
[xiǎng lè zhǔ yì]
Believing that pleasure is the pursuit of human beings
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Hedonism, a kind of motivation theory appeared in the 18th century. yes Dynamic psychology An important source of formation. It is believed that human behavior is caused by human desire to seek pleasure and avoid pain. Bentham was the first to systematically expound the universal principle of psychological hedonism. Troland once divided the past and the future into three hedonism.
Experimental psychologists belong to the hedonism of the past, and believe that past happiness is the determinant of present behavior. For example, Sandyker discovered the effect law in the cage experiment in 1898: any action that immediately leads to happiness will leave a good impression and reappear; any action that immediately leads to pain will leave a bad impression and the reappearance will also be inhibited.
The current hedonism claims that the current happiness is the highest criterion of human behavior, and the purpose of human behavior is to seek the current happiness or escape the current pain.
The hedonism in the 18th and 19th centuries belongs to future hedonism and social hedonism. Bentham believed that happiness is the only good theory of individuals and society, and all human behaviors are out of concern for their own interests. Bentham tried to explain all social behaviors by consciously avoiding pain and seeking pleasure. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Generative school
Elijah School
John StuartMill and Jeremy Bentham
sense of worth
Happiness is just one desire after another


meaning Hedonism originated in ancient Greece Elijah School It is a philosophy that is most slandered by people. But in fact, people's understanding is somewhat biased (but later people were surprised to realize that this is not the case: we now think that hedonists are those who constantly pursue sensory enjoyment; In fact, we must abandon this view, and what we really need to understand is that in the ideal of hedonists, the most beautiful and superior life of human beings should be a good day full of enough continuous enjoyment, while minimizing the suffering as much as possible). The 19th century English philosophers utilitarianism The basic principle of hedonism is put forward by the ethical theory of Hedonism. The pioneer of hedonism is the value of utilitarianism: all behaviors are based on giving the largest number of people the greatest happiness.

Various discussions

Epicurus According to the ethical theory of "happiness", happiness is the purpose of life and the highest good born. However, different pleasures should be distinguished. The purpose of life is to remove the fear of gods and death, control desire, stay away from politics, measure and choose happiness and pain carefully, and achieve physical health and spiritual peace. Epicurus stressed that when we consider whether an action is interesting, we must also consider its side effects. While pursuing short-term happiness, we must also consider whether it is possible to obtain greater, more lasting and stronger happiness.
Basic Ethics
2. According to the basic ethical theory, the person who maximizes good results only through happiness and pain is called hedonism.
3. Aristotle believes that because we have happiness and pain in our life, we take corresponding actions. We pursue the things that give us happiness and avoid the things that cause us pain. This view is called hedonism, which is Freud The basis of the concept of id or itt. According to the concept of reinforcement, hedonism is largely implicit.
Hedonism is usually associated with Individualism Money worship The essence of such links is hedonism in a narrow sense, that is, extreme hedonism. Contrary to hedonism as we know it, Epicurus resisted "dynamic happiness" or "positive happiness" and declared that "sexual intercourse has never been good for people; if it has never hurt people, it is lucky". He likes children very much, but to satisfy this interest, he seems to depend on others not listening to his advice. In fact, he seems to like children very much, which goes against his original intention; Because he believes that marriage and children will make people away from more serious goals. Lucretio It follows him to denounce love, but does not think sexual intercourse is harmful, as long as it is not combined with passion.

