
Super villain organization under Marvel Comics
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Hydra is an American Marvel Comics Super villain Organization, first appeared in Strange Tales, 135 (August 1965). Its origin is quite early. At that time, there was a powerful alien on the earth hive The beehive was sent to a distant planet because of its strong ability. Its logo is the skull head and the snake foot below.
The slogan of the Hydra is "cut off one head and grow two heads instead", which is similar to the mythical Haidera Image fit, and realize this slogan with its endless miscellaneous troops. In modern times, the branch NAZI HYDRA is generally regarded as a nine headed snake organization. It once belonged to World War II In Nazi Germany (Later, he defected nazi )However, NAZI HYDRA was founded by Red Skull following the idea of Hydra in previous dynasties, not the orthodox Hydra.
NAZI HYDRA killed Tony Stark 's father Howard Stark Instead of being eliminated. After the fall of the Nazi regime, the Hydra infiltrated Shendun Bureau In China, the flag of the Divine Shield Bureau was used to create panic and chaos and gain benefits from the war. Later, it was exposed due to the overthrow of the Divine Shield Bureau, but it was forced to hide. The orthodox Hydra organization is the main pillar of NAZI HYDRA after the separation of the Nazis. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
leading member
Red Skull Baron Zemo Sea demon [1]

Organization Introduction



Nowadays, most people think that Hydra originated from NAZI HYDRA, but it is not. NAZI HYDRA is only a branch of the Hydra in the long history, and cannot be regarded as the orthodox Hydra. NAZI HYDRA is just Red Skull It is not an orthodox hydra that follows the idea of hydra in all ages.
The orthodox Hydra organization coexists with various historical branches and silently supports the development of each branch. The origin of the orthodox Hydra organization is quite early. About 1400 years ago, a powerful alien beehive appeared on the earth at that time, and this alien was sent to a distant planet because of his strong ability.
The purpose of the establishment of Hydra is to let this strange person return. The branches and total branches of the Hydra in each period must pass through the Black Stone Portal (swallow Gemma Simmons To send people to the planet where the beehive is located in order to save or serve the beehive (now known as the "Far Star Project").
NAZI HYDRA is the main hostile force of the Divine Shield Bureau, which was once affiliated to the Nazi Germany Captain America 》Split with Nazi Germany in the middle and later period; After a failure, he successfully infiltrated Shendun Bureau (A decent organization in the Marvel universe), and later successfully defeated the Divine Shield Bureau and forced it to hide. Its logo is the skull head and snake feet below, and its slogans are "Hail Hydra" and "Cut off one head and grow two more heads".
The history of Hydra may be traced back to before World War II. The purpose of this organization for more than a thousand years is to rescue the evil alien leader who was exiled to aliens, so as to control the alien race to dominate the world. The Hydra also infiltrated ATCU , through this organization to activate others to fight for themselves.
Malik, the leader of the Hydra, killed his daughter because of Hive, and told the current director of the Divine Shield Bureau the location coordinates of the Hydra stronghold Phil Coulson Under its command, the Divine Shield Bureau sent a team to wipe out all the secret strongholds of the Hydra (the head has been cut off), but the Hydra organization is not necessarily completely wiped out. For example, in Ant Man, the Hydra agent captured Pim particle , but did not account for the whereabouts of the Pimm particles.
According to the previous story, the Hydra has many branches, and Malik may only be the leader of the largest branch. In the same way, the red skeleton transmitted by the cosmic Rubik's Cube in Captain America is not dead, and it may return to reorganize Hydra again. Red Skull as Soul gem The guide of appears.

