product quality

[chǎn pǐn zhì liàng]
Information disclosure of product indicators
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Product quality refers to the sum of the characteristics and characteristics of the product that meet the specified needs and potential needs. Any product is made to meet the user's needs. For product quality, whether it is a simple product or a complex product, product quality characteristics or characteristics should be used to describe it. The quality characteristics of products vary according to the characteristics of the products, and the parameters and indicators are various. The quality characteristics reflecting the user's use needs can be summarized into six aspects, namely, performance, life (durability), reliability and maintainability, safety, adaptability, and economy. [1]
Product quality refers to commodity economy Category: enterprises plan, design, manufacture testing metering , transportation Storage sale after-sale service , ecological recovery and other necessary information disclosure throughout the process.
The chief quality officer refers to the senior management who is fully responsible for the quality, safety and quality development of the enterprise, and is selected and authorized by the legal representative or the main person in charge of the enterprise to carry out the work. As the first quality person in the enterprise. [6]
Chinese name
product quality
Foreign name
product quality
Enterprises disclose information about products according to standards
Mass characteristics
Physical properties, chemical composition, etc
Quality function
Sum of product quality realization process activities
Chief Quality Officer [6]

Basic definitions

As we all know, products are "the result of process", and products are divided into four general categories: service, software, hardware, and process materials. Broadness of quality: within the scope of the quality management system, the relevant parties of the organization can put forward requirements for the organization's products, processes and systems. Products, processes and systems all have inherent characteristics. Therefore, quality refers not only to the quality of products, but also to the quality of processes and systems.
Quality concepts can be divided into three categories:
1. The concept of conformity quality is based on the degree of "conformity" to the current standards.
2. Quality concept of applicability: based on the degree of suitability for customer needs.
3. Generalized quality concept: quality is the degree to which a group of inherent characteristics meet the requirements. In the narrow sense, the concept of product quality refers to finished products with shapes (such as pens, cups, etc.). The broad product quality concept refers to hardware, services (such as express delivery, tourism activities, etc.), software (such as video games, dictionaries, etc.), and process materials (such as edible oil, coal, etc.).
According to the definition of quality in Robert B. Handfield's book Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, "The total composition of product and service characteristics of marketing, engineering, manufacturing, and maintenance through which the product or service in use will meet or exceed the expectations of the customer.”
Product quality includes Physical products In addition, it also contains intangible product quality, namely service product quality. Service quality is also standardized. According to the conclusion of experts from Fenghuo Headhunting Company, the product Mass characteristics It can be technical, economic, social, psychological and physiological. Generally speaking, various technical and economic parameters reflecting the purpose of product use are often taken as quality characteristics. Mainly divided into Internal quality of products And product appearance quality. The product quality in a broad sense refers to the relevant national laws and regulations quality standard And the requirements for product applicability, safety and other characteristics specified in the contract. Quality characteristics distinguish different uses of different products and meet different needs of people. People measure the degree to which these characteristics of industrial products meet the needs of society and people Industrial product quality Good or bad.

Applicable objects

(1) Employees engaged in manufacturing, construction, service, commerce, logistics and other enterprises;
(2) Relevant personnel from quality management consulting agencies, certification bodies, etc;
(3) Personnel engaged in quality professional work and related work in public institutions and social organizations.
(4) Professional, technical and management personnel who are interested in joining the quality cause.

Validation process

Chief Quality Officer
participate in Quality Engineer The personnel ability verification shall submit relevant materials to the designated unit for training. Those who have passed the training can obtain Certification and Accreditation Technology Research Center of the State Administration of Market Supervision The Certificate of Credit Hours issued by the university can be used in the Certification and Accreditation Technology Research Center of the State Administration of Market Supervision The comprehensive service platform for personnel capability verification shall participate in the personnel capability verification of corresponding disciplines.

Certificate issuance

Qualification Certificate of Quality Engineer
Those who have reached the standard of training hours and passed the competency verification shall be Certification and Accreditation Technology Research Center of the State Administration of Market Supervision award Chief Quality Officer Personnel competency verification certificate, and can be used in Certification and Accreditation Technology Research Center of the State Administration of Market Supervision Query and verification on official website. [6]


Certification and Accreditation Technology Research Center of the State Administration of Market Supervision
Certification and Accreditation Technology Research Center of the State Administration of Market Supervision yes State Administration of Market Supervision Directly under the company level public institution, it is a scientific research institution and think tank type institution engaged in certification, accreditation, inspection and testing research at the national level in China. Its main responsibilities are certification, accreditation, inspection and testing, policy theory, academic research, regulatory assistance, standard research, and employee capability improvement.

