Stock terms
zero Useful+1
Buying means buying at a price higher than the market price and has "actively concluded a deal", representing Outer disc "Sell" means to sell at a price lower than the market price, and has "actively concluded a deal", representing invol
Chinese name
Limit price All transactions are included in the external market
Active transaction
stock market
To sell one price up as an external order; The internal market is the transaction at the lower price of the purchase price. That is, the receipt of OTC funds is "out"; The flight of funds from the market is "internal";
be careful: Limit price All transactions are included in the external market; Ceiling board Price transaction recorded invol
Transaction details Buy in the list/ Selling : B is the abbreviation of buy and S is the abbreviation of Sell. The transaction was made at the same price, Number of transactions With red B on the back, it is the outer panel; It is an internal market with a green S. That is, the entry of off-site funds is "outside", representing the upper attack road; The flight of funds from the field is "internal", which represents the way to attack;
Consignment buying at a price lower than the market price is an order. Note that there is no deal. The number of orders in the queue can be seen at the first five price levels, which is "consignment buying"
The price higher than the market price is entrusted to sell, and the quantity in line represents "entrusted sale"
The difference between entrusted purchase and entrusted sale is called Abandonment