Yu Ban

Famous General of the Cao and Wei Dynasties in the Three Kingdoms Period
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Yu Ban (? - 221), Mount Tai Junjuping County (now Xitaiping Village, Ciyao Town, Ningyang County, Tai'an, Shandong Province [55] )People. The famous general of Cao Wei in the late Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms Period.
Antecedent Bao Xin Cao Cao Benefactor of), later Cao Cao He made great achievements in the war. He dared to attack the soldiers of Qingzhou who did not obey the military discipline, and killed his old friends in order to maintain the military law. Cao Cao praised him as "better than ancient famous generals". When Guan Yu besieged Xiangfan, he led the Seventh Army to rescue. The whole army was destroyed and taken into custody in Nanjun. In the second year of Huangchu's reign (221 years), he returned to the State of Wei and finally paid homage General Anyuan He was humiliated by Cao Pi and died of shame. His posthumous title was Li.
Yu Ban led the army seriously and solemnly. The property captured in the battle was never hidden, so he was highly valued by Cao Cao. He was the only one of Cao Cao's generals who had fake battle axes. However, Yu Jin often deals with his subordinates by military law, and his soldiers should not be popular. [1] Later generations called Yu Jin Cao Wei“ Five good generals ”One.
Full Name
Yu Ban [60]
Literary principles
Posthumous title
Late Han and Three Kingdoms
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Taishan Juping
Date of death
221 years
Key achievements
Crusade against the remaining party of the Yellow Scarf and hold the camp in the rebellion of Zhang Xiu
Official position
General Zuo [61-62] General Anyuan
Yishouting Marquis

Character's Life


Move to the battlefield

KOEI "Records of the Three Kingdoms 11" Yu Ban
Yu Jin is a Juping person in Taishan. Late Han Dynasty Huangjin Uprising When it broke out, Yu Jin was sent by his fellow villagers in Taishan County Bao Xin Recruited to participate in the crusade Huang Jinjun [2]
In the third year of Chuping (192), Bao Xin welcomed Cao Cao Yanzhou Animal Husbandry , Yu Jin and his party were both granted the title of Dube In the same year, Bao Xin died to save Cao Cao, and Yu Jin was subordinate to the general of Yanzhou Army Wang Lang Wang Lang admired Yu Jin very much, so he recommended him to Cao Cao. Cao Cao summoned Yu Jin and bowed to the army.
In the fourth year of Chuping (193), Cao Cao Let Yu Ban lead the army to Xuzhou to attack Guangwei. After the conquest of Guangwei, Yu Jin was worshipped as the captured Chen Duwei. [4]
From the first year of Xingping (194) to the second year of Xingping (195), Yu Ban accompanied Cao Cao to Puyang for the crusade Lvbu Yu Jinbei led his troops to break through Lvbu's two camps in the south of the city and defeated them in Xuchang elegance He followed Cao Cao to attack Shouzhang, Dingtao and Lihu, and surrounded Yongqiu Zhang Chao , occupied four cities. [5]
In the first year of Jian'an (196), Yu Jin followed Cao Cao to crusade the Yellow Scarf Army Liu Pi Huang Shao And other departments stationed in Panliang. Huang Shao and others attacked Cao Cao's camp at night. Yu Jinling's subordinates attacked, defeated the Yellow Scarf Army, killed Huang Shao and others, and forced all the Yellow Scarf Army to surrender. [6]