Mass characteristics

(1) Material aspects, such as physical properties, chemical composition, etc. [2]
(2) In terms of operation, such as whether the operation is convenient, reliable and safe.
(3) Time, such as durability (service life), accuracy retention, reliability, etc.
(4) Appearance, such as beautiful appearance, packaging quality, etc.

Appendix Reference

according to International Organization for Standardization Prepared international standard ——《 Quality management and quality assurance - Terminology 》(ISO8402-1994), product quality refers to the product "reflecting the sum of the capabilities and characteristics of the entity to meet explicit and implicit needs". Although this definition refers to tangible Physical products But it is still applicable to intangible database products. Specifically, the quality of database products should meet the following standards:
Authenticity: Authenticity requires that the database content provided by the database producer or seller should be an objective fact, rather than a fabricated one. For example, the telephone number database requires that the telephone number should be real.
product quality
Accuracy: Accuracy requires that the database content provided by the database producer or seller must not only be true, but also accurate. The accuracy requirement is that the database content provided by the database producer or seller complies with its contractual commitments.
Integrity: Integrity requires that the database content provided by the database producer or seller should be as comprehensive as possible on the basis of authenticity and accuracy. Integrity also requires that the database content provided by the database producer or seller comply with its contractual commitments.
Feasibility: The feasibility requires that the database provided by the database producer or seller should properly process the content to facilitate users' retrieval, equip reasonable retrieval means, and make the database suitable for users' specific environment (unauthorized environment and non digital environment), Provide users with comprehensive solutions and means of knowledge mining and information processing to maximize their knowledge and information resources. Feasibility also requires that the database content provided by the database producer or seller comply with its contractual commitments.
Legality: Legitimacy requires that the database content provided by the database producer or seller is legitimate, and there is no content that violates the prohibition of national laws and infringes on the copyright, privacy and other civil rights of others.

Supplementary information

Product quality is composed of various elements, which are also called characteristics and characteristics of products. Different products have different characteristics and characteristics, and their sum constitutes the connotation of product quality. product quality requirement It reflects the characteristics of the product and its ability to meet the requirements of customers and other interested parties. Customers and other quality requirements often change with time, and are closely related to the continuous progress of science and technology. These quality requirements can be translated into features and characteristics with specific indicators, usually including performance, safety, availability, reliability, maintainability, economy and environment.
Product performance It refers to the ability of the product to achieve the intended purpose or specified use under certain conditions. Any product has its specific use purpose or purpose.
Product safety It refers to the ability to protect human health and personal and property safety during the use, storage, transportation and sales of products.
Product reliability refers to the degree and ability of the product to complete the specified functions under the specified conditions and within the specified time. General available functional efficiency, average life, failure rate, average failure time Mean time between failures And other parameters.
Product maintainability It refers to the ability of the product to quickly repair and restore its function after failure. Usually Mean time to repair Isoparametric representation.
Economy of products It refers to the degree of cost paid or consumed in the design, manufacturing, use and other aspects of the product. At the same time, it also includes the degree to which it can obtain economic benefits, that is, the benefit ability of input and output.

Formation rule

This issue is directly related to the theoretical basis of quality management, and its importance is self-evident. However, for this seemingly simple problem, people have experienced a long and arduous historical exploration process. [3]
It has been recognized that product quality is not simply tested or publicized. If we only rely on strict inspection before products leave the factory to ensure the quality of products leaving the factory, it may not only seriously damage the economic benefits of enterprises, but also, in a sense, inspection is a waste of resources. If we only rely on media advertising to shape the quality image of our products, the future of our products and the image of our enterprises will be destroyed once the true image of our products' quality is seen through by market customers.
So, can the quality of products be considered as produced? If the creativity of product design and development deviates from the actual needs of the market, or the positioning of the function and quality objectives of product design is improper, or the sales orientation and service of the product are unsatisfactory, then even if the production process fully meets the compliance requirements, the product still cannot meet the explicit and implicit requirements of customers. From the customer's point of view. The quality of this product is still unsatisfactory.
Obviously, product quality is the result of the whole process of product realization. Product quality has a process from generation, formation and realization. Every link in this process directly or indirectly affects the quality of products. These links are the quality functions mentioned above.
In order to express the regularity of product quality formation, American quality management expert Juran proposed the quality spiral model. The so-called quality spiral is a conceptual model describing the interaction activities that affect quality. It is a spiral rising curve. It connects all quality functions in the whole process in a logical order to represent the whole process of product quality formation and its regularity. It is commonly called "Juran quality spiral" or "quality ring", which roughly includes market research New product design and development, process planning and development, procurement, manufacturing, inspection, packaging and Storage , product sales and after-sales service.
In the Juran quality spiral, there are interdependence, mutual restriction and mutual promotion relationships in all aspects of product quality from the generation, formation and realization, and they continue to cycle. The product quality will be improved one step after each cycle.

