May Day

National festivals in more than 80 countries in the world
zero Useful+1
International Workers' Day; International Labour Day;May Day), It is a national holiday in more than 80 countries in the world, and a holiday for working people all over the world to unite and fight. It is on May 1 (some countries, such as the United States [24] Canada [25] )。 [14 ]
May Day was won over by the working class. As capitalism entered the monopoly stage, workers were forced to do a lot of work every day. In order to safeguard their rights, workers decided to fight. [6-7] In 1886, 350000 workers in Chicago and other cities in the United States held a general strike and demonstration, demanding the implementation of the eight hour working system and improving working conditions. The American authorities, under the pressure of international public opinion and social pressure, announced the implementation of the eight hour working system. In order to commemorate this struggle, in July 1889, the Second International Congress held in Paris established May 1 as May Day. [6] [10]
The May Day International Labor Day is of great significance. It is a historic progress of human civilization and democracy for workers to fight for their legitimate rights and interests with a indomitable and heroic spirit. [12] [43] In order to celebrate the May Day International Labor Day, the Communist Party of China and the government commend the workers who have made outstanding contributions, [21] [28] Hold meetings or cultural and sports activities. [18] [24] Internationally, some countries will hold demonstrations on May Day [26] [27 ] Some countries have unique folk activities. [24-25]
On December 23, 1949, the Government Affairs Council of the Central People's Government designated May Day as a holiday worthy of commemoration and celebration. [10] [18] Then the holiday time was adjusted continuously, and it was adjusted to 7 days in 1999, forming the Golden Week. [56] After 2008, the May Day holiday began to shrink, with three, four, and five days off. [56-57]
Chinese name
May Day
Foreign name
International Workers' Day
May Day
International Labour Day
International Labor Day International Day of Demonstrations
Holiday time
May 1 every year; Some countries at other times, such as the United States, Canada)
Festival type
International Festivals
Epidemic area
More than 80 countries in the world
Origin of festivals
The Great Strike of Workers in Chicago in 1886
Festival activities
Assembly and procession
Festival significance
worker Won legal rights and interests
Set location
to establish an institution
Second International
Set time

