Nine Odes

[jiǔ gē]
Chuci Works
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Nine Songs is《 Poetry of the South 》The title of the song was originally the name of an ancient song in Chinese myths and legends. It was written by Chu people in the Warring States Period Qu Yuan It was re created. "Nine Songs" has eleven chapters in total: "East Emperor Tai Yi", "Lord in the Cloud"《 deity of the Xiang River 》《 nymph of the Xiang River 》"Da Si Ming", "Shao Si Ming"《 Dong Jun 》《 Hebo 》《 Mountain ghost 》《 The Ode to the Fallen 》《 Ritual spirit 》。
Most of the chapters describe the sentimental attachment between gods, showing deep yearning or sadness of unsuccessful requests; The chapter of "National Mourning" is to mourn and praise the soldiers who died in battle for the State of Chu. Wang Yi It is believed that it was made by Qu Yuan when he was exiled to Jiangnan Qu Yuan "Be full of sorrow and poison, and be anxious and depressed", so we can express our thoughts and feelings by making music songs to worship gods. However, most modern researchers believe that it was only used for sacrifice before exile.
Nine Odes
Foreign name
Nine Songs,Nine Tunes,Jiu Ge,Songs
Qu Yuan
Creation era
the warring states
Songs of Chu
Dong Huang Tai Yi 》《 Jun in the cloud 》Etc
11 [2]

Content outline


Nine Songs

"Nine Songs" is a series of poems with 11 pieces in total:
Pictures of Nine Songs
Tai Yi of the Eastern Emperor: Welcome the Divine Comedy, the God of Heaven
Lord in the Cloud: Cloud God
Dasiming: God of Shouyao
Shao Siming: God of Children
Dong Jun 》: God of the Sun
Hebo 》: God of the Yellow River
Mountain ghost 》: Mountain God
The Ode to the Fallen 》: Sacrifice the soldiers who died for the country

Nine Songs

"Nine Songs" includes 11 chapters. In order to make them meet the percentage of "nine", predecessors have made various accommodations.
Such as the Qing Dynasty Jiang Ji Notes on Chuci in Mountain Belt Pavilion 》Claims《 deity of the Xiang River 》、《 nymph of the Xiang River 》And it is a chapter, "Da Si Ming" and "Shao Si Ming" are a chapter.
Wen Yiduo What are the Nine Songs advocates that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is the divine song to welcome, the Ritual Soul is the divine song to send, and the middle nine chapters are the body of the Nine Songs.
However, in the opinion of the majority, "nine" is taken as imaginary number , agree with Wang Yuan's Chuci Jijie Wang Fuzhi A General Interpretation of the Songs of Chu 》In other words, the first ten chapters are dedicated to ten kinds of gods Religious thought From the source of production struggle and Survival competition There is close relationship.
The ten gods can be divided into three types:
"Nine Songs" God
Divine seed
Heavenly God
God of Longevity
God of offspring
The god of the sun
Male and female
God of Xiangshui
Human ghost
The Ode to the Fallen
Soul of the fallen soldiers
Some people think that among the above ten gods“ Dong Huang Tai Yi ”For the supreme, at the end of the article, "national mourning" is a martyr, all men; The others are the combination of yin and yang, that is, Dong Jun (male) and Jun in the cloud (Gender unknown), Da Siming (male) and Shao Siming (female), Xiang Jun (male) and Xiang Madam (female), He Bo (male) and Mountain Ghost (female). The original chapters of Nine Songs are basically arranged according to the above relationship, but the current version of East Lord is wrong( Wen Yiduo Correction and supplement of Chuci 》)。

Creation process

The Nine Songs was created by Qu Yuan according to the folk sacrificial songs in the south of the Yangtze River. The title is an ancient title, according to《 LiSao 》: "Let's start with Nine Differentiations and Nine Songs, Chacon Entertain yourself ". Heaven asks 》"Qi Ji Bin Shang," Jiu Bian "and" Jiu Ge "are all said to have existed in the Xia Dynasty. [2]