Problem case

Product quality concerns people's life, health and property safety. A small number of illegal traders produce fake and inferior products and entrap the people.
product quality
(1) In 2007, a freshman from a university in northeast China bought a thermos pot, but the bottom fell off and his right foot was scalded by boiling water. The new student bought the thermos without knowing anything about it. As a result, the thermos went wrong. The responsibility lies with the merchant. The boss finally accepted the request for compensation for the new student.
(2) 2002“ Black cotton The incident shocked the whole country. The regenerated cotton quilt is used to make cotton padded clothes, quilts and other items for people's life, which is commonly known as "black cotton". It is dusty and washed by some chemical substances such as sulfuric acid, which is easy to cause great damage to human body AQSIQ Issued in 2002《 Fibrous products for flocculating In the Measures for the Administration of Prohibited Use of Raw Materials, regenerated cotton is listed as the prohibited raw material for flocculating fiber products. But there are still a few outlaws who take risks.
(3) In 2002, hundreds of tons of "toxic rice" were found in Guangdong, Guangxi and other places in China. According to the test results of "toxic rice" samples, the content of aflatoxin seriously exceeded the standard. Excessive consumption of food contaminated with aflatoxin can lead to pulmonary edema, coma and other symptoms within 2 to 3 weeks in serious cases.
(4) In January 1998, the "1.26" fake alcohol case shocked the whole country in Wenshui County, Shanxi Province, killing 22 people. The criminal suspect uses industrial alcohol containing highly toxic methanol to mix liquor and sell it. He was eventually sentenced to death.
(5) In December 1995, a citizen of Hunan accompanied his family to a hotpot restaurant, and the low-quality gas stove suddenly exploded. The face was burned extensively, causing disfigurement.
(6) The popular "fried stinky tofu" is also unsafe. In 2007, more than ten stinky tofu manufacturing factories in Shenzhen used feces to marinate in order to increase the stink of tofu. The prepared tofu should also be wrapped in cloth and buried in the dunghill. As a result, 3 industrial and commercial personnel vomited on the spot when they went to investigate.
In addition, in order to dye the stinky tofu, illegal traders added toxic ferrous salt.
(7) The "gutter oil" incident in 2006 "Gutter oil" is a kind of non edible oil with poor quality and unsanitary. It contains a variety of toxins, which will cause water eutrophication when flowing into rivers. Once eaten by humans and animals, white blood cells and digestive tract mucosa will be damaged, causing food poisoning and even carcinogenesis. For a long time, some lawbreakers have been driven by interests and illegally sewer And restaurant wastewater to extract gutter oil and sell it to some street restaurants as edible oil at a low price.


Scheinin method originated in the United States and is particularly suitable for "fast/effective" solution of engineering and quality problems in the production process. As a systematic method to solve problems, it has the advantages of easy to master, no complicated statistical requirements, simple calculation, targeted problem solving, low cost, fast speed, thorough problem solving, etc. "No Deming The United States does not Quality philosophy Without Juran, the United States has no quality direction; Without Scheinin, there would be no solution to the quality problem in the United States ". This American quote summarizes the contributions of the three greatest quality masters. Xie Ning's method is not known to the vast majority of people because of the harsh protection of intellectual property rights.
Course outline of How to Improve Product Quality:
1、 Overview of Xie Ning Method
2、 Measurement System Analysis and Several Basic Concepts
3、 Basic Tools for Finding Clues (I)
4、 Basic tools for finding clues (middle)
5、 Basic Tools for Finding Clues (Part 2)
6、 Advanced tools for finding clues and Xie Ning DOE



Internal quality of products

Production license
Product quality refers to the characteristics of products to meet the needs of social production and life consumption, and it is the specific embodiment of product use value. It includes the internal quality and appearance quality of products. The internal quality of products refers to the internal attributes of products, including performance, life, reliability, safety and economy.
Product performance refers to that the product has physical, chemical or technical performance suitable for user requirements, such as strength, chemical composition, purity, power, speed, etc.
The product life refers to the service life of the product under normal circumstances, such as the service life of the house, the service hours of the electric lamp and TV picture tube, and the flash times of the flash lamp.
Product reliability It refers to the feature that the product can be used within the specified time and under the specified conditions without failure, such as the use of TV without failure, and the accurate travel time of clocks and watches.
Product safety refers to the degree to which the product can guarantee the safety of people and the environment during use, such as the safety of water heaters, the explosion-proof of beer bottles, and the conductive safety of electrical products.
Product economy Property refers to the total cost within the economic life cycle of the product, such as the power consumption of household appliances such as air conditioners and refrigerators, and the fuel consumption per hundred kilometers of automobiles.