Historical evolution



  • background of times
In the 19th century, capitalism developed at a high speed. In order to pursue profits, capitalists generally adopted the method of increasing labor time and labor intensity to ruthlessly exploit workers to extract more surplus value. Workers work more than 12 hours a day, and the working environment is very harsh. [7] [8-9 ]
  • Proposal of eight hour working system
After the 19th century, especially after Charter Movement The scale of the struggle of the British working class continued to expand. In June 1847, the British Parliament passed the ten hour working system bill. In 1856, gold miners in Melbourne, British Australia, took advantage of the shortage of labor force and obtained the eight hour working system through struggle. After the 1870s, British workers in some industries also won the victory of the nine hour working system. In September 1866, First International held its first congress in Geneva. According to Marx's proposal, "legally limiting the working system is the first step to make the working class intellectually developed, physically strong and finally liberated". The conference passed the resolution of "striving for eight hours of daily work". Since then, workers all over the world have struggled with capitalists by striving for the eight hour working system. [8-9 ]
In 1866, First International Geneva conference Put forward the slogan of eight hour working system. [10-11] In the struggle of the international proletariat for the eight hour working system, the American working class takes the lead. At the end of the American Civil War in the 1860s, American workers clearly put forward the slogan of "striving for the eight hour working system". This slogan spread quickly and gained great influence. [9 ]
Under the impetus of the American labor movement, in 1867, six states of the United States passed laws stipulating eight hour working hours. In June 1868, the United States Congress enacted the first federal law on the eight hour working system in American history, making the eight hour working system applicable to government workers. In 1876, the United States Supreme Court announced the abolition of the federal law on the eight hour working system. [9 ]
In 1877, the first national strike broke out in the United States. The working class marched and demonstrated in the streets, and proposed to the government to improve the working and living conditions, shorten working hours and implement the eight hour working system. Under the strong pressure of the labor movement, the United States Congress was forced to enact a law on the eight hour working system, but this law eventually became a dead letter. [12]
After the 1880s, the struggle for the eight hour working system became the central issue of the American labor movement. In 1882, American workers proposed that the first Monday in September should be designated as the Street March Day, and they made unremitting efforts to this end. In 1884, the General Assembly of the American Federation of Labor decided that the first Monday in September of each year was the national rest day for workers. Although this decision has nothing directly to do with the struggle for the eight hour working system, it has promoted the development of the struggle for the eight hour working system. The United States Congress had to pass a bill to designate the first Monday in September as Labor Day. In December 1884, in order to promote the development of the eight hour work system, The American Federation of Labor also made a historic resolution: "The organized trade unions and labor federations of the United States and Canada made a resolution that from May 1, 1886, a day's legal labor should be eight hours, and proposed to all labor organizations in the region that they modify their regulations to conform to this resolution on the above date.". [9 ]
  • The continuing rise of the labour movement
In October 1884, eight international and national workers' groups from the United States and Canada held a rally in Chicago, the United States, to fight for the realization of "working eight hours a day", and decided to launch a broad struggle. They decided to hold a general strike on May 1, 1886, forcing the capitalists to implement the eight hour working system. The working class throughout the United States has warmly supported and responded, and thousands of workers in many cities have engaged in this struggle. [6]
The AFL resolution received a warm response from workers all over the United States. Since 1886, the American working class has been holding demonstrations, strikes and boycotts, forcing employers to implement the eight hour working system before May 1. In May, the struggle reached its climax. [9 ] On May 1, 1886, 350000 workers in Chicago and other cities in the United States held a general strike and demonstration, demanding the implementation of the eight hour working system and improvement of working conditions. [6] [10] [12] At that time, the notice of strike demonstration of the Workers' Federation wrote: "Get up, American workers! On May 1, 1886, put down your tools, put down your work, close factories and mines, and that's the day of a year. This is a day of rebellion, not a day of leisure! This is not a day set by the speaker of the system of enslavement of world workers boasting. This is the day when workers make their own laws and have the right to put them into practice This is the day to start enjoying '8 hours of work, 8 hours of rest, and the other 8 hours at your disposal'. " [14 ]
The workers' strike paralyzed the major industrial departments of the United States. Trains were stopped, shops were closed, and all warehouses were sealed. [15 ]
However, the strike was suppressed by the American authorities, and many workers were killed and arrested, which shocked the entire United States. [6] With the broad support of the world's progressive public opinion and the persistent struggle of the working class around the world, the American government finally announced the implementation of the eight hour working system a month later, and the American labor movement achieved a preliminary victory. [12-13]
  • Establishment of May Day International Labor Day
In July 1889, the Second International led by Engels held a congress in Paris. In order to commemorate the May Day strike of American workers, show the great power of "proletarians all over the world, unite!" and promote the struggle of workers from all over the world for the eight hour working system, the conference passed a resolution that the international workers held a march on May 1, 1890, and decided to designate May 1 as International Labor Day, which is now the "May Day International Labor Day". [6] [10]
On May 1, 1890, the working class in Europe and the United States took the lead in taking to the streets to hold a grand demonstration and rally to fight for legitimate rights and interests. Since then, on this day, working people from all over the world have gathered and marched to celebrate. [15 ]
  • May Day Labor Movement in Russia and the Soviet Union
In August 1895, after Engels died, Second International The internal opportunists began to gain the dominant position, and the working parties of various countries belonging to the Second International gradually degenerated into bourgeois reformist parties. After the outbreak of World War I, the leaders of these political parties more openly betrayed proletarian internationalism and the cause of socialism and became social chauvinists who supported the imperialist war. Under the slogan of "defending the motherland", they shamelessly incited workers from all countries to kill each other crazily for the interests of their own bourgeoisie. Therefore, the organization of the Second International collapsed, and the May Day, which symbolizes the solidarity of the international proletariat, was canceled. After the war, due to the upsurge of the proletarian revolutionary movement in the imperialist countries, these traitors, in order to help the bourgeoisie suppress the proletarian revolutionary movement, once again played the flag of the Second International to deceive the working people, and used the May Day to gather and demonstrate to spread the influence of reformism. Since then, there has been a sharp struggle between revolutionary Marxists and reformists on how to commemorate the May Day. [29 ]
Under the leadership of Lenin, the Russian proletariat first linked the commemoration of the May Day with the revolutionary tasks of various periods, and commemorated the annual May Day with revolutionary actions, making May 1 truly a festival of the international proletarian revolution. [29 ] The Russian proletariat first commemorated the May Day in 1891. Then on the May Day in 1900, workers' rallies and demonstrations were held in Petersburg, Moscow, Kharkov, Tifris (today's Tbilisi), Kiev, Rostov and many other large cities. According to Lenin's instructions, in 1901 and 1902, the Russian workers' demonstration to commemorate the "May Day" had a significant development, from a march to a bloody conflict between workers and the army. [29 ]
In July 1903, Russia established the first truly militant Marxist revolutionary party of the international proletariat. At this meeting, Lenin drafted a draft resolution on "May 1". Since then, the activities of the Russian proletariat to commemorate the "May Day", under the leadership of the Party, have embarked on a more revolutionary stage. [29 ] Since then, Russia has held May Day celebrations every year, and the labor movement has continued to rise. Tens of thousands of workers have participated in the activities, and conflicts between the masses and the army have often occurred. [29 ]
Because of the victory of the October Revolution, the working class of the Soviet Union began to commemorate May Day on their own land in 1918. Proletariats all over the world have also embarked on the revolutionary road of struggle for the realization of the dictatorship of the proletariat. The May Day has also become a truly revolutionary and fighting festival in these countries. [29 ]


