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Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization

An Important Part of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era
Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought is Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era It is an important part of the CPC Central Committee. Comprehending and understanding Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought comprehensively and accurately will help us grasp Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era as a whole, better implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, and promote Green development , realize China's Green rise
Xi Jinping Ecological Civilization Thought proposes a relatively complete set of ecological civilization ideological system , formed four core concepts for green development New era Sinicization of Marxism Ideological weapon. [1]
Xi Jinping's thought on ecological civilization not only focuses on human understanding and transformation of nature general rule , also in the contemporary era industrial civilization And the current situation of science and technology development and its historical trend, to reveal industrial civilization social development How to Build the Modernization of Harmonious Coexistence between Man and Nature after a Certain Stage Social operation Of Special law [3]
Chinese name
Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization
Xi Jinping

Ideological connotation


essential phase

From Xi Jinping General Secretary As can be seen from a series of discussions on the construction of ecological civilization, development strategy , development path and development goal constitute the basic aspects of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought.
essential phase
Core ideas
Ecological civilization construction is a development strategy
The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China included ecological civilization construction The cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics The overall layout of "Five in One" clearly proposes to vigorously promote the construction of ecological civilization and strive to build Beautiful China , implement Chinese nation Sustainable development This marks the further deepening of our understanding of the laws of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and is another major issue for the Communist Party of China to guide contemporary China with the theory of overall civilization in the new era theoretical innovation achievements. Highlighting the important role of ecological civilization construction in the overall layout of the "Five in One" shows that the Communist Party of China has solved the increasingly serious ecological contradictions from a global and strategic perspective to ensure that ecological safety To strengthen the construction of ecological civilization. At the same time, the construction of ecological civilization has a prominent position in the overall layout of the "Five in One", playing a unique role in economic construction Political construction Cultural construction Social construction To lay a solid natural foundation and provide rich ecological nourishment, and promote the construction blueprint of a beautiful China to become a reality step by step.
Green development mode is the development path
Engels once said: "Don't be too intoxicated with our victory over nature. For every such victory, nature has retaliated against us." So human development activities must respect nature Conform to nature Protect nature, otherwise it will eat itself. Only let the development mode Green transformation To adapt to the laws of nature. Green is the symbol of life and the background color of nature; Green is the yearning for a better life masses Eager anticipation; Green development represents the direction of today's technological and industrial transformation, and is the most promising development field.
The development concept is strategic, programmatic and leading
Development is the top priority of the Party in governing and rejuvenating the country. The concept of green development as the Party's scientific grasp of the law of development Innovative concept It has clearly defined the key areas and effective means to accomplish the first priority under the new situation, and has pointed out the direction for the Party to take on the mission of governing and rejuvenating the country in the new era. We must adhere to and implement the new development concept, and protect as eyes ecological environment , treat the ecological environment like life. Deepen pair natural law We should consciously guide our actions with regular knowledge. Green development not only clarifies the goal orientation of China's development, but also enriches the great blueprint of the Chinese Dream. It is an indispensable part of the construction of ecological civilization.
Building a beautiful China is the development goal
Although in Ecological construction Great achievements have been made, but ecological environment protection still has a long way to go. In the new era, the main social contradictions in China have been transformed into the people's growing needs for a better life and out-off-balance The contradiction between inadequate development and the need for a beautiful ecological environment is an important part of the need for a better life. In the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, "beauty" was included in the construction A modern socialist power Among our goals, we have repeatedly proposed to build a "beautiful China". It is also natural to be quiet, harmonious and beautiful. This poetic expression actually reflects the Party's Governing concept , reflecting the Party's responsibility and Historical mission The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that by 2035 Socialist modernization The ecological environment has fundamentally improved, and the goal of beautiful China has basically been achieved; By the middle of this century, we will have built a strong, prosperous, democratic, civilized, harmonious and beautiful modern socialist country, and the ecological civilization will be comprehensively improved. [1]

