
The Federated States in the Southwest of the United States
zero Useful+1
The State of Arizona, located in U.S.A Southwest of. It connects to the east New Mexico , South and Mexico Adjoin Colorado River And California Opposite, northwest boundary Nevada , north Utah With a total area of 295000 square kilometers, [1] State capital TRABTECH (Phoenix)。
Arizona is also known as the Grand Canyon State. The state flower is columnar cactus State birds are Wren [1]
The current governor is the Democratic Party of the United States people Katie Hobbes (Katie Hobbs)。 [8]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Grand Canyon State
Administrative Region Category
Federal State
geographical position
Southwestern United States
295254 km²
Area under jurisdiction
Tusang, Mesa, Tempu
Government residence
TRABTECH (also known as Phoenix)
Area Code
four hundred and eighty trillion and five hundred and twenty billion six hundred and two million six hundred and twenty-three thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight
climatic conditions
Subtropical continental arid and semi-arid climate
population size
6166318 persons (2006)
Incumbent governor
Doug Ducy (Doug Ducey)
Water area rate
State flower
Columnar cactus
State bird
God made the state rich
Katie Hobbes [8]

Historical evolution

State emblem
Arizona used to be Indian Hopi , Papago, Pima, Apache Navajo Residence of. In 1540, the Spanish expedition arrived here in search of the legendary seven golden cities. In 1776, the Spanish Tucson Establish settlements. After Mexico's independence, New Mexico, including Arizona, was established in 1824. 1848 US Mexico War Later, it belongs to the United States. Established on February 14, 1912, it became the last state among the 48 states in the United States to join the Union. There are more than 90000 Indians in the state, belonging to 14 tribes, living in 19 reserves. [2] On October 14, 1989, Kaiping City It was officially concluded as a sister city with Mesa, Arizona, United States of America. Guan Junyi, mayor of Kaiping, and Deng Weili, mayor of Mesa, signed a friendly cooperation agreement between the two cities. [7]

administrative division

Arizona governs 15 counties and the state capital TRABTECH (Phoenix)。
Administrative divisions and details of Arizona
FIPS code
county town
Year of establishment
the measure of area
St. John's
one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine
Part of Yawapai County
Living in the northeastern part of the state Apache Native American
29054 square kilometers
one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one
Part of Pima County
Apache Chieftain of the Same Name
16107 square kilometers
one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one
Part of Yawapai County
Native American Tribal Names
48332 square kilometers
one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one
Part of Maricopa and Pinar Districts
Flow through Arizona Shira River , the name comes from Native American languages
12422 square kilometers
one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one
Part of Apache County and Pima County
Homonymous peak
12020 square kilometers
one thousand nine hundred and nine
Part of Graham County
Mason Greenley, regional exploration pioneer
4786 square kilometers
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-three
Part of Yuma County
Colorado River A new city of the same name that existed briefly on the shore, which means peace in Spanish
11689 square kilometers
one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one
Part of Pima County and Yawapai County
Native American Tribe of the Same Name
23890 square kilometers
one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four
One of the four earliest counties
Native American Tribe of the Same Name
34887 square kilometers
one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five
Part of Apache County
Navajo Native American
25794 square kilometers
one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four
One of the four earliest counties
Native American Tribe of the Same Name
23799 square kilometers
one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five
Pima County and part of Maricopa County
Homonymous Mountains and Native American Tribes
13919 square kilometers
one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine
Part of Kochs County and Pima County
Homonymous river
3206 square kilometers
one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four
One of the four earliest counties
Native American Tribe of the Same Name
21051 square kilometers
one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four
One of the four earliest counties
Native American tribe of the same name, later called Quechan people
14294 square kilometers

geographical environment



Arizona's position on the map of the United States
The whole prefecture can be divided into two natural geographical regions: Colorado Plateau It is a part of the state, accounting for 2/5 of the total area, including the Grand Canyon, with an altitude of 1200-2400m and a flat surface. Colorado River In the northwest of the state Colorado Grand Canyon It is 1800 meters deep and has stepped cliffs on both sides. The scenery is magnificent. The central part of the plateau is an extinct volcano covered with forest, and Humphrey Peak (3851m) is the highest point in the state. The south belongs to basin and mountain area. The southeast mountains belong to The Rocky Mountains The southwest is a large basin among mountains, including Pingye, which together account for 3/5 of the total area of the state. The Colorado River is a large river that flows into the Pacific Ocean Gulf of California It has become a trickle, and more than 99% of the flow is intercepted in the United States. [2]


As the terrain fluctuates violently, the climate of the whole prefecture changes greatly. In winter, some parts of the Colorado Plateau are cool and some parts are cold. Located in the north of the middle Flagstaff The average temperature in January is - 3 ℃, and the average temperature in July is 19 ℃. The capital in the south central part TRABTECH The average temperature in January is 11 ℃, and the average temperature in July is 33 ℃. There are few clouds and many sunny days. The annual precipitation in the whole prefecture is about 330 mm. The annual precipitation in the peak area is more, between 500 and 1000 mm. The snow in the winter peak can reach 1.5 meters deep. The annual precipitation in the desert area of southwest China is only about 50~150 mm. [2]

natural resources


plant resources

According to the type of vegetation, 10% of the prefecture is covered by forest, 25% is woody community area, 25% is grassland, and 40% is desert shrub area. The most common type of cactus in the desert is the columnar cactus, on which the owl hides. cactus There is a kind of western hemisphere Wild boar is drought resistant. There are also sand turtles, scorpions and ferocious lizard , rattling Rattlesnake And the dreaded venomous lizard. As Arizona moves northward, the terrain is higher, the climate is cooler and the rainfall increases. There are other animals and plants on the ground, including luxuriant grass, trees, deer, big wild cats Long nosed raccoon Higher areas have forests. [2]

