
Prefecture level cities and capitals of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
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synonym Urumqi (Prefecture level cities and autonomous region capitals under the jurisdiction of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region) generally refer to Urumqi
Urumqi (Uighur: ئ ۈ م چ ى ش ە ى ى, English: Urumqi), commonly known as Urumqi, formerly known as Dihua, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Jurisdiction Prefecture level city capital Type I big city [72] second-tier cities [89] China approved by the State Council Northwest China It is an important central city and an international trade center facing Central Asia and West Asia. [1] By 2022, the city will have jurisdiction over 7 districts and 1 county, with a total area of 13800 square kilometers, [63] The permanent population is 4082400, with the urbanization rate of 96.5%. [83]
Urumqi is located in northwest China Xinjiang Central Eurasia Center Tian Shan North foot of the middle section Junggar Basin The southern edge, between 86 ° 37'33 "- 88 ° 58'24" E and 42 ° 45'32 "- 45 ° 00'00" N, belongs to the continental arid climate of the middle temperate zone, adjacent to Central Asia Countries are the political, economic, cultural, science and education and transportation centers of Xinjiang, and the world's largest city farthest from the sea. Known as the "Capital of Asia", they are the bridgehead of the second Eurasian continental bridge in western China and an important gateway to China's opening to the west [2] It is the largest inland city (2500 km) in the world and the farthest from the sea and coastline.
In the early Western Han Dynasty Wuji Xiaowei Set up camp in Jinman (Jimsar), near Urumqi, to maintain the safety of the northern Silk Road; It was set at the northern foot of Tianshan Mountain in the Tang Dynasty Tingzhou The 20th year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1755) Qing Dynasty The garrison in Xinjiang started large-scale development. In the 28th year of Qianlong's reign (1763), the Qing Dynasty Qianlong Expand and build the city, renamed Dihua; Dihua became the capital of Xinjiang Province in 1884, and has been the capital of Xinjiang since then political center In 1954, Dihua was renamed Urumqi, which means "beautiful pasture" in Mongolian. [2]
In 2023, Urumqi's GDP will reach 416.846 billion yuan, up 6.0% year on year [93]
Chinese name
Foreign name
area number
six hundred and fifty thousand and one hundred
Administrative Region Category
Prefecture level city
The People's Republic of China Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
geographical position
Xinjiang North central, Tianshan Mountain North piedmont
13800 km²
Area under jurisdiction
7 Municipal district 1 county
Government residence
No. 30, Nanhu East Road, Shuimogou District, Urumqi [99]
Area Code
Postal Code
eight hundred and thirty thousand
climatic conditions
Mid temperate semi-arid Continental climate [80]
population size
4.085 million [83] [100] (Permanent population by the end of 2022)
License plate code
New A
416.846 billion yuan [93] (2023)
GDP per capita
95511 yuan [83] (2022)
Secretary of Municipal Party Committee
Zhang Zhu

Historical evolution

Neolithic , there are human beings living here.
the warring states , ancient Carman The scope of human activities.
Western Han Dynasty Urumqi and its surrounding areas are distributed with more than ten nomadic tribes, known as "the land of thirteen countries" in history, Western Regions Capital Guard He sent troops to garrison the fields.
Eastern Han Dynasty , which is part of the Six Countries of Cheshi.
three countries , Cheshi Houguo is in the southern suburb of Urumqi (now Wulabo Reservoir One belt) is the first city in Urumqi.
Jin dynasty Sui Dynasty , Development the Silk Road Urumqi is at the crossroads of New North Road.
Tang Dynasty Zhenguan In the 14th year (640), the government of the Tang Dynasty set up Tingzhou , which governs 4 counties. Today, Urumqi is Luntai County Now, Luntai County is the ancient city site on the south side of Wulabo Reservoir in the southeast suburb of Urumqi. In 648, the 22nd year of Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty, the government of the Tang Dynasty set Luntai City 10 kilometers south of the current urban area, under the jurisdiction of Tingzhou Jimsar )。 Cen Shen, a famous frontier poet of the Tang Dynasty, once left famous lines here, such as "suddenly like the spring breeze overnight, thousands of trees and pears blossom" [3] From the third year of Tang Longshuo (663), the government of the Tang Dynasty sent troops to the Urumqi River for reclamation [3] In the second year of Chang'an in Tang Dynasty (702), it was established in Tingzhou Beiting Capital Residence Guard Luntai garrison increased. According to《 New Tang Dynasty Book · Tibetan tradition 》It is recorded that "Luntai and Yiwu open up their fields, and they look at each other in the same direction.". Cen Shen, a frontier fortress poet who has lived in Luntai for three years, wrote a poem that "the garrison building looks west to the smoke and dust, and the Han soldiers are stationed in Luntai". In the sixth year of Dali (771) of the Tang Dynasty, the tang dynasty The government also set up a "quiet Serb army" in Luntai to garrison this strategic place. Since then, when the rule of the Central Plains Dynasty was weak, local governments changed frequently, and wars repeatedly spread to Urumqi, bringing heavy disasters to the people of all ethnic groups [3]
yuan dynasty The northern Xinjiang has become one of the nomadic areas of Moxi Mongol tribes, and the surrounding area of Urumqi was originally the nomadic area of Heshuote tribe of Western Mongolia (during the Ming and Qing dynasties, part of this tribe stayed there, part went to the Qinghai Tibet Plateau with Gushi Khan, and part went to the Volga River basin in Russia with Turguote tribe). The early Qing Dynasty was ruled by one of the Western Mongols, the Junggar Khanate, and was later pacified. During the Qianlong period, the official correspondence was called Urumqi.
clear Qianlong Twenty years (1755), namely, peace Junggar Khanate At the end of the 20th century, Urumqi began large-scale development. Urumqi built a garrison of soil, and the Qing government encouraged land reclamation and reduced grain taxes. Urumqi's agriculture, commerce and handicrafts once developed rapidly, becoming a place of "prosperity and prosperity, ranking first outside the Shanhaiguan Pass". The Qing government was thorough Dzun gar pa Rebellion, building fortifications and stationing troops in Jiujiawan area of Urumqi, named this place "Urumqi". In the 23rd year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1758), in order to meet the needs of population growth, land reclamation and commercial trade, the Qing army first built an earthen city outside today's Nanmen Gate. The city was "five minutes on a Monday and twelve feet high", which was the prototype of Urumqi's city. In the 28th year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1763), the old Tucheng expanded northward, reaching a perimeter of five li and four fen. Upon completion, Emperor Qianlong named the expanded city "Dihua". In the 37th year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1772), another new city, Gongning City (namely Old Mancheng ), officers and soldiers stationed in Manchuria. In the 38th year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1773), Tongzhi in Urumqi was changed to Dihua Prefecture Zhizhou, changed the counselor minister of Urumqi to Urumqi Dutong The governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, Brigadier General Zuo, moved Malikundao to Gongning City, Dihua Prefecture. So Gongning City became the military and political ruling center of the Qing Dynasty in Urumqi at that time. In the third year of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty (1864), Gongning City was destroyed by war. In the sixth year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty (1880), the "New Manchu City" was built in the east of Dihua City. The original Dihua City was inhabited by civilians and businessmen, commonly known as "Seoul". In the 10th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty (1884), Xinjiang was established provinces Dihua is the provincial capital. From then on, Dihua has become Xinjiang's political center The next year, Shengdihua Zhili Prefecture by Dihua Mansion , Dihua County is added as the first county in the country [4]
Republic of China In the second year (1913), Zhen Di Daoyin was changed into an observer, and Dihua Prefecture was abolished and Dihua County was retained. In the 29th year of the Republic of China (1940), Dihua Municipal Government Committee was established [4] On November 1, the 34th year of the Republic of China (1945), Dihua officially established the city and the municipal government; At the same time, the urban area is divided into one, two, three, four and five districts. Dihua County is under the jurisdiction of Dihua Commissioner's Office, governing six townships, two pastoral areas and Daban Town A protection organization shall be set up below the district.
In 1949, Xinjiang peaceful liberation. On December 17, Dihua Municipal People's Government was established. 7 districts and 54 street offices were re established. Farmers' associations were established in the suburbs, and three townships were established on the basis of land reform. So far, people's governments at all levels in urban and rural areas have been initially established.
On February 1, 1954, Dihua was renamed Urumqi.
Panorama of Urumqi

administrative division


Division evolution

On August 10, 1999, the state council It is approved to change the name of Nanshan Mining Area in Urumqi to Nanquan District.
On March 9, 2002, the State Council approved the adjustment of the administrative division of Nanquan District, Urumqi: Xigou Township Aksu Township and Chaiwopu Township are under the jurisdiction of Nanquan District, Urumqi. (2) Nanquan District was renamed Dabancheng District of Urumqi City, and the district government was moved from Yuergou to Dabancheng Town.
On August 1, 2007, the State Council approved Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture Miquan City was merged into Urumqi City, Miquan City and Dongshan District of Urumqi City were cancelled, and Midong District of Urumqi City was established. After the adjustment of administrative divisions, the administrative area of Urumqi has increased from 10900.77 square kilometers to 14216.3 square kilometers. The administrative area of Midong District is the original administrative area of Miquan City and Dongshan District of Urumqi, with an area of 3407.42 square kilometers; Urumqi Midong District And Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Fuhai County, Altay Prefecture Wujiaqu City The direction of administrative boundaries remains unchanged according to the original administrative boundaries of Miquan City [5]

