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Infantile malnutrition syndrome
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Infantile chancre syndrome, also known as infantile disease, malnutrition, five chancre, and various chancre in the literature, is one of the four major pediatric syndromes (pockmarks, numbs, startles, and chancre), and is also a common disease in children. The medical literature of the past dynasties is very rich in the content of malnutrition syndrome, and there is no summary of its literature collation. There is no final conclusion on when the malnutrition syndrome originated and its evolution. Qian Yi believed that although spleen stomach imbalance was the main pathological factor of malnutrition syndrome, it would lead to deficiency of qi and blood and failure of all viscera, which would inevitably affect other viscera. The five zang organs can reflect the basic disease location of the disease, so Qian's ingenious naming of the chancre syndrome depends on the five zang organs, namely, liver chancre, heart chancre, spleen chancre, kidney chancre, and lung chancre.
Chinese name
Basic Terminology of Traditional Chinese Medicine


A combination of five types of malnutrition.
1. The same as the syndrome of five viscera malnutrition. The Prescription of Pediatric Medicine Syndrome: "There are five types of malnutrition syndrome, which means the five zang organs suffer from it, so it gets its name." Five types of malnutrition are heart malnutrition, liver malnutrition, spleen malnutrition, lung malnutrition, and kidney malnutrition.
2. Volume 18 of the Treatise on the Origin of Various Diseases: "Five chancres: one is white chancre, which makes the skin dry and the face lose color; the other is red chancre, which eats the five internal organs inside, which makes the hair dry; the third is pinworm chancre, which eats the spine and the back of the human body, marches through the five internal organs, and has swollen weight; the fourth is chancre, which eats the lower part of the human body, which makes the waist and spine contracture painful; the fifth is black chancre, which eats the five internal organs, and more black blood, which will kill you in a few days."


Infantile chancre syndrome, also known as infantile disease, malnutrition, five chancre, and various chancre in the literature, is one of the four major pediatric syndromes (pockmarks, numbs, startles, and chancre), and is also a common disease in children. The medical literature of the past dynasties is rich in the content of malnutrition syndrome, but so far there is no summary of its literature collation. There is no final conclusion on when the malnutrition syndrome originated and its evolution.
There are many names of malnutrition syndrome by physicians in past dynasties. According to the etiology, it is named as hot chancre, cold chancre, breast feeding chancre, food chancre, ascaris chancre, etc; According to the disease location, it is named as external chancre, internal chancre, oral chancre, chancre, brain chancre, nasal chancre, etc; According to the name of the disease, there are infantile diarrhea, infantile swelling, etc; According to the condition, it can also be divided into chancre qi, chancre deficiency, dry chancre, etc. Qian Yi believed that although spleen stomach imbalance was the main pathological factor of malnutrition syndrome, it would lead to deficiency of qi and blood and failure of all viscera, which would inevitably affect other viscera. The five zang organs can reflect the basic disease location of the disease, so Qian's ingenious naming of the chancre syndrome depends on the five zang organs, namely, liver chancre, heart chancre, spleen chancre, kidney chancre, and lung chancre.
Malnutrition syndrome belongs to the five zang organs, so it is called "five chancre". Qian has a detailed discussion on the syndrome types of five chancres: "liver chancre, white film covering the eyes; heart chancre, yellow cheeks; spleen chancre, yellow body and large abdomen; kidney chancre, extremely thin, scabies; lung chancre, asthma, sore mouth and tongue."
Liver chancre, also known as tendon chancre, shows that the hair is erect, the face and claws are blue, the eyes are full of tears, and it is difficult to open them, even the white film covers the eyes, shaking the head and rubbing the eyes.
Heart chancre, also known as startled chancre, is characterized by palpitations, strong fever, red cheeks and red lips, sores on the tongue, biting teeth to find the tongue, night sweating and thirst.
Spleen chancre, also known as fat chancre, is characterized by yellow and thin muscles, sometimes damp and hot, sleepiness and sleepiness, hard under the heart, lazy milk, craving for soil, large and hard liver, abdominal pain and lumbricoides, large head and thin neck.
Kidney chancre, also known as bone chancre, is characterized by swarthy face, hot ears and brain, bleeding gums, cold feet and emaciation of muscles and bones.
Pulmonary chancre, also known as air chancre, is characterized by dry skin, scorched hair, white complexion, cough, asthma, cold aversion, fever, unfavorable throat, sore mouth and nose, and long flow of clear mucus.
The division of Qian's five zang organs chancre has a certain guiding significance for later generations of physicians to expand their thinking on the treatment of chancre syndrome, not only limited to the spleen and stomach.

Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine

1. Etiology and pathogenesis
Qian put forward that the cause of infantile malnutrition was "all spleen and stomach diseases, and the body fluid died." Because infantile malnutrition mostly occurred under the age of 5, this was related to the physiological characteristics of "frequent deficiency of spleen" in childhood. Although Qian classified malnutrition syndrome as five internal organs, the general pathogenesis was spleen stomach imbalance.
(1) If it is too much, it will cause malnutrition
After serious illness or diarrhea, children may be mistaken for excess syndrome due to deficiency syndrome, and they may take advantage of high profits. For example, the generation of rhubarb and mirabilite may consume spleen, stomach and body fluid to form malnutrition syndrome. "Children are apt to be weak and easy to be strong, and after passing through, the body fluid in the stomach will be consumed, gradually making them thin." Qian warned us that because children are delicate and easy to be weak and easy to be strong, so any medicine that can be used to defeat the strong and powerful should be carefully used, and should not be used by Meng Lang, so as to avoid attacking the innocent and damaging the healthy qi, which will lead to bad consequences.
(2) Poor diet, spleen and stomach damaged
In the infant period, the function of spleen and stomach is weak and easy to accumulate, so there is a feeding method of "milk is expensive sometimes, food is expensive". If diet is excessive and the reception function of the spleen and stomach is damaged, the diet will be stagnant and the middle energizer will be obstructed, which will damage the spleen and stomach. After a long period of time, the function of the spleen and stomach was in disorder, the water and grain essence could not be fully absorbed, and the viscera and bones lost nourishment and became malnutrition syndrome.
(3) Improper feeding and malnutrition
Insufficient breast milk or premature weaning, failure to give complementary food in time, insufficient nutrition or failure to meet the growth needs of children, lack of biochemical resources in the spleen and stomach, resulting in malnutrition and the formation of extremely emaciated malnutrition syndrome. The second is that parents overindulged and arbitrarily threw nourishing food, which led to stomach failure, spleen failure, and malnutrition.
2. When treating, distinguish deficiency from excess, cold from heat
For the treatment of infantile chancre, Qian put forward that "cold and hot should be distinguished from fat and thin", and listed that "cold is Muxiang Pill, hot is Huanglian Pill, and infantile chancre, especially cold and hot, should be like holy pill. For those with little body fluid at the beginning of illness, it should be the body fluid in the stomach, and Baizhu Powder should be the main body fluid." The initial onset of infantile chancre is stagnancy, which is mostly empirical. It is advisable to remove the accumulation first, and then adjust and supplement it. If the constitution is weak and stagnant, and there is a syndrome of deficiency and excess, it is advisable to attack and supplement at the same time.
In a word, it is the basis of legislation and medication to first identify deficiency and excess in the treatment of malnutrition. As for the late stage of infantile malnutrition, Qian did not mention it. The disease is serious at this stage, and the condition should be closely observed. Children who are extremely emaciated, mentally depressed, do not want to eat or have other complications are most likely to collapse, so treatment and nursing should be cautious.