  • Ancient "Labor Day"
In ancient times, agricultural labor was the basis of survival for both the emperor and the common people. Therefore, although there is no Labor Day, there are similar days. In order to encourage farmers to cultivate actively, the emperor needs to go out of the palace to "work" once a year. In this sense, the ancient "Labor Day" was the day when spring plowing began. In ancient times, when agriculture was the foundation, the importance of this day was self-evident. At the beginning of spring every year, the emperor held a ceremony to "persuade people to cultivate mulberry trees". [16] The original meaning of the "Labor Day" in ancient China is closer to the literal meaning, which is very different from the May Day in essence. [10]
  • The Introduction of May Day
In August 1905, Mr. Sun Yat sen contacted several progressive organizations in Japan, established the League, and founded an organ newspaper -《 People's Daily 》A large number of western revolution contents were introduced. Volume IV and Volume V gave a long introduction to the international labor organization and the Paris Commune uprising to the Chinese people for the first time. The translated name at that time was "Great Demonstrations of Workers' Groups in All Countries". However, there was no specific plan to introduce it to China at that time, just an introduction to international developments. [15 ]
In the early Republic of China, May Day was introduced to China as a product of the Western labor movement. At that time, the strength of the Chinese working class was relatively weak, so the May Day commemoration was not popularized in China. [17 ]
Affected by the labor movement in capitalist countries and Russia October Revolution Under the influence of, China began the commemoration of the May Day. The May Day first attracted the attention of progressive intellectuals. Newspapers introducing May Day include Beijing《 morning paper 》Tianjin《 The Dagong Daily 》, Shanghai《 republic daily 》《 newspaper 》And《 declare 》And other publications《 New youth 》《 consciousness 》《 Weekly Comments 》《 New society 》《 Peking University Student Weekly 》Etc. [8 ] [19 ] In March 1918《 labour 》The magazine was first published in Shanghai, and its third special issue on Labor Day introduced the significance of May Day to Chinese people for the first time. Some progressive intellectuals have realized the power of "labor", and the Chinese working people have gradually realized that there are festivals in the world that should be commemorated. On May 1, 1919, Li Dazhao published "Miscellaneous Thoughts on May Day", which aroused the attention of Chinese people to the May Day. Later, several publications introduced May Day. [8 ]
  • Commemorative activities and workers' movement
The first commemoration of May Day in China was held in Harbin in 1907 [20] (1) In 1918, leaflets introducing May Day were issued in Shanghai, Suzhou and other places; [18] First, in 1919, workers marched in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing and other major cities to celebrate [15 ] )。
In the May 4th Movement, the Chinese working class stepped onto the historical stage as an independent political force, which made the celebration of May Day have a class basis. With the establishment of the Communist Party of China in July 1921, in order to win the support of the working class, the Communist Party of China carried out activities to commemorate the May Day every year, and the Chinese workers' movement entered a new stage. [8 ] [17 ] [20] Almost every May Day, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China commemorates it by issuing declarations, slogans, holding rallies, parades, publishing articles, editorials and other forms. [22 ]
On May 1, 1920, nearly 10 cities across the country held "May Day" commemorative activities. Workers took to the streets to hold a massive parade and rally. The total number of workers participating in the commemorative activities was about 50000 to 60000. This commemoration is not only more powerful and colorful than before, but also has a deeper political connotation. The political requirements of the working class have been significantly improved. Workers' demands are no longer limited to the eight hour working system, but to "unite to overthrow the government and capitalists and establish a new government". [8 ] [18] [19 ] [21] In 1921, the celebration of Changxindian workers showed that the commemoration activities began to reach the workers. [8 ]
  • The climax of the labour movement
Sacred labor
Under the leadership of the Party, the national strike climaxed from January 1922. In order to promote the further upsurge of the nationwide strike struggle, the first national labor conference was held in Guangzhou on May 1, 1922, initiated by the Secretariat of the Chinese Labor Union. Before the opening of the conference, all representatives and tens of thousands of workers in Guangzhou held the May Day demonstration and celebration conference. [30 ]
In 1922, most of the activities celebrating the "May Day" across the country were under the leadership of the Secretariat of the Chinese Labor Union and its local branches. [30 ] May Day in 1923“ February 7th Massacre ”During the depression period of the national labor movement after the failure, the workers in the northern provinces could not celebrate openly, but there were still large celebrations in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. In this celebration, the slogan of overthrowing imperialism and warlords was clearly put forward, emphasizing that May Day is not only a day for workers to unite, but also a day for all oppressed people to remember. [30 ]
The first cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party started the Great Revolution from 1924 to 1927. The May Day also became a great festival for the working class, under the leadership of the Party, to unite people from all walks of life, fight against imperialism, feudalism, and strive for national independence, democracy, freedom, and life improvement. Since then, the annual commemoration of the May Day has been very popular. [30 ]
In 1925, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China pointed out in the May Day Message to the Chinese Workers and Peasants and the Civilian that the May Day was not only a day for the working class to review their combat effectiveness, but also a day for farmers to review their combat effectiveness, and a day for all the hard working civilians, such as the oppressed students, freelancers, small businessmen, to show sympathy to the workers and farmers. The Party put forward two slogans: "May Day Movement in which workers and peasants unite" and "May Day Movement in which all civilians sympathize with workers and peasants". On the May Day of the same year, the second National Congress was held in Guangzhou, which passed more than 30 resolutions on political struggle, economic struggle, worker peasant union, etc., established the All China Federation of Trade Unions, and decided to formally join Red Workers International. [31 ]
On the May Day in 1926, the whole country was on the eve of the decisive battle between the revolutionary and counter revolutionary forces. In this form, the All China Federation of Trade Unions held the third national labor conference in Guangzhou, which passed 18 important resolutions such as the general strategy of the Chinese workers' movement, strike tactics, and worker peasant relations. [31 ]
