George Gamov

Physicists and Astronomers
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George Gamov (George Gamow, 1904-1968), Born in Russia , US Nuclear physical scientist Cosmologist stay Leningrad University After graduation, he went to several European universities to teach. He immigrated to the United States in 1934 and was famous for advocating the theory that the universe originated from the "Big Bang". Paraphrase Genetic code Contributed. It also proposed radioactivity Quantum theory and Nucleus The "droplet" model of. With E. Teller Beta decay Gamov Teller theory and Red Giant inside Structural theory His popular science works have played a positive role in the spread of abstract and profound physics theories.
Chinese name
George Gamov
Foreign name
George Gamow
date of birth
Date of death
Physicists and Astronomers

Character's Life

George Gamow (1904-1968) Russia Famous physicist and astronomer. Born in Odessa, a generation of military officers, three uncles died in battle Russo Japanese War the First World War and the Second World War My grandfather was the local archbishop, with the tradition of scientists. His mother taught him to read Verne's novels when he was seven years old, but she died of illness when he was nine years old.
From 1914 to 1920, he studied at Odessa Normal School. In 1924, when he was still 20 years old, he taught physics in the Red October Artillery School, so he had the rank of captain of the Red Army artillery. Later on mccarthy era This military rank also troubled him for a while [1] Graduated in 1926 Leningrad University In 1928 Doctor of Philosophy From 1928 to 1932 Denmark Of University of Copenhagen And the UK University of Cambridge Learn from famous physicists Niels Bohr And Rutherford. In 1931, he returned to Leningrad University as a professor. 1933 in Paris Curie The Institute is engaged in research. In 1934, he moved to the United States and served as a lecturer at the University of Michigan. In the fall of the same year, he was hired as University of Washington Professor, 1954 University of California, Berkeley Professor, changed to Professor of Colorado University in 1956. yes Royal Danish Academy of Sciences academician, American Physical Society American Astronomical Society American Philosophical Society International Astronomical Union member.
Gamov's main research Nuclear physics , proposed earlier Nucleus The nuclear fluid hypothesis of nuclear fusion The theory has played a certain role. In 1928, it was proposed to bombard atomic nuclei with protons instead of alpha particles, which is of great significance to the development of nuclear physics. Apply nuclear physics to solving Stellar evolution Question, put forward in 1939 Supernova Of neutrino Theory, proposed in 1942 Red Giant The shell model of. In the 1940s, Gamov and his two students—— Ralph Asher Alpher and Robert Herman Together, introduce relativity cosmology A thermal big bang cosmological model is proposed. According to the cosmological model of the Big Bang, the universe originally started from the high temperature and density of the original material, and the temperature exceeded several billion degrees. along with Cosmic expansion The temperature gradually dropped, forming galaxies and other celestial bodies. They also predicted the existence of cosmic microwave background radiation. 1964 United States Radio engineer Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson Accidentally discovered cosmic microwave Background radiation , confirmed their prediction. In 1948, the new chemical element The origin theory holds that various elements are produced in the process of continuous neutron capture. It was also proposed that protein Genetic code Assumption of: DNA double helix structure Is formed by hydrogen bonding hole 4 corners of Base , difference of 4 bases Permutation and combination It constitutes the genetic code.
He is also an outstanding popular science writer. Among the 25 works officially published in his life, 18 are popular science works. Many of his popular science works are popular all over the world. The most important ones are: Atomic Energy in the Universe and Human Life (1946), The Birth of the Universe (1952), The Foundations and New Fields of Physics (1960), and The Development Process of Physics (1961). Adventures in the Physical World is his masterpiece. In 1956, he was awarded the the United Nations Kalinga Science Popularization Award awarded by UNESCO [2]