Zoning Details

By 2022, Urumqi has 7 Municipal district , 1 county, Urumqi Municipal People's Government shuimogou district 72 Nanhu Road [6]
district and county
the measure of area
Area under jurisdiction
two hundred and forty-five
166 East Ring Road
three hundred and eighty-two
No. 30, Yangzijiang Road
three hundred and twenty-six
Beijing Road Street
two hundred and seventy-seven point five six
Qifang Street
four hundred and ninety
1 Weitai South Road
four thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine
Daban Town
three thousand four hundred and seven point four two
Fuqian Road
four thousand two hundred and eleven
99 Nanhua Road

geographical environment


geographical position

Urumqi is located in northwest China, central Xinjiang, Eurasia The hinterland is located at the northern foot of the Northern Tianshan Mountains, Junggar Basin south. In the east, along the line from Chake Maktag to the Great River Turpan Border; West Toutunhe District And Changji City Is the boundary; In the south, it is connected to Nanshan mining area by Karatag Kizilyi, and the protruding part turns to the southeast, along the east of Weirilok Alagou and Tokson County to be connected To the south of the Charzeg Ridge Line 3 and Heshuo County Adjacency; Southwest and Hejing County Neighborhood; In the north, along Bogda Ridge Jimsar County Fukang Demarcation. It is located between 86 ° 37'33 "- 88 ° 58'24" E and 42 ° 45'32 "- 45 ° 00'00" N [7] With a total area of 13800 square kilometers [63]

topographic features

Large high-definition topographic map of Urumqi
The northernmost point in Urumqi is Toutunhe River Downstream distance Wujiaqu City 3.5km away, the southernmost point is Xiageze Ridge to the south of Ara Valley, and the widest point from north to south is about 153km; The easternmost point of the city is in the Aiken Valley of Shiyaozi in the east of Gaoyazi Pasture, and the westernmost point is in the Tianger Ridge to the west of Shengli Daban, with a maximum length of 190 kilometers from east to west. The altitude is 580-920m. Natural gradient 12 ‰ - 15 ‰ [7]
Urumqi has an extremely uneven terrain and vast mountainous area. It is high in the south and northeast, and low in the middle and north. The highest point is Bogda Peak of Tianshan Mountain, 5445m above sea level; The lowest point is at the south side of the Grand Canal of Mengjin Reservoir, 490.6m above sea level. The horizontal distance between the two places is 75 kilometers, and the elevation difference is 4954.4 meters. The mountainous area accounts for more than 50% of the total area, the northern alluvial plain is less than 1/10 of the total area, and the average elevation of the urban area is 800 meters [2]
Urumqi is surrounded by mountains on three sides and the northern plain is open. There are Boda Mountain, Karatag Mountain and Dongshan Mountain in the east; In the west, there are Kalazar Mountain and Xishan Mountain; In the south, there are the eastern section of Yilianhabirga (Tiange'er Mountain), Tugedabantage, etc. The terrain of the area is reduced from southeast to northwest, which is roughly divided into three steps: the first step is mountainous, with an altitude of 2500-3000 meters or higher; The second level is intermountain basins and hills, with an altitude of 1000-2000m; The third level is plain, with an altitude below 600m [2]


Large high-definition satellite map of Urumqi
Urumqi is the furthest city from the sea in the world Temperate continental arid climate The hottest months are July and August, with an average temperature of 25.7 ℃; The coldest month is January, with an average temperature of - 15.2 ℃. Spring came late in Urumqi, and the northern suburbs entered spring on March 26; The urban area will be two weeks late, and spring will come on April 8; It will be ten days later in the southern suburbs, and green waves will be seen in front of the mountain around April 20. From the first ten days of June every year, the spring of Urumqi ends from north to south. Spring rain accounts for about 40% of the annual precipitation, which is very beneficial to spring sowing and dryland crops. In summer, the mountainous areas in Urumqi's suburbs are full of flowers and the urban forest belt is flourishing; Summer in the northern suburbs, only 62 days; and Nanshan pasture But there is no real summer, spring and autumn are connected. Urumqi is hot but not stuffy in summer. The temperature difference between day and night is large. The average temperature in the urban area in summer is 23 ℃. Autumn in Urumqi starts on August 24 every year. The northern plain was postponed for 10 days. After autumn, the weather was relatively stable, mild and pleasant. After the last ten days of September, cold air frequently hit, and the temperature dropped rapidly. The temperature difference between day and night increases in October. There is a saying in local folk songs that "wear fur coat in the morning and gauze in the afternoon, and eat watermelons around the stove". The winter in Urumqi urban area lasts 150 days from November 3 to April 8 of the next year. Urumqi is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and the north looks like a bell mouth towards Junggar Basin. Because of the barrier of Tianshan Mountain, cold air often stays in the basin. There is a "warm belt" in the foothills of the southern suburbs. The temperature in January is 4 or 5 degrees higher than that in the urban area. This unique winter climate is suitable for greenhouse vegetable production, and the southern suburbs have been covered with snow for 175 days [8]


The surface water quality in Urumqi is good, and all rivers are Inland river The river channel is short and scattered. It originates from mountainous areas and is mainly supplied by ice and snow melt water. The water level changes greatly in season and is lost in oasis or plain reservoirs. There are 46 rivers in Urumqi, belonging to Urumqi River Toutunhe River Baiyang River , Aragou Chaiwopu Lake 5 water systems.
Water resources are the most valuable resources in Urumqi, which is located in the inland arid region. Urumqi glacier melting surface runoff and Underground runoff Precipitation is the supply source of water resources, and the change of precipitation directly affects the change of water resources. In 2012, the total amount of water resources was 996.9 million cubic meters, including 919.8 million cubic meters of surface water resources and 77.1 million cubic meters of groundwater resources [9]
Urumqi is rich in groundwater resources, which can be divided into Dabancheng - Chaiwopu depression, Urumqi valley and northern inclined plain form a good environment for groundwater storage. Urumqi is rich in glacier resources. Glaciers are known as "alpine solid reservoirs". They are mainly distributed in the Tianger Mountain in the upper reaches of Urumqi River and Toutun River and the Bogda Mountain in the east. The reserves are 7.39 billion cubic meters, and the average melting volume is 123 million cubic meters [9]

natural resources


land resource

Urumqi has a total land area of 12000 square kilometers, 65430 hectares of arable land, accounting for 5.55% of the total land area, including 990 hectares of paddy fields and 4618 hectares of vegetable fields, Irrigate the land It covers an area of 56872 hectares, and 2950 hectares of dry land; The existing garden area is 1007 hectares, accounting for 0.09% of the total land area; 57712 hectares of forest land, accounting for 4.89% of the total land area; 804679 hectares of pasture land, accounting for 68.23% of the total land area; 30702 hectares of urban, town, village and industrial and mining land, accounting for 2.6% of the total land area; The total water area is 36204 hectares, accounting for 3.07% of the total land area; 178412 hectares of unused land, accounting for 15.13% of the total land area [10]
Panorama of Urumqi

Biological resources

  • Forest resources
The forest resources of Urumqi are relatively superior in the whole Xinjiang, equivalent to the average of the whole Xinjiang forest coverage But there is a big gap compared with the whole country. Forest resources can be divided into natural forest and artificial forest. Natural forests mainly include Mountain coniferous forest River valley forest and plain desert forest; Plantation mainly includes various types of forests, mainly focusing on the transformation of nature, protection of farmland and grassland Protection forest Timber forest economic forest And urban green forest. yes Forest land area 62477 hectares, including 35612 hectares of forest land, accounting for 57% of the forest land area; The open forest land area is 18362 hectares, accounting for 29% of the forest land area; The area of shrub land is 2782 hectares, accounting for 4% of the forest land area; The nursery base covers an area of 264 hectares; Urban garden And barren mountain greening has reached 3226 hectares. There are about 90 species of tree species, mainly including Xueling Spruce Betula tianschanica Populus densiflora Ulmus pumila etc. [11]
  • Animal resources
Urumqi's geographical location, geomorphic characteristics, climate conditions, etc. provide various animals with alternative living conditions, and are rich resources for animal reproduction. All kinds of wild terrestrial vertebrate There are about 212 species, including 201 species of birds and animals. desert fauna It is distributed in the low mountain desert and alluvial plain of the city, mainly including gerbil Jerboa Goose throat antelope Sand Fox wolf And other animals; River and limnetic fauna are distributed in rivers, lakes and other waters of the city, and the representative species are Grey goose mallard Black Stork And other animals; The forest grassland fauna is distributed in the forest and grassland of Nanshan Mountain, mainly including Red deer wild boar Brown bear Grey marmot Marten hare And other animals; The animals of the plateau cold desert fauna distributed in the high mountain areas of Nanshan and Dongshan, mainly including Northern Goat Snow Leopard Tetraogallus himalayensis And other animals. There are 24 kinds of wild animals distributed in Urumqi that are listed as rare animals under national protection, of which Animals under first-class protection 4 species, 20 species of secondary protected animals [12]
  • plant resources
Urumqi is located in the north of Tianshan Mountains, with a complex natural environment and rich wild plant resources. It has been found that there are more than 40 kinds of wild edible plants available for development, including Rosa multiflora Hippophae rhamnoides Alfalfa Has been developed and utilized at home and abroad as beverages and health products; There are about 50 kinds of wild oil plants; There are about 29 families, 140 genera and more than 240 species of wild forage plants, including Clover Sweet clover alfalfa Wheatgrass , Grassland Poa pratensis Bouton barley The world famous leguminous and gramineous forage grows in this city, and there are many good wild forage to be further developed and utilized; wild Nectar plant About more than 100; There are more than 60 kinds of wild relatives of crops; wild Medicinal plant resources There are about 390 species, which are part of the treasure house of Chinese medicine; There are more than 100 kinds of wild industrial plants [13]