On the May Day in 1927, the revolution was at a critical juncture due to the intensification of imperialist interference and Chiang Kai shek's counter revolutionary rebellion. At that time, the Communist Party of China held the Fifth National Congress, and issued the May Day Memorial Message to the Chinese People and the May Day Memorial Message to the World's Productless Stage in the name of the Congress. It pointed out that "this year's May Day is the right time for the rapid progress of the Chinese revolution, as well as for the imperialist warlords and the reactionary big bourgeoisie to besiege the Chinese revolution on all sides"; "This year's May Day commemoration is about to express the unity of all oppressed people, such as workers, peasants, businessmen, students and soldiers", to "oppose imperialist interference", "overthrow Chiang Kai shek", "overthrow the Fenglu warlords"; At the same time, "the working classes of all countries are required to be more united to fully assist the Chinese revolution", turning this year's May Day anniversary into a worldwide "demonstration against imperialist interference in China". [31 ]
  • Strive for workers' rights and interests through legislation
On May 1, 1922, upon the initiative of the Communist Party of China and the Secretary Department of the Chinese Labor Union under its leadership, the first National Labor Conference was held. The conference passed 10 resolutions, including the Strike Assistance Case, the Eight hour Working System Case, and the All China Federation of Trade Unions Organization Principle Case, which provided a legitimate basis for the CPC to lead the national labor movement. On August 16 of the same year, according to the resolution of the Second National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Secretary Department of China's Labor Union issued the Notice on Carrying out the Labor Legislation Campaign to the whole country, emphasizing the importance of labor legislation. Then, four principles of labor legislation and the Outline of Labor Law were drafted, requiring workers to have the right to assembly, association, strike, etc., implement the "eight hour working system", guarantee the minimum wage of workers and enjoy labor insurance. [21]
During the period of the Central Soviet Area, the first labor law in Chinese history, the Labor Law of the Soviet Republic of China, was born in 1931 with the purpose of protecting the rights of workers and trade unions. This law abolished the cruel exploitation of workers, improved their daily lives and protected the legitimate rights and interests of workers, especially workers. [21]
  • Agrarian Revolution Period
On the May Day of this period, the working class and other working people spent every year in the cruel struggle. The reactionary Kuomintang clique carried out a feudal, comprador and fascist military dictatorship and an extremely brutal terrorist policy against the people. However, the workers did not stop fighting on the May Day every year. In 1929, the All China Federation of Trade Unions, which had been infiltrated by the enemy, issued the "May Day Declaration", calling on the working people all over the country to fight to overthrow the reactionary rule of the Kuomintang. Under the leadership of the Party, the workers and masses in the white area, regardless of the brutal suppression of the new Kuomintang warlords, commemorated their great festival and took the commemoration of the May Day as a day to fight against the reactionary rulers. They took part in strikes, secret gatherings, distributed leaflets, shouted slogans, posted slogans and publicized the Party's policies. In the revolutionary base areas during the civil war, the workers and peasants, under their own political power, spent the annual May Day in the war against the enemy's entry into the encirclement and suppression, and in consolidating and developing the revolutionary base areas. [31 ]
  • the period of Counter-Japanese War
During the Anti Japanese War, the Chinese working class was in three different areas. In the liberated areas, under the leadership of the Communist Party, the working people have become masters of the political power. Every year, the May Day can celebrate their own festivals freely and completely according to the wishes of their own classes. In enemy occupied areas and Kuomintang ruled areas, under the severe oppression of the Japanese aggressors, traitors and Kuomintang reactionaries, the working class's annual celebration of the May Day must be brutally suppressed, instead of being carried out openly and on a large scale. [31 ]
  • During the War of Liberation
After the victory of the Anti Japanese War, the Chinese people entered the third period of the Civil Revolutionary War because of Chiang Kai shek's adherence to the civil war dictatorship policy. During this period, the "May Day" Festival was a fighting festival for the Chinese working class, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, to unite themselves and the people of the whole country, defeat the civil war launched by the US Chiang bandits, overthrow the dark rule of the US Chiang bandits, and achieve national liberation. [31 ]
  • After the founding of New China
In 1948, the CPC Central Committee issued“ May Day slogan ”And has had a profound impact on China's democratic political construction and party building. Mao Zedong revised Article 5 of the first draft as "All democratic parties, people's organizations and social elites should quickly convene political consultative meetings to discuss and realize the convening of people's congresses and the establishment of a democratic coalition government." Through this major revision, on behalf of the Communist Party of China, he issued a call to democratic progressive forces of all classes and social strata to consult and jointly build a new China. [10] [22 ]
After the founding of New China, workers became the most respected people. The working class changed from being oppressed and enslaved to the leading class of the state power. On December 23, 1949, the Twelfth Session of the Government Affairs Council of the Central People's Government adopted the Unified Measures for Holidays of National Annual Festivals and Memorial Days, which designated the May Day International Labor Day as a holiday worthy of commemoration and celebration, with a one-day holiday. [10] [18]
On April 22, 1950, the All China Federation of Trade Unions issued the Notice on Commemorating the May Day, requiring all trade union organizations throughout the country to widely and deeply publicize the significance and task of commemorating the May Day; All cities and industrial zones should hold mass meetings and processions on May Day to review and mobilize the fighting forces of the masses; In the evening, various entertainment parties can be organized, especially for model workers in production; Newspapers published by local trade union organizations should publish the May Day special issue and organize more contributions from the workers. On April 26, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the Slogan for Celebrating May Day, a total of 38 slogans, which clearly put forward relevant policies and tasks in all aspects. [11]
May 1, 1950, as the first "May Day" after the founding of the People's Republic of China, is of great significance. Throughout the country, this festival has been celebrated in the form of parades, rallies, artistic performances, etc. [10]
On September 18, 1999, the May Day holiday was adjusted to 7 days. In 2007, the May Day holiday was changed from 7 days to 3 days. From 2019, the Labor Day holiday in 2020 will be 5 days, which will remain unchanged thereafter. [23]

