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Yu Pangong

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First level Hero of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea
Yu Pangong, Shandong Province Born in Pingdu County in 1926, he joined the revolution in December 1947. He is a member of the Communist Party of China, the platoon leader of the third company of the 174th Regiment of the 58th Division of the Twentieth Volunteer Army, and a first-rate hero of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. [1]
Chinese name
Yu Pangong
Native place
Shandong Province Pingdu County
date of birth
Political outlook
CPC member
Yu Pangong, male, who joined the revolution in December 1947, is a member of the Communist Party of China and the platoon leader of the third company of the 17th Regiment of the 58th Division of the 20th Volunteer Army. On May 29, 1951, he led the platoon to fight for more than 30 hours in the fifth battle of the defense operation in Huachuan area, repelled 13 enemy attacks, and killed and injured more than 150 enemies. Only 45 rounds of bullets and 10 grenades were left in the platoon to break through the siege bravely and return to the army safely. stand special-class merit , won the title of first level hero. [1]