Product appearance quality

The appearance quality of a product refers to the external properties of the product, including the smoothness, shape, color, packaging, etc. of the product, such as the shape, color, smoothness, etc. of the bicycle.
Compared with the characteristics of appearance quality, the internal quality of the product is primary and basic. The appearance quality is meaningful only on the premise of ensuring the internal characteristics.


Product quality inspection report The quality of products shows different characteristics, and the evaluation of these characteristics will vary depending on the scale people grasp. In order to avoid the influence of subjective factors, there needs to be a basic basis and a unified scale for production, inspection and evaluation of product quality quality standard
The quality standard of the product is to specify the main internal quality and appearance quality of the product in terms of quantity according to the technical requirements of the product production, that is, to uniformly specify some main technical parameters. It is the basic basis for measuring the quality of products and the unified standard for enterprises to produce products. Adopted in China Product quality standard yes:

international standard

It refers to some international organizations, such as International Organization for Standardization (ISO)、 International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and other quality standards can also be quality standards specified by some influential companies and recognized by international organizations. positive Adopt international standards or Foreign advanced standards It is an important technical and economic policy of our country at present, but we cannot mistakenly regard the technical parameters obtained during the import inspection of some products as international standards or advanced foreign standards. These parameters are only reference materials for analyzing product quality.

national standard

It is a product quality standard uniformly used throughout the country, which is mainly formulated for some important products.
Ministerial standards (industry standards) refer to the product quality standards uniformly used in a certain industry throughout the country.
It is independently formulated by the enterprise and Superior competent department Or the standards used after being approved and issued by the Bureau of Standards. All officially mass produced products without national standards or ministerial standards must be formulated Enterprise standard Enterprises can establish product quality standards higher than national standards and ministerial standards, or directly adopt international standards and advanced foreign standards,

Enterprise standard

However, enterprise standards shall not conflict with national standards and ministerial standards.
Compare the actual quality level of the product with the specified quality standard. All products that meet or exceed the standard are called qualified products, and those that do not meet the quality standard are called unqualified products. Among the qualified products, according to their conformity quality standard They are divided into first class products, second class products and so on. Nonconforming products include defective products and waste products.


The quality characteristics of general industrial products can be roughly divided into the following seven aspects:
(1) Material aspects, such as physical properties, chemical composition, etc.
(2) In terms of operation, such as whether the operation is convenient, reliable and safe.
(3) In terms of structure, such as whether the structure is portable, convenient for processing, maintenance and repair, etc.
(4) Time, such as durability (service life), accuracy retention, reliability, etc.
(5) Economic aspects, such as efficiency Manufacturing cost , use costs (oil consumption, power consumption, coal consumption), etc.
(6) Appearance, such as beautiful appearance, packaging quality, etc.
(7) Psychological and physiological aspects, such as the comfort level of the car seat, the noise level after the machine starts, etc.
Some of the quality characteristics of industrial products can be directly quantified, such as the strength, chemical composition, hardness and life of steel. They reflect the True quality characteristics However, in most cases, the quality characteristics are difficult to quantify, such as easy to operate, lightweight, comfortable, beautiful and generous. It is necessary to conduct comprehensive and individual test and research on the product, and determine certain technical parameters to indirectly reflect the quality characteristics of the product, which is called Substitute quality characteristics The quality characteristics, whether directly or indirectly quantified, should accurately reflect the objective requirements of society and users for product quality characteristics. The technical and economic parameters reflecting the main characteristics of the quality of industrial products are clearly defined to form technical documents, which are called the quality standards of industrial products (or technical standards).

