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Ancestors of ancient Hebrews
open 10 entries with the same name
Abraham, Hebrew : אברהם Father is Ur The royal priest of Hebrew Ethnic groups and Arab nation The common ancestor of.
Chinese name
Foreign name
date of birth
About 2166 BC
Date of death
About 1991 BC
one's native heath
Mesopotamia Nippur

Meaning of name

Abraham, formerly Abram, wife Sarah Original name sarai God gave the name "Abraham" which means "Father of many countries"; His wife Sarai changed her name to Sarah, the mother of many countries. [1]

Character experience


Blood system and calling

Abram and his family originally lived in Su Mei Of Ur (Ur or Ur, located at present Iraq Tell Muqqayyar in the south). father He pulled From Chaldeans The ruling Urchadis may be located in Two river basin South, but some Islamism and Judaism According to the relevant people of turkey
Abram's family moved to Haran (on river euphrates this Euphrates River His father Terah died in Haran. Then Abram and his wife sarai Lot (son of Haran, Abram's brother) and all the people who followed him Canaan Go to the ground. God asked Abram to "go to the land that I (God) will show you" and promised to "bless you (Abram) and call your name Great", so that Abram "will become a great country". Abram went to Canaan Showing Sword , and on Morley The place of the oak tree was inspired by God. Jehovah He said to Abram, "I will give this land to your descendants.". And Abram built there an altar for God. From there they moved to the mountains east of Bethel and pitched tents; To the west is Bertley, to the east is Ai. And there he built an altar and offered it to the Lord, and called on the name of the Lord. Since then, they have gradually moved to the south( dead sea Niger in the southwest).

Sarai and Pharaoh

Family migration
Abram sought refuge in Egypt because of famine. Afraid that the beauty of his wife Sarah would cause evil thoughts in Egypt and endanger his own safety, Abram asked the unknown Pharaoh and Gerar King Abimelech called Sarah his sister (in fact, Abraham in Genesis 20:12 showed that they were half fathers, Hebrew In the original text, Abraham explained that Sarah was his half sister. In addition, the patriarch in Genesis observed the rules of engagement with half sister or half sister. Even so, Sarah was taken to the harem by Pharaoh and was ready to marry her. She treated Abram kindly and gave him many cattle, sheep, camels, donkeys, and maidservants, Jehovah So the plague was on Pharaoh and his family. Pharaoh summoned Abraham and asked him clearly Sarah Give it back to him and tell him to leave. [2] Abram and Sarah left Egypt( Isaac Similar things happened in Killar.
After Abraham left, he returned to Ai and stayed there for a period of time until there was a dispute between his shepherd and the shepherd of his nephew Lot. Because they had too many cattle and sheep and not enough grazing space, Abraham proposed to separate. [3] Abraham asked Lot to choose the land first, and Lot chose it Jordan River He himself moved to live in the oak of Mamre in Hebron, and built an altar to the Lord there.

Production of Ishmael

When Abraham was 75 years old, God promised Abraham to have a descendant and become a great country. When Abraham was 85 years old, Sarah Still not pregnant, but also old, so she took her maid Xia Jia He gave Abraham as his concubine. Hagar gave birth to Abraham's first son, who was named Ishmael [4]
When Abraham was 99 years old, God appeared to him to make a covenant with him by circumcision, and told him that Sarah would give birth to a child for him. God made a covenant with Abraham and his descendants - an everlasting covenant... As a sign and reminder of this covenant, all men should Circumcision God's covenant does not apply to Hagar's son Ishmael Descendants, but only for the descendants of Sarah. Both of them thought it inconceivable that God would make Sarah pregnant. Abraham was 99 years old and Sarah was 89 years old. [1] When Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah was 90 years old Legitimate son Isaac Born. [5]
When God let Sarah miraculously give birth to Isaac Weaning At the banquet, Ishmael Make fun of Isaac, let Sarah Unhappy, she asked Abraham to drive the concubine away with his mother. Abraham prayed for the child's sadness. God decided to ask Abraham to follow Sarah's instructions and promised him blessings Ishmael Their descendants will also become great countries. [5]
The next day, he left a bag for the poor mother and son solid food He returned to Canaan with a skin bag of drinking water. Xia Jiahe Ishmael In the wilderness of Bersheba, she lost her way, and the water in her skin bag was also drunk. When she was panicked and helpless, the angel of God encouraged her to continue to move forward, reiterating God's blessing on her and Ishmael. Ishmael's descendants must also become a great country. [5]
The angel of God let her see the well, Xia Jia After they filled the water for their son to drink, they went with their son to settle in the wilderness of Balaam. Ishmael As an archer, Hagar married him an Egyptian wife. [5]

Isaac as a burnt offering

One day, in order to test Abraham's faith, the LORD called to Abraham and ordered him to love his son Isaac As a sacrifice Jehovah Abraham, who believed in God, was willing to bear this cruel fate, and took his children and sacrificial tools to Mount Moriah Go up and worship. The child didn't know that he was a sacrifice, so he asked his father why he didn't bring sacrifice? When the father and son arrived at the mountain, Abraham made all the preparations and was about to put his son on the altar and kill him with a knife, the angel of God called him from heaven, and the angel said:“ You must not lay hands on the boy or do him any harm I know that you fear God, because you have not left your son, your only son, to me. " Tell him this is God's training. This test is beyond the maximum limit of mortals. From then on, God appointed Abraham as the agent in the world, and later Jesus was born It also belongs to the younger generation of his 42nd generation. [6]
At that time, in the land of Canaan, the eldest son to sacrifice It is very common. God uses this Foreign countries Human customs tested Abraham. The LORD did not like to sacrifice human beings, and in the future, he will prohibit Hebrews from doing this custom. [7] So he prepared a lamb for Abraham and his son on the spot of sacrifice instead of Isaac as a burnt offering. [8]