mineral resources

Urumqi is rich in mineral resources, with prominent regional advantages, high degree of industrial support, and large reserves of some mineral resources. There are 27 kinds of minerals in resource reserves, accounting for 26.47% of the 102 minerals identified in Xinjiang. 83 mining areas with resource reserves have been identified, including 15 large producing areas, 12 medium producing areas and 56 small producing areas; 15 are under mining, 37 are unused and 31 are suspended. In terms of spatial distribution, Dabancheng District has the largest number of verified mineral reserves, 33; Urumqi County takes the second place, 27; 14 in Midong District, 4 in Shaibak District, 4 in Shuimogou District and 1 in Tianshan District. The coal reserve is large, which is the dominant mineral in Urumqi; oil shale copper mine Mirabilite Fireclay . Limestone for cement has a certain reserve scale, and has strong advantages and competitiveness in resource endowment, market supply and demand, and mining and processing conditions [76]
North of Urumqi Zhundong Oilfield , Xiyou Karamay Oilfield, Nanyou tarim oilfield , Dongyou Tuha Oilfield , and located in Junggar In the middle of the coal storage belt, the coal reserves in the municipal area are more than 10 billion tons, mainly distributed in Yamaric Mountain Terrazzo ditch Reed swale Urumqi is also called "the city on the sea of coal" because it accounts for about a quarter of the total reserves of Xinjiang. In addition, it also contains rich nonferrous and rare mineral resources [76]

Wind energy resources

Urumqi is rich in wind energy resources. North wind and northwest wind prevail throughout the year in the urban area, south wind prevails throughout the year in the northern plain and Daxigou, west wind prevails in Dabancheng Valley, northeast wind and south wind prevail in the middle and low mountains in the south. Under the influence of Tianshan Mountain, the valley wind is also obvious. No matter in winter or summer, when the weather is stable and sunny, the south wind - mountain wind is blowing at night, and the north wind - valley wind is blowing during the day. The time of strong wind is more at night in plain areas than in daytime, and more at daytime in Dabancheng Valley and alpine areas. The wind speed in Urumqi is the highest in spring and summer, and the lowest in winter. The annual average wind speed in most areas is 2-3 m/s. The famous windy area of Wulabo Chaiwopu Dabancheng Valley, with an annual average wind speed of 6.2 m/s and an effective wind energy of 2000~3000 kW · h/m2 · year, is the most abundant and valuable area of wind energy resources in the city. By 2022, the completed Chaiwopu Wind Power Plant is the largest wind power plant in Asia, with an installed capacity of 66500 kilowatts [74]


Urumqi is a multi-ethnic city with 13 ethnic groups. except Han nationality Outside, Youhui Uygur Kazakhstan , Man, Xibo Mongolia Kirgiz Tajikistan Tatar , Uzbekistan Russia daur Etc. There are 51 ethnic minorities in Urumqi. Among the city's population, 2331654 people are Han people, accounting for 74.91% of the total population, and 780905 people are ethnic minorities, accounting for 25.09% of the total population [14]
By 2021, Urumqi has a permanent population of 4.07 million. The urbanization rate of permanent population is 96.1%; The birth rate is 6.24 ‰; The mortality rate is 5.49 ‰; Natural growth rate 0.75 ‰ [73] By the end of 2022, Urumqi has a permanent population of 4082400. The urbanization rate of permanent population is 96.5%; The birth rate is 5.3 ‰; The mortality rate is 5.03 ‰; The natural growth rate is 0.27 ‰. [83]
Change of permanent population in Urumqi (2017~2022)
Reference source: [83-88]


Main leaders of Urumqi
name list
Secretary of Municipal Party Committee
Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress
Chairman of the CPPCC Municipal Committee
Vice Mayor
Leadership information as of August 2024 [65] [78-79] [81-82] [91-92] [96-98]




Urumqi is The Second Eurasian Continental Bridge Node city on the economic belt, China Western Region An important economic center. Urumqi, adjacent to Central Asian countries, has been an important hub for communication between East and West commerce since ancient times, and has a strong radiation effect on Central Asia. China Asia Europe Expo yes Urumqi Foreign Economic and Trade Fair Urumqi is the permanent host city of China Eurasia Expo. Xinjiang International Automobile Industry Expo is the largest, most famous and second to none auto show in northwest China and the largest international auto show in Central Asia. China Xinjiang International Coal Industry Expo It is an important event in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and one of the two major coal exhibitions in Asia.
In 2023, the gross regional product (GDP) will reach 416.846 billion yuan, an increase of 6.0% over the previous year at constant prices. Including: the added value of the primary industry was 3.312 billion yuan, up 13.7%; The added value of the secondary industry was 114.674 billion yuan, up 0.9%; The added value of the tertiary industry was 298.86 billion yuan, up 7.8%. The tertiary industrial structure is 0.8:27.5:71.7. The per capita GDP is 102078 yuan. [94]
In 2022, Urumqi will achieve a gross regional product (GDP) of 389.322 billion yuan, an increase of 0.3% over the previous year at comparable prices. Of which, the added value of the primary industry was 3.098 billion yuan, up 2.8%; The added value of the secondary industry was 113.343 billion yuan, down 1.0%; The added value of the tertiary industry was 272.881 billion yuan, up 0.7%. The tertiary industrial structure is 0.8:29.1:70.1. The per capita GDP was 95511 yuan, basically the same as the previous year. [83]
Change of Urumqi's GDP (2017~2022)
Reference source: [83-88]
In 2022, Urumqi's fixed asset investment (excluding farmers, the same below) will increase by 0.3% over the previous year. Among them, investment in the primary industry decreased by 9.7%; Investment in the secondary industry increased by 50.0%, of which industrial investment increased by 50.0%; Investment in the tertiary industry dropped by 15.4%.

primary industry

In 2023, the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery will be 6.759 billion yuan, an increase of 13.5% over the previous year at comparable prices, of which the agricultural output value will be 4.213 billion yuan, an increase of 16.0%; The forestry output value was 30 million yuan, down 39.2%; The output value of animal husbandry was 2.241 billion yuan, up 12.2%; The fishery output value was 57 million yuan, down 17.8%; The output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery services was 219 million yuan, up 3.1%. [94]
In 2023, the sown area of crops will be 629400 mu, an increase of 10.5%. Among them, 130900 mu of grain increased by 10.1%; 14300 mu of cotton, up 57.8%; 18000 mu of oil crops, down 7.6%; 180500 mu of vegetables, down 5.5%.
In 2023, the grain output will be 60000 tons, increasing by 13.5%; 1700 tons of cotton, an increase of 66.6%; 4600 tons of oil plants, an increase of 9.2%; 773600 tons of vegetables, an increase of 17.2%. [94]
By the end of 2023, 720500 livestock will be sold, up 7.0% over the previous year; Among them, 55600 pigs were sold, down 0.7%; 102500 cattle were sold, up 20.1%; 562500 sheep were sold, up 5.7%. 1.5572 million live poultry were sold, up 0.4%. At the end of the year, the total output of meat was 35100 tons, up 10.6%, of which the output of pork was 4500 tons, up 0.6%; Beef output was 17700 tons, up 18.3%; The mutton output was 10000 tons, up 5.1%. Poultry meat output was 2800 tons, up 3.9%. Egg production was 4600 tons, down 1.4%. The output of milk was 27100 tons, down 4.8%. The output of aquatic products was 3800 tons, down 19.5%. [94]
In 2023, the total power of agricultural machinery will be 340900 kilowatts, an increase of 3.4%. It has 25000 large and medium-sized tractors, up 6.8%; 2300 small tractors, down 17.4%. Fertilizer application amount (converted into pure fertilizer) was 12700 tons, up 19.5%. [94]
In 2022, Urumqi will complete the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery of 6.418 billion yuan, an increase of 3.7% over the previous year at comparable prices, including 3.832 billion yuan of agricultural output value, an increase of 16.5%; The forestry output value was 49 million yuan, down 46.1%; The output value of animal husbandry was 2.239 billion yuan, down 7.8%; The fishery output value was 93 million yuan, down 23.4%; The output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery services was 204 million yuan, down 5.9%.
In 2022, the sown area of crops in Urumqi will be 569900 mu, an increase of 2.0%. Including: 118800 mu of grain, down 1.7%; 9100 mu of cotton, up 15.5 times; 19400 mu of oil crops, down 70.7%; 191000 mu of vegetables, up 6.0%.
In 2022, 660300 tons of vegetables will be produced in Urumqi, with an increase of 8.0%; The grain output was 52900 tons, with a reduction of 3.5%; 4200 tons of oil plants, a reduction of 67.0%; Cotton output increased by 9.3 times to 1000 tons.
By the end of 2022, Urumqi has sold 673700 livestock, a decrease of 12.0% over the previous year; Of which, 56000 pigs were sold, down 21.5%; 85300 cattle were sold, down 1.4%; 532400 sheep were sold, down 12.4%. 1.5518 million live poultry were sold, down 30.9%. At the end of the year, the total output of meat was 31700 tons, down 6.0%, including 4500 tons of pork, down 12.6%; The beef output was 15000 tons, up 3.7%; The mutton output was 9600 tons, down 7.1%. Poultry meat output was 2700 tons, down 31.0%. Egg production was 4700 tons, down 19.5%. Milk output was 28400 tons, up 15.6%. The output of aquatic products was 5300 tons, down 3.5%.
By the end of 2022, the total power of agricultural machinery in Urumqi is 329600kW, down 7.4%. 2400 large and medium-sized tractors, down 4.2%; 2700 small tractors, up 0.9%. Fertilizer application amount (converted into pure fertilizer) was 9700 tons, up 9.7%. [83]