Origin of creation

Nine Songs was written by Qu Yuan. In the past, the town of Nanying in the State of Chu, between Yuan and Hunan, was popular for believing in ghosts and worshipping temples. Their temples must be used for singing and encouraging gods. Qu Yuan was exiled and fled to his own country. He was full of bitterness and bitterness, and his thoughts were boiling with gloom. He saw the ritual of secular sacrifice, the music of singing and dancing, and his words were contemptible. Because he wrote the song "Nine Songs", he expressed his respect for God on the top and his grievances on the bottom, and asked them to satirize and remonstrate. (Wang Yi, "Chapters of Chu Songs, Preface to Nine Songs") [3]
From the sentiment of "National Memorial", "Nine Songs" should be a song to mourn the soldiers who died in the Battle of Danxi. The specific time was in the 17th year of King Huai (312 BC), after the Battle of Danxi, Battle of Lantian Before. "Nine Songs" is different from Qu Yuan's other works in the style of deep indignation, but it is fresh, sad and beautiful, with deep feelings. Obviously, it is because of the use of folk materials and the integration of folk songs, which is somewhat unique compared with his other works.

Origin of name

The name "Nine Songs" comes from an ancient source. Division《 Shangshu 》、《 Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals 》、《 shanhaiching 》In addition to those cited《 LiSao 》There are "Nine Debates and Nine Songs", "Nine Songs and Dance", "Nine Songs and Dance"《 Heaven asks 》There are many words in it, "Qi Ji Bin Shang, Jiu Bian Jiu Ge". Although the content of "Nine Songs" mentioned in various books has evolved, it can be proved that "Nine Songs" is an ancient movement in legend.
As for Qu Yuan's use of it as a title, it does not seem to be related to the number of chapters of the ancient "Nine Songs", nor is it necessarily the same tune as the ancient "Nine Songs". Maybe it is to "entertain the gods", Recombine The meaning of "recreation" and "music" in Lisao basically belongs to the type of new songs following the old name.

Religious legends

It is said that Jiuge was originally Tianle. Zhao Jianzi The "Nine Songs" and the Shao dance with "Nine Songs" are the "Nine Songs" heard in the dream of ascending to heaven. ("Lisao" means playing nine songs while dancing.) "Nine Songs" The dawn of summer Steal into the world, a feast, unexpectedly provoked The Five Sons' Rebellion Finally, the Xia people perished. The historical background of this myth is as follows.
Nine Songs Shao dance is a great music of summer people, maybe only Suburban sacrifice It can only be used when God wants it. Qi Zeng played this music to enjoy God, which is called Enjoy Juntai As usual Primitive society Music. Maybe it was that time imperial sacrifice to Heaven Enjoying the feast of Taikang Between father and son, there was a conflict over the authorship of the second daughter (the "mother of five sons"). The situation expanded to such an extent that Taikang led his brothers to rebel, which resulted in the enemy—— Yi Yi Take advantage of the weakness and destroy the summer. (On this matter, there is another research.) Qixiang God was originally an invitation. It is said that Qi invited guests to be Qi invited, so there is a story about Qi ascending to heaven as a guest. This is probably because of the word "Bin" in the so-called "Qi Bin Tian"( Tianwen "Qiji Bingshang" means Bintian《 Great Wilderness West Meridian 》"Open three concubines in the sky", the concubines and guests are the same.) This is the result of the two meanings of "treat" and "treat". When a guest becomes a guest, the music used to enjoy the sky becomes the music of the sky, and playing music and enjoying the guest becomes a guest and stealing music. The confusion of the legend is probably only on this point. The rest of the story that Qi died because of the Nine Songs is quite true.

