zero Useful+1

Secondary directory

The secondary directory is a subdirectory, inherited from the main site directory, which is equivalent to creating a folder under the root directory of the website to store the website.
Chinese name
Secondary directory

Related Introduction

The form of the secondary directory will inherit the weight of the home page and increase Website volume
The secondary directory structure divides the directory into two levels: the main directory (MFD) and the user file directory (UFD). The home directory consists of the user name and the first address of the user file directory. Each user creates a directory separately, and each user directory registers the directory entries of its subordinate files.

Weight comparison

Generally speaking, the weight must be secondary domain name>tertiary domain name>secondary directory, but many websites have set 301 Redirect When clicking the secondary domain name 301 Redirect , it will jump directly to the set third level domain name, and then the ownership of the second level domain name will be transferred to the third level domain name. At this time, the weight of the second level domain name is the same as that of the third level domain name! [1]