Experienced and good at fighting

In the second year of Jian'an (197), Yu Ban followed Cao Cao to Wancheng, and Zhang Xiu surrendered. Zhang Xiu soon turned traitor again, and Cao Cao's camp was suddenly attacked by Zhang Xiu's army. It was too late to deal with it, so they withdrew from the army. It was very chaotic. Only by restraining his subordinates, he fought and retreated. Although some soldiers died in the war, Yu Jin would not allow them to be scattered. Before returning to Cao's army base camp, Yu Jin found more than ten wounded soldiers in ragged clothes on the road. When asked, it turned out that the original Qingzhou soldiers were robbing their families. Qingzhou soldiers used to be yellow scarf thieves, but later surrendered to Cao Cao and still called Qingzhou Soldier Cao Cao is very tolerant of them, so they often act recklessly and rob by chance. On hearing this, Yu Jin pursued these Qingzhou soldiers who were also his own. Some Qingzhou soldiers were defeated. They fled back to Cao's camp to report to the rebels and falsely accused them of insurrection. Some people advised Yu Jin to report to Cao Cao first, but Yu Jin said: "Now the bandits are coming after us, and I will fight the enemy first. As for Cao Gong, he is a wise man. It is the rumours that stop at the wise. What are you afraid of?" So Yu Jin first built a trench to prevent the enemy from attacking, and then asked someone to inform Cao Cao and explain to him. Cao Cao thought Yu Jin was right and said in public: "When the enemy attacked, it was quite chaotic. Yu Jin was able to reorganize the army in the chaos, pursue the evil acts of looting, and set up camps to build strongholds. It was really an example of good generals." So he recorded the achievements before and after the ban and was awarded the title of Longevity Pavilion Marquis. [8-9]
In the same year, Yu Jin joined Cao Cao in the crusade against the Chen State Yuan Shu , the general surrounding him Josephine bridgei It is equal to Kuxian County, and four generals including Josephine Hashimoto are killed. [7] [63]
In the third year of Jian'an (198), Zhang Xiu was defeated by Cao Cao and Lv Bu was captured at Xiapi.
Four years of construction and installation (199), Shi Huan , Yu Jin, Le Jin, Xu Huang Cao Ren Wait for someone to break through Sui Gu Shoot the dog and cut it. [10-12]

Guandu Battle

In the first month of the fifth year of Jian'an (200 years), when Cao Cao was fighting with Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao was very powerful and Yu Jin was willing to serve as the first boarder. Cao Cao praised the ban, so he sent two thousand soldiers to guard Yanjin to reject Yuan Shao because of the ban. Cao Cao led the army back to Guandu. [13]
Liu Bei Killing Assassins in Xuzhou Chariot In order to fight against Cao Cao, Cao Cao led his army to attack. Yuan Shao's army went to attack Yanjin, and Yu Jin held on to Yanjin, so that Yuan Shao's army could not capture Yanjin. [18] (Records of the Three Kingdoms · The Biography of Yuan Shao, The Book of the Later Han Dynasty · The Biography of Yuan Shao, etc.) Tian Feng It was suggested that Yuan Shao should attack Cao Cao's rear immediately, Yuan Shao He denied Tian Feng's plan because his son was ill. [14-17] [64]
Later, Yu Jin and Lejin The generals led five thousand people across the river to attack Yuan Shaobei's battalion, burning more than 30 villages from the southwest edge of Yanjin to Ji and Huojia counties, beheading thousands, capturing thousands, and summoning Yuan Shao generals He Mao Wang Mo More than twenty people were waiting. [19]
Later, Cao Cao ordered Yu Jin to lead his troops into Yuanwu alone and attack Yuan Shao's camp in Dushijin. He moved the general to Pei and later returned to Guandu. Cao Cao and Yuan Shaolian are opposite from Tushan. Yuan Shao ordered the soldiers to shoot arrows at Cao Cao's camp. Many Cao Cao's soldiers were killed or wounded, and the soldiers were afraid. Yu Jindu guards the earth mountain and fights hard to inspire morale. Battle of Guandu Later, Yu Jin moved to the general's side. [20]

Wanwang is in danger

In the seventh year of Jian'an (202), Liu Biao sent Liu Bei to attack Xudu until Ye County , Approached Xuxian County , Cao Cao transferred the general Xiahou Dun , Yu Jin Li Dian Against Liu Bei, Liu Bei and Xia Houdun, the ambitious garrison, stood for a long time and burned the camp one morning and retreated. Xia Houdun led his troops to pursue Liu Bei. Li Dian said: "The enemy retreated without reason, doubting there must be an ambush. The road to the south is narrow, and the vegetation is thick, so we can't pursue." Xia Houdun refused his advice and led troops to pursue with Yu Jin, while Li Dian stayed behind. Xia Houdun and Yu Jin were indeed ambushed by Liu Bei and were broken by Liu Bei. As expected, Li Dian arrived in time with his troops. Liu Bei saw that Li Dian's rescuers had arrived. He felt that it was useless to make a strong attack, so he withdrew. Cao's army successfully defended Xudu. [21-22]