Textual research on source

As for the source of the content of Nine Songs, Wang Yi believes that Qu Yuan imitated the folk sacrificial songs of Southern Chu. Zhu Xi It is believed that Qu Yuan modified and processed the sacrificial songs of Southern Chu“ revise Its word "(《 Chuci Anthology 》)。 Hu Shi It is believed that "Nine Songs" is an ancient "religious song and dance of the Xiangjiang nationality", and "has nothing to do with the legend of Qu Yuan" ("Reading Chu Ci"). Today, many people choose Zhu to say.
Based on folk sacrificial songs, Nine Songs has many characteristics of the folk songs of worship gods and witches in the State of Chu. The Book of Han Geography says: "(Chu) believes in witches and ghosts, and worships them heavily." The Lv's Spring and Autumn Festival · Luxury Music also says: "The decline of Chu is also regarded as a witchcraft sound." The so-called "witchcraft sound" is the music of the witches and gods, which is the difference between Nine Songs and other poems of Qu Yuan. However, in the works, such as "carrying the cloud flag to the west"“ Jiuyi Poems such as "Colorful welcome together", "I come to Dongting", and idioms such as "Old Ranran" and "Fan Zong Zong Zong" are also similar to Qu Yuan's other poems. Therefore, it should be an integral part of Qu Yuan's poetic art.

Comments and appreciation


Overall evaluation

Nine Songs is a sacrificial song aimed at entertaining the gods Artistic image On the surface, it is a god among supermen, but in essence, it is the deification of people in reality Environmental atmosphere In the description, it is lively, beautiful, solemn and elegant, full of a strong flavor of life.


Nine Songs《 Nine Debates 》, which is full of emotion—— Liu Xie Literary Mind and Carving Dragon, Differentiating Sao [4]
Zhu Xi He once commented on "Nine Songs": "Compared with its category, it should belong to the three" Songs "; as for its words, it is《 National style 》"Zheng" and "Wei" will be changed again. "—— Dialectics of Songs of Chu
the Qing dynasty Chen Benli He once pointed out: "The music of Nine Songs. There are male witches singing. There are female witches singing. There are witches dancing and singing. There is one witch singing and all witches singing together." - Quci Essence [5]
Wen Yiduo The "Nine Songs" was once "suspended" into a large-scale musical: "These gods (in the" Nine Songs ") - in fact, the witches whom the gods" rely on "- perform different degrees of sadness or tragedy in different classes according to their respective identities Small story , the situation is just like modern times The acting in the temple is similar. "—— Wen Yiduo The Complete Works of Wen Yiduo, Chu Ci Edition. [6]

