
Operation mode
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Industrialization means that an industry market economy Under the conditions, the series and brand oriented Operation mode And organizational form. [1]
The concept of "industrialization" is developed from the concept of "industry". The concept of "industry" is a "collection concept" between the cells of the micro economy and the units of the macro economy. It is a collection of enterprises or organizations with a certain attribute, and it is also the sum of the parts of the national economy divided by a certain standard.
Chinese name
Foreign name


◎ Industry
(1) [property; estate (s)]: family property, such as land, houses, factories farmland Etc. (2) [industry]: refers to production enterprises, especially industry.


When it comes to this "transformation" and that "transformation", in fact, "transformation" means roughly the same. It refers to the process of forming a scale that is generally recognized by the society, the general rules, and achieving change in the whole society, so as to achieve the goal of advocating from a qualitative perspective. "Industrialization" refers to the integration of enterprises or organizations with the same attributes into the scale recognized by the society, so as to complete the radical change from quantitative integration to qualitative integration, and truly become an important part of the national economy divided by a certain standard.
The classification of the three major industries is the classification method used by the United Nations: primary industry Including agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, sideline industry and fishery; the secondary industry Including manufacturing industry, extractive industry, construction industry and public works, water supply and sewerage, gas and health sectors; the service sector; the tertiary industry Including commerce, finance, insurance, real estate, transportation, communication, service and other non-material production sectors.
So specifically, does "industrialization" mean "primary industrialization", "secondary industrialization" or "tertiary industrialization"? From the overall and historical perspective, when we actually talk about "industrialization", we usually mean "secondary industrialization", that is, "industrialization". Industrialization is a hurdle that cannot be overcome. Both agriculture and education can learn from the ideas and practices of industrialization. The first is to do a good job in processing, and the second is to do a good job in management. Informatization should also be carried out on the basis of industrialization.
Taking agricultural industrialization as an example, its basic connotation is to take the market as the guide, take the benefit as the center, rely on the leading role to drive and scientific and technological progress, implement regional layout, specialized production, integrated operation, socialized service and enterprise management for agriculture and rural economy, and form the operation mode and industrial organization form of the rural economy that integrates trade, industry and agriculture, production, processing and marketing.



Basic ideas

The basic idea of agricultural industry is to determine the leading industry, implement regional layout, rely on leading enterprises, develop scale operation, implement the industrial organization form of market leading enterprises, leading enterprises driving bases, and bases connecting farmers.

Basic type

The basic types of agricultural industrialization mainly include: market connection type, leading enterprise driven type, combination of agriculture, science and education type, and professional association driven type. In most regions of China, leading enterprises are the main driving force, and various forms are combined.

basic feature

The basic characteristics of agricultural industrialization are as follows: 1. Facing domestic and foreign markets; 2. Based on local advantages; 3. Relying on the progress of science and technology; Form scale operation; 4. Implement specialized division of labor; 5. Trade, industry and agriculture, production, supply and marketing are closely coordinated; 6. Give full play to the role of "leading" enterprises in opening up markets, guiding production and deepening processing, and supporting services. Adopt the management mode of modern enterprises.


Rural implementation Household contract responsibility system Since then, agriculture and rural economy have achieved great development, connecting scattered small farmers' production and large markets Agricultural industrialization management The organizational form meets the needs of the development of China's market economy, quietly rises, and gradually grows. For China, industrialization has become an important part of socialist market economy The emergence and development of a new agricultural production and management organization form under the conditions has its internal theoretical basis and objective inevitability.
Marketization products
Agricultural industrialization is the inevitable outcome of the development of socialist market economy
First, the wide and deep development of agricultural production inevitably requires optimizing the allocation of agricultural resources and improving the utilization rate of agricultural production factors. Optimize resource allocation That is, the allocation of limited resources between industry and agriculture, between regions, and between agricultural entities. If the allocation is good, the agricultural production efficiency will be high and the production development will be fast. On the contrary, the efficiency will be low and the development will be slow. Agricultural industrialization is to follow the laws of market economy, take the domestic and foreign markets as the guide, optimize the allocation of resources by using the market mechanism, and maximize the effectiveness of agricultural resources.
Second, agricultural industrialization is to make rational use of various resources among the main bodies of the industrial chain, save human and financial resources, improve resource utilization and labour productivity A performance of.
Third, agricultural specialization needs to be carried out Adjustment of agricultural industrial structure And further promoted the formation of agricultural industrialization. stay Market economy system Next, investors such as farmers; Agricultural enterprise To be responsible for the final effect of investment, decision makers must go deep into market research, closely monitor market dynamics, and decide the direction and scale of investment according to market needs. As a macro manager, the government also formulates regulation policies and measures based on the information of changes in market supply and demand, so that the adjustment decisions can easily coincide with the actual production, which can effectively reduce and avoid the blindness of industrial development Agricultural industrial structure On the whole, it can maintain dynamic coordination and balance, thus promoting the improvement of specialized production within agriculture, and further promoting the progress and development of agricultural industrialization.
Fourth, the modernization of agriculture calls for organizational system innovation. The development and progress of social productivity objectively requires the continuous adjustment and change of social production mode. Agricultural industrialization is the progress of agricultural production and management organization forms and systems that meet the requirements of market economy development, and is the inevitable result of the contradictory movement of social productivity and production relations.
The inevitable trend of industrial development
Agricultural industrialization is the inevitable trend of industrial development
The important premise of economic development is Industrial structure optimization The optimization of industrial structure needs two basic conditions. First, the optimization of industrial structure should adapt to its own evolution law. Second, the optimization and adjustment of industrial structure should be based on its own change trend. The evolution of industrial structure from low level to high level is an inevitable trend under specific conditions. The reason why agriculture is a weak industry is that it is limited to the production of primary products; The detention of recessive unemployment means that there is too much surplus labor force. Agricultural industry management focuses on the development of intensive and efficient planting and breeding industry Agricultural product processing industry And the transportation and marketing industry, which can absorb a considerable amount of labor force, create value and increase value; At the same time, agricultural products processing industry and other industries in the city Labor-intensive industry It should be transferred to rural areas to provide more opportunities for the development of secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas. Township enterprises should focus on the development of agricultural product processing industry and transportation and marketing industry as a strategic direction, properly concentrate, and combine with the construction of small towns, so as to form many powerful economic growth points and transfer more Agricultural labor force Under the same conditions, the less labor is occupied by agriculture, Agricultural labor productivity The higher it is, this is the general rule of modern agricultural development.

