shaanxi Province Japan A total of 46 members of the joint mountaineering team from Kyoto Prefecture boarded Shaanxi Qinling Mountains Main peak, 3767m above sea level Taibai Mountain