Appreciative Remarks

Dong Huang Tai Yi
Donghuang Taiyi is the first of Nine Songs. It is the song of Chu people to worship the most noble god, that is, God. "Emperor" is the honorific name of the god of heaven. Chu people set up a shrine in the east, so it is called the Eastern Emperor. "Taiyi" means that Shinto is boundless. Zhuangzi ·Heaven and Earth: "The ether of the Lord is one." Cheng Xuanying Note: "The Tai is the name of the vast. The first is called Tai Yi, because it is called" No Two ", which means that all things can be taken into account. The whole poem is divided into three sections. The first one is to choose a good day and worship the God of Heaven with a respectful attitude; The second is about the sacrificial scenes, focusing on the richness of offerings and the joy of singing and dancing; Finally, I write my wish to God. The whole poem does not specifically describe the image of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, but focuses on the warm scene of offering sacrifices to gods, thus expressing the piety and respect for the gods.
Jun in the cloud
This is a sacrifice Cloud God (or moon god). Wang Yi's Chapter: "The cloud god, Fenglong One day Screen 。” In ancient Chinese mythology, the cloud god and rain god , often combine two into one, and become one. Guo Pu shanhaiching ·The Eastern Classic of Haixi Bu notes: "The rain master is called the screen." The clouds walk and the rain pours, so offering up the clouds is asking for rain. From the perspective of witches, this article describes people's love and expectation for the cloud god. First wrote about the witch bathing and dressing, waiting for the arrival of the cloud god piously; Then he wrote about the coming of the cloud god, and sincerely praised the merits of the cloud god "shining with the sun and the moon"; Finally, I wrote that the cloud god came and went in a hurry and returned to the sky. The witch was worried. The poem vividly describes the scene when a group of witches disguised as cloud gods appeared, and the praise, admiration and attachment of the worshippers to the gods. The depiction of cloud gods is based on the natural characteristics of clouds to imagine, exaggerate, and embellish Yes The capture of natural beauty also includes people's pursuit of bright, free and other beautiful things. The description is tortuous, delicate and moving.
"Xiang Jun" and the second "Madam Xiang" are both sacrificial ceremonies Xiang God's song. The old saying or Xiang Jun means Shun Madam Xiang refers to Shunzhi Second Concubine Ehuang Female English It is said that Emperor Shun visited the south and buried Cangwu dead. The second imperial concubine chased him to Dongting and drowned in the water, becoming the goddess of Xiangshui. This article uses the tone of Madam Xiang to show the Xiangshui Goddess's nostalgia for Xiang Jun and her bold pursuit of love. The first section is about Madam Xiang's memory of Xiang Jun, the second section is about Madam Xiang's disappointment and sorrow for her failure to meet him, the third section is about Madam Xiang's hatred for welcoming him personally, and the fourth section is about Madam Xiang's determination and inner contradictions. The whole poem is good at using Bixing Technique and Scenery description Complex Psychological activities So that Mrs. Xiang's character can be fully displayed. Delicate writing and long charm.
"Madame Xiang" is to show the yearning of the male god of Xiangshui for Madame Xiang in the tone of Xiang Jun, and show his loyalty to love. The first section describes Xiang Jun's eagerness to meet his wife and his inner sadness after failing to meet her. The second section describes Xiang Jun's infatuation with her and his desire for a happy life. The third section describes Xiang Jun's determination and hope. Through the description of the real scenery, the imaginary scenery and the fantasy realm, the poet has formed a multi form realm of blending feelings and scenes, which reflects the ups and downs of the characters' emotions in many ways. "Xiang Jun" and "Xiang Madame" reflect each other, which is really a piece. The poet used the "misunderstanding method" to show their pursuit of pure love and yearning for a better life. The two people really loved each other and met on a date, but they didn't agree on a meeting place, so they went back in vain. They didn't meet each other, and they hated each other all their lives. They donated a piece of jade to show their determination; However, the inner love is hard to extinguish. Once the truth is revealed, the snow will melt and the ice will disappear, and the love will be deeper.
Big Siming
Dasiming was the god in ancient people's mind who was in charge of human life and death. This poem, in which the male wizard plays the role of the great minister, and the female wizard plays the role of the ordinary woman in the world, shows the story of the great minister falling into the world, falling in love with the ordinary woman in the world, and returning to the heaven alone by singing to each other. The image of Da Siming is serious and mysterious, and the image of ordinary women in the world is gentle and affectionate. She loved Dashiming, but Dashiming, who was in charge of human life and death, had to part from her. So, who is in charge of the happiness, misfortune, honor and disgrace of the world? people love your life They all hope to live a long life, but life is impermanent, and death often threatens people; Therefore, people reverently worship the god of Siming.
Shao Siming
Shaosiming is the god in charge of people's descendants. Wang Fuzhi《 A General Interpretation of the Songs of Chu 》As the saying goes, "The great minister is in charge of people's life and death, while the little minister is in charge of people's children and heirs. It is called" little "because they are childish." The whole poem is the lyrics of the chief mourner's male wizard. The first six sentences and the last four sentences are positive praises to Shao Siming, who said that she always cares about people's children, "holding the sword and embracing the baby". She is a human being, holding the sword in one hand and embracing the baby in the other patron saint His image is both powerful and loving. The middle part describes the love between man and God, which on the other hand shows the gentleness and sentimentality of the goddess, thus making the image of Shao Siming fuller and more moving. The two sentences, "Sorrow is not sorrow, but separation; joy is not joy, but new acquaintance", summarize people's feelings of lovesickness and separation. It has a strong flavor of folk songs, is popular, often quoted by later generations, and is known as the "ancestor of love words through the ages".