Quality function

Quality function It refers to the sum of all activities in the process of product quality generation, formation and realization. The activities included in the quality function are carried out not only in various departments within the enterprise, but also in suppliers and customers outside the enterprise. All these activities contribute to or affect product quality.
Generally speaking, the quality function and quality responsibility are both different and related. The quality function is the attribute and function of quality activities proposed for the needs of process control, and is the response to the formation of objective laws of quality, which is scientific and relatively stable; The quality responsibility is to realize the quality function. The specific division of quality work proposed by departments, posts and individuals is implemented through responsibility, power and benefit. Therefore, it is artificially prescriptive. It can be considered that the quality function is the basis for formulating quality responsibilities, and the quality responsibility is the way or means to implement the quality function.
According to the concept of quality function, each link in the production, formation and realization of product quality is distributed in each major functional department of the enterprise. The basic problem to be solved by quality management is to effectively plan, organize, coordinate, inspect and supervise the quality function activities scattered in each department of the enterprise, so as to ensure and improve product quality.
Several important links of the quality function are: market research and research quality function, mainly to conduct market research and master user needs; Analyze market dynamics and grasp the competitive situation; Study the market environment and make market forecast. The function of product design quality is to transform customer needs into technical specifications of materials, products and processes. The procurement quality function is to provide an "early warning" guarantee for product quality. The quality function of production and manufacturing is to Production process Control of process variables such as operators, machinery and equipment, materials, methods, measurement means and environment in order to stably and economically produce products that meet the design requirements quality standard Products. The quality function of inspection is to guarantee, report, supervise and prevent product quality. Use process (including packaging, transportation stock , sales, installation, use and after-sales service) quality information Etc.
A correct understanding of the meaning of quality function is a necessary prerequisite for understanding the whole process of quality formation and its regularity.

Relevant regulations

(Announcement 123 of 2012)
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine
In order to further strengthen the management of the assessment of metrological verifiers, in accordance with the provisions of the Metrology Law of the People's Republic of China and its implementation rules, the Measures for the Administration of Metrological Verification Personnel and other laws, administrative regulations and rules, our bureau has revised the Rules for the Assessment of Metrological Verification Personnel, which are hereby promulgated and will come into force as of October 1, 2012, The National Assessment Rules for Metrological Verification Personnel issued by the former State Bureau of Technical Supervision on August 1, 1991 shall be repealed at the same time. [4]

Control significance

social meaning
Social significance emphasizes the profound influence of quality on society. Dr. Feigenbaum used "no choice" ("zero redundancy" in technical terms) to describe the social significance of quality. He pointed out that "people's daily life and schedule depend entirely on whether the performance of the product or the operation of the service is satisfactory... This has greatly improved the customer's requirements for the durability and reliability of the product or service" [5]
On the one hand, the emphasis on "the social significance of quality" lies in the fact that the cost of quality and safety accounts for an increasingly high proportion of GNP. This fee is based on quality cost The form of "" increases the burden of manufacturers, accounting for about 10% of their total sales. Quality problems also have a strong impact on buyers and merchants. The cost of buyers' maintenance and use of products may be equal to or greater than the profit margin. On the other hand, it is the relationship between quality and the productivity level of the whole country. The quality of products or services not only determines the quality of enterprises Enterprise development And the economic strength and competitive advantage of enterprises are also the main factors that determine the competitiveness and economic strength of a country.
economic significance
Dr. Juran proposed the concept of "quality and comprehensive productivity" to explain the economic significance He believes that the new working forms in modern factories, enterprises and offices, as well as the requirements of modern markets for quality, are increasingly expanding the scope of the concept of productivity. The traditional productivity concept is mainly based on the factory, focusing on "the products that can get more products or services with the investment of unit resources". The modern concept of productivity is based on the market and focuses on "getting more, more marketable and better output of products or services with the input of unit resources". These two are used to measure the operation and management objectives achievements There are fundamental differences in terms of the units of, and the focus of, productivity planning.
Significance of improving competitive advantage
The market significance of improving quality refers to the fact that the most important factor determining the competitive advantage of enterprises is quality. Quality is the most critical item in the market strategy. Who can provide users (regionally and globally) with satisfactory products or services in a flexible and efficient way will win the competitive advantage in the market.
It is found that market share is the main source of profits. However, the continuous market share mainly comes from the leading position of "relative quality of products or services perceived by customers". "Relative" means to compare with competitors, and "sensible" means to look at problems from the standpoint of users rather than from the standpoint of manufacturers. Relative quality is the most important factor that affects the (long-term) achievements of a business unit. When studying the methods to maintain the leading position of value, we will find that the change of relative quality has a much greater impact on the market share than the change of price.
The most prominent manifestation of the market significance of quality is that market competition has decisively shifted from "price competition" to "quality competition". The three factors that affect users' purchase: price, quality, and delivery method (delivery date and place). The order has changed to quality, delivery method, and price. Quality has become the primary factor determining users' purchase, and "quality competition" is replacing "price competition" to some extent