Kill Chang Siege

The 11th year of construction and installation (206 years), Siegesia Chang After surrendering to Cao Cao, he rebelled again, and Cao Cao sent Yu Jin to levy. Yu Jin Rushes Siegesia Chang But failed to capture the stronghold of Chang Siege. So Cao Cao sent Xia Houyuan The leader fought with Yu Jin. Xia Houyuan captured more than ten strongholds of Chang Siege. However, as Chang Siege and Yu Jin were old friends, they surrendered to Yu Jin. [23]
After Chang Siege surrendered, all the generals thought that Chang Siege had surrendered and should be dealt with by Cao Cao, but Yu Jin said, "Don't you know the order that Cao Gong often said! A man who surrendered after being surrounded by the army cannot forgive his sins. To obey and implement the law is to serve the integrity of the monarch. Chang Siege is an old friend of mine, but I can't be out of line because of this!" Zilin said goodbye to Chang Siege, Tear and cut it. At that time, when Cao Cao's army was in Chunyu, he sighed: "It's fate that Chang Siege did not surrender to me, but went to the Forbidden City." He paid more attention to the Forbidden City. After the pacification of the East China Sea, Cao Cao showed the Han Dynasty's devotion to the Forbidden City, Yue Jin and Zhang Liao, and Yu Jin was honored as General Hu Wei. [24] [65]
The 13th year of construction and installation (208 years), Battle of Chibi During the period, Cao Cao Zhao Yan He is the governor of the seven armies of Yujin, Zhang Liao, Zhang He, Zhu Ling, Li Dian, Lu Zhao and Feng Kai. [25]

Tianzhu rendered meritorious service

Flooding the Seventh Army
In the 14th year of Jian'an (209) Zang Ba Wait for a crusade Mei Cheng Zhang Liao Supervisor Zhang He Cowhide Wait for a crusade Chen Lan Yu Jin's troops arrived first, and Mei Cheng sent more than 3000 people to surrender. When Yu Jin was trapped, he led the troops back. Soon, Mei Chengfu rebelled and led his subordinates to join Chen Lan. After discussion, Chen Lan and Mei Cheng led their troops to Tianzhu Mountain in Qianshan County, where they occupied the land. To prevent Jianghuai region Zhang Liao had to attack Mount Tianzhu This mountain range is about 20 miles high, and the road is dangerous and narrow, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Therefore, Zhang Liao and others are at a stalemate with Chen Lan and others. Because of the difficulty in transportation, Zhang Liao and others are not well fed. Yu Jin led the army to escort food and grass to Zhang Liao and others, and they were connected in front of each other. Therefore, Zhang Liao stopped worrying about food and grass, continued to lead the army to attack, won the battle of Tianzhu Mountain, and killed Chen Lan and Mei Cheng. Zhang Liao won because of the victory of this war False knot Yu Jin also increased the number of food towns by 200 households to assist Zhang Liao, together with the previous total of 1200 households. [26-27]

Solemn and resolute

At that time, Yu Jin and Zhang Liao, Le Jin, Zhang He and Xu Wo were famous generals. Cao Cao was used either as the vanguard of the march or as a refusal in each expedition. [28] However, Yu Jianchi's army was strict, and the seized property was never hidden. Therefore, Cao Cao paid a heavy reward to Yu Jianchi. However, he often commands the soldiers with strict military law, so it is difficult for Yu Jin to get their support. [1] Cao Cao is often annoyed Zhu Ling , wanted to seize his military power, because Yu Jin was so dignified, he sent Yu Jin to lead ten cavalry, took Cao Cao's order, and went to Zhu Ling's camp to let Zhu Ling hand over his military power. Zhu Ling and his followers did not dare to move. Cao Cao asked Zhu Ling to be a subordinate of Yu Jin. Everyone was shocked and frightened. [29]
In the 21st year of Jian'an (216 years), Cao Cao was conferred the title of King of Wei, which made the appointment and removal of his subordinates more solemn. In August of the same year, Cao Cao Zhong You As a prime minister, he first set Fengchang and Zongzheng officials. Yu Jin also moved to General Zuo False knot tomahawk [30]