This chapter is about sacrifice Helios Songs. The whole poem is divided into three parts. The first ten lines are the libretto of the witch pretending to be the Eastern Lord, which describes the rising sun from the east and his lingering feeling of caring for his former residence. The middle eight lines are the lyrics of the witch who entertains Dongjun. They describe the prosperity of the singing and dancing scene of offering sacrifices to the god of the sun, and show people's love and expectation for the god of the sun. The last six lines are still the libretto of the witch pretending to be the East Lord, writing the self statement of the sun god, describing the East Lord's righteous act of eliminating violence and killing evil when he went west from the middle of heaven, and the joy after success. As for the implication of shooting "Sirius", Wang Yi said that Sirius "symbolizes greed and cruelty", Jiang Ji Say "Yu Xiaoren", actually With It is reasonable to describe Qin. During the Warring States Period, the State of Qin was regarded by Chu people as an aggressive "country of tigers and wolves", and it was mainly an aggressor Sirius , which Demarcate It's right in Qin. Dongjun shot Sirius to kill the evil, which reflects the strong desire of the people of Chu to defeat the strong Qin Dynasty, and also reflects the poet's ambition to serve the country and patriotism.
The whole poem adopts the personification writing method, and successfully shapes the image of the god of the sun, Dongjun. Dongjun is the artistry of the sun itself, which has many characteristics of the sun in nature; At the same time, he is also the image of a personified God, endowed with all kinds of human feelings, and becomes the image of a living God with personality and emotion.
As for the order of "East Lord", Mr. Wen Yiduo said in the "Correction and Supplement of Chu Songs" that "East Lord and Cloud Lord belong to the gods, and their songs should also be second to each other. Gu Jinben's two chapters are suspended, and there is no meaning to be found. It is a mistake, and there is no doubt about it Ancient edition East Junci is in front of the king in the clouds. The Records of the Historian, the Book of Zen and the Book of the Han Dynasty, the Suburb Sacrifice Annals also said, "The Five Emperors of the Witch Temple in the Jin Dynasty, the East King, and the Cloud King... become two gods Concatenation In the Ming and Chu dynasties, the poets should pay tribute to the Chu customs and compose songs. However, only Dongjun was in front of Yunzhongjun, Shao Siming had to be ranked first and last with Hebo, and the first two sentences of Hebo were from Detian to Shao Siming middle ear 。”
Hebo is the god of the Yellow River. sacrifice River god , has a long history, Yin ruins Unearthed Oracle That is, there is a record of "sacrificing to the river". The name of Hebo originated from the Warring States Period. "Han Feizi: A Theory of Internal Storage": "The people of Qi called the king of Qi, saying, 'Hebo is the great god.'" Chuang Tzu, Autumn Water The image of Hebo appears in. The Chronicle of the Six Kingdoms in Records of the Historian says:“ Duke Qin Linggong In the eighth year, he was the first emperor's wife. " Chu Shaosun The story of Hebo's marriage is contained in the supplement of "Records of the Historian: Funny Biographies". This is a musical song for offering sacrifices to the river god. It tells the story of having fun with Hebo in a female tone. They took a water cart to drive two dragons Jiuhe They went to the birthplace of the Yellow River Peak of Kunlun , they live in the water, scale Purple shellfish The decorated palace was magnificent. They walked eastward hand in hand, welcomed by the waves and accompanied by fish. In ancient times, the Yellow River was often overrun. People were unable to conquer the Yellow River, which was harmful to people, so they took the measures of appeasement, amity and bribery. This song of sacrificing to the river is just the tortuous reflection of this method. Others think that this article is about Hebo and Luoshui Goddess Love story. "Nu", "Zi", "Beauty" and so on all refer to the goddess of Luoshui. The whole article narrates and expresses feelings in the tone of Hebo, which can be used for a comment.
This is a song for offering sacrifices to mountain gods. It is called ghost because it is not a true god. Many ancient and modern scholars believe that the mountain goddess in the poem is legendary Wushan Goddess Yaoji Qing people Gu Chengtian The Nine Songs Interpretation says: "King Xiang of Chu tours Yunmeng , a woman named Yaoji in a dream. The whole article seems to refer to this matter. " Guo Moruo《 Modern Translation of Qu Yuan's Fu 》According to the poem "picking three beautiful things from the mountains", it is believed that the ancient sounds of "Yu" and "Wu" are universal, that "Yu Shan" is Wu Shan, and that the mountain god is Wu Shan Song Yu Gao Tang Fu 》Wushan Goddess written in. The mountain ghost in the poem is a lingering and sentimental goddess. The whole poem meticulously shows the yearning of the mountain goddess for good love and the sad and miserable state after lovelorn. The first eight sentences describe the appearance, attire, demeanor of the mountain ghost and the scene of going to the appointment by car. The middle twelve sentences describe the inner activities of the mountain ghost who does not see his lover to attend the appointment. The last seven sentences further exaggerate the pain of the mountain ghost after being lovelorn with a bleak background. The image of mountain ghost has both the natural beauty of mountain scenery and the beauty of beautiful and sentimental women in society. It is an ingenious combination of natural beauty and social beauty.
The national mourning refers to the soldiers who died for their country, and the premature death of minors is called the mourning. Dai Zhen Qu Yuan's Annotation 》"The second meaning of mourning: men and women wear hairpins, and the dead call it mourning, and the dead call it mourning. The word of mourning is also hurting. National mourning, the death of national affairs, is different from the choice of the two. This song is hung with a pendant, and the whole article is written about it." Nine Songs, from Emperor Taiyi to Mountain Ghost, sacrifice gods in nature, and the last one is National mourning It is a sacrifice to the soldiers who died for the country. Many scholars believe that this is related to the Qin Chu War in the Warring States Period. When King Huai of Chu was in war with Qin for many times, the State of Chu almost always suffered a heavy defeat. In order to defend the country and fight against the strong Qin Dynasty, the people of Chu State bravely fought against the enemy and went forward one after another. Qu Yuan wrote this work to eulogize the heroic spirit and heroic spirit of the soldiers and men of Chu State who are willing to sacrifice to defend their country.
The first ten lines of the poem describe the fierce and solemn battle scene. The Chu army fought in front of the powerful enemy, and its fighting spirit was astonishing. The last eight sentences mourn the soldiers who died for their country and praise their unyielding Heroic spirit The whole poem is full of passion and generosity, and it is an immortal masterpiece of ancient and modern poetry.
Ritual spirit
This is Li Cheng send off the gods after the offering of sacrifices Words. Soul, that is, God, includes the heaven and earth gods and human ghosts enshrined in the first ten chapters of the Nine Songs. Wang Fuzhi's "Tongshi of Chu Ci" said: "Each of the first ten chapters has its own god to worship and sing. This chapter is the song of giving away the god, which is universal in the first ten chapters." Sacrifice The warm scene of singing and dancing at the end of the ceremony expresses people's hope that the ceremony will last forever.