Local characteristics



Labor is the most glorious
Every May Day, the Party and the government will commend the workers who have made outstanding contributions. [21] [28] People gather in parks, theaters and squares to participate in various celebration gatherings or recreational and sports activities, such as labor competitions, sports meetings and galas. [18] [24] For many people, May Day is also a good time to travel. [24]


People attend the May Day International Labor Festival in front of the obelisk of the heroic city of Minsk, Belarus
On May Day, Russia held various celebrations and mass demonstrations. The procession passed through the main streets and squares of the city, and finally held large gatherings and celebrations in the ancient or broad central square.
For ordinary people in Russia, Labor Day has become a holiday to relax. The Russian Labor Day is a three-day holiday. Every year, thousands of cities in the country hold May Day celebrations, with millions of participants. [24-25]


Germany celebrates Labor Day
It is said that on the eve of May Day long ago, witches danced all night on Brocken Mountain and hills all over Europe, waiting for the horned gods representing men. The German tradition of singing and dancing on this night has become a folk custom. [25]
On May 1, many places in Germany will erect the "May Column", which is a birch trunk erected by unmarried young men. Unmarried young women can write their love wishes and hang them up, or decorate the tree, hoping to be loved by their sweethearts.
In German tradition, the "Maypole" is not only related to love, but also symbolizes harvest and vitality. So people have the custom of dancing around the circle, eating sausage and drinking beer to pray for harvest on May 1. [24]


International Labor Day originated in the United States. However, American officials do not recognize this festival. When the American government set up Labor Day, because the May Day International Labor Day reflected the revolutionary spirit of the proletariat's unity and struggle, and the American ruling class brutally suppressed the proletariat's struggle, it wanted to erase this record. [14 ] Therefore, Labor Day in the United States is not May 1, and the first Monday in September is set as Labor Day. [24]
Sometimes on May Day, trade unions will appeal to stop ignoring and infringing workers' rights and interests, encourage workers to unite and fight for their own rights and interests. [24] In some states, people hold picnics after parades to eat, drink, sing and dance. At night, some places will set off fireworks. [25]


There is no Labor Day holiday in Japan, but there is an annual Golden Week break from the end of April to the beginning of May every year. Because in this period, Japan has four consecutive legal holidays, namely: Showing Day (April 29) Constitutional Day (May 3), Greening Day (May 4), Children's Day, Dragon Boat Festival (May 5). Many companies will suspend business during this period to allow employees to enjoy a full week's holiday. [24-25]


France Holds Strike March on Labor Day
In France, May 1 itself is a traditional strike day, so on this day, workers from all walks of life in France will take to the streets to demand better working conditions. [24] In addition, the May Day International Labor Day is also known as the Lily of the Valley Festival. On this day, everyone will buy several bouquets of bell orchids for themselves, lovers and friends. The French believe that lily of the valley will be favored by the god of love and make people lucky. [25]


Although Italy recognizes the May Day International Labor Day and the government also shows respect for labor, most people do not hold special celebrations or have a national "May Day" holiday. [25]


Canada celebrates Labor Day every year on the first Monday in September. In the concept of most Canadians, Labor Day marks the end of summer. Generally, parents will use the Labor Day holiday to buy school supplies for their children for the new semester, and businesses often take the opportunity to promote stationery. [25]


In Poland, May 1 is the national holiday. Since the 3rd is Poland's National Day, some units will take a holiday from the 1st to the 3rd. On May 1, left-wing groups and political parties in Poland will hold a mass march to celebrate the "May Day". The march team will wear slogans such as "8-hour workday", "labor, peace and socialism", and "wage increase", demanding to protect the rights and interests of workers and eliminate unemployment. [26] [27 ]


India's Madras (now Chennai) began to celebrate May Day as early as 1923. In Maharashtra State, the festival is named "Maharashtra Day", on which festival celebrations will be held. Enterprise organizations have a holiday on this day. [26]


On the occasion of the May Day International Labor Day, major trade union organizations in Brazil have successively proposed to strengthen the promotion of the concept of environmental protection in labor, rather than just fighting for more rights and interests from the government. [27 ]


Labourers in many cities across Indonesia celebrated the festival of global workers in the downstream organized by trade unions on the same day. At the same time, they called on the government to improve the wages and benefits of workers, and requested that May 1 be set as a legal holiday. [27 ]

Memorial form



Awarding honorary certificates to representatives of national model workers and advanced workers
The Party and the state have always attached great importance to selection and commendation Model worker From 1950 to 2020, 16 commendation conferences were held to commend 34008 national model workers and advanced workers. Since the 1990s, the National Model Worker Commendation Conference has been held every five years. [32-34]
The National May Day Labor Award has been awarded since 1985, and it is awarded once a year to all industries and groups, including the winners of the National Skills Competition for Workers and the builders of major national engineering projects. The National Worker Pioneer has been awarded since 2008. [35]


On the May Day in 1933, the Communist Party of China organized a grand celebration in Ruijin, with more than 40000 people in the main venue. One of the main contents of this celebration is the Red Army parade. [36] [37 ]
May 1, 1936 was the first Labor Day that the Party Central Committee spent after arriving in northern Shaanxi. On April 16, Red China published the Order of the Northwest Revolutionary Military Commission to Hold the General Review of the Red Youth Brigade in the Soviet Area on the May Day issued by Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and Peng Dehuai, and decided to hold the General Review of the Red Youth Brigade in the Soviet Area on the May Day International Labor Day. On May 1, the Red Army held a general meeting in Wayaopu, Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia Border Region, to commemorate the May Day International Labor Day and held a military parade. The people's army tempered by the 25000 mile long march was reviewed by the CPC Central Committee. [38 ]