The evening scene is bleak

Yu Ban in the 12th Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms
In the 24th year of Jian'an (219), Guan Yu besieged Lv Chang Yu Xiangyang, siege Cao Ren Yu Fancheng. Cao Ren's Order Pound Garrison in Fanbei [32] , and asked Cao Cao for reinforcements. Cao Cao is going to let Cao Zhi lead troops to rescue Cao Ren. But when the order arrived at Cao Zhi, he was too drunk to accept the order. So Cao Cao repented and stopped using Cao Zhi The governor led the reinforcements. [33-34]
General Zuo at that time [61-62] Yu Jindu led the seven armies of 30000 people [35] , go to Fancheng to assist Cao Ren. [36] Cao Ren ordered Yu Jin and Li Yi General Pound When they were stationed in the north of Fancheng, [31] It was autumn, and the Han River rose sharply. Seven armies, including Yu Jin, were submerged. Yu Jin and the generals climbed to the top and looked at the water without any hesitation. Guan Yu attacked Yu Jin in a big boat, and Yu Jin raised his army and surrendered. [37] Yu Jin's Military Sima East Rigon , Escort Hao Zhou They were captured alive by Guan Yu after the army disappeared. [66] Pang De would rather die than surrender and was killed by Guan Yu. [38-39] Guan Yu imprisoned Yu Jin in Jiangling, Jingzhou. [62] Cao Cao lamented for a long time after learning that Yu Jin had been defeated, saying, "Yu Jin and I have known each other for thirty years. How can we face danger? We should not be as good as Pound!" [3]
At the beginning, Yu Jin's old friend—— Siegesia Chang When they surrendered to Cao Cao, the generals thought that Chang Siege should be sent to Cao Cao. Yu Jin reprimanded the generals: "Although Siege is an old friend, can he be out of line?" Yu Jin killed Chang Siege. Now Yu Jin has surrendered to Guan Yu. After the comparison of two things, Yu Jin was Pei Songzhi The evaluation is: "Although the law will not forgive you if you surround yourself and then surrender, you will be sent to prison without disobeying your orders. I didn't hope for an old friend in case, but I was eager to kill him. I took the public's opinion seriously, so it is appropriate for him to surrender as a prisoner and die with a bad posthumous title!" [40]
Lvmeng After the attack on Jiangling, Yu Jin was released from Jingzhou and went to Dongwu king of Wu in the Three Kingdoms Era Travel on horseback. Yu Fan When they saw the two men standing side by side, they were very dissatisfied. They swore that Yu Jin was just a prisoner and was not qualified to stand side by side with Sun Quan; Sun Quan stopped immediately when he held a whip and wanted to whip the ban. Later, Sun Quan dined with his officials on the boat. Yu Ban wept when he heard the music. Yu Fan accused Yu Ban of pretending to be pitiful. Sun Quan was dissatisfied with what Yu Fan had done. [41]
Cao Pi ascended the throne and Sun Quan became an official. In the second year of Huangchu (221), Sun Quan wanted to repatriate Yu Jin and others to Wei, Yu Fan then said, "Yu Ban led tens of thousands of people to defeat. As a surrender prisoner, you can't apologize with death. The military and political habits in the north will not be used again after you get the ban. Although returning him to the State of Wei has no loss to us, it is still like letting the thief go back to the mountain. It is better to kill him to tell the fate of the three armies as ministers who have two minds." Sun Quan refused to listen, Cao Pi still sent a letter to repatriate Yu Jin. At that time, officials from the State of Wu sent Yu Jin off together. Yu Fan said to him, "Don't think that there is no talent in the State of Wu, just my plan is not used." Yu Jin was disgusted by Yu Fan, but he was still very impressed Yu Fan [58]
Although Yu Jin had been repatriated by Sun Quan to the State of Wei, he could not wait for Yu Jin's return, so Cao Pi asked Sima Fu Sima Fu said, "We should treat Sun Quan leniently even though the ban was not in place, but we should also keep the horses to watch the change. We should not be more suspicious and reproachful of Sun Quan, for fear of hurting the sense of nostalgia. Moreover, from Sun Ce to Sun Quan, there is a clear distinction between the strong and weak of Wei and Wu, and it will not be the result of a ban that affects the strong and weak. It must be because of other reasons that the ban was not in place." [59]
Later, when Yu Jin returned to the State of Wei, his hair was white and his face was haggard. He wept and kowtowed to Cao Pi. Cao Pi comforted him with the story of Xun Linfu and Meng Mingshi in the Spring and Autumn Period, And issued an edict "In the Spring and Autumn Period, when Xun Linfu of the State of Jin was defeated in Ye, and Meng Mingshi of the State of Qin was wiped out in Xiaoshan, neither the State of Qin nor the State of Jin ever replaced them, and restored them to their original positions. So later, the State of Jin obtained Di Tu, and the State of Qin seized Xirong. These small countries before could do the same. What's more, now we are the king of ten thousand. Fancheng was defeated only because of floods, It is not the fault of Yu Jin and others. Now Yu Jin and others will be reinstated. " Later Cao Pi appointed Yu Jin as General Anyuan, [42] The imperial edict was issued to forbid that "Liu Bang, the Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, took off his clothes to wear to Han Xin, and Liu Xiu, the Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty, took off the ribbons he wore to Li Zhong Wearing them is the ultimate expression of the monarch's cherishing and respecting the merits and hard work of his subjects at that time. Now I want to give the general the Zhu Xuan and Yuanyou Crown I wore when I was the king of Wei. " [56-57] He planned to ask Yu Jin to go to the State of Wu as an envoy, but Cao Pi first asked Yu Jin to go north to Yecheng to pay homage to Cao Cao's mausoleum, but Cao Pi had earlier ordered people to paint on the wall of the mausoleum Guan Yuzhanke, Ezra Pound's anger, and Yu Jin's surrender. After seeing this, Jin Jin became ashamed and angry and soon died of illness. His son Yu Gui He inherited the title of Marquis of Yishouting, and Yu Jin was later posthumously named Marquis Li. [43-44]