Influence of works

Nine Songs (Part) Zhang Wo
Nine Songs is a collection of ancient Chinese Han poetry. Nine Songs is said to be Xia Dynasty Songs, [7] It is left to the people. Folk people sing and perform when offering sacrifices to gods, Qu Yuan It will be adapted and processed into elegant poetry.
Qu Yuan wrote eleven articles according to the different gods he worshipped [3] Among them, one of the "national mourning" is dedicated to the memory of the heroes who died in the war. However, some scholars now believe that the ninth principle of Nine Songs is imaginary number In fact, there are ten articles, because there are only three sentences in "Ritual Soul", which should not be a separate article, but should be part of "Memorial of the Nation". Ma Chengsu summed up the works of Nine Songs in five aspects, including religious songs and dances, Qu Yuan's self sacrificial speech, the Fu of memorizing events, and Han Ganquan Shougong Song poems. [8]


Nine Songs is Qu Fu The most exquisite, beautiful and charming poem in. It represents Qu Yuan Artistic creation The highest achievement of. Nine Songs Chu State The merits and heroic achievements of ancestors are poems; Take mountains, rivers, gods and natural scenery as poems; With fairy tales and historical legends as poems, the poem vividly expresses the poet's sadness when he was loyal to the monarch, patriotic, worried about the world and sad when he was exiled from South Chu, Yuan and Xiang in his later years, and "being ambitious and happy", "talking to ease my anxiety", "expressing feelings of grass and trees, and caring for men and women"“ chant about one's feelings The purpose of the wind is ".

