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Afonso de Albuquerque

Portuguese Admiral
synonym Abercrombie (Aberke) Generally refers to Alfonso de Albuquerque
Afonso de Albuquerque (Portuguese: Afonso de Albuquerque, 1453 [1] Portugal Alhamdra - December 16, 1515, Portuguese India Goa ), sometimes called "East Caesar ”The "lion of the sea" and the "Portuguese god of war" are Portuguese nobles, Admiral [1] Portuguese India Colonial Governor, Goahe Malacca He controls the eastern route, builds fortresses and places immigrant And other measures for Kingdom of Portugal Hegemony in the East laid the foundation. It is generally believed that he is a genius of strategy to conquer the world by successful strategies. His military and political activities have created Portuguese colonial empire The rudiment of.
Not long before his death, he was Manuel I Awarded the title of the first "Duke of Goa", became the first Portuguese Duke who was not born in the royal family, and the first Portuguese Duke overseas possessions A title of nobility. He tried to control everything from the indian ocean To Atlantic Crimson Sea Persian Gulf the pacific ocean The "inland sea" of the Turkish Empire and its Muslim and Indian allies has become the "inland sea" of the Portuguese (Latin: Mare Nostrum).
He once took a rare Mango Bring varieties to India , named after him Alfonso Mango Today it is sold all over the world.
Chinese name
Afonso de Albuquerque
Foreign name
Afonso de Albuquerque
Duke of Goa (also known as Albuquerque)
Kingdom of Portugal
Ethnic groups
date of birth
1453 [1]
Date of death
December 16, 1515
Militarist , Governor
Key achievements
Establish Portugal's hegemony in the East
one's native heath
Roman Catholic Church
Oriental Caesar, Sea Lion, Portuguese War God

Early experience

1453 [1] , Albuquerque was born Portugal capital Lisbon The nearby Alhamdra. His father, who was an illegitimate son of a distant branch of the Portuguese royal family, won an important position in the Portuguese court. Albuquerque was educated in mathematics and classical Latin at the court Alfonso V After death, go to Morocco Northwestern Aisila Serve for a period of time. Appointed as Joao II The Chief Attendant Officer (estribeiro mor) of.