Main works

Gamov attaches great importance to popularization scientific knowledge Work. After he emigrated to the United States, he found that although the economy of the United States was developed, many people were aware of the scientific achievements at the beginning of the 20th century, especially the relativity Quantum theory And atoms Structural theory I know nothing about it. Therefore, he decided to introduce these ideas to ordinary readers after engaging in teaching and research New things Since 1938, he has been in England Cambridge University Press With the support of, he published a series of strange scientific stories. The hero of these stories, Mr. Tompkins, a bank clerk who only knows numbers but doesn't know science, initially understood the contents of relativity and quantum theory by listening to scientific lectures and sleepwalking in the wonders of physics. In 1940, he collected the first batch of stories and published his first popular science book, Mr. Tompkins's Experience in Wonderland; In 1944, the following stories were integrated into Mr. Tompkins' Exploration of the Atomic World. These two books were well received by readers after their publication. Later, in order to introduce new physics progress In order to make the content of his works more compact, he merged, supplemented, rewritten and republished the two books mentioned above.
The Adventures of Mr. Tompkins
In the past 70 years, for Westerners who have really cared about science, there are probably few people who have never read Mr. Tompkins's adventure story. For those Chinese who have devoted the same love to science, the name Gamov must not be unfamiliar. This is not only because Gamov has made a series of outstanding contributions in the field of science, but also because he has successfully created a well-known figure, Mr. Tompkins, who roams the scientific world.
Gamov began to shape the image of Mr. Tompkins in 1938, and since then, he has constantly supplemented and improved, making the image more and more plump. Even the year before his death (1967), he still did not forget to revise this book for the last time. It can be said that this work has devoted all of Gamov's enthusiasm and most of his life to science popularization. Although these stories were originally written for laymen in physics, the author Modern Physics However, the incisive introduction has lasting charm. For this reason, in the 30 years after his death, the book is still popular. By 1995, the book had been reprinted 22 times in total and translated into many languages for publication, which was very popular with readers all over the world. Many scientists admit that because Youth Only after reading this book did they embark on the road of devoting themselves to science.
Adventures in the Physical World
However, with the passage of time and the rapid development of science and society, the content of physics has also undergone tremendous changes, which makes part of the content and some forms of expression of this book seem obsolete and outdated. In 1999, Britain was famous Popular science writer Steinard received Cambridge University Press On the basis of being faithful to the style of the original work, the book was comprehensively revised, with 4 chapters added and all illustrations updated. It can be said that this latest edition contains all the important research achievements of physics in the whole 20th century. Hunan Education Press The published Adventures in the Physical World (the latest version) was translated according to this latest version.
The Chinese version of "Adventures in the Physical World" was first published in 1978. At that time, the translation was printed twice, with a total circulation of 600000 copies. This shows its popularity among readers. After the 20th century, this book was republished almost every year. At the same time, this book also won the top ten popular science books of "Newton Cup" in 1999-2000, and was awarded China's Outstanding in 2001 Popular Science Works First prize.
From one to infinity
From One to Infinity It belongs to“ liberal education ”Of Popular science books , covering all aspects of natural science. But different from other popular science works written by topic classification, the author starts with a series of stories, organically integrates many contents of mathematics, physics and even biology, and unconsciously brings some of the most important or useful science knowledge and even skills at his fingertips The basic achievements and cutting-edge progress of natural science were reviewed with a sudden realization and a smile.
This is an absolutely huge style. He combines mathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy, geology, biology Genetic code Many of the cutting-edge content of, let readers follow him to travel around the world. The whole book is permeated with mathematical 1 and ∞. Starting with basic mathematical knowledge, it focuses on Einstein's theory of relativity and four-dimensional The space-time structure shows readers a new and interesting physical world, and discusses the human understanding of Microcosm (e.g Elementary particle , genes, etc.) and Macro world (e.g solar system Galaxy And so on).
This book let us know for the first time that what we learned was boring mathematical formula , physical concepts Chemical symbol In between, there are so many interesting stories; It turns out that the infinity of the universe, the immensity of distant galaxies, is not irrelevant to us; It turns out that molecules and atoms are not the real microcosm and the "1" of the basic unit. They are still composed of proton , neutron neutrino , or even further Quark particle form; Originally Einstein's Four-dimensional space The concept relative to time and space is not so abstract and inconceivable, and even the basic principles of relativity can be used everywhere in our life; It turns out that straight lines and planes that we see as real can also be curved and circular, and even space and time can be curved Macro world The infinity of Infinitesimal , on Gamov His writing is like a fascinating martial arts novel, which is full of fun and eloquence. There is no preaching, no indoctrination, no boring and boring.
The success of Adventures in the Physical World lies first in the author's profound scientific knowledge and superb writing skills. Gamov bypasses the quantitative description of theory and avoids the mathematical difficulties that frighten middle school students general physics The course emphasizes the teaching methods of concept interpretation and image description to introduce the difficult content of physics. In addition, the style is funny, witty, humorous without losing elegance, and the writing is flowing, which makes people tireless. The translation of this book can also be said to be a perfect match with this masterpiece, from which you can feel the translator everywhere Wu Boze Sir Yes Modern Physics His profound understanding of human scientific exploration activities. and Hunan Education Press The book published is excellent in paper, printing and binding, which makes it more valuable for collection. In the late 1970s, the Chinese version of Adventures in the Physical World almost influenced a generation. As far as the quality of translation and publication of the Chinese version is concerned, this latest version can be regarded as a typical representative of the translation of famous works.

Publishing books

  • Author name George Gamov
    Work time 2002-11
    From One to Infinity is a book about science popularization, science and humanities published by the Science Press. The author is George Gamov. The translator is Tuo Yongning, and the school is Wu Boze. The author introduces some important developments in science since the 20th century in vivid language. First talk about some basic mathematical knowledge, then use some interesting metaphors to explain Einstein's theory of relativity and four-dimensional space-time structure, and discuss the human understanding of the micro world (such as the basic
  • Author name George Gamov
    Work time 2017-10
    Adventures in the Physical World is a book published by Science Press in 2008. The author is George Gamov, Russell Steiner, and the translator is Wu Boze.