
[wǔ gǔ]
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The commonly known "five grains" refer to five kinds of grains. There were many different versions of "five grains" in ancient times, the most important of which were two: rice Millet Millet wheat Shu Another means hemp , millet Millet , wheat, beans. The difference between the two is that the former has rice without hemp, and the latter has hemp without rice. The ancient economic and cultural center was in the Yellow River basin, and the main production area of rice was in the south, while rice cultivation in the north was limited, so there was no rice in the "five grains" at first.
Chinese name
Foreign name
whole grains、the five cereals of rice,two kinds of millet、wheat and beans
Main nutrients
protein , starch
Suitable crowd
All groups
Rice, millet, millet, wheat, beans
wǔ gǔ

Basic explanation

It refers to grain, namely rice, millet, millet, wheat and beans. [1]

Origin and explanation

Refers to five grains. The meaning is different.
1、《 Zhou Rites ·Tianguan · Disease Medicine: "Five flavors, grains and five medicines are used to nourish the disease." Zheng Xuan notes: "Five grains, flax, millet Millet , wheat and beans. "
2. "On Mencius Teng Wengong": "Five grains are cultivated by people when they are ripe." Zhao Qi notes: "Five grains are rice, millet, millet, wheat and beans."
3. The Great Movements in the Songs of Chu: "Five grains and six Rens." Wang Yi's note: "Five grains, rice, millet, wheat bean , Ma Ya. " [2]
4. "Suwen · Theory of the Method of Storing Natural Gas": "Grain is the food." Wang Bing notes: "It means japonica rice, beans, wheat, soybeans, and millet."
5. "Guanzi · Weigh Yourself": "It is better to get it than to get it. The wind and rain will make it, the grain will be cut, and the soldiers will be scattered. There will be no harm." Ma Feibai A new interpretation: "If you fall apart, you will die. As the wind and rain rise, the grain will be cut down. Soldiers, soldiers, people, ordinary people. It means that both soldiers and people will hunger It is death. "

Basic meaning

Grain Culture It is the origin of human civilization. According to authoritative data, human beings observed traces of sorghum on stone tools hundreds of thousands of years ago, indicating that grains have bred human beings for more than 100000 years. It is a feat in human history that human beings cultivate wild weeds into grains, which has bred human civilization. At the same time, it tells the world that human beings are inextricably attached to Wugu. Grain painting is the highest artistic expression of grain culture and the artistic portrayal of grain culture.
Grain painting It originated in the Tang Dynasty and flourished in the Qing Dynasty. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, Chongqing was once a tribute to the emperor. Chongqing was the birthplace of Chinese grain painting, which later developed northward and was also distributed in Shaanxi and Shanxi. Tang Dayan The teacher is the inheritor of Chongqing Grain Painting.
Grain painting has many names in the process of spreading. According to the folk tradition, it should be called "grain painting", referred to as "grain painting" or "grain painting", or "grain art". Some mountainous areas in northwest China are called "grain art", "grain art", "bean sculpture painting", "hundred meter map", "rice painting", etc.
Grain painting originated in the flourishing Tang Dynasty, when grain was abundant and the country was prosperous and the people were peaceful. "Grain" has a high status in Buddhism and Taoism, and is regarded as a mascot to seize the essence of heaven and earth. People use "grain" as a treasure to ward off evil spirits, so they use it to paint. It was very prosperous in the Qing Dynasty, and many schools were formed throughout the country. Other dynasties could not prosper grain paintings because of the war and unrest.
The rise of contemporary grain paintings reflects the prosperity of modern society. Grains art is a true portrayal of a harmonious society. The Grain Harvest, written by Mr. Tang Dayan, won the prize at the 10th China Arts and Crafts Masters Expo and is the representative work of grain painting. It reflects the country's prosperity and strength since the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the Chinese nation stands tall in the world.
Dayan shows the beautiful scene of today's China with the grain art, and Chongqing people tell the development of Chongqing culture to the whole mankind with the native grain art. Chongqing Grains Art is a business card of Chongqing and a bridge and link between the Chinese nation and other nations in the world.
Grains Painting Art Grand View
It includes the following contents: grain processing and dyeing technology; Pasting technology of grain painting; Framed foundation; Preservation technology; Protective layer treatment technology; Experience in promoting grain painting. It contains all the techniques of grain painting. [3]
The Grand View of Grain Painting Art was written by Mr. Tang Dayan. Through many years of practice, Tang Dayan finally combined traditional technology with modern technology, and developed a set of production technology for environmental protection and long-term preservation of works. The technology has more than 20 processes, and each link needs strict requirements. This method can prevent insects, borers, rot, mold, etc. The works are not deformed, fadeless, moldy or moth eaten, and can be collected permanently.
Grain painting
Grain painting is a kind of painting formed by sticking, pasting, piecing, carving and other means with various plant seeds and grains as the main body, using other accessories to paste landscapes, people, flowers and birds and other images, and using composition, lines, light and shade, color and other modeling techniques to make special treatment on them. Each grain painting must be treated with special techniques, and the permanent preservation technology can be used to preserve and collect the works for a long time.