People's deeds

Abraham looked up at the stars
Abraham moved to the Negev and settled in Kadesh and Shur middle Gerar Abraham called Sarah his sister. King of Gerar- Abimelech They sent men to marry Sarah. [5]
As in Egypt As it happened, the LORD intervened and warned Abimelech not to defile Sarah's innocence. Abimelech summoned Abraham to rebuke him, gave him a thousand silver as a gift, and allowed them to live. [5]
When Abimelech saw that God had taken care of Abraham, he made a covenant with him to make sure that Abraham would be kind to his sons and his people, just as he had been kind to Abraham. Abraham agreed. [5]
Once upon a time, Abraham dug a well here and was seized by Abimelech's servants; Abimelech returned the well to Abraham, and Abraham called the place where they had made a covenant with each other Beersheba. [5]

Buy land to bury his wife

Sarah died at the age of 127, and Abraham was deeply distressed. He asked Ephron, the son of Zohar Tiantou Go there Mabira Cave Sell it to him as a family burial place. So he buried Sarah there. [9]

Abraham continued

And Abraham took another wife, whose name was Keturah Keturah bore him six sons. He gave everything together to Isaac. Abraham distributed the wealth to the sons of his concubines, and sent them away from Isaac to the east while he was still alive. [10]
Of the sons of Keturah, Midian She is the descendant of Abraham.

Abraham died

Abraham died at the age of 175. His sons Isaac and Ishmael He buried him in the land he had bought, in the cave of Machpelah, with his wife Sarah.

Muslim Perspective

Three world religions with Abraham as their ancestor: Judaism , Christianity, Islam (arranged by the time of appearance). Three religions The true God of common belief in Judaism originated from Middle East Desert areas, to Hebrew Bible Based on Jerusalem It is a holy place. The three religions believe that their classics are God's words, and obedience to their classics is to follow the right path.
Islam believes that the classics of Judaism and Christianity have been tampered with and distorted by people, and God has sent prophets Mohammed And revealed the Koran to him, and deleted those artificial and tampered things in the previous classics. Islamic appellation Abrahamic religions Our followers are "people of classics".
Muslims' attitude towards Abraham's concubine Ishmael and his mother Xia Jia The comments of are as follows:
After Abraham arrived in Canaan, he married Hagar, an Egyptian girl, as his concubine during a long trip to Egypt. The second wife of the maid gave birth to his first son, named Ishmael But when God let Sarah miraculously give birth to Isaac, maybe because Right of inheritance Because of this, the contradiction between wives and concubines cannot be reconciled. Perhaps for the sake of national purity, Abraham sent Hagar, a foreign wife, and his young son to the east of his original hometown Saudi Arabia Of Mecca Nearby. He left a bag of dry food and a skin bag of drinking water for the poor mother and son, and then returned to Canaan. At that time, young Ishmael pedaled out a lifesaving spring in the abandoned place, which became the legend of the origin of the world-famous Mecca holy spring "Zam Spring".
Ishmael is the ancestor of the Arabs, and Hagar is Abraham's flat wife, not his concubine.
The scripture records that he was born in Wuer, the lower reaches of the two rivers, and later led the tribe to cross Arabian Desert Arrival at Palestine The whole tribe can Multiply

Character relationship

Abraham and Isaac
Abraham's nephew Lot moved to Jordan Plain Sodom When living in the city, the king of Sodom united with four kings around Mesopotamian Plain King of Kedarlaoma. Ji Dalao Ma also joined with four other kings to fight for this Dependent country So a war broke out between four kings and five kings. Chittaguma successfully suppressed the rebellion and brought the people and property of Sodom back to his country. When Abraham heard that the messenger said that his nephew Lot had also been taken captive, he took 318 servants to pursue him Damascus He saved Lot and his property. [11]


Genesis 22
After these things, God wanted to test Abraham and called to him, "Abraham," and he said, "Here I am.".
God said, "Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go Moriah Go to the earth and offer him on the mountain I will show you burnt sacrifice
And God said, Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moria, and offer him as a burnt offering on the mountain I will show you.
On the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place afar off.
Abraham said to his servant, "Wait here with the donkey. I will go there with the boy to worship and then come back to you.
Abraham put the wood of the burnt offering on his son Isaac, and took the fire and the knife in his hand. So they went together.
Isaac said to his father Abraham, "Father. And Abraham said, Here am I, my son. And Isaac said, Behold, there is fire and wood, but where is the lamb of the burnt offering.
Abraham said, "My son, God will prepare a lamb for a burnt offering himself." So they went together.
When they came to the place God had indicated, Abraham built an altar there, put the wood in place, bound his son Isaac, and put it on the wood on the altar.
So Abraham stretched out his hand and took the sword to kill his son.
The angel of the Lord called to him from heaven, "Abraham, Abraham," and he said, "Here I am.".
The angel said to him, "Do not lay hands on the boy or harm him at all. I know that you fear God, because you did not leave your son, your only son, from me.".
Abraham looked up and saw one Ram His horns were buckled in a thick young tree, and Abraham took the ram and offered it as a burnt offering in place of his son.
Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah Elik, and to this day it is said, On the mountain of Jehovah there will be provision.
22.15 The angel of the Lord called to Abraham a second time from heaven, saying
And I swore by myself, saying, The Lord said, Since you have done this and have not left your son, your only son
22.17 As for blessing, I will bless you greatly, and as for descendants, I will make your descendants multiply, like the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore, and your descendants will have the gates of your enemies
And all the nations of the earth will be blessed by your descendants, because you have obeyed my voice
So Abraham returned to his servants, and they got up together and went to Beersheba, and Abraham stayed in Beersheba.