the secondary industry

In 2023, Urumqi's industries above designated size will achieve an added value of 86.829 billion yuan, down 1.9%. According to light and heavy industries, the added value of light industry was 10.154 billion yuan, up 8.6%; Heavy industry reached 76.675 billion yuan, down 3.0%. According to the subordination, the industrial added value of central enterprises was 62.521 billion yuan, up 0.7%; Local enterprises reached 24.308 billion yuan, down 7.8%. By enterprise scale, the industrial added value of large enterprises was 62.453 billion yuan, down 1.6%; Medium sized enterprises reached 12.929 billion yuan, down 15.4%; Small enterprises reached 10.195 billion yuan, up 17.7%; Micro enterprises reached 1.252 billion yuan, up 20.4%. According to the non oil industry, the added value of the oil industry was 26.475 billion yuan, down 5.6%; The non oil industry was 60.354 billion yuan, down 0.1%. [94]
Among the pillar industries, the added value of the petroleum industry was 26.475 billion yuan, down 5.6%; The electric power industry was 23.705 billion yuan, up 7.0%; The non-metallic mineral products industry was 6.062 billion yuan, down 33.7%; Chemical industry reached 6.529 billion yuan, down 6.7%; The tobacco industry was 4.732 billion yuan, down 1.9%; The coal industry was 1.723 billion yuan, up 17.0%; The iron and steel industry was 3.266 billion yuan, up 16.3%; Electric industry reached 1.306 billion yuan, down 17.6%; Nonferrous metal industry was 1.892 billion yuan, up 22.3%. [94]
In 2023, the sales rate of industrial enterprises above designated size will reach 100.6%, up 1.3 percentage points over the previous year. The export delivery value of industrial products was 2.74 billion yuan, up 25.1%. The main business income was 354.7 billion yuan, down 8.6%; The total profit was 20.494 billion yuan, down 38.1%; The total tax was 20.90 billion yuan, down 14.5%; The loss of loss making enterprises was 4.956 billion yuan, down 15.7% year on year. In the whole year, the cost per 100 yuan of operating income of industrial enterprises above designated size was 85.87 yuan, an increase of 3.1% over the previous year; The operating income profit margin was 5.8%, 2.8 percentage points lower than that of the previous year. [94]
In 2023, the added value of the construction industry will reach 18.364 billion yuan, an increase of 13.0% over the previous year. The total output value of construction enterprises was 113.281 billion yuan, up 7.1%. The construction area of buildings was 44.6746 million square meters, down 0.4%; The completed area was 4805300 square meters, an increase of 64.8%. [94]
Urumqi has formed ten major industrial clusters, including petrochemical, metallurgy, textile, machinery manufacturing, high-tech, building materials, medicine, food, light industry, and electronic information. The industry category is complete, and the industrial structure is becoming more and more reasonable. In particular, the development of petrochemical, metallurgy and other industries is leading in the industry of the same industry, and has become the pillar of the secondary industry. The secondary industry accounts for 38.8% of the city's GDP, and more and more top 500 enterprises in the world and China have settled in Urumqi.
In 2022, Urumqi's industries above designated size will achieve an added value of 92.417 billion yuan, an increase of 6.2% over the previous year at comparable prices. According to light and heavy industries, the added value of light industry was 9.118 billion yuan, up 3.7%; Heavy industry reached 83.299 billion yuan, up 6.5%. By affiliation, the added value of central enterprises was 63.449 billion yuan, up 8.3%; Local enterprises reached 28.968 billion yuan, up 2.4%. According to the scale of enterprises, the added value of large enterprises was 670.07 billion yuan, up 6.0%; Medium sized enterprises reached 16.21 billion yuan, up 19.8%; Small enterprises reached 7.99 billion yuan, down 11.2%; Micro enterprises reached 1.210 billion yuan, up 20.4%. Among the pillar industries, the petroleum industry was 30.934 billion yuan, an increase of 8.8% over the previous year; The added value of the power industry was 17.96 billion yuan, up 13.4%; The non-metallic mineral products industry was 12.286 billion yuan, up 23.2%; Chemical industry was 8.117 billion yuan, up 0.9%; The tobacco industry was 4.444 billion yuan, up 18%; The iron and steel industry reached 3.328 billion yuan, down 13.9%; The coal industry was 1.794 billion yuan, down 7.8%; The electric industry was 1.573 billion yuan, down 41.7%; Nonferrous metal industry was 1.587 billion yuan, up 42.0%.
In 2022, the sales rate of industrial enterprises above designated size in Urumqi will be 99.3%, down 0.7 percentage points from the previous year. The export delivery value of industrial products was 2.097 billion yuan, down 52.1%. The operating revenue was 375.505 billion yuan, up 14.4%; The total profit was 32.567 billion yuan, up 57.0%; Total taxes were 24.317 billion yuan, up 30.3%; Loss of loss making enterprises was 5.775 billion yuan, up 1.8 times. In the whole year, the cost per 100 yuan of operating income of industrial enterprises above designated size was 83.02 yuan, down 1.5% from the previous year; The operating income profit margin was 8.67%, up 2.4 percentage points. The comprehensive index of economic benefits of industrial enterprises above designated size is 180.4. Among them, the asset liability ratio is 52.1%, the contribution rate of total assets is 10.2%, the cost profit rate is 9.8%, the turnover times of current assets are 1.82 times, the capital maintenance and appreciation rate is 108.1%, and the total labor productivity is 101900 yuan/person. [83]