Oriental Adventure

First expedition
Afonso de Albuquerque
In 1503, Albuquerque, who was half a century old, began his first expedition to the East. Together with his relative Francisco, he bypassed Cape of Good Hope , Arrival India Because of his help Cochin The king stabilized his regime and was allowed to establish a Portuguese fortress (trading post) in the local area, laying the foundation of the Portuguese Oriental Empire.
In the Persian Gulf and Malabar
In July 1504, Albuquerque returned to Portugal and received Manuel I In 1506, when the fleet of 16 warships commanded by Trist ã o da Cunha was sent to India, he was appointed commander of 5 warships. They carried out a series of successful attacks on Arab cities on the east coast of Africa.
In February 1507, the Portuguese ally Malindi Albukkerk captured the cities under the jurisdiction of the Sultanate of Ajuran Brava , loot them and retreat( Battle of Brava )。 Later Albuquerque separated from Trist ã o and led his fleet to one of the major business centers in the East at that time, Persian Gulf In Hormuz Island.
On September 25, 1507, they arrived there and quickly acquired the ownership of the island, but failed to occupy it for a long time( Battle of Hormuz [1] )。 But he built a Portuguese castle on the island of Hormuz.
His fleet added three more ships and finally arrived at the end of 1508 Malabar Coast Immediately, he learned that the king had authorized him to replace the governor Francisco de Almeida Appointment of. However, the latter refused to recognize his warrant and put him in prison.
After being imprisoned for three months, the Portuguese Marshal was released in November 1509 when he led a huge fleet.
After Francesco de Almeida returned home, Albuquerque quickly showed his ability and decisive character. Since then, he has occupied the second term“ India Viceroy of India until his death.
In Goa and Malacca
Albuquerque intended to dominate the Muslim world and control the spice trade network.
In January 1510, he Kalikat (Today Kozekod) The attack was defeated. I was shot through the collarbone and seriously injured. The reinforcement commander sent by Manuel I Fernando Cordinho And died of "over show" Kalikat Zamolin Under the knife of Nair warrior.
But in the middle of the journey, he gave birth to Timothy, the famous pirate leader in the Indian Ocean, and attributed him to the Portuguese Empire. Timothy saw that Albuquerque's attack on Calikat was severely defeated, so he suggested that Albuquerque give up the occupation of Calikat to invest and seize Goa.
When approaching Goa, the rulers of the local people were Muslims, while most of their subordinates were Hindus. They were very dissatisfied with the Muslim rulers and longed for liberation. The arrival of Albuquerque just met the wishes of the people of Goa. They helped the Portuguese drive away the local Muslim rulers and solemnly welcomed Albuquerque and his subordinates to settle in Goa, The key to the city gate of Goa, which symbolized the rule of Goa, was given to Albuquerque. Since then, the sea lion announced that Goa has become a "sacred and indivisible part" of the Portuguese Empire, and that the people of Goa are "the people of the Portuguese Empire and Manuel I".
The Battle of Goa [1]
However, Goa was the commercial hub of South India, connecting the direct trade between Persia and India, and Goa was located in the middle of the two Indian empires( Vishyanagara Empire And Bijabur Sudan), the Sultan of Bijabur was furious when he learned that his governor had been driven out by the Portuguese. During the armistice between himself and the Vishyanagaro Empire, he personally led a large army to encircle the city of Goa. Finally, he was outnumbered, and Albuquerque was forced to give it up in May, and led his flagship "Flower of the Sea" and others Clark sailboat A series of contests were launched with the Sultanate of Bijab on the river. Albuquerque and his subordinates were surrounded by the Mando River for several months, their ships were eaten by worms, scurvy was rampant, hunger and disease afflicted the Portuguese and Timothy's men (without Timothy's persistent help, Albuquerque could not have stayed for so long), many Portuguese defected to the enemy, and even traitors defected to the rear, Having converted to Islam and lived a life of luxury, he went to the "Flower of the Sea" in Albuquerque with the envoy of the Sultan Bijab to negotiate and "show off" how comfortable life was after he converted to Islam, so that the traitor was killed immediately by the Portuguese crossbow and sent back the food sent by the Sultan Bijab, It also banned Indian women from whoring during this period (which had a great impact on morale, leading to a captain's public rebellion against Albuquerque). During the game between Albuquerque and the Sultan of Bijab, the Sultan of Bijab persuaded Albuquerque to surrender many times, even when he gave Albuquerque great benefits (for example, he gave the Portuguese a trading post in Goa, or even stationed there). However, Albuquerque always stressed that "Goa is the sacred and indivisible property of Portugal and the great His Majesty Manuel I" and refused any negotiations.
But after being reinforced in November (the greater reason is Bijapur The armistice agreement between the Sultanate and the Vishyanagaro Empire ended). Albucek and Dimosi's subordinates got out of the dilemma for a long time, and won the final victory of the game. They immediately returned to Kachin, reorganized their troops, learned lessons, and rectified the military style. Then they sailed back to Goa. After a series of hard battles, they achieved The Battle of Goa And win Goa. In 1511-1512, the second battle of Goa resisted the counter attack of the Sultan of Bijabul and gained the actual control of Goa.