Food concept

"Grain" originally refers to grain with shells; image rice , Ji (j), namely millet ), millet (also known as Yellow rice )There is a shell outside, so it is called valley. The sound of Gu character comes from the sound of shell. Five cereals were originally called five kinds of cereals in ancient China, and later referred to grain crops in general. There are two main opinions about grain, the mainstream is rice (commonly known as rice) Millet (sh ǔ, commonly known as yellow rice) Millet (j ì, also known as millet, commonly known as millet) wheat (commonly known as Wheat , for making flour) Shu (commonly known as soybean). Because the climate in some places is dry, which is not conducive to rice planting hemp (commonly known as Pockmarks )Replace rice as one of the five grains.
As rice, wheat and beans are common in our daily life, we will not introduce them here. Here we mainly introduce the grains that are not common in our daily life but are common in ancient times:
Millet: Millet Shelling is yellow rice, whose seeds are sticky after being boiled, and can be used for wine making and cake making. Because it is not conducive to digestion, "millet" is basically not used as the staple food now.
Millet: also known as millet, it grows drought resistant and has a wide variety of varieties. It is commonly known as "millet has five colors", including white, red, yellow, black, orange, purple millet and sticky millet. The earliest Chinese wine was also made from millet. Millet is suitable for growing in arid areas lacking irrigation. Its stems and leaves are hard and can be used as feed. Generally, only cattle can digest them. Now the staple food is basically no "millet".
Hemp: Hemp is mainly used for agricultural production. Its stem skin can be retted to make rope (hemp rope), hemp clothing, hemp paper, etc. It is very durable. The peeled stems can be used as firewood and can be used to build houses. They are a bit woody. At present, the skins and stems can be refined into fibers and used to make rice paper and other high-end papers.
Shu: the general name of beans. As the old saying goes, "Shu is the strongest crop. In ancient times, it was called Yu. In Han Dynasty, it is called Dou. Today, it is called Shu. Shu is the general name of all beans. However, soybeans are called Shu, bean sprouts are called Huo, and small beans are called Da." Bean products are also one of the favorite foods of Chinese people.
In addition, there was also a story about the division of "five grains" into "sky valley", "earth valley", "hanging valley", "wind valley" and "water valley". The "five grains" represented by heaven, earth, suspension, wind and water are not necessarily grains: "heavenly grains" include rice, grain sorghum , wheat and other crops with fruits growing on the head; "Digu" contains peanuts Sweet potato Crops whose fruits grow below the ground; "Suspended grain" includes crops with fruits on the branches, such as beans and melons; "Water grain" includes crops growing fruits in water, such as water chestnut and lotus root; Only "Wind Valley" is special, which means that corn is a crop that spreads pollen through the wind and blows the pollen on the top of the head to the whiskers growing in the nodes of the crop to produce fruit.
There is a saying that:“ Every body is diligent and every grain is undivided ”。 The four bodies are the four limbs. They are afraid to walk and work. This sentence means that a lazy person can't distinguish the essence of things. It means that a person is lazy in disguise. Because most people used to work in agriculture in ancient times, people who did not work would not know what kind of crops were grains when they arrived in farmland, especially when young seedlings looked a little similar.

Different opinions


Historical records

"Five cereals" refer to five kinds of grains in ancient times grain Ratio《 The Analects of Confucius 》More ancient books such as《 The Book of Songs 》、《 The Book of History 》In the waiting room, there are only "hundred grains", not "five grains". From hundred grains to five grains, right grain crops Has the variety of? no, it isn't. At the beginning, people often named several different varieties of a crop one by one, so it would be more. Moreover, the word "hundred" here is only used to mean many, and there are not really 100 kinds. The appearance of the term "grain" indicates that people have a clear concept of classification, and reflects that there were five major food crops at that time.