Content form

The main contents of Nine Songs are "The First Emperor of the East" and "The Lord in the Cloud"《 deity of the Xiang River 》《 nymph of the Xiang River 》"Da Si Ming", "Shao Si Ming"《 Dong Jun 》《 Hebo 》《 Mountain ghost 》《 The Ode to the Fallen 》(including《 Ritual spirit 》)。
From Nine Songs Content and form Look, it seems to be the prototype of Saishen Musical drama In Nine Songs, "the words of the guest and the host are my words", such as Yu, I, Jun, Nu (Ru), Beauty, and childe, are all titles in the libretto of the musical drama. The lead singer has three identities: one is the wizard who plays the role of god, Witch Act as the sun god and the witch Yin spirit The second is the wizard who meets the gods. The wizard welcomes the yin god and the witch welcomes the yang god; The third is the wizard who helps the sacrifice. Therefore, the structure of Nine Songs mostly appears in the form of mutual singing between witches and witches. In this way, there are a lot of Words of pleasing men and women , on religious rites Under the veil of human god relationship, men and women in love in the world are performing A live play The expression of this kind of feelings between men and women is extremely complicated and tortuous: sometimes it is expressed as the yearning for God, sometimes it is expressed as the suspicion for God, sometimes it is expressed as the joy of meeting God, sometimes it is expressed as the grief of being different from God and the sorrow of leaving after. Seen from the artistic conception of poetry, it is quite unique.
It is also a love story, but "Nine Songs" is more《 The Book of Songs 》The style of Zheng and Wei is really different. However, this is not due to the "change" of "the world is declining", but the performance of the different characteristics of the northern and southern cultures during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. The poems of Zheng and Wei represent the straightness and simplicity peculiar to northern folk songs; "Nine Songs" is not only covered with a mysterious religious cloak, but also presents a profound, secluded, tortuous, graceful and beautiful mood, with a strange and rich artistic charm
The love between men and women can not summarize the whole content of Nine Songs. As Sacrificial songs Because the objects of each chapter are different, the content is also different, such as the solemnity of Tai Yi《 The Ode to the Fallen 》It has nothing to do with the love between men and women. The Ode to the Fallen 》It is a sacrificial song to mourn those who died in battle, and also a war song to carry forward and inspire the morale. It warmly praises the heroes who died for their country by describing the fierce battle scenes.

