Beijing Harbin Beijing Hong Kong Macao Channel

One of the main channels of China's "eight vertical and eight horizontal" high-speed railway network
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Beijing Harbin Beijing Hong Kong Macao Channel, Harbin Hong Kong, 2016 Medium and Long Term Railway Network Planning In China's "eight vertical and eight horizontal" high-speed railway network It is one of the main channels through Harbin Changsha, central and southern Liaoning, Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Central Plains, the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, the Pearl River Delta and other urban agglomerations. [1-2]
Chinese name
Beijing Harbin Beijing Hong Kong Macao Channel
Starting and ending stations
Harbin Hong Kong

Channel definition

According to the 2016 Medium and Long term Railway Network Planning, the "Beijing Harbin Beijing Hong Kong Macao Channel" refers to Harbin Changchun Shenyang Beijing Shijiazhuang Zhengzhou Wuhan Changsha Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong High speed Railway, including Guangzhou Zhuhai Macao High speed Railway. It connects the Northeast, North China, Central China, South China, Hong Kong and Macao, and connects Harbin Changsha, central and southern Liaoning, Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Central Plains, the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, the Pearl River Delta and other urban agglomerations. [2]

Line composition

  • Beijing Harbin High speed Railway
Line Diagram of Beijing Harbin High speed Railway [3]
Beijing Harbin High speed Railway The high-speed railway from Beijing to Harbin in Heilongjiang Province, an important part of the "Beijing Hong Kong Macao Channel", the main channel of China's "eight vertical and eight horizontal" high-speed railway network, starts from Chaoyang District in Beijing in the south and passes Beijing, Chengde City in Hebei Province, Chaoyang City in Liaoning Province, Fuxin City, Shenyang City, Tieling City, Siping City, Changchun City, Songyuan City in Jilin Province in the north, It ends in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, with a total length of 1198 kilometers and a design speed of 350 kilometers per hour. On December 1, 2012, the Shenyang Harbin section was put into operation. On January 22, 2021, the Beijing Chengde section will be put into operation, and the Beijing Harbin high-speed railway will be completed. [3]
  • Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong High speed Railway
Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong High speed Railway It is the high-speed railway from Guangzhou to Shenzhen in Guangdong Province to Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and an important part of the "Beijing Hong Kong Macao Corridor", the main channel of China's "eight vertical and eight horizontal" high-speed railway network. The total length of the line is 141 km, with 7 stations. [4] At the end of 2011, the Guangzhou Shenzhen Section of the Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong High speed Railway was open to traffic. On September 23, 2018, the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong High speed Railway was officially opened for operation, and the whole line of the Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong High speed Railway was opened. [5]