Puerperal mastitis

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Lin Hua (Chief Physician) Review China Japan Friendship Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology
puerperium mastitis It usually occurs after the first delivery, and can be divided into the following two types according to the development process of the disease: stasis mastitis and Suppurative mastitis Puerperal mastitis Acute mastitis Mammary Suppurative infection Almost all patients are primipara, and the onset is mainly 3 to 4 weeks after delivery. The clinical manifestations are redness, swelling, heat, pain, and local tumor abscess Formation, temperature rise, White blood cell count increase. Before the formation of the abscess, the main method is to resist infection and promote the discharge of milk. After the formation of the abscess Incision and drainage Mainly. prognosis Good.
Foreign name
puerperal mastitis
Visiting department
Obstetrics and Gynecology Department
Multiple population
Common diseases
Common causes
Chapped nipple, blocked mammary duct, bacterial invasion, milk stasis
common symptom
Breast redness, swelling, heat, pain, local mass, abscess formation, elevated body temperature, increased white blood cell count
Chinese name
Puerperal mastitis

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Lin Hua | Chief physician

China Japan Friendship Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology to examine

essential information

Foreign name
puerperal mastitis
Visiting department
Obstetrics and Gynecology Department
Multiple population
Common location
Common causes
Chapped nipple, blocked mammary duct, bacterial invasion, milk stasis
common symptom
Breast redness, swelling, heat, pain, local mass, abscess formation, elevated body temperature, increased white blood cell count
Chinese name
Puerperal mastitis


puerperium Mastitis is puerperium Common disease, often secondary to Chapped nipple , breast overfilling Mammary duct Blocking.
Usually due to the incorrect nursing position, the baby does not suck the nipple and most of the areola in the mouth and fix them on one side Lactation time Too long.
2. Breast duct obstruction
Common in secondary The breast is not completely aspirated Regularity Frequent breastfeeding and local pressure on the breast are the main reasons. Milk stasis is also common in patients with nipple dysplasia (such as Nipple depression ), affecting the progress of lactation. In addition, the milk of primipara contains more shedding epithelial cells It is more likely to cause breast duct obstruction and aggravate milk stasis.
3. Bacterial invasion
Acute mastitis major Pathogen Staphylococcus aureus, rare in streptococcus
(1) Bacteria can invade directly through the milk tube, because of milk stasis retention , easy to infect. Because the retained milk is easy to decompose, the decomposition product is acidic, which not only stimulates the mammary gland tube, but also has good bacterial reproduction culture medium
(2) Bacteria can pass through small nipples Wound Or crack entry lymph gland Invasion of milky leaf stroma Cellulitis
(3) puerperium The pathogenic bacteria infected in other parts of the maternal body can cause breast infection through blood circulation.
(4) Another route of infection is caused by pathogenic bacteria (such as oral cavity Nasopharyngeal infection) directly invades retrogradely along the mammary duct during lactation Lobule of mammary gland Growth and reproduction in the accumulated milk may cause breast infection.
4. Milk stasis
(1) Newborns are inexperienced in lactation and have a lot of milk. Babies often cannot suck up the milk, which causes excess milk to accumulate in the glandular lobules, which is conducive to the growth and reproduction of bacteria. The milk of primipara contains more exfoliated epithelial cells, which is easy to cause breast duct blockage and aggravate milk stasis. Milk accretion promotes Acute inflammation happen.
(2) If the first parturient does not scrub the nipple frequently during pregnancy, the epithelium is fragile, the sucking time of children is too long, and the nipple epidermis is soft, which is easy to occur Chap After rhagades occur, infant sucking will cause severe pain to the mother, which will affect the full lactation. It is not easy to empty the breast, and the milk is easy to accumulate. In addition, nipple dysplasia, short flat, small Invagination The milk is easier to accumulate.

clinical manifestation

1. Siltation mastitis
It occurs in the early puerperium (usually about 1 week after delivery). Due to the lack of experience in feeding infants, primipara are prone to milk siltation and not emptying on time. Patients feel that their breasts are unequal Distention pain And moderate temperature rise (about 38.5 ℃). The breast was checked for fullness, redness (congestion) on the surface, tenderness, but the symptoms mostly disappeared after sucking out the milk. However, if it is not handled in time or the nipple is small and is sucked by the newborn, the retained milk can be pyogenic bacterium Contaminated. Therefore, the excess milk must be drained and the nipples cleaned.
Multiple cause staphylococcus Or streptococcus infection through ruptured nipples. As mentioned above, postpartum milk stasis, if not emptied in time, is likely to cause infection. After the bacteria invade the breast duct and continue to invade the parenchyma, various types of suppurative mastitis can be formed.
(1) Inflammation spreads to the surface Superficial lymphatic vessel , resulting in Erysipelas kind Lymphangitis Sudden patient High fever , often accompanied by shiver , breast tenderness, local skin red spots or red lines, this type of feature.
(2) Inflammation confined to areola connective tissue , forming under areola abscess
(3) The infection spreads along lymphatic vessels to breast In the stroma, it can cross the breast tissue from the surface to the base. Formed due to purulent connective tissue Interstitial part abscess This abscess It can be confined to a single mammary gland lobule or spread to most mammary glands.
(4) The infection spreads rapidly, reaching as far as the base of the breast and Pectoralis major The loose connective tissue behind the breast forms abscess
Inflammation or abscess Location, all Redness and swelling And tenderness. The abscesses are wavy. If necessary, test puncture and extract Purulent fluid do bacteriology Check and do Drug sensitivity test For reference when selecting antibiotics.


1. Before abscess formation
(1) Early puerpera with only milk stasis The general symptoms are mild, and you can continue to breastfeed. Take active measures to promote smooth milk discharge and reduce siltation. Use bandage or breast support to hold up the breast. Patients in the stage of milk stasis can continue to breastfeed Ice compress To reduce milk secretion.
(2) Local treatment For those with obvious breast swelling or mass formation, local hot compress is conducive to the dissipation of inflammation. Each hot compress is 20-30 minutes, three times a day, and 25% can be used for severe cases magnesium sulphate Wet compress
(3) Antibiotic use Select sensitive antibiotics against Staphylococcus aureus, and take orally or Intramuscular injection Or intravenous drip.
2. Abscess has formed
The incision should be cut and drained in time, usually with papilla Areola Presented as center Radial , shallow abscess under areola can be done along areola Arc cut The abscess is located behind the breast and should be located at the lower part of the breast Skin fold Make an arc incision of 1~2cm.


1. Keep nipples clean and wash them with warm soapy water frequently, if any Inverted nipple Pay more attention to cleaning, do not use ethanol Scrub.
2. Develop a good habit of regular breastfeeding, and suck up the milk every time. If you can't, squeeze out or prevent the baby from sleeping with nipples.
3. Stop breastfeeding if nipples are damaged Milk sucking device Aspirate Milk, in wound healing Then breast feeding.