Secret Empire

In the Secret Empire, the Captain of the United States used Zetari (Chitarui) The opportunity for the army to attack the earth on a large scale will Captain Marvel Blue Marvel hyperion Alpha Team Wait for a group of the strongest heroes to lead to space, and use the planetary protection barrier to completely isolate them from the earth; At the same time, the operational forces of the Divine Shield Bureau in Sokovia were infiltrated by the Hydra, making the Hydra completely occupy Sokovia; next, Baron Zemo Led by the evil army attack Manhattan A large number of heroes, such as Avengers, went to fight. During the battle, a dark force field isolated a large number of superheroes in New York City. In the end, the captain of the United States assigned the team that has been completely controlled by the Hydra Shendun Bureau The sky mother ship arrived in Washington and completely seized the control of the United States. [2]
Since then, the captain of the United States has become the highest commander of Hydra, becoming the actual highest commander in the United States fascist Rulers. [2]
He recruited Dead waiter , imitation masters Black ant (Black Ant, the third generation ant man Eric Ogrady And cloning Doc Ock , for Hallucination Inject virus to control it, and at the same time Cosmic cube Modified Thor's Hammer Persuade Odinson, who has lost the power of Thor, and use the Hell God to control Scarlet Witch , form the nemesis of Hydra.
He exercised totalitarian rule in the United States, and used the alien race, the mutant of Xintian and panther Of Wakanda , even briefly revived those killed in Civil War 2.0 Bruce Banner (Bruce Banner), led the army to constantly pursue and suppress Hawkeye Sam Wilson And other heroes Black Widow Leading Champion team
During this period, the black widow Miles Morales He was accidentally killed by Steve, and the champion team was also imprisoned. At the same time, Hydra is also secretly collecting fragments of the Cosmic Cube in order to rewrite history and shape the world belonging to Hydra.
cover Sharon Carter Steve, who was enraged by the assassination, launched a war and was detained panther Captive leaders of Xintian White Queen At the same time, however, Sam and Iron Man found the last fragment of the cosmic Rubik's Cube through an alien who could materialize objects when they liberated New Atalan. Using its power, they cooperated with the imprisoned heroes, and quasars successfully broke through the planetary shield Alpha Team etc. Superhero Movie Return to the earth; Disoriented Dead waiter towards Maria Hill The coordinates of the core of the dark force field and the black vision are provided. Because of the death of the black vision, the black vision is trapped in Manhattan New Avenger It was also liberated.
After re serving as captain of the United States Sam Wilson Under the leadership of Alpha Team Galaxy Guard Assemble and launch a decisive battle against the Hydra Avengers and the Hydra Army. At the same time White Queen and Wanciwang They also launched resistance to let panther Successful escape.
On the way to the battle, Odinson finally could not bear to raise the flag against his companion, while the black ant and the imitation master also decided to help the heroes and released the champion team. Spider-Man Peter Parker )Heroes scattered around the world also rushed to support them, and the situation gradually reversed.
But then Steve wore Cosmic Cube It is energy, originally created by Tony Stark The armor designed for Captain America appeared to Cosmic cube He defeated all the heroes and successfully reshaped the world, obtaining the last piece of cosmic cube from Sam Wilson.
However, this was Sam's plan. At the moment when the Cosmic Cube was completely restored, Bucky Barnes With the help of Ant man With the help of Steve Rogers And Kobik. [3]
Kobik, who was afraid and regretful for what he had done, finally rallied under the persuasion of the real Steve, and used his powerful power to restore everything that had been changed by the Hydra version of Steve, while the real captain of the United States had a final duel with the Hydra.
In the end, the captain of the United States regained his reputation by virtue of the noble virtue that has never changed Thor's Hammer And defeated the captain of Hydra with a single blow of Thor's Hammer. The big event ended, and Steve handed the title of captain of the United States back to Sam Wilson. [3]
After that, the real captain found that what he had done in the Hydra version had caused great damage to the world. Although he could clear his mind, he understood that people's fear of him could not be pacified, and he was determined to make up for it - no matter how long it took, until the day when the symbol of freedom, the American team leader, reappeared in people's minds.

leading member

High level officials during the "Secret Empire" period
Hydra "Secret Period" Imperial High Level
Steve Rogers
Supreme Leader
Arnim Zola

Member information


Red Skull

Red Skull
And Captain America An old opponent who has fought for more than half a century and is the representative of the Nazi forces. Red Skull stay World War II The times were the advisers and scientists under Hitler. When the captain of the United States fell asleep, he also fell asleep for decades due to poison until the turn of the century; The awakened Red Skull continued to pursue the glory of the Nazi Empire's conquest, and the two fought again.
When Red Skull's body began to die, he was killed in the decisive battle with Captain America, but his accomplices used Rogers' DNA to create a new body, making him completely alive.
Red Skull had built a huge organization, stole huge power, and plotted many almost successful grand plots (including the murder of Captain America after the Civil War), but finally died in the battle of Rogers' resurrection. However, his daughter Sin inherited his evil ideas and continued to do what the Hydra needed to do.
According to the information, the Red Skull has nothing Specific function Or superpower. Because it was injected nazi The super serum developed has become the appearance of a red skeleton. In fact, the Red Skull is a Nazi Party But it is different from the Nazi Party. [4]

Baron Straker

Baron Straker
Baron Straker Born at the end of the 19th century Prussia Noble family, hereditary "Straker Baron", also known as Baron Wolfgang von Stark. He will have participated Franco-Prussian War the First World War and the Second World War
stay World War II He became a pawn of Hitler and the Nazis, and established the "Hydra" organization with the Red Skull. "Baron Wolfgang von Straker" was a former Nazi officer and one of the leaders of the "Hydra" Viruses And stopped aging.
Baron Straker has won the world fencing champion and has good physical quality , is a military strategy Professionals and Conspirator He was also a master of disguise and had done a lot of spy work for the Nazis.