Two statements

In ancient times, there were many different versions of "grain", the most important of which were two:
When the term "grain" was first created, there was no record of what it meant. The earliest explanation we can see is written by people in the Han Dynasty.
There are two main explanations of the Han people and people after the Han Dynasty: one is that rice, millet, millet, wheat, and beans (i.e. soybeans); Another is hemp (referring to hemp), millet, millet, wheat, and beans.
The difference between the two statements is that one has rice but no hemp, and the other has hemp but no rice. Although hemp can be eaten, it is mainly used for weaving. Grain refers to grain. In the previous statement, hemp is not included in grain, which is reasonable.
But on the other hand, the economic and cultural center at that time was in the north, and rice was a crop in the south. The cultivation in the north was limited, so it was possible that there was hemp in the grain but no rice. Redords of the Grand History of China ·The crops mentioned below the "beauty and evil of every year" in the Tianguan Letter (predicting a good or bad year) are wheat, millet, millet, beans and hemp, which belong to the latter one. Perhaps because of these reasons, the Han people and people after the Han Dynasty have two different interpretations of Wugu.
The combination of the two statements leads to six crops: rice, millet, millet, wheat, beans and hemp. Masterpieces in the Warring States Period《 Lu's Spring and Autumn Period 》There are four articles devoted to agriculture in (works of the 3rd century BC), of which the "Shenshi" chapter talks about the cultivation of six crops, namely, millet, millet, rice, flax, beans and wheat; The crops mentioned in the "Twelfth Century" chapter are also the six kinds.
Obviously, rice, millet, millet, wheat, beans and hemp were the main crops at that time. The so-called five cereals refer to these crops, or five of the six crops. However, with the development of social economy and agricultural production, the concept of "five grains" is constantly evolving. The so-called "five grains" is actually the general name of food crops, or generally refers to food crops.
A general term for food crops. The theory of "five grains" appeared in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period《 The Analects of Confucius ·Micro ":" If you are not diligent, you will not share the grain ". But there are different explanations. One is millet, millet, wheat, beans and rice; One is millet, millet, wheat, beans and flax. The main difference between the two theories lies in the existence of rice and hemp. The reason for the divergence is that there were not only five kinds of crops at that time. The existence of the "hundred grain", "six grain" and "nine grain" theories is a clear proof, and there are differences in crop types in different regions. The reason why the "five grain" theory prevails is obviously due to Five Elements The influence of thought. Therefore, generally speaking, grain refers to several major food crops.
According to historical records, the earliest planting of "five grains" occurred in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties in China. During the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, China was in the prosperous period of a slavery society. People planted more kinds of crops, and the state strongly supported the development of agriculture“ Minefield system ”The implementation of collective work has improved labor productivity. During this period, there was also complete drainage irrigation system People began to use manure, green manure, and plant ash. These conditions led to the further development of agriculture in the Shang and Zhou dynasties.