Evolution process

Hedonism, which originated in ancient Greece Elijah School It is a philosophy that is most slandered by people. Epicurus He is an atheist. "People think he is the defender of lewd behavior". He advocates that people should pursue sensual pleasure; "But he has always behaved nobly in life, especially able to exercise self-restraint."( Diderot : Encyclopedia Liang Congjie Translation, p. 167, Liaoning People's Publishing House 1992) The reason why he is regarded as hedonistic representative figure , exactly Cynicism Spare no effort to spread the results of this prejudice. Diderot said, "despicable Cynics We have spared no effort to spread this prejudice and make it so popular that we have to point out that hedonists are rare people with the worst reputation and noble character. " (Diderot: Encyclopedia, translated by Liang Congjie, page 167, Liaoning People's Publishing House, 1992)
according to Fromm The earliest hedonists should be ancient Greek Philosophers Socrates Aristopipos, a disciple of Diogenes Laertius It is included in the Records of Famous Philosophers. "He said that the purpose of life is to enjoy physical happiness in the best way, and happiness is the sum of happy enjoyment...... In his opinion, since there is a requirement, he has the right to meet it, so as to achieve the purpose of life - enjoyment." (Fromm: Possession or Survival, pp. 5-6, Joint Publishing 1989)
Epicurus also regarded "pure" hedonism as the highest goal, but his hedonism was different from that advocated by Aristotle. Epicurus' happiness means "no pain" (aponia) and "peace of soul" (ataraxia) "Epicurus believed that the kind of happiness obtained by satisfying certain desires was not the purpose of life, because what followed this kind of pleasure must be boredom, which made people deviate from his real purpose, that is, there is no pain (Epicurus's theory has many similarities with Freud's theory)." (Fromm: Possession or survival) Therefore, Diderot said that Epicurus "is the only one who knows how to coordinate himself Moral belief With his understanding of the true happiness of human beings, as well as his natural desires and requirements of people. For this reason, he will have a large number of disciples in the past and in the future. One can become a stoicist, but anyone is born an Epicurean... "(Page 172-173 of Diderot's Encyclopedia, Liaoning People's Publishing House, 1992 edition)
"If we can give a final explanation to the contradictory expression of Epicurean philosophy Aristotle The difference is that he advocates something subjective. " "No other great philosopher has ever said that the existence of a desire constitutes a moral norm. What they care about is the best happiness of mankind." (Fromm: Possession or Survival, page 6, Sanlian Bookstore, 1989)
"In different times, extreme hedonism is the work of the rich. For example Imperium Romanum , the Italian city states in the renaissance period, the elites of Britain and France in the 18th and 19th centuries, and those who have unlimited wealth regard enjoying themselves as the meaning of life. But this is contrary to the theory of living happily put forward by the great philosophers in China, India, the Near East and Europe. " (Fromm: Possession or Survival, page 5, Sanlian Bookstore, 1989)
17、 The philosophers of the 18th century once again explicitly put forward hedonism. During this period, Hobbes, Rametri, De Sad, Bentham Muller Is representative.
Hobbes He believes that happiness is just a desire after another.
La Mettris
Rametri (1709-1751), French doctor, philosopher, and author《 Man is a machine 》(1784), Natural History of Soul (1745). He even recommended drugs to people, because drugs can at least arouse the illusion of happiness.
De sade (1740-1814), a french writer, has made a lot of descriptions of people's abnormal psychology. The character he describes is called Sadist, that is, a sadistic patient. His immoral theory existentialist literature Great impact. He believes that it is reasonable to satisfy those cruel impulses, because these impulses exist and requirements are met.
By the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the founder of German classical philosophy Kant There is also this tendency of hedonism. He said: "People feel that they have many needs and hobbies, which are completely satisfied and are called happiness". (German Philosophy from the End of the 18th Century to the Beginning of the 19th Century commercial press , 1975 edition, page 111)
"Since the end of World War I, our era has returned to the theory and practice of extreme hedonism to a considerable extent." (Fromm: Possession or Survival, page 7, Sanlian Bookstore, 1989) capitalism People's lives are trapped in a contradiction. "On the one hand, they accept the mandatory labor ethics, and on the other hand, they hope to do nothing in the spare time and holidays of the day. On the one hand, they are conveyor belts and bureaucratic red tape, and on the other hand, they are televisions, cars, and sexual stimulation, which are paradoxically combined. Compulsory work and doing nothing can lead to mental breakdown. " (Fromm: Possession or Survival, page 7, Sanlian Bookstore, 1989) The former makes people work hard and become workaholics, while the latter makes people consume products and services as much as possible, making people become Consumerism , making consumerism spread in social life.
Facts show that extreme hedonism does not conform to human nature. As Fromm said, hedonism makes "all people in our society are unfortunate people: lonely, afraid, depressed, dependent and destructive." Real life enlightens us: "Only those who can successfully 'kill' the time they have been saving are happy."


although utilitarianism In line with hedonism's pursuit of happiness, Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill have minor differences in hedonism values and utilitarianism's interpretation of utility. The following are two schools of hedonism: Jeremy Bentham is the founder of one of them and argues a quantitative approach. Jeremy Bentham believes that happiness can be understood quantitatively. Most importantly, he believes that the amount of happiness can be calculated by multiplying its intensity by its duration. So this is not just the amount of happiness, but their intensity and duration should also be considered.
Other advocates of hedonism advocate "qualitative approach". John Stuart Mill believes that happiness has different levels: a higher level of happiness is better than a lower level of happiness. John SturatMill also advocates that simpler creatures can easily enter into simple happiness. Because they cannot see other aspects of life, they can indulge in pleasure; A slightly complex creature tends to think more about other things, so it can reduce its time for simple pleasure. Therefore, it is difficult for them to indulge in simple pleasure. Some people criticize the "qualitative approach" and claim that it has several problems. They assert that in general, happiness does not have to be shared with common characteristics.