Core concept

Four core concepts can be extracted from Xi Jinping's series of discussions on ecological civilization construction:
The rise of ecology means the rise of civilization, the decline of ecology means the decline of civilization, and the harmony between man and nature is new Ecological view of nature There are many country with an ancient civilization , all because of suffering ecological damage And lead to the decline of civilization. So General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the important conclusion that ecological prosperity leads to civilization prosperity, and ecological decline leads to civilization decline, which reveals the relationship between ecology and civilization Intrinsic relationship And has raised the importance of ecological protection to a height that concerns the fate of the country and the nation. "Sometimes the heaven breeds things, but the earth produces limited wealth, and people's desires are endless." Only by following the laws of nature can human beings effectively prevent detours in the development and utilization of nature. The damage to nature by human beings will eventually hurt human beings, which is an irresistible law. Human beings respect, conform to and protect nature, while nature nourishes, nurtures and enlightens human beings.
Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. protect the environment It is the new economic development concept of protecting productivity. We should put ecological environment protection in a more prominent position. We want not only green water and green mountains, but also gold and silver mountains. It is better to have green water and green mountains than gold and silver mountains, and green water and green mountains are gold and silver mountains. We must not sacrifice the ecological environment for temporary economic development. Let Green Water and Green Mountains Give Full Play to Economy social results The key is to establish the correct development ideas and select the development industries according to local conditions. Green water and green mountains and golden mountains and silver mountains are by no means antagonistic. The key lies in people, and the key lies in thinking. Only when the bearing capacity of the ecological environment is fully taken into account, can we maintain the Coordinated development Relationship, keep economic sustained development We must not trade for economic growth at the cost of sacrificing the environment and wasting resources. We must not make up for the problem at a greater cost after it happens, but let economic development and ecological civilization complement each other and complement each other, so that a good environment can become the people Quality of life The growth point of, let green water and green mountains become gold and silver mountains.
Mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes and grasses are new to a life community System view Mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes and grass are a community of life. The lifeblood of people is in the fields, the lifeblood of fields is in water, the lifeblood of water is in mountains, the lifeblood of mountains is in soil, and the lifeblood of soil is in forests and grass. Man and nature depend on and influence each other. General Secretary Xi Jinping once said that if you destroy mountains and cut down forests, you will also destroy water. Mountains will become barren mountains, water will become floods, and the land will become barren land without nutrients, with soil erosion and ravines. Human beings are natural environment How can we survive normally. Therefore, man and nature are a community of life. If we only see the immediate interests and ignore the protection of the natural environment, human practice will eventually affect the fate of mankind. It also tells us that use control and Ecological restoration We must follow the laws of nature and not lose sight of one another. One department exercises all Territorial space It is very necessary to protect and restore mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes and grasses in a unified way.
The environment is the people's livelihood, and the people's demand for a better life is the new people's livelihood of our goal View of political achievements The construction of ecological civilization is related to the well-being of the people and the future of the nation. Good ecological environment is the most fair public goods Is the most inclusive People's wellbeing Well off society is not comprehensive, and ecological environment is the key. The economy is developing and the environment is polluted. China has been wandering in the development and pollution for many years. Of course, there are people who cause environmental pollution environmental awareness Weak and green living habits have not yet formed, but in the final analysis, it is because economic development is more important than environmental protection, and resources development is more important than scientific overall planning. In the face of increasingly serious environmental problems We should raise it to the height of people's livelihood to understand, attach importance to and govern. Therefore, after the problem of food and clothing is solved, the protection of the ecological environment should and must become an integral part of development, which is also an important focus to improve people's livelihood. [1]