development history

Although the concept of "five grains" has existed for more than 2000 years since its formation, the position of these food crops in the national food supply varies from time to time.
The millet, millet and other crops in the grain, because of their drought tolerance, barren tolerance, short growth period and other characteristics, play a particularly important role in the original cultivation of dry land in the north. By the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the characteristic of "easy to do" of Shu was discovered, and Shu, together with millet, became an indispensable food for people at that time. At the same time, people found that the winter wheat (winter wheat) can be planted in the late autumn and early spring growing seasons, and can play a role in solving the problem of shortage. In addition, the stone round mill was invented at this time, and the eating of wheat developed from grain food to pasta food, greatly improving the palatability, which made wheat widely valued by people, and thus developed into one of the main food crops, And compare with millet. In the Confucian classic Spring and Autumn Annals, it is not written about grain, but about grain and wheat. It can be seen that the sage attaches the most importance to wheat and grain among the grains. Zhao Guohe, an Agronomist in the Western Han Dynasty Overflow and conquer Etc. have been committed to guanzhong region Promote wheat planting.
Han dynasty The increase of population in Guanzhong is closely related to the development of wheat farming. Until the Tang and Song Dynasties, the population of the north was more than that of the south. However, after the Tang and Song Dynasties, the situation changed. China's population growth is mainly concentrated in the southeast region, which is Qin and Han Dynasties It has been called "vast land with few people" Chu Yue The land. In the Song Dynasty, the population of the south exceeded that of the north, some people estimated that it was 6:4; Since then, the population density in the south has been far greater than that in the north. The increase of population in the south is inseparable from rice production. Rice is very suitable for rain rich Southern region Planting, however, was not noticeable at first, and was even excluded from grain production. However, they came from behind.
After the Tang and Song Dynasties, rice played an increasingly important role in the national food supply. According to the Ming Dynasty Song Yingxing It is estimated that rice accounted for seven tenths of the total grain supply at that time, and wheat, millet, millet and other grain crops together accounted for only three tenths of the total grain supply, which has been relegated to the secondary position. Soybean and cannabis have been withdrawn from the category of grain crops and used only as vegetables. But when some crops withdrew from the ranks of grain crops, some crops joined the ranks of grain crops. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, corn, sweet potato and potato were introduced into China one after another, and became an important part of modern China's main grain crops.
1. The gradually formed custom of "five grains" refers to five food crops: rice, wheat, millet, millet, and beans. In ancient times, millet and millet were distinguished by stickiness (millet is sticky, millet is not sticky. - Compendium of Materia Medica). Shu refers to beans. Nowadays, "five grains" have generally referred to various staple foods, generally referred to as food crops, or“ Grains ”, including cereals (such as rice, wheat, corn, etc.), beans (such as soybeans Broad bean , peas, red beans, etc.), potatoes (such as sweet potatoes, potatoes), and other miscellaneous grains.
2. What is the "five grains" in the Western Han Dynasty? Answers to wooden slips unearthed in Xi'an Xinhua Xi'an, October 19 (Huyan Sizheng)
What are the "five grains" that people ate in the Western Han Dynasty? Recently, a wooden slip unearthed in the southern suburb of Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, revealed the answer.
This rectangular wooden slip with 177 characters is 23cm long, 4.5cm wide and 0.4cm thick. The lower edge is slightly incomplete. The characters are mainly written in ancient clerical ink, with some folk characters in cursive script, which are mostly legible. The writing on this wooden slip is divided into 8 lines from right to left. A small black dot is marked above each line to show the beginning of the chapter. The number of words in each line varies from 15 to 25 words. The content of grain planting in the Han Dynasty is basically complete. It clearly records that grain at that time refers to millet, beans, flax, wheat and rice, and its order is not random. This is basically consistent with the contents recorded in the Book of Days, which was dedicated to selecting time and date in the Qin and Han Dynasties.
According to the archaeologists, the tomb of this wooden slip was located in the tomb area of Du Ling, Emperor Xuan of the Western Han Dynasty. It should be the accompanying tomb of Du Ling, so the tomb owner should be a senior official close to Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty. Based on the analysis of the wooden slips, the identity of the tomb owner before his death should be related to the royal etiquette activities and agricultural production activities, so it is judged that his position should be Dahonglu or Dasinong.
It is understood that the ancient book records have always been ambiguous about which cereals the "five cereals" of the Han Dynasty actually refer to. The excavation of this wooden slip is the first time to clarify the type and name of "five grains" in Guanzhong area of Shaanxi Province during the Western Han Dynasty.
In addition, the ancient Taoist school had the idea of "eating five grains, A hundred diseases According to Taoism, when people eat cereals, they will accumulate feces in their intestines, which will produce filthy gas and hinder the way of becoming immortals. The Huangting Classic of Internal Scenery says: "The goblin that eats soil from hundreds of grains, the five tastes are beautiful, evil and smelly, the gods have no foetus, so that you can return the baby from anti aging?" At the same time, there are three worms (three corpses) in the human body, so you can rely on it Grain gas And survival, with its existence, makes people have evil desires and cannot become immortals. Therefore, in order to eliminate the filthy gas accumulation in the intestines and get rid of the three corpses, it is necessary to open up valleys.
Inedia That is, not eating grain is a way for alchemists and Taoists to become immortals. Also known as "Quegu"“ Avoid the valley "," broken grain "," absolute grain "," off grain "," absolute grain ", etc. Taoists imitate《 Zhuangzi · Carefree tour 》The description of "not eating grain, inhale wind and drink dew -- to endure the hardship of travelling or fieldwork ”The immortal acts in pursuit of immortality. Valley Piercing Skill It originated in the pre Qin period, about the same time as the Qi movement.
The Book of Rites · Yi Benming, a collection of etiquette works before the Qin and Han Dynasties, said: "The meat eater is brave and tough, the grain eater is smart and skillful, the gas eater is divine and lives long, and the non food eater is immortal." After the establishment of Taoism, it inherited this technique, and there are many generations of people who practice grain opening. According to the External Biography of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Wang Zhen, an alchemist of the Eastern Han Dynasty, "has broken the valley for more than 200 years (it should be a mistake of" the sun "- note by the introducer), and his flesh is beautiful, and he can walk slowly and horse, and he can also force several people". Later Han Dynasty ·According to the Biography of Prescriptions, "(Hao) Mencius Festival can contain date stones and not eat them for five or ten years." Cao Zhi The Debate on Taoism records that Chi was frugal and good at opening up the valley, and said that he had tried it "at the place where he bowed down", "for hundreds of days, he could walk and live as if he were". Cao Cao Among the Fang Scholars, Gan Shi Zuo Ci , Feng Junda, Lu girls, etc. all practice the art of grain opening
Historical records record that there are so many people who set up the valley. The time of setting up the valley may be months, years or even decades. It is inevitable that there are exaggerations and inaccuracies, but it may not be purely unreal
January 7, 1988《 People's Daily 》The third edition, entitled "Macheng peasant girl has not been eating rice for ten years and is free to speak and act", reported that Xiong Zaiding, a 25-year-old girl from Yuexingtang Village, Xiongjiapu District, Macheng City, Hubei Province, suddenly became seriously ill at the age of 15, and her life was in danger. After she was out of danger, she stopped eating water. So far, she has not been eating rice for ten years. Surprisingly, after eight years in bed, she could walk independently, talk and laugh freely, and do some housework. This is really a miracle on earth. If today's science can explain it and understand the reason, it will make great contributions to human science and modern health science.