During the Yan'an period, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China often organized people from all walks of life in Yan'an to hold grand May Day commemoration conferences. Central leaders also often attended the conferences and made important speeches to celebrate the festival of working people with people from all walks of life in Yan'an. [38 ]
On May 1, 1939, the general mobilization of the national spirit and the commemoration of May Day were held in Yan'an. Mao Zedong attended the conference and delivered a speech entitled "The Political Direction of the General Mobilization of the National Spirit". [38 ]
On May 1, 1940, more than 10000 people in the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia Border Region gathered at Yan'an Youth Cultural Valley Square to commemorate the May Day International Labor Day. [38 ]
On May 1, 1942, more than 3000 people from all walks of life in Yan'an gathered at the Youth Culture Channel to celebrate May Day. [38 ]
On May 1, 1945, the staff of more than 30 factories near Yan'an and representatives from all walks of life in Yan'an commemorated the "May Day" in the auditorium of the People's Congress of the Border Region Government. Leaders of the staff movement committee, such as Liu Shaoqi, Deng Fa, Zhu Baoting, Cui Tianfu, attended the commemorative meeting. [38 ]
On May 1, 1950, China celebrated International Labour Day for the first time. The broad masses of people across the country held grand rallies and marches, sent a tribute message to Chairman Mao and the Party Central Committee, determined to overcome difficulties, speed up production, and strive to build a prosperous and strong new China. [40 ]

Literary and artistic activities

During the May Day International Labor Day, Yan'an and the base areas also often hold literary and artistic activities to meet the amateur cultural needs of the staff and workers. [38 ]
In May 1938, to celebrate the May Day International Labor Day, the Secretariat of the Preparatory Committee of the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia Border Region Federation of Trade Unions held a special evening party to perform Qin Opera《 a kind of backgammon 》《 Second visit to the palace 》《 Wudianpo 》And other traditional tracks. [38 ]
During the May Day holiday in 1942, in order to enrich the entertainment life of the staff, Yan'an Club Association held dances, Pingju evening parties, drama evening parties, Cantonese opera performances, films, acrobatics and martial arts performances in Taolin Park, the Central Auditorium, the sports ground outside the South Gate and other places. The Propaganda Department of the General Administration specially held a photography exhibition, which mainly reflected the life situation in the rear area, the battle in Taierzhuang, and the work of foreign journalists in China. The video materials on display were mostly taken by photography expert Zheng Jingkang. In addition, the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia Border Region Literary Association held a print exhibition to display the works of various artists in Yan'an. Yan'an Acrobatic Troupe was led by its head to Zhujiagou to comfort the workers of the coal mine. The Northwest Literature and Art Work Group rehearsed and performed Cao Yu's《 Beijingers 》, entertain workers. [38 ]
After the founding of the People's Republic of China, May Day shows have emerged in endlessly. In order to celebrate the May Day 2023, public cultural service institutions at all levels in Beijing have launched 811 mass cultural activities in a way of giving priority to offline activities and combining online and offline activities. [39]

Sports activities

During the revolutionary war, whenever there were major commemorative activities, the Communist Party of China often carried out a wide range of sports competitions in accordance with local conditions to strengthen the physique of the military and the people and enhance the spirit of revolutionary struggle. [38 ]
In May 1937, various organs, troops and mass organizations in Yan'an held a three-day May Day sports conference, which included basketball, table tennis, football, tennis, track and field, as well as political and military events. [38 ]
In May 1938, the team directly under the Central Military Commission held the May Day Movement Conference. [38 ]
In 1942, the refugee textile factory, Xinghua Tannery, Zhenhua Paper Mill and the Eighth Route Army Pharmaceutical Factory in the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia Border Region jointly held a sports conference from May 1 to 2 to celebrate the May Day International Labor Day. In addition to sports, the competition also added drama and singing. [38 ]
After the founding of New China, the people often held sports meetings to celebrate May Day, which has gone deep into township units and schools. [41-42]

Historical significance of festivals

  • overview
The significance of the May Day International Labor Day lies in that workers have won their legitimate rights and interests through struggle with indomitable and heroic spirit, which is a historic progress of human civilization and democracy. [12] [43]
  • Has promoted the historical process of multi-party cooperation
The May Day slogan issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 1948 was an important turning point in the relationship between the Chinese common democratic parties and non party democrats. On January 22, 1949, 55 leaders and democrats of all democratic parties, including Li Jishen, Shen Junru, Ma Xulun and Guo Moruo, clearly stated in the "Our Opinions on the Situation" jointly issued by the Communist Party of China that "under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, we are willing to dedicate our meagre efforts and carry them out from beginning to end, so as to hope the rapid success of the Chinese people's democratic revolution and the early realization of an independent, free, peaceful and happy New China." This is the first time that democratic parties and non party democrats have explicitly proposed to accept the leadership of the Communist Party of China politically. The model of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China was initially established. [10] [22 ]
  • Arouse the consciousness of the working class
By commemorating the May Day, workers realized that the interests of individual workers and groups were closely linked with the fate of the country. Only after participating in class revolution and seizing the state power, could the rights of the working class be finally realized. With the help of the "May Day" commemoration, the Communist Party of China incorporated the slogan represented by "sacred labor" into the labor movement, and successfully mobilized the revolutionary sentiment of the working class against the target. [8 ]
  • Realize the broadest class union
Promoted by the Communist Party of China, businessmen, farmers, students, women and other groups also participated in the commemoration of the May Day, which promoted the union of the revolutionary front and strengthened the revolutionary force. [8 ]
  • Strengthen the connection between the Chinese labor movement and the world labor movement
With the help of the May Day, the Communist Party of China called on the proletariat all over the world to unite in solidarity with the proletarian revolution in the world. In the commemorative activities, the Communist Party of China has repeatedly clarified the relationship between the Chinese working class and the world working class in order to win the solidarity and support of the world working class for the Chinese revolution. [8 ]
  • Publicize production tasks
In 1950, the slogan of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China celebrating the May Day clearly pointed out that "the workers in public and private enterprises throughout the country, the development of production is our highest interest and task". Mobilizing production in combination with the country's economic construction task has become a major feature of the commemoration of the May Day. In different periods, the main construction tasks are different, and the specific tasks in a specific period become an effective call for the "May Day" production mobilization. [44 ]
  • Set up a model worker
In various activities held to commemorate the May Day, through measures such as setting up and rewarding model workers, cultivating the concept of workers' glorious labor is conducive to stimulating their labor enthusiasm and mobilizing them to participate in socialist construction with a more positive attitude. [44 ]
  • Carry out production campaign
With the commemoration of the May Day, the CPC and trade union departments will organize various production campaigns to stimulate the enthusiasm of workers, such as the "May Day gift" campaign, the production increase and economy campaign and production competitions. [44 ]
In the production campaign of "Giving a Gift for May Day", production competition is the most widely used form, including safety production, product quality, production output, production cost and other aspects. Because the production competition has the characteristics of competition and competition, it also has a strong incentive role for workers to strive hard, which was popular in all circles at that time. [44 ]

