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Information products

Information centered service products
synonym Product Information (Product information) generally refers to information products
Information products It refers to the service products with information as the core, such as information dissemination, information integration and information utilization, produced in the information society. News products Media products, advertisements, software products, etc. are the main contents of information products. Information products condense the information of human labor.
Information as a product consists of information content and information carrier. Information content and information carrier are two inseparable aspects of information products. Without carriers, there is no information, let alone information products; Without information, the independent existence of carriers can only be called material products, not information products.
Chinese name
Information products
primary coverage
News products Media products and advertisements
Raw materials
Essential characteristics
Crystallization of information labor

Essential attribute

As one of the most important outputs of modern economic activities and an important part of modern products, information products have the following essential attributes:
(1) Information products are products with high information content
Information products are not processed information resources Products formed by processing or reprocessing of processed information resources are the result of developing information resources.
Information products take information as raw material, and Production process People's Information labor This makes information products inevitably contain a lot of information. It can be said that information is the main component of information products, and the information component in information products is far more than Physical products Information component in. Although material products also contain information components, the raw materials that form material products are substances, and their output is also dominated by material components.
Taking information as the starting and ending point of its production process is an important essential attribute of information products.
(2) Information products are the crystallization of information labor
The second essential feature of information products is that they are the crystallization of information labor. This essential attribute contains two aspects.
On the one hand, information products must first of all be the product of labor, which has not been processed through labor, and in which there is no condensation of human labor information resources It is not an information product. The information sent by animals, plants and other natural phenomena in nature and the original information generated in human society are not information products. This is an important symbol that distinguishes information products from general information.
On the other hand, information products also need to Information labor A product formed by giving priority to. Information labor is a kind of intellectual labor, and intellectual labor is a kind of labor with higher requirements for intelligence but lower requirements for physical strength. Information labor is an intellectual intensive labor caused by the progress of knowledge to meet the needs of human development. In the production and provision of information products, intelligence accounts for a considerable proportion. In general, information labor and Information activities But not all intellectual labor is information labor.
(3) Information products are products that mainly meet people's information needs
Any product can meet certain social needs. People's needs can be divided into material needs and spiritual needs, Information needs It is people's demand for information, knowledge and intelligence in work, production and life; The purpose of information needs can be to meet the spiritual needs, or to better meet people's material needs. Information products can be used to directly meet people's spiritual needs, and can also be used to Physical products In the production of information products, so as to produce material products and information products with higher quality and better performance, and indirectly improve people's material life and enrich people's spiritual life.


