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Internet Engineering Working Group

Social organization
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The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is responsible for the development and promotion of Internet standards.
Its organizational form is mainly a large number of working groups responsible for specific topics, each with a designated chairman (or several vice chairmen).
Chinese name
Internet Engineering Working Group
Foreign name
Internet Engineering Task Force
Internet Standards Of development and promote

Group Introduction

The working group is organized as field (area) ; Each field has one Field guidance (area director, AD). In most fields, there are two secondary ADs; AD appoints the Chair of the Working Group. The chairmen of AD and IETF form the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG), which is responsible for the overall operation of IETF

Team members

The IETF is supervised by the Internet Architecture Board (IAB), and the IAB reports to the Internet Society, ISOC )Responsible. The current chairman of IETF is Brian Carpenter