deciduous tooth

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The first group of human teeth
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Deciduous tooth, the first group of human germinated teeth, consists of 20 teeth in total, 10 in each of the upper and lower jaw. There are two sets of teeth in a person's life. The first set of teeth is called primary dentition, which is arranged by 20 primary teeth. The first deciduous tooth sprouts around 6 months after birth, and 20 deciduous teeth sprout around 2 and a half years old. From 6 to 7 years old to 12 to 13 years old, deciduous teeth gradually fell off and were replaced by permanent teeth. The permanent teeth are the second dentition after the deciduous teeth fall off. If they fall off due to disease or accidental injury, there is no tooth replacement.
Chinese name
deciduous tooth

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Ding Dawei | Deputy chief physician

Children's Health Department of Hunan Children's Hospital to examine

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Chinese name
deciduous tooth

Role of deciduous teeth

1. Auxiliary pronunciation
Some babies have "air leaks" in their speech due to lack of teeth (especially upper incisors), which not only can not clearly express their personal ideas, but also may be laughed at by other children, causing a serious blow to young minds.
2. Good for chewing
In the process of growth and development, babies need a lot of high-quality nutrition, and their intake almost depends on the oral cavity. However, if some or all of the masticatory functions of the baby teeth, which are responsible for chewing to facilitate digestion and absorption, are lost due to tooth decay or other diseases, the nutrition absorption function will be blocked, the growth and development will be affected, and the future nutrition imbalance or physical weakness will be caused.
3. "Space maintenance" function of permanent teeth before growth
Below each deciduous tooth, there is a developing permanent tooth. After the deciduous tooth falls off, the permanent tooth can sprout and replace the original deciduous tooth. Therefore, it can be said that the deciduous tooth is a space maintainer before the eruption of the permanent tooth.
4. Coordinate the appearance
Babies with high self-esteem may be inferior to a bad tooth, dare not speak, dare not laugh heartily; The place where the face is close to the mouth may also collapse due to missing teeth, which will affect the beauty of the face. These factors may cause the baby's social fear and directly affect the interpersonal relationship.
5. Promote the normal development of jaw bone
The development of deciduous teeth has a decisive impact on the physiological and psychological development of children. If there are lesions such as cavities, they should be treated as soon as possible. Because of the unilateral tooth disease, the baby will only chew on one side to avoid pain. After a long time, it may cause facial imbalance. The parents feel distressed, and the baby may also dare not make friends because of inferiority.

Related diseases

1. Children are prone to dental caries because they like to eat soft and sweet foods, such as cakes, biscuits, candy, fruit juice, etc.
2. If the deciduous tooth caries is not treated in time, it will bring some adverse effects on children themselves. First, the occurrence of dental caries will destroy the normal structure of children's teeth.
3. Caries cavities often make children feel pain and stuffed teeth once they touch the cavities when eating, so they dare not chew and concentrate on the healthy side of the teeth. 4. It will make children's jaw bones and masticatory muscles develop asymmetrically for a long time, and even cause left and right facial asymmetry. The caries cavity will be gradually corroded and enlarged by bacteria, which will affect the normal development and eruption of permanent teeth, and may cause malocclusion.

Countermeasures for dental caries

1. Pharmacotherapy
The application of drugs to treat dental caries is mainly applicable to shallow caries with extensive caries damage surface. The initial caries that have not formed caries cavities can inhibit the development of caries, but can not restore the appearance of teeth. The commonly used drugs include fluoride, etc.
2. Caries tissue filling method
This is often referred to as tooth filling. For teeth with substantial defects, filling is one of the most widely used and effective methods, and is the most commonly used method to treat carious tissue. The filling material is mainly fixed on the teeth by filling holes to restore the defect and function of the teeth, so as to maintain the shape of the teeth and maintain the integrity of the dentition.