Information products are rich and varied, and can be classified according to different standards:
1. Information products with different relationships with material carriers
Information products can be divided into tangible information products and intangible information products according to whether they are solidified on their material carriers. Tangible information products refer to information products that must be attached to the existence of material carriers, which can also be called information goods.
According to whether its content changes with the change of material carrier, tangible information products can be divided into two categories: the first category is information products whose content does not change with the change of material carrier form, such as scientific and technological information products, economic information Products will not change due to the change of their material carriers, and most tangible information products belong to this category; The second type of information product is the information product whose content is changed due to the transformation of the form of the material carrier, such as the information product of arts and crafts.
Intangible information products refer to information products without fixed material carriers. This kind of information product is a special kind of information product that can exist without material carrier, or with human brain as storage carrier, or in the form of sound wave, electromagnetic wave, and digital form. It is difficult to accumulate and preserve. In classroom teaching, radio and television services and oral consultation services, users can only get intangible information. Some people also call intangible information products information service Today's widespread Digital products Network products belong to this category. We will introduce digital products and network products later.
2. Information products with different processing depths
The production of information products is mainly to process and process information in different degrees. Information products can be divided into zero information products, primary information products, secondary information products and tertiary information products according to the processing depth of information content in information products. Including:
First, zero information products refer to information products that are only collected but not processed, and are the most primary form of information products;
Second, primary information products are information products obtained through scientific research, such as papers, monographs, etc;
Third, secondary information products are information products formed by concentrating and arranging primary information products, such as bibliography, abstract, index, etc;
Fourth, the third information product is an information product, such as summary, review, etc., which is based on the use of the second information product and is integrated and concentrated from the first and second information products.
3. Information products with different labor characteristics
According to the different labor characteristics, Zhang Yuan divided information goods into three categories: material information products, deepening information products and expanding information products information service It can be divided into four categories: commercial information services, commercial or non-commercial information services, services to ensure and facilitate information exchange, and information services within organizations and groups; Zhang Shouyi and others classified information products into four categories: material information products, public information products, deepening information products and special information products. We believe that according to different labor characteristics, information products can be divided into the following types:
(1) Material information products. The same information content and information content The information products obtained from repeated reprinting are similar to Physical products Production, so it is called material information products, such as books and periodicals, audio-visual products, etc.
(2) Expansive information products. That is, information products, such as secondary information products, databases, etc., that constantly expand their information content and scope and increase their information content.
(3) Deepening information products. That is, information products that continuously process the same content and increase its information, such as research reports, academic works, etc.
(4) Special information products. Information products whose information content changes with the change of the carrier, that is, the second type of tangible information products.
In addition, information products can also be divided into scientific and technological information products economic information Products, political information products, legal information products, military information products and other types; According to different functions, it can be divided into decision-making information products, control information products, regulatory information products, organizational information products, etc; According to different carrier forms, it can be divided into oral information products, literature information products and physical information products; According to different communication modes, it can be divided into free communication information products and paid communication information products.
4. Digital and networked information products
Digital products And network products belong to Information commodity They are new forms of development of information goods.
(1) Digital products
Digital products are the exchanges of information content based on digital format.
Digital products include: digital products that express certain content, that is, content digital products; A digital product that represents a contract as an exchange tool; Digital processes and services, that is, any interactive behavior that can be digitized.
The physical characteristics of digital products include indestructibility, changeability and reproducibility.
① The indestructibility means that the existence of digital products depends on a certain material carrier, but the material can be damaged, and digital products themselves are not easily damaged. As long as digital products can be used and stored correctly, the quality of digital products will not decline no matter how many times you use them repeatedly. There is no difference between durable and non durable digital products;
② Variability means Digital products The content of can be changed. They can be easily customized or modified at any time, manufacturer The integrity of its products cannot be controlled. Once a digital product is downloaded online, it is difficult to control the integrity of the content at the user level, although some methods can verify whether the digital product has been modified, such as encryption technology and digital signature , but the extent and scope are very small;
③ In fact, a large number of information products are replicable marginal cost Almost zero replicability, which, on the one hand, brings huge profits to digital product producers, on the other hand, provides a manufacturing basis with low marginal production cost for digital product piracy, thus Digital products Producers have brought huge economic losses.
The economic characteristics of digital products include Information commodity In addition to its own characteristics, digital products contain a lot of information. The same information can be expressed in different external forms, such as different fonts, background colors and pictures. This is mainly due to the changeability of digital products, because digital products are easy to be changed, so manufacturer You can refer to the needs of consumers and provide their personalized products or services.
(2) Network products
Network products are information goods with the network as the carrier. These products can be found and consumed by the search engine provided by the special website.
Network information products not only have the internal characteristics of general information products, but also have the following more unique features:
① Timeliness, the buyer of network information products can get it in time at the same time when the producer just started selling the product online;
② Low cost. Because of downloading or subscribing to information products online, consumers do not need to provide consumers with carriers of information products (such as tapes, CDs, etc.), so Cost of sales Will be lower. In addition, because the online sales market covers the whole world, it will stimulate more potential groups Desire to buy
③ It is easy to be understood. In addition to the promotion through various advertisements and other media, once it is connected to the search engine, people who really need it will quickly get it through keyword search, which is not many times more efficient than searching like looking for a needle in a haystack in the traditional market.
④ Full sharing, information manufacturer Storing processed information products in a database can be called by thousands of viewers at the same time. This situation that a large number of users all over the world enjoy the same product at the same time can only be carried out on the Internet.
⑤ Traceability: In addition to the latest sales of online information products such as newspapers and magazines, users can also buy any issue that has been published in the past, which is difficult to do in traditional media.
These two kinds of information products can exist without carriers. They can be spread through electromagnetic waves and other forms, and can be easily shared. They are more advanced than traditional information products.