Ideological weapon

Socialism with Chinese characteristics has opened up a development path for the construction of ecological civilization. Socialism with Chinese characteristics is a kind of scientific socialism Both of these two aspects require that the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics must take ecological civilization as one of the standards. The essential characteristics of socialism and Core values Is to create a Human's all-round development For the purpose, the Chinese people will certainly take the construction of ecological civilization as an important part in the process of pursuing the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the form of existence that truly meets the functions and needs of people Strategic tasks Socialism with Chinese characteristics is a kind of socialism that takes "scientific development" as the basic development strategy, which determines that China's development is not a traditional Western development, but a "green" development. And socialism with Chinese characteristics is a way of Building a Harmonious Socialist Society Socialism, as a basic historical task, means that achieving harmony between man and nature is one of its main goals, and taking the road of harmonious development is also taking the road of ecological civilization. Ecological civilization society is the most ideal harmonious society.
Domestic and international pressures and challenges highlight the strong vitality of the theory of ecological civilization construction. The concept of ecological civilization construction in China has not been fully established. In recent years, the construction of ecological civilization has received more and more attention in China. However, due to the long-term economic development as the main goal of China and the influence of work inertia, environmental protection has been neglected or given way to economic and social construction; The public's ecological civilization concept of respecting nature, protecting nature and conforming to nature in the whole society has not been formed Ecological civilization system It is still incomplete. At the same time, China's resources are getting tighter, environmental damage is severe ecosystem The degradation situation has not been fundamentally reversed, and the growth mode of high input, high consumption, high emissions, difficult circulation and low efficiency has not been fundamentally changed. It is estimated that China will carbon emission To reach the peak, so the challenge of tackling climate change is still serious. In response Global climate change And ecology environmental crisis Undertake more and more environment international liability And obligations, which is both an opportunity and a challenge to highlight the image of a major country. China is still developing country Development is the first priority. While accelerating development, we need to carry out domestic environmental governance and ecological protection and shoulder international responsibilities, which is undoubtedly a big challenge for the construction of ecological civilization.
In the face of severe challenges both at home and abroad, China's ecological civilization construction has still achieved remarkable results. Establish the concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, and strengthen ecological environment protection with unprecedented determination and strength. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, great efforts have been made to control air pollution in key areas Fine particles (PM2.5) The average concentration decreased by more than 30%. Strengthen bulk coal treatment and promote key industries conserve energy ,reduce emissions 71% of coal power generation units Ultra low emission optimization energy-resource structure The proportion of coal consumption dropped by 8.1 Percentage point , cleaning Energy consumption The proportion increased by 6.3 percentage points. Improve fuel quality and eliminate Yellow label car And more than 20 million old cars. Strengthen key river basin and sea area Water pollution prevention The use of fertilizers and pesticides has achieved zero growth. Promote major ecological protection and Restoration works , expand Returning farmland to forests and grasslands Humidification, desertification, rocky desertification Comprehensive control of water and soil loss Carry out central environmental protection supervision and seriously investigate and deal with illegal cases. Actively promote《 Paris Agreement 》After signing into force, China has played an important role in coping with global climate change.
Xi Jinping's green feelings for governing the country and governing politics have injected ideological and practical vitality into the theory of ecological civilization construction. The formation of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought is not only the product of the requirements of the times, but also the result of General Secretary Xi Jinping's green feelings. stay Loess high slope In the seven years of green life, I deeply felt that barren mountains and bald hills are the root of poverty. When I was in charge of the government, I was moved by the people's passion to get rid of poverty and become rich, but also worried about the development of ignoring the environment; stay Ningde Active exploration The path of ecological protection; Open up routes for all-round green Zhejiang in Zhejiang; Since assuming the post of General Secretary, the top-level design of ecological civilization construction has become a national strategy. The outstanding achievements in China's ecological civilization construction since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China demonstrate the ideological vitality of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought. [1]

research center

It was established in the Ministry of Ecological Environment with the approval of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping Ecological Civilization Thought Research Center On July 7, 2021, the founding conference of the Xi Jinping Ecological Civilization Thought Research Center was held in Beijing.
The meeting pointed out that Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought is Xi Jinping's New era An important part of the thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the major theoretical achievement created by General Secretary Xi Jinping based on the practice of ecological civilization construction in the new era, which is the construction of Socialist ecological civilization Its scientific guidance and powerful ideological weapons are rich in connotation and far-reaching in significance. It is of great responsibility and glorious mission to study and interpret Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought. The establishment of the Xi Jinping Ecological Civilization Thought Research Center is a major strategic move made by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to promote the whole party and society to study and implement Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought. It will certainly lead and encourage all regions and departments to further study, publicize and implement Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, and promote the Party members Leading cadres should use Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought to arm their minds, guide practice, promote work, constantly improve the ecological civilization awareness of the whole society, and firmly establish Socialist Ecological Civilization We will unswervingly follow the path of civilized development featuring development in production, affluence in life and sound ecology, and strive to build a modern society where people and nature coexist in harmony. [2]

social meaning

build Ecological Civilization It concerns the well-being of the people and the future of the nation. implement New development concept , promote the formation of Green development The way of life has become the consensus of the whole people. accelerate Reform of ecological civilization system , Construction Beautiful China And become the thought of green development in the future.
Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought is an open and developing new thought, which will certainly become the guiding light of China's ecological civilization construction. We need to comprehensively grasp, deeply understand, and carry forward in practice. [1]