the service sector; the tertiary industry

Xinjiang borders 8 neighboring countries by land and has 17 borders customs port of the first class And 10 port of the second category Urumqi is not only the largest commodity distribution center in Xinjiang, but also an important import and export trade distribution center in Central Asia, and has become an important platform for world investors to explore the Central Asian market. Relying on eight neighboring countries, Urumqi has built nearly 200 kinds of Commodity market Among them, 32 have an annual trading volume of more than 100 million yuan and 10 have an annual trading volume of more than 1 billion yuan, forming a multi-level and multi-channel trade network covering Xinjiang and radiating to Central Asia, and becoming the most cutting-edge cities in western China's opening up to the outside world. Urumqi's tertiary industry is relatively developed, with more than 100 Star rated hotel More than 90 companies above three stars, Urumqi fivestar hotel 15, with perfect service industry and complete infrastructure, creating a good investment and cooperation environment for merchants around the world; It has a sound commercial circulation system, Import and export trade Relatively developed, accounting for more than 50% of Xinjiang's import and export volume; A number of international famous brands have successively settled in Urumqi, improving the commercial format. two thousand and thirteen China Financial Center Index Urumqi ranked 26th among the 31 financial center cities.
Service industry
In 2023, the added value of wholesale and retail industry will be 32.491 billion yuan, an increase of 7.9% over the previous year; The added value of transportation, warehousing and postal services was 58.764 billion yuan, up 18.2%; The added value of accommodation and catering industry was 5.273 billion yuan, up 20.8%; The added value of the financial industry was 640.12 billion yuan, up 3.2%; The added value of the real estate industry was 25.862 billion yuan, up 5.1%; The added value of other service industries was 111.565 billion yuan, up 6.2%. The annual operating income of service enterprises above designated size was 232.508 billion yuan, up 14.2%; The total profit was 21.522 billion yuan, up 64.6%. [94]
In 2022, the added value of Urumqi's wholesale and retail industry will be 29.674 billion yuan, down 6.1% over the previous year; The added value of transportation, warehousing and postal services was 48.670 billion yuan, up 7.0%; The added value of accommodation and catering industry was 4.145 billion yuan, down 18.3%; The added value of the financial industry was 62.437 billion yuan, up 5.8%; The added value of the real estate industry was 23.896 billion yuan, down 10.3%; The added value of other service industries was 103.347 billion yuan, up 1.2%. The annual operating income of service enterprises above designated size was 188.412 billion yuan, up 6.1%; The total profit was 14.926 billion yuan, up 9.9%. [83]
Domestic trade
In 2023, the total retail sales of consumer goods will reach 12.3134 billion yuan, an increase of 19.2% over the previous year. By business location, the retail sales of consumer goods in urban areas reached 122.298 billion yuan, up 19.0%; Retail sales of rural consumer goods reached 836 million yuan, up 52.9%. Catering revenue was 13.66 billion yuan, up 20.2%, according to consumption patterns; Retail sales of commodities reached 109.474 billion yuan, up 19.1%. [94]
Among the retail sales of commodities above the designated size, clothing, shoes and hats, knitwear and textiles increased by 51.9%, beverages by 49.6%, automobiles by 42.7%, gold, silver and jewelry by 40.8%, communication equipment by 39.6%, cultural and office supplies by 36.4%, tobacco and alcohol by 34.1%, cosmetics by 30.9%, Chinese and western medicines by 25.9%, grain, oil and food by 23.0%, Books, newspapers and magazines increased by 18.4%, daily necessities by 9.2%, petroleum and products by 7.5%, and furniture by 16.7%. [94]
In 2022, Urumqi will achieve a total retail sales of consumer goods of 103.30 billion yuan, down 11.8% over the previous year. By industry, the retail sales of wholesale and retail industry were 92.752 billion yuan, down 10.1%; The retail sales of accommodation and catering were 10.548 billion yuan, down 24.0%. By business location, the retail sales of consumer goods in urban areas reached 102.66 billion yuan, down 11.8%; Retail sales of rural consumer goods reached 640 million yuan, down 4.9%. Catering revenue was 10.42 billion yuan, down 24.8% by consumption pattern; Retail sales were 92.88 billion yuan, down 10.1%. [83]
Foreign economy and tourism
In 2022, Urumqi will achieve a total import and export volume of 51.357 billion yuan, an increase of 33.2% over the previous year. Including: 38.878 billion yuan of export, up 49.6%; Import was 12.479 billion yuan, down 0.6%.
In 2022, Urumqi will receive 51.5371 million domestic and foreign tourists (including one-day tours), a decrease of 39.4% over the previous year, including 6.0869 million domestic overnight tourists, a decrease of 57.2%. The total tourism revenue of the whole year was 39.111 billion yuan, down 39.5%, of which the domestic overnight tourism revenue was 22.913 billion yuan, down 51.7%. [83]
Finance and insurance
In 2023, local fiscal revenue will reach 46.182 billion yuan, an increase of 8.8% over the previous year. Including: general public budget revenue of 36.979 billion yuan, up 17.5%; The budget revenue of government funds was 9.203 billion yuan, down 16.0%. In the general public budget revenue, the domestic value-added tax, personal income tax, urban maintenance and construction tax and deed tax increased by 62.4%, 14.4%, 6.2% and 67.8% respectively, and the corporate income tax decreased by 13.6%. [94]
In 2023, local fiscal expenditure will reach 68.848 billion yuan, up 16.8% over the previous year. Including: general public budget expenditure of 50.405 billion yuan, up 10.6%; The budgetary expenditure of government funds was 18.442 billion yuan, up 38.2%. The annual fiscal expenditure on people's livelihood was 39.49 billion yuan, accounting for 78.3% of the general public budget expenditure, 1.8 percentage points higher than the previous year. [94]
By the end of 2023, the balance of various RMB deposits of financial institutions (including foreign capital) was 1303.653 billion yuan, an increase of 8.9% over the end of the previous year. Including: corporate deposits of 375.758 billion yuan, down 0.1%; Household deposits reached 530.6 billion yuan, up 14.2%; Government deposits reached 375.421 billion yuan, up 12.7%.
By the end of 2023, the balance of various loans of financial institutions was 1166.349 billion yuan, an increase of 10.0% over the end of the previous year, including 262.838 billion yuan of short-term loans, an increase of 14.2%; Medium and long-term loans reached 776.31 billion yuan, up 16.2%. [94]
By the end of 2023, there are 33 domestic listed companies, including 29 on the main board and 4 on the GEM. The initial offering raised 15.751 billion yuan, an increase of 5.9% over the previous year; The total share capital was 76.215 billion shares, up 1.2%; The total market value of shares was 470.366 billion yuan, down 10.0%. It has 2 legal person securities companies, 69 securities business departments and branches; It has 1 futures company and 7 futures business departments. [94]
By the end of 2023, the city will have 215 insurance institutions, including 1 head office, 33 autonomous branch companies, 20 prefecture level central branches, 97 county-level branches, 3 business departments and 61 marketing service departments. The premium income of insurance institutions was 23.672 billion yuan, up 8.5% over the previous year, including 5.681 billion yuan for property insurance, up 8.5%; Life insurance was 17.991 billion yuan, up 8.5%. All kinds of insurance claims and benefits paid in the year were 9.19 billion yuan, up 30.7% over the previous year, including 4.311 billion yuan for property insurance, up 35.0%; Life insurance reached 4.879 billion yuan, up 27.1%. [94]
By the end of 2022, the balance of RMB deposits of financial institutions (including foreign capital) in Urumqi had reached 1196.706 billion yuan, an increase of 16.4% over the end of the previous year. Including: 376.026 billion yuan of corporate deposits, up 16.5%; Household deposits reached 464.752 billion yuan, up 15.4%; Government deposits reached 333.234 billion yuan, up 20.5%.
By the end of 2022, the balance of loans of financial institutions in Urumqi had reached 106.0299 billion yuan, an increase of 8.2% over the end of the previous year, including 230.089 billion yuan of short-term loans, an increase of 4.4%; Medium and long-term loans reached 668.052 billion yuan, up 8.6%.
By the end of 2022, Urumqi has 32 domestic listed companies, including 28 on the main board and 4 on the GEM. The initial capital raised was 14.875 billion yuan, up 22.8% over the previous year; The total share capital was 75.303 billion shares, up 1.8%; The total market value of shares was 470.367 billion yuan, down 11.7%. It has 2 legal person securities companies, 68 securities business departments and branches; It has 1 futures company and 7 futures business departments.
By the end of 2022, Urumqi has 221 insurance institutions, including 1 head office, 33 autonomous branch companies, 22 prefecture level central branches, 97 county-level branches, 3 business departments and 65 marketing service departments. The premium income of insurance institutions was 21.814 billion yuan, down 2.0% over the previous year, including 5.238 billion yuan for property insurance, down 3.4%; Life insurance was 16.576 billion yuan, down 1.5%. All kinds of insurance claims and benefits paid in the year were 7.031 billion yuan, down 13.7% over the previous year, including 3.192 billion yuan for property insurance, down 18.8%; Life insurance was 3.839 billion yuan, down 9.0%. [83]




Urumqi International Road Rail Combined Transport Bus Station
Urumqi is a transportation hub connecting China, South Asia, Central Asia and even Europe. Many national highways and trunk lines make Urumqi China National highway network Important nodes in. By the end of 2022, the total length of roads in Urumqi by the end of 2022 was 3036.19 kilometers. According to the technical grade, the mileage of classified roads is 2896.36 km; The substandard highway is 139.83 km long. Among the classified highways, there are 339.22 kilometers of expressways, 152.97 kilometers of Class I highways, 490.38 kilometers of Class II highways, 721.61 kilometers of Class III highways, and 1192.18 kilometers of Class IV highways, accounting for 95.4% of the total mileage of highways. [83]
Main roads passing through Urumqi
Shanghai Horgos Highway (National Highway G312)
Urumqi Hongqilafu Highway (National Highway G314)
Hongshanzui Jilong Highway (National Highway G216)


Urumqi is an important railway hub in northwest China and the general hub of Xinjiang railways. Urumqi Railway Bureau It is one of the 18 railway bureaus under the former Ministry of Railways and one of the ten regional passenger transport centers planned by the former Ministry of Railways. It is at the end of the national railway network and governs Lanzhou Xinjiang Southern Xinjiang Northern Xinjiang 3 main lines. In charge of the railway network in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Gansu Province Yumen The railway line to the north.
Urumqi South Station It is the first class passenger and freight transportation station under the jurisdiction of Urumqi Railway Bureau and the general hub of Xinjiang Railway Lanzhou Xinjiang Railway Nanjiang Railway Northern Xinjiang Railway And Lanzhou Xinjiang passenger dedicated line. There are trains to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Chongqing, Chengdu, Wuhan, Zhengzhou, Jinan, Xi'an, Lanzhou, Lianyungang, etc Kazakhstan Almaty Astana Equidirectional International trains
Wuxi Station Directly under the jurisdiction of Urumqi Railway Bureau, it is a first-class station (three levels and five yards) and a marshalling station of Urumqi Railway Bureau.
Urumqi Station It is a large railway passenger station in Urumqi, Xinjiang Lanzhou Xinjiang High speed Railway It is the largest railway passenger station in Urumqi.
On November 16, 2014, Lanzhou Xinjiang High speed Railway (Urumqi South Hami Section) was put into operation, marking that Xinjiang officially entered the era of high-speed railway [15]
On December 26, 2014, Lanzhou Xinjiang Passenger Dedicated Line (The second double line of Lanzhou Xinjiang Railway, also known as "Lanzhou Xinjiang High speed Railway") has been put into operation, with an initial operating speed of 200 kilometers per hour. The first time Urumqi is opened, it can be directly reached Qinghai Tibet Plateau Xining City EMU trains.