Baron Zemo

The story of the Zemo family dates back to the end of the 15th century. Their ancestor is Harbin.
Baron Zemo
At that time, Zemo was just an unimpressive local official and defeated a whole team with his bare hands Slav After the invaders were promoted“ Baron Zemo The title "Heinrich Zemo" has been inherited from generation to generation, and this title is obviously also very close to the inflated ambition and bloodthirsty character of the Chezemo family. During the Second World War, the twelfth "evil baron" Heinrich Zemo resolutely joined the Nazi organization and became its backbone scientist and secret agent.
With the defeat of the Nazis, the victorious Allies and Germany They all hated the once arrogant scientist to the bone, and Heinrich had to hide behind the mask to make a living.
His unseen life once drove him crazy, especially after fighting with Captain America, he was invented by himself super glue The mask was stuck to his head forever and could not be taken off. Later, he died in a landslide.
As the current Baron Zemo, Zemo's IQ and kung fu are no less than his father's, and his hatred drives him crazy, but he finally followed his father's footsteps and accidentally fell into the bucket of super glue. Although Helmut survived the disfigurement, he had to wear the same mask as his father.

Crisscross bone

Crisscross bone
Formerly known as Brock Rumlow, Red Skull's right-hand man has been loyal to him for many years. Crisscross bone He has no super ability. He has fought with the captain of the United States for many times. He is a famous villain Imitation master His fighting skills are world-class. He is good at fighting, military fighting and martial arts cultivation. Although he is tall, he has disproportionate agility. At the same time, he is a skilled pilot who is good at using firearms, bows and arrows and Throwing Knife , usually equipped with one Short knife and crossbow , and many throwing daggers. A spring dagger is hidden in the wrist armor. I have also learned a lot about physical and mental torture.


Viper Originally an orphan in Eastern Europe, she had scars on her face when she was a child. Although she was later cured, she has always been very sensitive to this. The early agent of Hydra was raised by her boss aegis Capture the Hydra Leadership She later killed a prisoner named Viper (poisonous snake) in Virginia. Take his title and uniform, and control his organization. Her other title is Madame Hydra. HYDRA and Viper keep working with Captain America and Shendun Bureau battle.
She is cold and heartless, a true beauty of snakes and scorpions, good at scheming and poisoning, Strategic command He is also a good hand. He also has great strength in fighting and the use of cold and hot weapons. The usual weapon is snake venom Darts And a whip and pistol, as well as all kinds of hydra High tech weapons

Arnim Zola

Arnim Zola
Arnim Zola (Arnim Zola) is a geneticist in exile, Human history Previous First Human gene An engineer who studied under Wladyslav Shinsky (one of the villains of the Magic Four) and was recruited by the Nazis, Hitler intended to use Zola's Gene technology To complete the idea of "superior nations" ruling the world.
During the Nazi period, Zola helped the evil Baron to create a large number of war robots. His real research project was to preserve human beings or spirits and transfer them to another body. This research enabled Hitler to transfer his spirit to another clone, Hate Monger, before he died, and help the Red Skull, so that the latter's spirit could be preserved after the body was buried in the ruins and enter a state of suspended animation.

Introduction to arms

The soldiers of the Hydra Legion can be roughly divided into the Hydra fighting forces, the Hydra soldiers, the Hydra captains and the Hydra spies.

Weapon Introduction

Hydra EMP bomb
There is no shortage of weapons of mass destruction commonly used by Hydra.

