Product attributes

The inherent nature of the product itself
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Product attribute refers to the inherent nature of the product itself, which is a collection of product differences in different fields (different from other product properties). In other words, product attributes are a collection of product attributes and product differences. The factors that determine product attributes are composed of the following different fields. Each factor defines the nature of the product in its own field. The nature of products in each attribute field plays different roles, positions and weights in the process of product operation. The products presented to consumers are these different attributes Interaction Results.
Chinese name
Product attributes
The inherent nature of the product itself



Demand factors

Maslow's needs Theory of Levels Tell us that people's needs are divided into different levels, from Physiological needs , security needs to social needs to Self realization needs , which implements a Material requirements To society, spirit Cultural needs The sublimation of. Different products meet the needs of consumers at different levels. The level of demand determines how the material and spirit of the product are Cultural level Realize unified.

Consumer characteristics

Target consumer groups ”The characteristics of the "group" determine the individual consciousness and Collective consciousness Lead to the difference of consumer psychology. The difference in consumer psychology has led to Individual consumption behavior Differences. These differentiated consumer individuals finally form products Consumer groups Of Group behavior The macro level of this group behavior Regularity Can be observed Measured To guide the spread of products and brands.

market competition

Barriers to industry entry Capital intensive It is the technology intensive factors that determine the intensity of industry competition faced by products. How many industries can form Oligopoly , however, in oligarch In the process of formation, this kind of competition is fierce and disorderly to some extent. Disorderly competition will lead to consumes'interests Loss. Enterprises need to identify the market Competitive structure , from which we can formulate our own Competitive strategy

Price grade

The price is finally formed by relation between supply and demand And the competitive situation. The price determines whether the product is a luxury or not at the macro level necessity , which is also the embodiment of consumers' needs at different levels. Consumers' micro view of price susceptibility , elasticity and macro price elasticity These two aspects Prescriptive This determines the price hierarchy of the product.

Channel characteristics

The corresponding to the mass market is the nice market. Channel Concentration The channel characteristics are determined by product demand and consumer characteristics, which in turn form the channel attributes of products. Products sold in different channels pricing strategy And communication and promotion strategies are very different.

Social attribute

Just as an individual has never existed in isolation in society, the consumption of some products has never been just Individual consumption Embodiment of. Some products related to the national economy and people's livelihood have quite Social The fluctuation of this kind of industry affects all aspects above the society. Confidence in consumption, trust in enterprises and trust in the government ultimately determine confidence in economic recovery.

Security Attributes

Some products do not mainly meet the safety needs of consumers. But consumers' demand for security determines the security attributes of these products. Food, cosmetics, housing, transportation and other products belong to this category. Food safety Mature market It has been gradually improved, and has become more perfect, almost harsh. This is also the concern of food and other industries for consumers, and also represents the future of industry development.

Legal policy

be in market economy Transition period Our country has always attached great importance to the legislation of key industries. Enterprises should face changing policies and legal environment , adjust their products and competitive strategy In response to policy and Legal risk

Means of communication

The difference of product attributes determines that the propagation attributes of different product categories are also different. Furthermore, the carrier, receptor, means and influence factor All are different. Specifically:
1. The product attribute determines the main complaint of communication: function oriented or Emotional appeal
2. Product attribute determination Brand communication The degree of combination with functional communication in different media;
3. Product attributes determine overall communication Media mix
4. Product attributes determine the weight and combination of advertising, public relations, events, public welfare, channel activities and other means of communication;
Product attributes also determine the psychological attributes of consumer experience. Products can be roughly divided into Perceptual commodity , rational goods and goods between sensibility and rationality. And correspondingly different Customer psychology Attribute is also increasingly becoming a key factor in the success or failure of marketing. Enterprises must create an experience consistent with the psychological attributes of target customers according to their own product attributes, so that their products can become "life empathy" products that can resonate with consumers.