New developments

In modern society, a high degree of material civilization, rich social material wealth, increasingly convenient social life and increasingly diverse means to meet people's needs have made modern people generally enjoy it. Whether capitalists or workers, whether politicians or ordinary people. Positive image Frankfurt School As Marcuse, the representative figure of "The worker and his boss enjoy the same TV program and visit the same entertainment place", "The typist dresses up like the daughter of her employer" ("Happiness in pain - Marcuse Fromm's theory consumerism 》, Yunnan People's Publishing House, 1998 edition, page 27) The affluence of material life has become a common fact. However, in this case, people do not get real happiness because of this. On the contrary, people become more miserable because they become consumerists in the consumption of material materials.
capitalist society In the process of making people increasingly rich in material life, they also changed their inherent way of governance. They completely distorted people's needs through advertising and mass media, making people completely become "commodity hungry", so that people often do not really need something for themselves, but because others have something; Don't eat something because you like it, but because the advertisement says you should eat it.
Fromm said, "One bottle Coca Cola In hand, we drink the picture of beautiful young men and women drinking freely on the advertisement, and we drink the slogan on the bottle, "It makes you feel refreshed". " (Happiness in Pain Marcuse Fromm on Consumerism, Yunnan People's Publishing House, 1998 edition, page 128) People "are always hungry when it comes to consumption. Buying the latest inventions and anything new in the market is everyone's' dream ', but the real' use 'is secondary by comparison." (ibid.)
Herbert Marcuse It also said: "High production and high consumption have become the ultimate goal everywhere. The number of consumption has become the standard of progress. As a result, in industrialized countries, people themselves have become increasingly greedy and passive consumers. Goods are not used to serve people, on the contrary, people have become slaves of goods, become producers and consumers." (Happiness in Pain Marcuse Fromm on Consumerism, Yunnan People's Publishing House, 1998 edition, page 115)
Jeremy Bentham
"In the modern capitalist society, people are demoted to be accessories of machines and governed by their rhythm and needs. It turns people into consumer machines and thorough consumers. Its only goal is to have more things and use more things. This society has created many useless things and also created many useless people. ... And when he is idle, he will spend. He is an eternal breast smoker with a big mouth open. It doesn't take much effort to 'load in' what industry forces him to accept - cigarettes, alcohol, movies, sports, articles. " (Ibid., p. 117)
Consume for consumption, enjoy for enjoyment, and even shout the slogan of "die in the day, live at night". Everyone seeks happiness, enjoy while one can "The pursuit of happiness is to be satisfied through consumption." (ibid., p. 137) Consumption has become the only real purpose of people. But people found that "the consumer's paradise did not give it the happiness it promised." (ibid., p. 153) "Man is facing a force that he cannot control. Compared with this force, man is just a grain of dust." (p. 162)