Way and purpose

Realization mode and purpose of agricultural industrialization
1. To make farmers truly benefit is the core of implementing agricultural industrialization. Implement the integration of production, processing and marketing. The purpose is to make farmers not only obtain the benefits of production links, but also share the profits of processing and circulation links, so as to make farmers rich. This is the purpose of promoting agricultural industry management.
2、 Land output rate And the conversion rate of agricultural products into commodities has been maximized, which is the purpose of implementing agricultural industrialization.
3、 Agricultural science and technology The contribution rate has been greatly improved, which is the key to the implementation of agricultural industrialization.
4. The effective combination of production and market circulation of agricultural products is the primary link in the implementation of agricultural industrialization chain.
5. Taking the "leading" enterprises to connect thousands of households internally and two markets externally as the guide to drive and radiate the development of agricultural industrialization, which is the center to realize agricultural industrialization.
6. There are a number of leading products, a number of "leading enterprises", a number of service organizations and a number of commodity bases.


1. The total amount of rural economy has grown steadily. Preliminary calculation, 2008 Total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery 24.14 billion yuan, an increase of 3.5% over the previous year at comparable prices. Among them, agriculture increased by 6.7%, forestry by 1.6%, animal husbandry by 1.7%, and fishery by 4.0%, Service industry Increase by 4.0%.
2. Restorative increase in grain and oil production. In 2008, the grain sown area of the city was 545000 hectares, an increase of 4000 hectares or 0.7% over the previous year; The area of oil crops was 10000 hectares, an increase of 10.2% over the previous year. Due to the good climate, abundant rainfall, less pests and diseases, the grain and oil production increased rapidly in this year. The annual grain output was 2.283 million tons, an increase of 137000 tons or 6.4% over the previous year, of which the rice output was 688000 tons, an increase of 18.7%, the corn output was 605000 tons, an increase of 6.4%, and the sweet potato output was 351000 tons, a decrease of 58000 tons or 14.2%; The oil production was 200000 tons, an increase of 31000 tons or 18.2%.
3. Rural economic structure Continue to optimize. With the increase of government investment in agriculture at all levels and the joint drive of policies and markets, the city's rural economic structure continued to optimize in 2008. The proportion of livestock production value in the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery further increased from 58.6% of the previous year to 61.1%, an increase of 2.5 percentage points. Agriculture accounted for 31.9%, forestry accounted for 1.3%, fishery accounted for 4.5%, and service industry accounted for 1.2%.
4. Animal husbandry developed rapidly. Taking the opportunity of the provincial government's listing as "the pilot city for the development of modern animal husbandry in hilly areas of the province", we will continue to expand the coverage of the "six party cooperation+insurance" mechanism, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of farmers, owners and enterprises for breeding, so that the city's animal husbandry production will continue to maintain a rapid development momentum. According to preliminary statistics, 6.522 million pigs were sold in 2008, an increase of 5.2% over the previous year; 3.221 million goats, an increase of 2.8% over the previous year; Small poultry 41.318 million, an increase of 4.3% over the previous year. The output of meat, eggs and milk reached 637000 tons, 103000 tons and 11000 tons respectively, up 4.6%, 4.4% and 65.3% over the previous year. At the same time, the staying power of live pig production has been strengthened. At the end of the year, the number of breeding sows in the city reached 420000, an increase of 2.0% over the previous year, and the number of piglets reached 808000, an increase of 1.8% over the previous year.
5. Farmers' income reached a record high. According to the sample survey of rural households, in 2008, the per capita net income of farmers in the city reached 4441 yuan, an increase of 595 yuan or 15.5% over the previous year, and both the income level and the increase amount reached a record high. Among them, the per capita net wage income of farmers increased by 169 yuan, or 10.9%; The per capita net operating income of households increased by 375 yuan, or 18.0%; The per capita property and transfer net income increased by 52 yuan, or 24.1%. From the perspective of farmers' income increase channels, animal husbandry, agriculture and migrant workers' income are the main sources of farmers' income increase. In 2008, the per capita net income of Ziyang farmers from animal husbandry increased by 190 yuan over the previous year, contributing 32% to the increase in the per capita net income of farmers, with the largest contribution to the increase in farmers' income; The per capita net income of farmers from agriculture increased by 146 yuan over the previous year, contributing 24.6% to the increase in per capita net income of farmers, ranking second; The per capita income of migrant workers increased by 109 yuan over the previous year, accounting for 18.3% of the increase in the per capita net income of farmers, ranking third.
6. Rural Residents' consumption level Improve. In 2008, the per capita living consumption expenditure of farmers in the city reached 2834 yuan, an increase of 415 yuan or 17.2% over the previous year. Among them, food consumption increased by 17.2%, clothing consumption increased by 11.9%, housing consumption increased by 23.6%, equipment and supplies consumption increased by 31.5%, and culture, education and entertainment consumption increased by 0.3%.
7. Farmers' productive input increased. In 2008, the per capita household operating expenses of farmers were 1580 yuan, an increase of 6.3% over the previous year, including 6.8% increase in agricultural production expenses, 7.6% increase in animal husbandry production expenses, 28.3% increase in forestry production expenses, and 28.6% decrease in fishery production expenses.

