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Celestial objects in the Kuiper Belt
Undead Star( Asteroid 90482 Erkus) Yes Kuiper belt The temporary number of the object was 2004 DW when it was discovered. The discoverer was California Institute of Technology Of Michael Brown Gemini Observatory Of Chad Trujillo and Yale University Of David Rabinowitz It is believed that the discovered image was obtained on February 17, 2004, but it can be traced back to November 8, 1951 [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Asteroid 90482
2004 DW

physical property


Size and brightness

Earth, Eris, Pluto, Avis, Triton, Sadna Gonggong Star , Genesis, Undead and their moons.
Asteroid 90482 The absolute magnitude of is 2.3 (the other Kuiper Belt Objects Genesis is 2.6). In the report for the first quarter of 2007, Spitzer Space Telescope During the first three years of operation, the magnitude of Chuangshen Star in far infrared ray was observed, and its size was 946.3 -72.3 Km. The high albedo of asteroid 90482 is about 20% [1]

Color and spectrum

The surface of Undead is relatively bright, with an albedo of 30%, gray and full of water. European Southern Observatory The infrared observation results are consistent with the mixture of water ice and carbon.. further more, Gemini Observatory The observed infrared spectrum confirmed that there was a large amount of water ice, covering at least 15% to 30% of the surface, but not more than 50%. This means that the content of ice is lower than that of Charon, but no less than that of Titan; A limited number of methane ice (less than 30%) may find other components in the future.
Even if the orbits are similar Kuiper Belt Objects The color and spectrum will also change. The natural color of the satellite of the star of Undead is similar to that of the red Ixion (a Pluto like object discovered in 2001) [2]


Opening the astronomical historical data, we can see that the name of any star is called "Death", but if we extend the meaning of the words "Death" and "God", we will find the following breakthroughs. The Chronicles of Astronomy of the Song Dynasty: "Si Wei and his two stars are located in the north of Si Lu, where they are mainly corrected, and the main building, pavilion, pavilion, death, and exile." Si Wei star, an ancient astronomer, assigned it to Xuanwu's "virtual abode", so two of the stars in the northern night sky are called "Si Wei" stars, but today's astronomers assign it to "Little Horse", And he made such a note: "Determined Judge of Disaster and Good Fortune." Translated into Chinese, that is, God in charge of safety and stability. The god in charge of safety and stability is the god in the main building, pavilion, death, and exile. At first glance, it is exactly the same as the meaning of "god of death".


Asteroid 90482 Is a typical Plutonian Object (2:3 to Neptune Track resonance The shape of the orbit is similar to that of Pluto (the perihelion of both is Ecliptic Above), only pointing in different directions. Because with Neptune The orbit is close to, so there will be orbital resonance, but it is always far enough away from Neptune, and the separation angle between the two is always more than 60 degrees.


On February 22, 2007, IAUC 8812 announced the discovery of the satellite and confirmed the orbit of the satellite. Satellite at distance 0.25 second It is found that the brightness is 2.7 degrees lower than that of Albedo Same, the diameter of the satellite is about 220 kilometre In March 2009, the discoverer Brown publicly solicited the name of the asteroid 90482 satellite through his blog column, and finally selected Vanth, the goddess who guided the dead into the underworld in the myth of Etruria (the indigenous people of the Apennine Peninsula), as the suggested name of the satellite, and reported it to IAU.


basis International Astronomical Union Of Naming Conventions , and Plutonian Object In the myth Hades Named after God. The discoverer therefore suggested that ancient Rome Etruscan mythology Named after the god of the dead, and was obtained on November 22, 2004 Naming Committee Was officially named Orcus.


In the countryside, older people always tell children not to run around, especially near the water and the woods, or they will be captured by the "ghost". "Ghost of the Dead" is actually a wandering soul in the world. He likes to appear in dark and humid places, or in empty places with few people. But he does not really catch people away, but hooks up one soul and three souls in a confused way. Although the appearance of the person whose soul has been taken away has not changed much, his behavior is dementia without any reaction; Usually, the god is asked to make the decision and let the "ghost" put the person's soul back. However, some "undead" are mischievous, deliberately turning garbage into food for passers-by to eat, and will become unconscious after eating the food invited by "undead"; Usually the lucky people will wake up by themselves, but the unlucky ones will be unable to get up.

Ziwei Doudou

Sorting out the numbers of Ziwei in the shops, most people said: "The star of the dead is the main loser, and also the main official is not; avoid entering the life and family palace, and the main disaster. If you meet a bad star, you are easy to go bankrupt and lose money; if you meet a lucky star, you are visible, powerful, and resourceful." Generally speaking, people believe that "the star of the dead" has a profound relationship with right and wrong, and money trends, and the reason for this connection is "the god of the dead" It has always been regarded as a synonym of cunning, hypocrisy, fraud and extreme, so it is easy to get involved in the vortex of right and wrong; In addition, it is said that when the "god of death" gets angry, people will lose their opinions and let things be done without results, which will eventually become a loss of money.

extended meaning

"Dead God", some people say that it represents a place with heavy yin qi, so it makes people depressed and easy to get into trouble; The following is a list of the advantages and disadvantages of what people think of as the "god of death".
Death is derived from the thought of Yin and Yang. It refers to being attached to the human body as dominate The spirit body is dead when it leaves the body, and the spirit body is the god of death. The soul controls the spirit, while the spirit controls the body shape. When the undead just leaves the body, it maintains its pre life shape. The longer the time goes, the more blurred the shape is. It can only be maintained if it needs to attach itself to the living person or eat other undead. If you are possessed by the spirit of death, strange things often happen around you. Sometimes you feel that there is pressure in your chest and you can't breathe. Good luck, such as feelings and health, is taken away at the cost. Especially when you lose control, it often occurs that there are teeth marks on both sides of the tongue, muscle beats, unusual crawling sensation, pain, anorexia, rapid weight loss, night sweat, and general fatigue. Need to take Yupo. Add "dye to pay for spring and autumn, Quan hoof Hu Lu, floating purple" to seal Yin Qi.
Advantages: valuing loyalty but not wealth, intelligent and quick to respond, having expertise, liking research, ambitious and fearless of setbacks.
Disadvantages: stubborn and not like to be constrained, unrestrained, not easy to understand, lack of thoughtful often leads to failure, unique and often self limiting thoughts.
As the saying goes: mountains do not turn, roads turn; If the road doesn't turn, people will turn. The "Death Star" can be said to be a stumbling block on the road of life, but when encountering the "Death Star" to disturb the situation, the results are generally divided into two kinds: peaceful or dangerous failure. Of course, the first result is that everyone is eager, and the later result is that everyone is deterred; But who will be the lucky one to get Antai days? Those who bravely face problems and solve them, on the contrary, those who avoid problems can only go back and forth repeatedly in the maze set by the "god of death", and finally fail.