Character evaluation

Chen Shou Romance of the Three Kingdoms 》: ① Taizu Jianzi's martial arts, and the five sons are the best generals of the time. Yu Ban is the most resolute and heavy, but Fu overcame his end. ② It is very important to keep the army strictly, get the thief's property, and have nothing to enter privately. However, ruling by law does not win the hearts of the people. [40]
Wang Shen Wei Shu 》: The defeat of Fancheng and the flood are not the blame of war. [40]
Cao Cao : ① The difficulty of the Yushui River is very urgent. The general is in chaos and can rectify it. There is an immovable festival. Although the ancient famous general, why add it? ② The military force is extensive, the strategy is well prepared, the quality and loyalty are consistent, the integrity and righteousness are kept, and the commander is always in charge of every attack in the face of war, striving to strengthen and solidify, carry all before one , self support without drum, hands tireless. He also sent a separate expedition to command the division and brigade, pacify the masses and make peace. He was ordered to make no offense, and when the enemy made a decision, he lost everything. In terms of merit and discipline, each should show his favor. [40]
Yu Fan : You can defeat tens of thousands of people. As a surrender, you can't die. When learning military and political affairs in the north, the prohibition will not be as good as the rules. It is better to kill the three armies to show that people and officials have two minds. [45]
Sima Yi : Forbidden goods are lost by water, not by war. [46]
Sima Fu: From Sun Ce to Quan, one after another, there are strong and weak. [59]
Jiang Ji : Yu Ban and others were lost by water, not by war. [47]
Pei Songzhi : Surround and then surrender, although the law does not forgive; He was sent to prison without violating his order. I have never hoped for a chance for my old friend, but I have been so eager to kill him, and I have criticized everyone's opinions. So it is appropriate for me to surrender to the enemy and die with a bad posthumous title! [40]
Chen Shubao : Li Ling was exhausted, so he had to surrender. He was still alive when the water rose. He knew how to use military skills, which was rare in the world. [48]
Kong Pingzhong : General has lost his friends in the past. If he were still alive, he would still be alive. Although it is heaven's will to take revenge in a circle, the only thing that heroes cherish is fame. Cao Concealed I have known each other for thirty years, but I am not as good as Pang Mingxian in the face of danger. When I came back, my head was white and haggard, and I cried and looked miserable. How treacherous are Gaoling's portraits? It makes me feel pain in the Nine Springs. Yushui's teacher is the bravest in the world, and the hero's success or failure is accidental. [49]
Hao Jing : Generals Zhang Liao and Xu Huang are strong, fierce and resourceful, and also close the inferior of Zhang; However, if you lose yourself in gymnastics, you will be brave but not righteous in the end. [50]
Li Zhi: Yu Jin is the most knowledgeable. He only fights for the country, not for the whole body. He is a good general. [51]
Wang Xin : There is no victorious general in the world. It is not shameful to lose to Guan in the rain. However, although it is similar to Xun Linfu and Meng Mingshi, and the country does not replace it even though it is defeated, I have never heard of its shame and surrender to the enemy. Send the second son down to Chu and return to Jin. I'm afraid I won't die. He was forbidden to be a senior general of the country to deter people, and he was also outstanding at that time. As a feather bird, he returned to Wu De and sent him to the Emperor Wen. After so many twists and turns, he was never ashamed to die. He went to Gaoling alone and suddenly became ill with shame? What Emperor Wen has done is too much. It's not an imperial trip or a gentleman's trip. However, it's very interesting to sing donkeys for Wang Zhongxuan. It's a famous person's trip. It's really a great pleasure.