Film and television performance

The Hydra in the movie
Debut film
The founder of Hydra and the scientist of Nazi Germany
Captain America
Avenger Alliance 3: Unlimited War
The Avengers Alliance 4: Final Battle
Arnim Zola (Dr. Zola)
A scientist from Switzerland, an important scientist in Nazi Germany, was secretly recruited by the United States in the "paperclip project"
Captain America
Captain America 2: Winter Soldiers
Ministers of the World Security Council
Captain America 2: Winter Soldiers
The Avengers Alliance 4: Final Battle
Leader of the Rapid Response Special Force of Shendun Bureau
Leader of mercenary organization
Captain America 2: Winter Soldiers
Captain America 3: Civil War
The Avengers Alliance 4: Final Battle
Secret agent of the Divine Shield Bureau, Pierce's assistant
Captain America 2: Winter Soldiers
The Avengers Alliance 4: Final Battle
Leader of Hydra Sokovia Branch
Captain America 2: Winter Soldiers
Avenger Alliance 2: The Age of Creation
Scientist of Sokovia Branch of Hydra
Captain America 2: Winter Soldiers
Avenger Alliance 2: The Age of Creation
The winter soldier who was brainwashed and became the killer of the Hydra, now returns to normal and joins the Avenger Alliance
Captain America
Captain America 2: Winter Soldiers
Captain America 3: Civil War
Avenger Alliance 3: Unlimited War
The Avengers Alliance 4: Final Battle
Falcon and Winter Soldier
Unknown officer
The manager of the winter warrior, killed by Helmut Zemo
Captain America 3: Civil War
In the Marvel Universe movies and TV series, the Hydra was founded by the Red Skull. Many members of the Divine Shield Bureau are members of the evil Hydra Corps, such as Crisscross bone Alexander Pierce (former director of Divine Shield), Hitwell (Pierce's assistant).
After the end of World War II, Hydra planned many terrorist actions and became the target of the United States Divine Shield Agency, while Red Skull used Cosmic Cube A weapon has been developed. With the core members Arnim Zola After being arrested, the base of Red Skull was found. Finally, the Red Skull was sent to Vermeer by the cosmic Rubik's Cube, and the Nine Headed Snake Organization began to move underground. But in this war, the captain of the United States unfortunately fell into the glacier and lost his intuition and fell asleep, Bucky Barnes Captured by the Hydra and brainwashed into a winter soldier, the winter soldier who lost all his memory after brainwashing became a killer agent of the Hydra and was heavily in debt. Iron Man's parents also died at his hands (because Iron Man's parents were escorting the production of Captain America's secret serum).
After the New York War, Hitwell and the crossbones were taken away Rocky Of wand And forward it to Baron Straker , the latter made it with the scepter Scarlet Witch and Fast silver Meanwhile, the Hydra found Arnim Zola Indoctrinated Supercomputer , on Alexander Pierce Under the leadership of Jumper Bartok Found that, Nick Fury So he ordered the Captain of the United States and the Black Widow to kill the Jumper (actually to get the information about Hydra).
Later, Hitwell was betrayed by Hydra Alexander Pierce Dispatch Winter Soldier Kill. Later, Pierce ordered the winter soldiers to attack successively Nick Fury Black Widow and Captain America. Finally, I want to control 3 Shendun ships Aerospace carrier And try to eliminate all targets that may pose a threat to Hydra, including Iron Man Wait for superheroes. But before launch Captain America and Falcon Capture the aircraft carrier control power And destroyed the aircraft carrier. Later, the crossbone dueled with the falcon, and the fire was caused by the out of control aircraft carrier burn It's disfigured. Pierce is attacking Black Widow By Nick Fury After the shooting, the winter soldier recalled his memory and saved the captain of the United States, thus automatically quitting the Hydra. The incident led to the thorough exposure of the Hydra organization, but successfully forced the Divine Shield Bureau to go underground (in fact, Hydra robbed a large number of manpower from the Divine Shield Bureau Material resources Later, he decided to be completely independent and open, and disintegrate the Divine Shield Bureau to compete for the world Dominion )。
Then, Phil Coulson Tracked Rocky's Scepter and informed the members of the first generation of Avengers through Special Agent Hill( Captain America Black Widow Iron Man The Incredible Hulk Hawkeye Thor ), destroyed the location of the Hydra Regiment and captured Baron Straker alive (see details《 Divine Shield Agent Season 2 》Episode 19), the action of the Hydra also disappeared temporarily, and the new leader became Grant Ward
Aochuang After the incident, Baron Straker was killed by Ochuang. During this period, winter soldiers lived in seclusion Romania , cross bones withdraw from Hydra and become a Mercenary , serving the terrorists, but the captain of the United States still found him, and finally the crossbones Scarlet Witch Died of self explosion under the intervention of.
At the same time of the Aochuang incident, the remaining nine headed bandits in the United States Darren Klaus With the help of, he captured the fake Pimm particle and then disappeared.
Although the Divine Shield Bureau was disbanded, its documents about the Hydra were made public by the Black Widow, making the Second Generation Baron Zemo (Not belonging to the Hydra) found one of the leaders of the winter warrior experiment, and then triggered The Avengers Civil war.
At the same time, the Divine Shield Bureau, which operates underground Phil Coulson Under the leadership of Viper hive Equal race.