Derivative works



On the eve of May 1, 1921, Li Dazhao guided the teachers of Changxindian Labor Practice School and progressive students of Peking University to carefully create the May Day Memorial Song. On May 1, Deng Zhongxia and others went to the labor school of Changxindian Locomotive and Rolling Stock Factory to teach and sing the "May Day Memorial Song" to publicize the significance of Labor Day and inspire workers' morale. [18] [45-46]


On May 1, 1946, the postal agency in the liberated area of Northeast China Brigade overcame various difficulties such as poor conditions during the war, stamped "May Day" and other words on the obsolete fake Manchurian stamps in stock, and issued a set of three stamps with different denominations, becoming the earliest "May Day" stamps in China. On the same day, Romania in Europe also issued a set of five commemorative stamps for "May Day International Labor Day", with pictures of workers, farmers and intellectuals of different types of work. As a result, the two sets of stamps from China and Romania became the first set of May Day stamps in the world. [47]
In the three years before the founding of the People's Republic of China, the People's Postal Service of the Liberated Areas issued six sets of 34 May Day stamps. [47]
On May 1, 1952, the first set of "International Labor Day" commemorative stamps after the founding of New China came out. There are three stamps in the whole set, and the patterns are: the shape of the Party emblem composed of sickle and hammer, and the huge "1" and the horizontal "May"; Gear and arm of flying dove of peace; Hammers, chimneys and flying doves of peace. [47]
On the 70th anniversary of the International Labour Day on May 1, 1959, a set of three stamps was issued. On the 75th anniversary of the International Labour Day on May 1, 1964, a set of two stamps entitled "Workers of the World Unite" were issued. [47] On the 90th anniversary of the International Labour Day on May 1, 1979, a set of commemorative stamps commemorating the 90th anniversary of the International Labour Day were issued. [48]
On May 1, 2009, the Macao Special Administrative Region issued a set of two commemorative stamps and a leaflet for the 120th Anniversary of International Labour Day. This is the first set of May Day stamps in the Macao Special Administrative Region and the only set of such stamps issued by the two special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macao so far. [47]


May Day in 1930 was“ league of the left-wing writers ”The first anniversary of great political significance after its establishment. On the eve of the festival, April 29, a general meeting of all allies was held. At the same time, 13 official publications and peripheral publications of the Leftist Federation jointly edited the May Day Special Issue, which was presented along with the publication. This special issue has seven articles and two cartoons.
The title and author of six articles are "The Declaration of the Left Wing Writers' Union on the Commemoration of the May Day", and "The Significance of this May Day"( Peng Kang ), May Day this year( Feng Naichao ), Congress of Support for the Soviet Union( Hong Lingfei ), From May Day to April 12 (Chen Tao), The Dance of Two Dogs in the May Day Memorial - Wang Duqing and Liang Shiqiu (Spirit Voice). [49 ] [50-51] [52 ]

Commemorative Medal

  • National Labor Medal
National Labor Medal
National Labor Medal It is integrated with "gear", "book", "flag", "five-star, Tiananmen", "auspicious cloud" and "ear of wheat". "Gear" symbolizes the working class; "Books" symbolize workers in education and cultural undertakings; "Flag" symbolizes pioneer, leadership, faith and cohesion. Each recipient is a glorious banner of the industry; "Five Stars, Tiananmen" is taken from the national emblem, symbolizing China; "Auspicious clouds" symbolize "symbiosis of origin, harmony and co creation"; The "ears of wheat" symbolize the rich fruits created by workers. The medal is mainly gold, symbolizing glory; The red national flag symbolizes China as an ornament. [53]

Derivative culture


May 1st film

As one of the golden stages in the Chinese film market, the May 1st stage attracts many films to be released at this stage every year. [54] By 10:35 on April 22, 2024, the advance box office of new films in May 1st, 2024 (including spot screening) had exceeded 30 million yuan《 Peace keeping and riot control team 》《 Code of spy passing home: white 》《 There's nothing that can't be solved by a hot pot 》The top three are listed temporarily. [55]