Related disputes

According to the Jin Shu · Biography of Sima Fu, Yu Jin once served as a "former general" (before he returned to the State of Wei). [59]
However, according to Records of the Three Kingdoms · Biography of Man Chong, Records of the Three Kingdoms · Biography of Wu Zhu and Records of Huayang, Yu Jin was still the Left General during the war in Xiangfan. [35] [61-62]
"Former General Yu Jin" is only an isolated proof of the "Book of Jin", whose authenticity needs to be verified. [59]

member of family

full name
It was to forbid the descendants to be granted the title of Yishouting Marquis. [44]

Historical records

Records of the Three Kingdoms, Volume XVII, Wei Shu XVII, Zhang Yue, Zhang Xu Zhuan XVII [40] [70]

Artistic image


Literary image

In the novel《 Romance of the Three Kingdoms 》When Cao Cao was recruiting talents, he came to surrender. Cao Cao took revenge for his father, Yu Jin and Xiahou Dun Dianwei Both are pioneers. [67] Battle of Wancheng And resolutely kill those who attempt to rebel Qingzhou Army Therefore, he was appreciated by Cao Cao. [68] Participate with Cao Cao Battle of Guandu , followed Xia Houdun to crusade Liu Bei, followed Li Dian's advice and reminded Xia Houdun to guard against fire attack, but it was too late and Cao's army was defeated. [69]
Battle of Chibi Yes, Cao Cao is Zhou Yu And killed the commander of the navy by mistake Cai Mao , Zhang Yun, Yu Jinhe Phyllostachys pubescens So he replaced the two men as the commander of the navy. [52] Red Cliff After the defeat, Yu Jin joined Cao Cao in the conquest of Ma Chao and Han Sui, and was defeated by Ma Chao before the battle. When Guan Yu led his army to attack Fancheng, Yu Jin and Pang De were ordered to rescue Cao Ren who was guarding Fancheng. Yu Jin, fearing that Pang De would compete with him for merit, kept Pang De in check for many times, and refused Pang De's suggestion to camp in the lowlands. Finally, Guan Yu was defeated by water attack. After the war, Yu Jin was captured, begged Guan Yu to surrender, and was escorted to Jingzhou. [53] After Lvmeng captured Jingzhou, Yu Jin was sent to the State of Wu. After Sun Quan surrendered to Wei, he was released and returned to Wei, where he was ordered to guard the tomb of Cao Cao. Cao Pi sent someone to paint Yu Jin's defeat and begging for surrender on the tomb wall. Yu Jin felt ashamed and fell ill and died. [54]

Film and television image

 Yu Ban Yu Ban Yu Ban Yu Ban Yu Ban Yu Ban Yu Ban Yu Ban Yu Ban Yu Ban Yu Ban Yu Ban Yu Ban Yu Ban Yu Ban Yu Ban Yu Ban Yu Ban
Yu Ban's Film and Television Image
Yu Jin's Successive Actors
particular year
Film and television types
Play title
TV play
Xue Yong (The Heroes Chase the Deer)
Bilig (Battle of Red Cliff)
Qi Kejian (Tripod of Three Legs)
TV play
Cao Cao
Cai Ming
TV play
Zhang Hongbin
TV play
TV play
Cao Cao
Wu Hao