Urumqi Diwopu International Airport
Urumqi is one of the seven regional administrations of CAAC CAAC It is positioned as one of the eight major aviation hub ports in China and the third largest aviation hub of China Southern Airlines. Urumqi Diwopu International Airport , flight area level 4E, China facing Central Asia, West Asia and connection Eurasian National gateway hub airport. And Kunming Changshui International Airport It is also one of China's two major national gateway hub airports and an important international aviation channel connecting Asia and Europe. Base airports of China Southern Airlines, Hainan Airlines, Urumqi Airlines, Tianjin Airlines and Sichuan Airlines. In 2021, Urumqi Diwopu International Airport will complete a passenger throughput of 16.88 million people, a cargo throughput of 137000 tons, and guarantee 139000 take-off and landing sorties, with year-on-year growth of 51.4%, 12.7% and 38.6%, respectively, recovering to 80.4%, 79.5% and 77.8% in 2019 [77]

Public transportation

  • rail transit
Urumqi Metro (UrumqiMetro) is an urban rail transit system serving Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. Its first line was put into operation on October 25, 2018, making Urumqi the second city in northwest China to open and operate a subway [16] As of 2022, Urumqi has 1 metro line in operation, namely Urumqi Metro Line 1 The line is 27.615 km long, with 21 stations [17]
Line name
Starting and ending stations
Number of stations
Operating kilometers (km)
organize vehicles into groups
Identify colors
Opening date
twenty-seven point six one three
Tech Blue
October 25, 2018
  • BRT
Urumqi BRT The system (English: UrumqiBusRapidTransit, also known as Urumqi BRT) is a bus rapid transit system operating in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. By 2022, there will be 7 BRT lines, 3 regular bus lines and 2 ring express lines [18]

social undertakings



By the end of 2023, there will be 23 ordinary colleges and universities in total; 75100 students were enrolled in the whole year, up 4.2%; 247000 students enrolled, down 1.7%; 75000 graduates, up 17.0%. [94]
21 secondary vocational education schools; There were 13100 students enrolled in the whole year, down 2.9%; There were 36000 students at school, up 0.3%; There were 11500 graduates, down 1.7%. [94]
58 ordinary high schools; 23800 students were enrolled in the whole year, up 6.9%; There were 66100 students at school, up 4.8%; There were 20500 graduates, up 1.9%. [94]
109 junior high schools; 44200 students were enrolled in the whole year, up 7.0%; There were 126200 students at school, up 4.6%; 38900 graduates, up 4.7%. [94]
126 primary schools; The annual enrollment was 50100, up 15.0%; There were 280500 students at school, up 6.4%; 39500 graduates, up 5.1%. [94]
5 special education schools; 115 students were enrolled in the whole year, up 43.8%; 432 students, up 9.6%; 104 graduates, up 6.1%. [94]
506 kindergartens; 29000 students were enrolled in the whole year, up 18.4%; 96400 children in kindergarten, down 4.9%; 40700 children graduated, up 6.2%. [94]
The net enrollment rate of primary school age children is 100%; 100% of primary school graduates enter junior high school; The enrollment rate from junior high school to senior high school is 64.9%. [94]
By the end of 2022, Urumqi has 22 ordinary colleges and universities; The annual enrollment was 72000, up 3.1%; 251200 students, up 1.6%; 64100 graduates, up 24.6%.
Among them, there are 25 secondary vocational education schools; 13500 students were enrolled in the whole year, up 11.4%; 35900 students enrolled, up 2.4%; There were 11700 graduates, down 11.8%. 56 ordinary high schools; There were 22200 students enrolled in the whole year, up 11.0%; There were 63100 students at school, up 4.1%; There were 21000 graduates, up 3.2%. 104 junior high schools; 41300 students were enrolled in the whole year, up 3.3%; There were 120600 students at school, up 3.6%; 37100 graduates, up 7.0%. 124 primary schools; 43500 students were enrolled in the whole year, down 9.2%; 263700 students, up 3.6%; 37500 graduates, up 3.1%. 5 special education schools; 80 students were enrolled in the whole year, down 5.9%; 394 students, down 4.1%; 98 graduates, down 1.0%. 483 kindergartens; 24500 students were enrolled in the whole year, down 31.4%; 101300 children in kindergarten, down 11.5%; 38400 children graduated, up 1.1%. The net enrollment rate of primary school age children is 100%; 100% of primary school graduates enter junior high school; The enrollment rate from junior high school to senior high school is 63.7%. [83]
  • middle school
  • Higher Education

Science and technology

By the end of 2023, there will be 144 key laboratories of all kinds, including 4 national key laboratories. 137 engineering technology research centers were approved to be established, including 3 national level research centers. There are 25 science and technology business incubators that have passed the municipal certification, including 11 that have passed the national certification and filing. 62 maker spaces have been recognized at the municipal level, of which 21 have been recognized and filed at the national level. [94]
The total number of patents granted throughout the year was 6712. Including: 1210 inventions; 5002 utility models, accounting for 74.5% of the total number of patents granted; The authorized quantity of design is 500 pieces. The number of invention patents per 10000 people was 13.1, up 25.7%. 449 technology contracts were registered in the technology market, with a turnover of 1.68 billion yuan, including 1.51 billion yuan in technology transactions. [94]
By the end of 2022, Urumqi has 128 key laboratories of all kinds, including 4 national key laboratories. 136 engineering technology research centers were approved to be established, including 3 national level research centers. There are 22 science and technology business incubators that have passed the municipal certification, including 11 that have passed the national certification and filing. 57 maker spaces have passed the municipal certification, of which 22 have passed the national certification and filing.
In 2022, the total number of patents granted in Urumqi will be 8041, a decrease of 14.0% over the previous year. Including: 916 inventions; 6630 utility models, accounting for 82.5% of the total number of patents granted; 495 design authorizations. 10.4 invention patents per 10000 people, an increase of 14.4%. 115 technology contracts were registered in the technology market, with a contract turnover of 383 million yuan, including 352 million yuan in technology transactions. [83]

Cultural undertakings

By the end of 2023, there will be 10 cultural centers, 9 public libraries and 2 museums in the city. The comprehensive population coverage of radio and television reached 99.9%. There are 123 municipal cultural industry demonstration bases and 11 characteristic cultural blocks. Throughout the year, 619 cultural performances were held to benefit the people, 472 activities such as opera entering the countryside, and 300000 people were benefited. [94]
Xinjiang International Convention and Exhibition Center
By the end of 2022, Urumqi has 10 cultural centers, 9 public libraries and 2 museums. The comprehensive population coverage rate of radio and television reached 99.0%. There are 132 municipal cultural industry demonstration bases and 11 characteristic cultural blocks. Throughout the year, 154 cultural performances were held to benefit the people, and 11 activities such as opera entering the countryside benefited 60000 people. [83]