Introduction to Grain



Rice polished round-grained rice It is sweet in taste and flat in nature. It has the effects of tonifying the middle and qi, strengthening the spleen and stomach, and eliminating thirst. In winter, the indoor heating is hot and the air is dry. Drinking rice porridge in the morning and evening can keep away from the problem of dry mouth and tongue. It is particularly important to remind diabetics that different rice cooking methods have different effects on blood sugar. The research shows that dry rice cooked with the same amount of rice has less effect on blood sugar than porridge. Therefore, it is beneficial to control blood sugar for diabetic patients to eat dry rice at breakfast.


Millet, also known as millet, is sweet in taste and flat in nature. It has the function of strengthening the spleen and stomach, and is suitable for people with spleen and stomach deficiency, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, postpartum, and body deficiency after illness. When millet is cooking porridge, there is a layer of fine viscous substance floating on it, commonly known as "rice oil". Traditional Chinese medicine believes that rice oil is extremely nutritious and has the strongest nourishing power. It is said that rice oil can replace ginseng soup.


The wheat is sweet in taste and mild in nature. It has the effect of strengthening the spleen and kidney, nourishing the heart and calming the nerves. Those who are upset and insomnia can cook porridge with wheat, rice and jujube. In addition, wheat bran contains high dietary fiber Hyperlipoproteinemia , diabetes atherosclerosis hemorrhoids , senile constipation and colon cancer have preventive and therapeutic effects.


Yimi is also called job's tears. Its protein content is far higher than rice and flour, and it is easy to digest and absorb, which is beneficial to reducing the burden of gastrointestinal tract and strengthening the body. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that Yimi is sweet and mild in taste, slightly cold in nature, and has the functions of invigorating the spleen, invigorating the lungs, clearing away heat and promoting dampness. Modern research has proved that Yimi has anti-tumor, immune enhancement, hypoglycemic and other effects. It can increase the appetite of tumor patients and reduce the side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy by cooking rice and rice porridge or adding proper amount of rock sugar. In addition, coicoidin contained in the rice has inhibitory effect on striated muscle, which can reduce wrinkles. People who love beauty may wish to eat more.


Sorghum is sweet and warm, and has the function of strengthening the spleen and stomach. Children with indigestion can take sorghum to stir fry and grind it. Take 2 to 3 grams of sorghum to mix each time. However, sorghum is warm in nature and contains tannin with astringent and antidiarrheal effects. It is not suitable for people with constipation.