In April 1511, he sailed from Goa with 1200 people and 17 or 18 ships Malacca After intense fighting throughout July, on August 24, 1511, he obtained Malacca siege He conquered Malacca, the capital of the Sultanate of Malacca, but unlike in the past, he did not destroy the city, but plundered it with discipline. After losing its capital, the remnants of the Malacca Dynasty still tried to counter attack.
In 1526, Albuquerque's successor Perot de Maskalinas captured Bintan Island, an important stronghold of the remnants of the Malacca Dynasty( Battle of Bintan Island )。
Albuquerque stayed in Malacca until November 1511 to guard against the Malays' counterattack. The bigger reason was that Albuquerque himself was too worried about Goa. After Albuquerque returned to Goa from Malacca, he found that the problems of Goa City had emerged one after another after he left. The system of interracial marriage had not been implemented, and the officials were excessively corrupt and only knew how to enjoy themselves.
He ordered the implementation of religious coercive measures to force Hindus and Muslims to convert to Christianity. In this issue, more factors are Portugal's jihad tradition and the glorious mission given to Portugal by the Pope. He also ordered the first Portuguese ship to sail east in search of Maluku Islands Of“ Spice Islands ”。
Albuquerque carried out reforms in Goa not only on religious issues, but also on ethnic issues. He promoted Portuguese to intermarry with local women, making Goa branded as "Portugal is sacred and indivisible." This reform not only promoted cultural integration, It also strengthened Portugal's rule in Goa (the children born from intermarriage were also Catholics and were also recognized as Portuguese), which laid a solid foundation for Goa to become the most prosperous Portuguese colony in India.
Multifaceted military operations
Afonso de Albuquerque
In 1512, Albuquerque Malabar Coast During the voyage, he encountered a storm on the way, and the "Flower of the Sea", which was used to transport the loot and treasure he had collected, was wrecked (but he saved the gold crown given to Manuel I), and he was only able to escape. In September of the same year, he arrived in Goa, where he quickly suppressed the serious rebellion of Idalcan, and took measures to ensure the security and peace of the city, making it the most prosperous Portuguese colony in India. For a while, Albuquerque arrived at Crimson Sea Carry out an expedition to ensure that the transport routes are exclusively Portuguese. So he besieged Aden in 1513, but was repulsed; Therefore, the first Red Sea voyage of the European fleet failed to achieve substantial results. To destroy Egypt It is said that he wants to change the Nile To turn the country into a wasteland. His last bellicose action was the second attack on Hormuz in 1515. He played a puppet role by helping the prince of the country reset, occupied the island without bloodshed, and was occupied by Portugal until 1622. Perhaps the most interesting thing is that he plans to steal Mohammed's body to force all Muslims to leave Palestine
Chinese Adventures
At the beginning of 1513, Albukherk sent Jorge Alvares on a voyage, and discovered South China Zhujiang delta Lintin Island, Albuquerque sent Rafael Perestrello Rafael Perestrello )Go to South China to seek cooperation with the ming dynasty Establish trade relations. In 1513 and 1515 – 1516, Rafael sailed from Malacca to Guangzhou , trade with Chinese merchants.
These adventures, together with Pilaz The adventure of Tom é Pires and Fern ã o Pires de Andrade was the first direct diplomatic and commercial contact between Europe and China.
However, on April 19, 1521, Emperor Zhengde When he died, the conservatives in the court sought to limit the influence of eunuchs, rejected the new Portuguese envoys, and had an affair with the Portuguese Tuen Mun Naval Battle Pi Laizi, who was detained by China, was forced to write to Malacca, saying that unless the Portuguese gave up their control of Malacca and handed it back to the deposed king (the former Ming Dynasty vassal state )He and other envoys will be released from Chinese prisons.
In the 1540's, Sino Portuguese relations were normalized again, and in 1557, with the permission of the Ming Dynasty Macao Establish a permanent base.

Lose power in old age

Albuquerque's life ended in pain and disgrace. His enemies in the Portuguese court lost no time in arousing King Manuel I's jealousy of him, and his unwise and arbitrary behavior on some occasions deepened this. On his return voyage from Hormuz, at the entrance of the seaport of Goa, he met a ship from Europe and announced that his position as governor had been replaced by his enemy, Lopo Soares de Albertaria. This blow was too big for him. On December 16, 1515, the great Duke of Goa, the impartial governor of India who devoted his life to the Portuguese Empire, finally closed his eyes forever.
Before his death, he wrote a letter to the king in solemn and moving words to defend his actions and request that the title and reward due to him be passed on to his son. His body was buried in the Church of Our Lady in Goa. The Portuguese king later believed in his loyalty, so he tried to repay his ingratitude in the past and gave many honors to his son Blas de Albuquerque (1500-1580). In 1576, the latter published an anthology of his father's works, entitled "Commentarios do Grande Affonso d'Alboquerque".