Urumqi successfully held the International Snow Federation Cross country Skiing China Tour, the International Men's Basketball Match, the International Youth Football Invitational, the International Boxing Open, the Women's World Cup Table Tennis Match, the World Cup Taekwondo Team Match, the Asian Youth Men's Basketball Championship Asian skydiving championship National windsurfing championship, national archery championship, China A-men's basketball league, national speed skating championship, national women's handball championship and other domestic and foreign events.
By the end of 2023, the city will have 9159 stadiums and one national sports industry demonstration base. Three county-level fitness centers and 243 communities (villages) have completed the construction of public sports facilities. The city's sports lottery sales reached 1.867 billion yuan. 1389 mass sports activities were held, and 129000 people participated. [94]
By 2022, Urumqi has 8957 stadiums and one national sports industry demonstration base. There are 3 county-level fitness centers, and 173 communities (villages) have completed the construction of public sports facilities. The sales volume of sports lottery in the city is 1.32 billion yuan. [83]

medical and health work

By the end of 2023, there will be 1810 medical and health institutions at all levels in the city, including 131 hospitals, 56 public hospitals and 75 private hospitals; 1643 primary medical and health institutions, including 26 township hospitals, 538 community health service centers (stations), 162 village clinics, and 908 outpatient departments (stations); 30 professional public health institutions, including 11 centers for disease prevention and control, and 10 health supervision centers (centers); 15 other health institutions. There are 48300 health technicians, including 18200 licensed (assistant) doctors and 21900 registered nurses. There are 4.46 doctors and 5.37 registered nurses per thousand people on average. There are 34300 beds in health institutions, including 31800 beds in hospitals and 2230 beds in primary medical and health institutions. On average, there are 8.41 beds per thousand people. A total of 25.7668 million people were diagnosed and treated, and 1.4314 million people were discharged. [94]
By the end of 2022, Urumqi has 1668 medical and health institutions at all levels, including 125 hospitals, 52 public hospitals and 73 private hospitals; There are 1498 primary medical and health institutions, including 26 township hospitals, 544 community health service centers (stations), 161 village clinics, and 767 outpatient departments (stations); 29 professional public health institutions, including 11 centers for disease prevention and control, and 10 health supervision centers (centers); 16 other health institutions. There are 43700 health technicians, including 16700 licensed (assistant) doctors and 19800 registered nurses. On average, there are 4.10 doctors and 4.84 registered nurses per thousand people. The number of beds in health institutions is 32100, including 29600 in hospitals and 2182 in grass-roots medical and health institutions. On average, there are 7.85 beds per thousand people. A total of 14539800 people were diagnosed and treated, and 836200 people were discharged. [83]

social security

By the end of 2023, 1.8507 million urban employees had participated in basic pension insurance, an increase of 193700 over the previous year, including 1.4913 million in-service employees, an increase of 169300; 359400 retirees, an increase of 24400. 129800 people participated in basic pension insurance for urban and rural residents, a decrease of 1800 people. [94]
2561100 people participated in basic medical insurance, an increase of 44300 over the previous year, including 1550300 urban employees, an increase of 60700; 1010800 urban and rural residents, down 16400. 1099500 people participated in unemployment insurance, an increase of 21100 people. 1229600 people participated in industrial injury insurance, an increase of 11400 people, including 485500 migrant workers who participated in industrial injury insurance, an increase of 27600 people. 931200 people participated in maternity insurance, an increase of 47000 people. [94]
By the end of 2023, the city has 43 pension institutions of all kinds, with 6383 beds. There are 4 public social welfare homes, including 2 children's welfare homes. The number of beds in social welfare institutions was 2112, and the number of adoptions at the end of the year was 1472. The minimum living standards for urban and rural residents are 700 yuan and 600 yuan per person per month, respectively. [94]
By 2021, 1.6359 million people in Urumqi have participated in the basic endowment insurance for urban employees, an increase of 39600 over the previous year, including 1.3099 million in-service employees, an increase of 30200; There were 326000 retirees, an increase of 9400. 133300 people participated in basic pension insurance for urban and rural residents, an increase of 3200 people. 2510800 people participated in basic medical insurance, an increase of 51900 over the previous year; Including: 1473900 urban employees, an increase of 59500; 1036900 urban and rural residents, down 7600. 1.0742 million people participated in unemployment insurance, an increase of 29100 people. 1210200 people participated in industrial injury insurance, an increase of 102600 people; Among them, 442000 migrant workers participated in industrial injury insurance. 892900 people participated in maternity insurance, an increase of 14900 people [73]
By 2021, there are 38 elderly care institutions in Urumqi, including 1 urban public elderly care institution, 5 rural elderly care homes, 3 public elderly nutrition institutions and 29 private elderly care institutions; There are 5726 beds in the nursing home. There are 4 public social welfare homes, including 2 children's welfare homes. The number of beds in social welfare institutions was 1792, and the number of adoptions at the end of the year was 1590. Throughout the year, 67 million yuan of old-age allowance was paid to 70000 elderly people. The minimum subsistence allowance was 86 million yuan for 10600 urban and rural residents, and the minimum living security standards for urban and rural residents were raised to 700 yuan and 600 yuan per person per month, respectively. For the 17th consecutive year, the pension benefits of enterprise retirees have been adjusted to 3541 yuan per capita per month [73]

Communication media

Urumqi has modern communication conditions of international level, Eurasian optical cable China Central Asia optical cable, Xilanwu digital optical cable trunk line nodes, optical cable, microwave, satellite and other communication networks are unblocked, and the telecommunications broadband network covers the whole territory. The Asia Europe communication optical cable, GSM digital mobile communication, DDN digital data network, and IP broadband MAN have been put into operation, providing conditions for large-scale and high-speed information exchange with domestic and foreign countries. On May 21, 2012, Urumqi's regional international communication business import and export bureau was officially inaugurated in Urumqi, Xinjiang. The establishment of Urumqi's regional international communication business import and export bureau has made Urumqi an international communication hub connecting 11 countries in Central Asia, West Asia and South Asia with China, which is China's successor to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Kunming The sixth international communication hub after Nanning. China has built three major international communication hubs facing the world and five regional international communication centers, including Urumqi, Xinjiang. On October 31, 2019, Urumqi was selected into the first batch 5G commercial List of cities [20]

Historical culture



Urumqi dialect zhongyuan mandarin Lanyin Mandarin Etc. At the same time Uighur kazakh And other ethnic languages. Since the state vigorously promotes Putonghua, most citizens speak it mandarin


Urumqi is a region where many religions coexist. By the middle of the 20th century, there were six religions in Xinjiang, namely Islamism Buddhism Taoism Catholicism Christianity (Protestant) The Orthodox Church Uygur Kazakhstan , Back Kirgiz , Uzbekistan Tajikistan , Tatar and other seven ethnic groups generally believe in Islam, and Han, Mongolia, Xibo daur Some people of other ethnic groups believe in Buddhism (including Tibetan Buddhism )Some Han people believe in Taoism, Catholicism and Christianity. Those who believe in Eastern Orthodox are Russian In addition, there are also some ethnic groups, such as Manchu and Xibo, who believe in Shamanism


Urumqi's eating habits are strong in western regions, and all kinds of food are good in color, smell and taste. roast mutton String has become popular all over the country, Roasted Whole Lamb It is a famous dish in Xinjiang. Eating unique pilaf Grab mutton It is the favorite food of ethnic minorities, and also an essential food for festivals, weddings and funerals. Crispy and thin Baked nang samsa , Ramen Fried sanzi Oil tower pitir manta Milk tea is the traditional food of ethnic minorities. Ethnic minorities in pastoral areas can process milk and goat's milk into eight or nine kinds of dairy products, either fragrant, sweet or sour, all with strong milk flavor. The mare's milk wine, fermented from mare's milk, is slightly fragrant, cool and palatable.


The traditional festivals in Urumqi include Spring Festival Mid-Autumn Festival The main festivals of ethnic minorities who believe in Islam are Corban and Meat cumin festival During the Gurbang Festival and the Rouzi Festival, Uygur men dance with the strong rhythm of Nahela drums and suona Sama dance There are also some special festivals and celebrations of each ethnic group. For example, the Kazakh people celebrate the "Nawuluzi" festival every year at the spring equinox; Held by the Mongolian nationality in July and August every year“ Nadam ”General Assembly; Xibo nationality The annual "April 18th" westward migration anniversary and the 16th day of the first lunar month“ Smear festival ”; Tajik people celebrate the "Sowing Day" when they sow in spring every year. One month before Ramadan every year, there are two more days“ Barotti Festival ”(Festival of Lights); Sabbath Day ”Also called "Pear Head Festival".

Origin of place names

Urumqi, formerly known as Dihua, was renamed Urumqi City in 1953. "Urumqi" in Junggar In Mongolian, it means "beautiful pasture" (some people also think that this is an error; one is the ancient Hotansai language, which means "willow forest"; the other is derived from "Wu Lei (Lun) Tai", which is the name of "Luntai" in the Tang Dynasty). Used to be the nomadic land of Erut Mongolia [21]

Regional culture

Xinjiang was called the Western Regions in ancient times, and Urumqi was ancient in history the Silk Road The important town on Xinbei Road, the center of economic and cultural exchange between East and West, is Western culture And Chinese culture, showing the characteristics of multiculturalism, characterized by openness, enthusiasm Forthright And forge ahead, is the most dynamic city in Central Asia. As the gathering place of Chinese cultural system, Indian cultural system, Islamic cultural system and European and American cultural system, more than a dozen ethnic groups have multiplied here and become widely integrated, creating a brilliant culture with worldwide significance, the mother of Uighur music—— Twelve Mukam , Mongolian《 jangar 》Kirgiz《 manas 》Like other heroic epics in the world, it shines brightly in the oriental culture.