mode convert

Increasing farmers' income is the top priority to solve the problem of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". The "No. 1 Document" of the central government requires that efforts be concentrated to support the development of grain industry in major grain producing areas and promote grain farmers to increase their income. This is a major measure to encourage grain growing enthusiasm, improve agricultural production capacity, transform agricultural growth mode and promote the transformation of traditional agriculture into modern agriculture by means of market economy. Chinese Agricultural Association Deputy Secretary General Chen Jianhua analyzed at that time that in order to protect and improve food production capacity, farmers must be able to increase their income through grain planting, and the key is to improve the efficiency of grain planting. But how can we improve the efficiency of grain planting? While implementing policy support such as subsidies and tax relief for grain planting, the fundamental way is to take the road of agricultural industrialization, to achieve one increase and one decrease, that is, to improve agricultural production efficiency and reduce agricultural production risks. It is not easy to achieve this rise and fall. For example, improving production efficiency requires rational allocation of production factors according to market rules. The first problem is whether land can be freely transferred. China's reform started in the countryside and started in the land.
The rural reform, with the household contract responsibility system as its basic feature, has made great contributions to China's rural development, solving the problem of food and clothing, and the quarter century of reform and opening up. However, in the new historical period, the rural land problem is once again prominent, becoming the core issue that restricts the efficiency of agricultural production in China. Only by establishing a sound land acquisition system and realizing the free circulation of land according to law can we ensure that the market mechanism is used to Means of agricultural production The reasonable allocation of farmers will increase their income and improve their production capacity to achieve a positive interaction.
As for land requisition and circulation, Xu Shenghui, director of Meixing Village Committee in Haifeng County, Guangdong Province, said that although the law clearly stipulates that only public welfare land can be requisitioned by the government [1] Public welfare land and Operational land In some grass-roots areas, there is virtually no distinction. In this way, due to the low compensation standard for public welfare land acquisition, farmers generally cannot get enough compensation after losing land after the expansion of land acquisition scope; The forcible expropriation of the land for business use by the government has resulted in little compensation for farmers, which violates the rules of the market economy. Unreasonable land requisition in some places has not only caused the loss of cultivated land, but also affected the reasonable circulation of land.

Content supplement

Agricultural industrialization It can also be called the integration of agricultural production, management and service. It originated in the United States during the agricultural revitalization period after World War II and later spread to Western Europe, Japan and other developed countries. It mainly depends on the economy and Legal relations The core of organically linking the pre production, mid production and post production links of agricultural production is the establishment and operation of an integrated structural system. China's agricultural industrialization originated in the middle and late 1980s, and came into being in the practice of rural economic reform and development. In view of the fact that the development of agricultural industrialization has adapted to the development requirements of China's agricultural social productivity, it has developed rapidly since its emergence. It is a new mechanism for promoting agricultural development generated by Chinese farmers in the practice of agricultural production and management, and is another institutional innovation of agricultural management mechanism.