Sacrificial nature

Nine Songs has a strong religious nature. Wang Yi Chapters and Sentences in Songs of Chu 》He said, "The Nine Songs was written by Qu Yuan. In the past, the town of Nanying in the Chu State, between Yuan and Hunan, was popular and believed in ghosts, but it was a good temple. Its temple must be made Song music Inspire and delight the gods. Qu Yuan was exiled and fled to his territory. He was full of sorrow and poison, and his thoughts were full of melancholy. It is obvious that the secular people's sacrificial rites, singing and dancing music, and their words are crude. Because of the song "Nine Songs", "Chu Guoyuan and Hunan believe in ghosts and have a good temple", compared with the Central Plains in the same period, its sacrificial way has a stronger original color. Therefore, although Chu Ci "Nine Songs" was processed by Qu Yuan Folk sacrifice The trace can be seen. among wizard Each individual deity dressed up is obviously different from the official sacrificial music and dance in the Central Plains. Most of the historical books of the past dynasties have recorded the witchcraft in Chu. The History of the Han Dynasty Geography says: "Chu Youjiang Hanchuan The mercy of mountains and forests,... letter Witches and ghosts , heavy worship of unorthodox gods 。” However, in the Central Plains, where there are "no words, strange powers, and chaotic gods", ghosts and gods are "kept at a distance". These records reflect the difference between the Chu State and the Central Plains in their attitude towards ghosts and gods. The civilization of the Central Plains matured earlier, and religious sacrifice was closely combined with the political ideal of royal power, especially after Western Zhou Dynasty After the baptism of rites and music, its original color is more diluted. The Analects of Confucius ·Advanced ", Sub road towards Confucius Asked about ghosts and gods, Confucius said:“ If you can't handle people, you can't handle ghosts 。” This attitude shows that confucian This attitude also typically represents the attitude of religious view of life The form of sacrifice in Chu retained more primitive traditions because of its strong witchcraft. According to the Sui Shu Geography Annals, "Most people in Jingzhou worship ghosts, especially paying attention to sacrificial rites. In the past, Qu Yuan made Nine Songs, which was the result." Therefore, Nine Songs was the product of the witchcraft in Chu.
Wen Yiduo "Nine Songs" was once "suspended" as a large-scale musical [6] It is very enlightening for us to study the dramatic factors of Nine Songs. Although there are entertainment and acting factors in Nine Songs, and some chapters can constitute a certain plot, not every deity sacrificed has an inevitable connection, and the whole Nine Songs does not constitute a complete plot. Wizards sometimes play the role of gods and sometimes flatter the gods. Their purpose is to welcome the gods to the altar and get the blessing of the gods, not just for performance. Therefore, Nine Songs cannot be regarded as a complete musical drama. In addition, although Jiuge was processed and adapted on the basis of sacrificial songs, Qu Yuan's literary creation cannot be excluded. The existing Nine Songs is mainly in the form of literary works Sao style Poetry. The study of the dramatic factors of the Nine Songs cannot stop at the Nine Songs itself, but should look through the Nine Songs to see the entertainment and performance of such forms in the process of folk sacrifice.

About the author

Qu Yuan (about 340-278 BC), Mingping, Word primordium Late Warring States Period Chu State Danyang (now Hubei Zigui )People, descendants of Qu Xia, son of King Wu of Chu. Former post Leftist Sanlu Doctor [1]

Character's Life

Qu Yuan's life experience King Wei of Chu King Huai of Chu King Qingxiang Three periods, mainly in the Huaiwang period.
Qu Yuan was born into a noble family. He was famous for ruling the chaos. In his early years, he was favored and trusted by King Huai Leftist Sanlu Doctor In order to realize the unification of Chu State, Qu Yuan actively reformed internally and resolutely Unite Qi and fight Qin The State of Chu was once rich and powerful. However, due to the sharp contradiction with the decadent aristocratic group, Qu Yuan He was framed by villains and estranged from Huaiwang.
King Qingxiang In the 21st year (278 BC), the general of Qin Dynasty White rise Break through Yingdu Qu Yuan could not bear his grief and indignation, so he May in the lunar calendar 5. Self sinking Miluo River (《 Sui Shu · Geography 》《 Continuous Homology and Harmony 》), died for his political ideal. [1]

Main works

Qu Yuan's works include《 LiSao 》《 Heaven asks 》Nine Songs (11)《 Chapter Nine 》(9)《 Evocation 》All 23 articles were received《 Poetry of the South 》。 Nine Songs is a folk song Sacrificial songs A group of music songs for offering sacrifices to gods, which created a large number of images of gods, most of which were songs for people and gods. [1]
As a great poet, Qu Yuan The emergence of "Chu Ci" not only marks that Chinese poetry has entered a new era from collective singing to individual creation, but also breaks through the new poetic style of Chu Ci he created《 The Book of Songs 》And greatly enriched the poetic expressiveness , ancient Chinese Poetic creation A new world has been opened up. Therefore, later generations also took《 National style 》And《 Poetry of the South 》In《 LiSao 》And called it "coquettish", and called this poetic style“ Chu Ci Style ”Or“ Sao style ”。 Wind and Sao later became History of Chinese Poetry upper Realism and romanticism The source of the two fine traditions. At the same time Qu Yuan Represented by the Songs of Chu Han Fu Formation of. [1]
In addition《 Buju 》、《 old fisherman 》Whether the other articles are Qu Yuan It is still controversial in academic circles. [1]