Golden Week

On September 18, 1999, the State Council announced the new Measures for Holidays of National Annual Festivals and Memorial Days, which decided to combine the May Day break time with the weekend before and after, thus forming three 7-day long holidays, and the May Day Golden Week was born. [56]
In 2006, the report 2005: Macroeconomic Trends under the Double Steady Policy issued by the National Development and Reform Commission formally proposed to cancel the May Day and the National Day Golden Week. The holiday system reform research group of Tsinghua University, headed by Cai Jiming, believes that the golden week system should be completed. However, whether to cancel the May Day Golden Week has aroused strong controversy on the Internet. [56]
In order to fully absorb public opinion, in November 2007, the National Development and Reform Commission conducted an online questionnaire survey on the adjustment plan (draft) of statutory holidays, and more than 80% of netizens agreed to adjust the national statutory holidays. More than 60% of netizens expressed support for the controversial issue of adjusting the "May Day" into two days and adding a new day to three traditional festivals as national legal holidays. [56]
Finally, in 2008, the "May Day" golden week was cancelled and changed to a small and long holiday, a total of 3 days. Since then, the "May Day" Golden Week has begun to slim down: three days, four days and five days have all happened. [56-57]

Festival influence



The May Day holiday is an important node of annual consumption. [58] As an important lever of consumption, tourism has effectively driven the growth of transportation, catering, accommodation, retail and other industries. [59]
According to the data released by the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, in the May Day holiday in 2023, the number of domestic tourists will increase by 70.83% year on year, and the domestic tourism revenue will increase by 128.90% year on year; Sales of national key retail and catering enterprises increased by 18.9% year on year. [58]
According to the data center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, 274 million domestic tourists will travel during the May Day holiday in 2023, which will recover to 119.09% of the same period in 2019 on a comparable basis; Domestic tourism revenue reached 148.056 billion yuan, returning to 100.66% in the same period of 2019 on a comparable basis. [58] [60]
According to the data released by the Ministry of Commerce, the sales of petroleum products and automobiles increased by 24.4% and 20.9% year on year respectively during the May Day holiday; The sales of clothing and cosmetics increased by 18.4% and 16.5% year on year respectively; Sales of communication equipment increased by 20.1% year on year; Household appliance sales increased by 13.9% year on year. The traffic volume and turnover of the national demonstration pedestrian street increased by 121.4% and 87.6% year on year respectively; Catering and leisure consumption continued to be hot, and sales of key catering enterprises increased by 57.9% year on year. [58]


During the May Day holiday, there was a strong demand for travel such as tourism and family visits, intensive transportation of energy, people's livelihood and other materials, and high operating passenger volume and traffic flow of the highway network. [61] Freeways across the country are free of charge. From the perspective of traffic conditions, the slow traffic sections of highways across the country are widely distributed, mainly concentrated in Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, Chengdu Chongqing region, etc. In terms of civil aviation, the number of inbound and outbound flights in Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Haikou and Sanya is relatively high. [62]
According to the data of the Ministry of Transport, during the May Day holiday in 2023, the national railways, highways, waterways and civil aviation are expected to send more than 270 million passengers, and the daily average number of passengers will exceed 54 million, an increase of 162.9% over the same period last year. [63-64]
Specifically, the railway is expected to send 90.881 million passengers, with a daily average of 18.176 million, an increase of 464.4% over the same period in 2022; The highway is expected to send 163.09 million passengers, with a daily average of 32.618 million, an increase of 99.1% over the same period in 2022; The waterway is expected to send 6.804 million passengers, with 1.361 million passengers per day, an increase of 114.2% over the same period in 2022; Civil aviation is expected to send 9.415 million passengers, with an average daily delivery of 1.883 million, an increase of 507.4% over the same period in 2022. [64]
It is estimated that the traffic volume of expressways across the country will total 310.4594 million vehicles, with a daily average of 620919 million vehicles, an increase of 101.83% over the same period in 2022. Among them, the passenger car traffic has accumulated 281382100 vehicles, with a daily average of 56276400 vehicles, an increase of 124.7% over the same period in 2022. [64]
On May 1, 2024, the national railway will send 20.693 million passengers, setting a new record for daily passenger traffic. On May 2, the national railway is expected to send 17 million passengers, and 1094 additional passenger trains are planned. [65]

Holiday arrangements

On November 21, 2019《 Circular of the General Office of the State Council on the Arrangement of Some Holidays in 2020 》It is released that the holiday will be taken from May 1 to 5, 2020, a total of 5 days. [1]
On November 25, 2020《 Circular of the General Office of the State Council on the Arrangement of Some Holidays in 2021 》It is announced that there will be 5 days of compensatory leave from May 1 to 5, 2021. Go to work on April 25 (Sunday) and May 8 (Saturday). [2]
On October 25, 2021《 Circular of the General Office of the State Council on the Arrangement of Some Holidays in 2022 》It is announced that there will be 5 days of compensatory leave from April 30 to May 4, 2022. Go to work on April 24 (Sunday) and May 7 (Saturday). [3]
On December 8, 2022《 Circular of the General Office of the State Council on the Arrangement of Some Holidays in 2022 》It is announced that there will be 5 days of compensatory leave from April 29 to May 3, 2023. Go to work on April 23 (Sunday) and May 6 (Saturday). [5]
On October 25, 2023《 Circular of the General Office of the State Council on the Arrangement of Some Holidays in 2024 》It is announced that there will be 5 days of compensatory leave from May 1 to 5, 2024. Go to work on April 28 (Sunday) and May 11 (Saturday). [4]