Soybean is mild and sweet, and has the effect of invigorating the spleen and qi. People with weak spleen and stomach should often eat it. All kinds of bean products made from soybeans, such as tofu and soymilk, also have medicinal properties: tofu can broaden the middle and replenish qi, clear heat and dissipate blood, especially suitable for people with phlegm heat, cough and asthma, cold and external sensation, sore throat.

Grain culture

Cereals mainly refer to the seeds of plants. It includes rice, wheat, soybeans and other miscellaneous grains, such as millet, black rice, buckwheat, oats, barley, sorghum, etc. Grain is processed as staple food. It mainly provides 50%~80% of heat energy, 40%~70% of protein, and more than 60% of vitamin B1 for human beings. The content of nutrients in cereals varies greatly due to different varieties, origins, growth conditions and processing methods.
As the traditional diet of Chinese people, cereal has been one of the indispensable foods on the common people's table for thousands of years. It plays an important role in our diet and is regarded as the traditional staple food.
The Analects of Confucius ·Xiangdang: "Although there is much meat, it will not defeat the spirit of food." This is Confucius As an aristocrat in the Zhou Dynasty, the staple food (grain) should account for the largest proportion according to the lifestyle of the nobility.
China Agricultural Museum
"Lingshu · True Evil of Stab Festival": "The true qi is received by the heaven, and it is filled with the grain qi." It is said that the nutrition of grain is the most important nutrition for Chinese people.
In recent years, scholars have also debated the merits and demerits of the Chinese people's grain based diet.
Eugene N. Anderson, an American scholar, pointed out in his book "Chinese Food" that the mainland of China has the highest mountain and the lowest basin in elevation, rich in animal and plant resources, and many food choices; The Chinese have chosen the most economical and poorly nourished grain, thus raising a large number of people.
Chinese scholars Nie Wentao It is believed that since there are many food choices, the choice of grain seems relatively calm and rational, which is a way of life advocated by ancient nobles; This is a national custom related to the Chinese concept of health preservation grain Protection.
In addition, there are differences between the two sides on the issue of grain protein content as the standard for judging the quality of their food.

Grains and cereals paste

Source of cereal paste
Grains and cereals paste is a kind of flour made from various health preserving raw materials of cereals after baking at low temperature. It has not been expanded and no quick solvent has been added during processing, so it can retain the nutrients of raw materials most completely.
Method of eating cereal paste
Boiling water method
1. Rinse: take a proper amount of powder (about 2 spoons) and put it in a cup, pour 3 times of boiled water (100 ℃)
2. Soak: Do not stir, soak for one or two minutes; (If it's a busy morning, you can go to brush your teeth and wash your face......)
3. Stir: use a spoon to mix the powder and water, add sugar or honey, condensed milk, salt, OK!
Tips: Choose a larger cup or bowl, which will be easier to mix.
Microwave method
1. Take a proper amount of powder (about 2 spoons) and put it in a bowl. Pour in 3 times cold water;
2. Gently stir until the powder and water are completely dissolved and there is no powder lump;
3. Put it in the microwave oven and "bite" it for 1 minute, take it out and add sugar or honey, condensed milk, salt, OK!
Tips: The duration of microwave should be determined according to the amount of water, and the duration should be extended when there is more water.

Five grain health powder

Source of Five Grain Health Powder
Grains health powder is a kind of powder made from various health preserving raw materials after low-temperature baking. It has not been expanded and no quick solvent has been added during processing, so it can retain the nutrients of raw materials most completely.
Eating method of five grain health powder juice
Boiling water method
1. Rinse: Take a proper amount of powder (about 2 spoons) and put it in a cup. Pour 3 times boiled water (100 ℃)
2. Soak: Do not stir, soak for one or two minutes; (If it's a busy morning, you can go to brush your teeth and wash your face......)
3. Stir: use a spoon to mix the powder and water, add sugar or honey, condensed milk, salt, OK!
Tips: Choose a larger cup or bowl, which will be easier to mix.
Microwave method
1. Take a proper amount of powder (about 2 spoons) and put it in a bowl. Pour in 3 times cold water;
2. Gently stir until the powder and water are completely dissolved and there is no powder lump;
3. Put it in the microwave oven and "bite" it for 1 minute, take it out and add sugar or honey, condensed milk, salt, OK!
Tips: The duration of microwave should be determined according to the amount of water, and the duration should be extended when there is more water.
In addition to the above two types of food, there are many foods made from grains, such as porridge, biscuits, and so on.

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