Mineral resources

Rich in minerals, it is the largest copper mine producing area in the United States, and its main minerals include copper, gold, silver, oil, etc. The output of copper accounts for 50% of the country's total, with an annual output of 5 million grams of gold and 35 million grams of silver. [2]

Population and nationality

Arizona Scenery
Arizona has a population of about 6.48 million (2011), ranking 16th in the United States. Among them, 75.5% are white (63.8% Hispanic), 5.0% are Native Indians, 3.1% are African Americans, and 1.8% are Asian American, 0.1% Hawaii Or descendants of Oceania, 11.6% belong to other races and 2.9% belong to mixed races. Phoenix is the capital and the largest city of Arizona. [3]

Economic overview

In the early period, Arizona's economy relied on five Cs, namely copper cotton (cotton), cattle (cattle) citrus (Citrus) and tourism climate (climate) to primary industry Mainly. After the Second World War, manufacturing industry It has developed rapidly and has taken a leading position in the economy. The main sectors are aviation, power, telecommunications, aluminum products, etc. Arizona is the largest copper producing area in the United States, accounting for 60% of the country's copper production. In addition, Arizona is one of the four major cotton producing areas in the United States, accounting for 47% of the country's long staple cotton production. [1]

foreign trade

Arizona's total trade exports in 2011 were 17.5 billion US dollars, up 11.8% year on year, ranking 27th in the United States, down 3 places from 2010. Mexico is its largest export market, with an export volume of US $5.74 billion, followed by Canada, China, Japan, the United Kingdom and Germany. The main export products are computers and electronic products, transportation equipment, machinery equipment, agricultural products, mineral products, electronic instruments and equipment, metal manufacturing, etc. [3]
In 2011, the import volume of the state was 17.56 billion US dollars, up 12.4% year on year; The import amount ranked 26th in the United States, down one place from 2010. Mexico is its largest source of imports, with imports of 6.17 billion US dollars, followed by China, Japan, Canada and Malaysia. The main imported products are computers and electronic products, machinery and equipment, agricultural products, transportation equipment, electronic instruments and accessories, etc. [3]

manufacturing industry

After the Second World War, the manufacturing industry developed rapidly and still played an important role in the economy. The main sectors are aviation, power, telecommunications, aluminum products, etc. Arizona's manufacturing industry is dominated by high-tech industries, and its metal smelting industry is quite developed, including aerospace, environmental protection, optoelectronics, and electronics and semiconductors. Phoenix Contact and Tucson are two major industrial centers, with aluminum smelting, cotton ginning, aircraft parts, electronic computers and other industries. The state is close to the vast emerging markets in the western United States, and Los Angeles The distance between the two major ports on Long Island and the southwest of the United States is not far. In addition, they are close to the Mexican border, and can use a large number of cheap labor to develop manufacturing by OEM. [3]

Electronic industry

Another important industry in Arizona is the electronics industry. There are about 150 enterprises, mainly engaged in the research and development of precision electronic parts, electronic design software, positioning system, laser, electronic data transmission and storage, as well as the production and service of large optical lenses and parts. [3]

social undertakings



There are 2580 primary and secondary schools in Arizona, 220 of which are public schools, and the total number of students exceeds 1.1 million. There are 86 colleges and universities in the state, and the famous colleges and universities are Arizona University, Arizona State University and North Arizona University. arizona state university It is one of the five largest and best "university cities" in the United States. Founded in 1885, it has 18 colleges and 12 schools. [3]


Meteorite crater
There are 34 national parks, national forests, wildlife reserves and other scenic spots in the state, and the main tourist areas are Colorado Grand Canyon Color desert, petrified forest and meteorite crater. [2-3]


There are four interstate expressways in Arizona, namely No. 40, No. 17, No. 10 and No. 8, connecting the east-west expressway trunk lines. In terms of railway facilities, there are two trans American railway lines passing through the state, the South Pacific line in the south and the Santa Fe line in the north. There are also four interstate railways connecting cities. Phoenix Contact and Tucson have perfect international airport facilities, 14 major airlines in the United States take off and land flights every day, and open direct flights with 50 major cities in the United States. [3]

Famous people

John McCain
Jon Kyl (Jon Kyl) is a Republican senator from Arizona. [4]
John McCain (John Sidney McCain III), an American politician and a Republican heavyweight, once served as a senior federal senator of Arizona, belonging to the "moderates" in the party, and ran for the presidency of the United States in 2008. [5-6]

Abortion ban

On April 9, 2024, the Supreme Court of Arizona ruled that the ban on abortion enacted in 1864 could be enforced, almost prohibiting any abortion in the state. Once the ruling of Arizona was announced, it aroused strong dissatisfaction among Democrats. The Attorney General of Arizona declared that the ruling was "unreasonable and an insult to freedom". US President Biden condemned the Arizona abortion ban as "cruel" and "extreme". Some analysts pointed out that Arizona may become one of the states with the most fierce competition around women's abortion rights in the 2024 US general election. [9]