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Nostalgic poetry

Writing Terms
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Nostalgia poetry is the academic language of writing. It is a poem of homesickness in a foreign place.
Chinese name
Nostalgic poetry
Writing Terms
It does not attach as much importance to the revelation of rural style scenes and human nature as the local poetry does. It uses the pure childhood interest to express the lonely mood of urban people in order to seek a psychological compensation. Most of the content is to go out to think about my hometown, to love my hometown, and to love my country. Out of the nature of love nest, there is the first kind of homesickness. Plus the sensitivity to life and the loss of sad years, there is a second kind of nostalgia. More profound than the first two are cultural nostalgia, such as Yu Guangzhong's Call. This kind of nostalgia is both an emotion and an awareness, which is rare for ordinary people and may be found in the wise. In recent years, nostalgic poetry has become popular in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Famous works include Yu Guangzhong's "Homesickness", Shu Lan's "Bottle Bamboo", Luo Fu's "Under the Window", Peng Bangzhen's "Hometown of the Moon", Ya Xian's "Red Corn", etc. [1]