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Trading opportunity

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Financial mobile software
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Buying and selling opportunity is a financial mobile software, which has been launched in the AppStore.
Software name
Trading opportunity
software platform
Last updated
May 21, 2015
Software language
Simplified Chinese, English
Software version
one point seven
Software size

Basic parameters

Size: 13.7MB
Support system: iOS
Charging form: free
Industry: Finance [1]

Basic Introduction

Real time and accurate "buy" and "sell" prompts
Big data calculates "sudden" and "warehouse" signals, and pushes real-time warehouse building and raising opportunities
Detailed rise probability analysis of the next day
1. Signal sequence and refresh interval
Intraday trading indicators are divided into "sudden" and "position". The generation order of signals plays an important role in guiding the judgment of transactions. It is more suitable to buy if the "position" signal is generated first.
Real time popular and "sudden" and "warehouse" signals are calculated based on big data, and dynamically updated, which will be refreshed every minute on average.
2. Burst signal
"Sudden" means that the institution/dealer has started to drive up the share price and may consider buying. If the first "sudden" signal is generated at 11:25 a.m., the rising limit will be closed in the afternoon. At 11:10 before the occurrence of "sudden", the warehouse building signal was also prompted in advance.
3. Warehouse signal
"Warehouse" means that there is an organization/banker who is building a warehouse and can pay close attention to it. In case of "sudden", it can consider buying. "Position" signal. At 13:50 p.m., the stock price rose rapidly, prompting a "sudden" signal.
4. "B" point, "S" point
The trading indicators in the K line (daily level) only need to buy at the prompt "B" point and sell at the prompt "S" point.
5. Rising probability tomorrow
This indicator is calculated from the big data mined by the system. Be careful with the green downward arrow.
6. Professional Edition
After purchasing the professional version, all indicators and parameters will be permanently provided, and the signal will be pushed faster. The subsequent version upgrades will be free of charge.