product mix

The proportion of various components of social products and the sum of their relationships
zero Useful+1
Product mix is the sum of the proportion of each component of social products and their relationships. It can reflect the nature and development level of social production, the utilization of resources, and the degree to meet social needs. Macroscopically, it refers to the composition of various types of products in the national economy of a country or region; From a micro perspective, it refers to the proportion of various products in the products produced by an enterprise.
Chinese name
product mix
Foreign name
Product mix
Nature and development level of social production
Refers to the composition of various types of products in the national economy



Macro concept

Macroscopically speaking, the product structure is divided into: industrial products and agricultural by-product Heavy industrial products The proportion relationship with light industrial products, import and export products and domestic products, high-end products, mid-range products and low-grade products, old products and new products, etc.

Micro concept

From a micro perspective, the products are divided into: military products and civilian products, mechanical products and electrical products, high-quality products and general products, technology intensive products and Labor intensive products The proportional relationship between. Taking the product itself as the object, it refers to whether the performance and position of the parts constituting the product entity are coordinated and reasonable. For example, the structural relationship of body, headstock, tool rest, tailstock, gearbox and other parts in the whole machine tool. [1]


yes Social products The various components of can be classified according to different signs, forming different types and different levels of product structure.
  1. one
    According to the use of products, Divided into Means of production And Consumer goods , forming the structure of two major categories of social products (or the use structure of products).
  2. two
    Classified by the production department of the product, It is divided into industrial products, agricultural products, construction products, etc Social products Department structure of.
  3. three
    According to the position and processing stage of products in the process of social reproduction, Divided into primary products Intermediate products And the final product, forming the reproduction sequence structure of social products.
  4. four
    By product Production cost The composition is classified into labor-intensive products, capital intensive products and technology (or knowledge) intensive products, forming the consumption structure of social products.
  5. five
    By product Energy consumption is classified to form the energy consumption structure of social products.
  6. six
    By product Performance and quality classification form the quality structure of social products.
  7. seven
    Classification by production time To form the time series structure of social products.
In each category of products, they can also be subdivided according to certain signs, so many sub structures (or sub structures) will be formed in each product structure. [2]

Development trend

There are different development trends in different types and levels of product structures. From a long historical period:
  1. one
    In the structure of two major categories of social products Means of production The proportion of Consumer goods The proportion of.
  2. two
    stay The proportion of food in the means of consumption has a downward trend, while the proportion of daily necessities has an upward trend.
  3. three
    stay Social products The proportion of agricultural products in the sector structure of industrial products The proportion of.
  4. four
    stay The proportion of self-sufficient products (such as grain) in agricultural products has a downward trend, while the proportion of commercial products (such as cash crops) has an upward trend.
Although the development and change of products and product structure are constantly occurring, it does not exclude that other product structures are relatively stable, and the proportion of each part is generally maintained at a certain level. Various product structures influence and restrict each other. Any change of product structure has certain limits. Under socialist conditions, in order to rationalize the product structure, it is necessary to make conscious adjustments according to the development trend of the product structure.


The product structure is restricted by various factors and changes with these factors.

new product

The productivity and scientific and technological level are the main factors that determine the product structure. With the development of productivity and the improvement of science and technology, various new products emerge in endlessly, changing with each passing day, and constantly promote the change of product structure.

Production relations

As one of the main factors to maintain social development, Production relations The nature of has also played a major role in the product structure.

Other factors

In addition to the impact of new products and production relations on the product structure, the product structure is affected by local natural environment, religious beliefs, customs, education level and other factors, and will also have a certain impact on the product structure. [3]