Harm to society

Cause people's spiritual decadence
Hedonism enables people to pursue material enjoyment and physical happiness heartily, which easily leads people into a state of depression and lack of enterprising spirit.
So, Einstein Said: "The ideals that light up my path and constantly give me new courage to face life cheerfully are kindness, beauty and truth. I never regard ease and happiness as the purpose of life itself - this ethical basis, I call it the ideal of pigsty."(《 Celebrity Quotes 》, page 21, Shanghai People's Publishing House 1983)
Cause huge waste of social wealth and resources
People use all means to enjoy and stimulate their senses, which will inevitably cause people to consume a lot of social wealth, and make the already strained natural and social resources even more strained.
Cause tension in interpersonal relations, which is not conducive to social harmony and stability
People take pleasure as their life goal, so they must be their own. They even hesitate to build their own happiness on the pain of others. The relationship between people is wolf. In this way, the whole society will become a fragmented place without cohesion.
Herbert Marcuse
It will be difficult to establish a harmonious and stable social situation. Some people advocate "redefining pleasure" and "relaxing pleasure"; It claims to "abandon those hypocritical civilizations and enter a free spiritual space and living state"; What they say is "the history of social evolution is the history of hedonism", "hedonism is the parent of enterprising spirit", "hedonists are not confused, and those who do not understand hedonism are confused", and so on. Some people think that this argument is extremely wrong and harmful, but no evidence has been given. As for supporters, none.
At all times and in all over the world, it is unheard of that those who achieve great things by seeking pleasure, luxury and corruption. On the contrary, there are countless examples in history of extravagance caused by arrogance and death caused by extravagance. The idea that we can stimulate consumption, enliven the market and stimulate economic development by promoting pleasure is absurd, and its practice is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst. The development and progress of society are created by hard work. The growth and spread of hedonism can not bring about economic development and social progress at any time and under any circumstances. Instead, it can only breed the cancer of false prosperity, encourage the atmosphere of cynicism, and finally destroy the achievements of civilization. The history of social progress is by no means "the history of hedonism".



reference book

The Explanation of "Hedonism" in Reference Books
1. Name of sexual ethics. It is an idea originated in the West. He believes that the sense of happiness is the purpose of life, and the sense of happiness alone can make people happy and satisfied. Hedonism inevitably leads to narcissism or Egocentrism Because the enjoyment of the senses can only be experienced by oneself, and no one can experience the pleasure of the senses on behalf of others. Hedonism is particularly manifested in sexual behavior and habits. In the United States and the Western world, hedonism leads to extramarital sexual relations, adolescent sexual relations, paedophilia and crime
2. Refers to an ethical theory. He believes that pleasure is the greatest happiness in life, and the pursuit of pleasure is the principle of action. As early as in ancient Greek philosophy Renaissance It has been further developed. At that time, in order to oppose the asceticism of the feudal church, humanitarian ethics came into being. It declares that people have the right to meet their natural and natural needs and hobbies. Utilitarian ethics links pleasure with interest. The further development of hedonism is from the asset level
3. That is, "happiness theory".
4. An outlook on life of the exploiting class. It is believed that the natural nature of human beings is to seek pleasure and avoid pain, and to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Therefore, the purpose and significance of life is to pursue personal material enjoyment, meet the needs of physiological instinct, and achieve physical happiness. Happiness and pain are regarded as the criteria for judging the value of life. Liezi Yang Zhu put forward: "Human life is also Xi Weizai? Xi Lezai? It is Meihouer, and it is the voice and the color." It advocates indulging in sensuality and enjoying yourself in time.

Academic literature

The Explanation of "Hedonism" in Academic Literature
1. Hedonism refers to the idea that the pursuit of all kinds of stimuli that can cause one's own sensory pleasure is one's own purpose of life. This kind of person spends his whole life in the pursuit of maximum sensory enjoyment. Since sensory stimuli can only be experienced by oneself, self centeredness coexists with hedonism
2. 1 - The so-called hedonism refers to the outlook on life and values that regard the enjoyment of pleasure (including sensory pleasure and physical pleasure) as the sole purpose of life and take it as the standard for judging right and wrong, good and evil, beauty and ugliness
3. "Hedonism" refers to taking enjoyment as the fundamental desire and pursuit of life, and to achieve and possess it by unscrupulous means "Hedonism" has the color of typical capitalist luxury thought
4. Epicurus' philosophy was called "hedonism" by later generations. He also pointed out that "we call happiness the beginning and end of a happy life because we realize that happiness is the first good thing inherent in our hearts. We start from happiness and start every choice and avoidance
5. Someone took Venetian School of Painting The art of painting is called hedonism, which seems to be a hint to a society obsessed with money. To make the works expressive, oil painters should understand that the life of art lies in true feelings

Reference reading

Reference Reading of "Hedonism" in Reference Books
Hedonism mysticism aestheticism hedonism outlook on life

Major scholars

Major scholars studying issues related to "hedonism"
Lu Fengtian, Cheng Ping, Zhang Liming, Zhang Yonghong, Zhang Yuejin, Zhang Wenchu, Liu Yonghai, Xie Youxiang, Wang Enfu, Zhang Bingfu, Wang Jun, Zhou Yi Zhang Mingcang Cong Dachuan, Wen Keqin, Peng Fuchun