National customs

The costumes of Urumqi ethnic minorities are gorgeous, colorful, magnificent and varied. Uygur ethnic group Kazak Ethnic minority women like colorful dresses, bright or white scarves, earrings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings and other decorations, which are elegant and graceful. Men like to wear suits, embroidered shirts, or plaques. Uygur men also like to wear a belt around their waist. Wearing embroidered hats is almost the common hobby of most ethnic minorities, but it varies with ethnic groups and regions. For example, Uyghur men and women like to wear small flowered hats with exquisite embroidery; Kazak Girls like to wear owl feather hats; Kirgiz nationality Young women like to wear red velvet domed hats; Tatar Women especially like to wear hats with colored beads. Mongolian men love to wear woolen hat with big brim, which is natural and unrestrained; The men of Hui nationality are black and white small round hats, which look neat and solemn. Men and women of all ethnic groups like to wear long leather boots. Every festival, all ethnic groups put on their national costumes, colorful.

Landmark building

Zhongtian Square
Zhongtian Square (Xiaoximen CITIC Bank Building) is located in the core area of Urumqi, surrounded by large buildings, radiating outward from the center of Zhongtian Square, and building the core of the capital CBD. With a total height of 229.99m and 59 floors, 56 floors above the ground and 3 floors below the ground, Zhongtian Square has a total floor area of about 110000 square meters. It is the highest building in Urumqi and the highest landmark in Central Asia where Xinjiang and the five international Central Asian countries are located [22]

Cultural security unit

By 2021, Urumqi has 288 immovable cultural relics, including 4 national key cultural relics protection units, 19 autonomous region level cultural relics protection units and 33 municipal level cultural relics protection units [75]

Intangible cultural heritage

By 2021, there are 54 representative intangible cultural heritage projects listed at or above the municipal level (including 3 at the national level, 27 at the autonomous region level, and 24 at the municipal level). There are 48 representative inheritors of intangible cultural heritage representative projects above the municipal level (including 2 at the national level, 25 at the autonomous region level, and 21 at the municipal level).

famous scenery

Urumqi is an important tourist distribution center and destination in Xinjiang and even in China, Tianshan Mountain There are alpine snow and ice landscape, mountain forest landscape and grassland landscape in the mountains, which provide rich content for tourists to visit and explore. The culture, art, customs and customs of various ethnic groups constitute a tourist cultural landscape with national characteristics. xinjiang international grand bazaar Xinjiang Min Street Erdaoqiao A street with rich ethnic customs Xinjiang folk customs The scenic spots are famous at home and abroad. The Silk Road Ice and Snow Tour, Silk Road Clothing Festival and other festivals and exhibitions with the cultural characteristics of the Silk Road have become unique to Urumqi City card
brief introduction
Silk Road International Ski Resort
Silk Road International Ski Resort It is located in the Tianshan Mountains, 38 kilometers south of Urumqi. The ski resort is located in the ecological valley of the temperature inversion zone on the northern slope of Tianshan Mountain, with an altitude of 1800-2500 meters and an area of 12 square kilometers. It is one of the three largest ski resorts in China, which can accommodate 10000 people to ski at the same time. There are 8 primary, middle and advanced ski trails, and 3 ski trails and sightseeing cable cars that are the only special ski and sightseeing cable cars directly to primitive forests in northwest China. A ski teaching area for children and adults equipped with two comfortable magic blankets, a 1100 meter four person ski sightseeing cable car goes straight to the 2280 meter mountain top [23]
Hongshan It is located in the center of Urumqi, with towering mountains and rocks. Every morning and evening, the rock walls reflect the sun and glow with red light, hence the name. The main peak is 1391 meters above sea level. The mountain is also called "Hutou Mountain" and "Hongshanzui" because it looks like a tiger and the crags are red in color. The Red Mountain confronts Yamaric Mountain, which is less than 1000 meters away. At the foot of the mountain, the Urumqi River runs from north to south. Hongshan has become one of the symbols of Urumqi.
Shuimogou Scenic Spot
Shuimogou Scenic Spot Located in the northeast suburb of Urumqi, the Shuimogou River flows through it. Ancient temples and pavilions adorn it. As early as the Qing Dynasty, it was turned into a tourist attraction. In midsummer, tourists are like a weaver. Now, after renovation and expansion, it has become a park in the suburbs. There is a famous hot spring in the ditch. The water temperature is 28-30 ℃ all the year round. It contains potassium, sodium, magnesium, potassium nitrate, radon, zinc and other elements. It has a certain effect on arthritis, skin diseases, etc. It can also be used as mineral water for drinking. Many tourists from other places come here specially for hospitalization and recuperation.
Nanshan West Baiyang Valley
Nanshan West Baiyang Valley It is located in the southern suburbs of Urumqi, 75 kilometers away from the urban area, at the northern foot of the Karawucheng Mountain in the northern Tianshan Mountains, in the transition zone between the middle and low mountains, 2252 meters above sea level, with an annual rainfall of 500-600 mm. There is a natural cliff in the innermost part of the valley, on which a waterfall with a drop of more than 40 meters and a width of about 2 meters flows down like a white train. There is a yurt hostel run by Nanshan Scenic Management Office on the grassy slope and a restaurant on the slope to meet the needs of tourists.
No. 1 glacier
No. 1 glacier (Full name: No.1 Glacier at the Headwaters of Urumqi River in Tianshan Mountains) is the source of Urumqi River. It is located on the north slope of Mount Tianger, more than 120 kilometers southwest of the urban area, and is the nearest glacier to the metropolis in the world. It is 3800-4000 meters above sea level, about 2.4 kilometers long, 500 meters wide on average, 1.95 square kilometers in area, and 140 meters thick at the maximum. 76 modern glaciers are distributed around it. Due to the concentration of modern glaciers, the glacier landform and sediments are very typical, and the ancient glacier remains are well preserved. It is known as "living fossil of glaciers", Become the best place to observe and study modern glaciers and ancient glacial relics in China [24]
Memorial Hall of the Eighth Route Army Office in Xinjiang
Memorial Hall of the Eighth Route Army Office in Xinjiang Located at No. 1, Second Lane, Shengli Road, it is a two-story yellow building with a combination of Chinese and Western civil structure and blue brick waist and eaves. There is a pavilion on the south side of the roof, which can give a bird's eye view of the urban scenery. Dozens of poplar, pine, cypress and apricot trees in the yard are matched with colorful flowers in the garden. In 1938, the office of the Eighth Route Army in Xinjiang moved here to work, economic expert Deng Fa Chen Tanqiu Three Party representatives presided over the work here successively. At that time, some senior cadres of the Yan'an Party Central Committee stopped here on their way to the Soviet Union or on their way back to the Soviet Union. The Memorial Hall is a key cultural relics protection unit at the autonomous region level. There are revolutionary deeds exhibitions of revolutionary martyrs Chen Tanqiu, Mao Zemin, Lin Jilu, Qiao Guozhen, Wu Maolin and other comrades in the museum.
Shaanxi Temple
Shaanxi Temple Located at the north end of Jianzhong Road, it is the largest Muslim temple in the city, which can accommodate thousands of people to worship. It was built in the reign of Qianlong and Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty, and was renovated and expanded in the 32nd year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty. It is now a key cultural relics protection unit in the autonomous region. Different from other mosques in the urban area, the main hall of Shaanxi Grand Temple is a traditional brick and wood structure in the Central Plains in ancient times, with a glazed tile building style. It is more than 10 meters tall from west to east. The front of the hall is a single resting mountain, with 40 red pillars supporting the beams. The arch is inscribed with the Koran. At the back is the Moon Watching Tower. It is the place where Ah Deng comes to watch the moon and proclaim fasting. It is a heavy octagonal pavilion with eight up and four down. This kind of architecture is rare in Xinjiang.
Shaanxi Temple
Geographical Center of Asian Mainland
Geographical Center of Asian Mainland It is about 30 kilometers away from the southwest of the urban area and is located in Yongfeng Township. 87.19'52 "east longitude and 43.40'37" north latitude are the points in the unbalanced center of the Asian continent. "Yaxin" was determined by Xinjiang Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and officially passed the national identification in 1992. The "Asian Heart" logo tower is like the first letter A of the English word Asia, representing Asia; The stainless steel ball with a diameter of 2.5 meters on its top represents the earth. The weight of the steel ball below is perpendicular to the center of the tower base, and the miniature map of Asia is straight to the center of the tower base, representing the center of Asia; The total height of the tower is 18 meters.
Geographical Center of Asian Mainland
The people's Park
The people's Park Formerly known as "Tongle Park", commonly known as "West Park", it is the largest park in the city. It was originally just a lake on the west bank of the Urumqi River, surrounded by thick ancient trees. When Urumqi was built in the 20th year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty, it was turned into a place for officials to rest. In the ninth year of Guangxu's reign, the garden was built. In 1918, Yang Zengxin, who was in charge of Xinjiang, expanded it, dredged the bottom of the lake, renovated the lakeshore, built the Danfeng Chaoyang Pavilion in imitation of the palace style in the ancient Central Plains, and later built the Dragon King Temple, Zuixia Pavilion, Xiaochun Pavilion, and Jianhu Pavilion.
The people's Park
Xinjiang Geology and Mineral Resources Exhibition Hall
Xinjiang Geology and Mineral Resources Exhibition Hall Located on Youhao North Road, it was officially launched on October 1, 1984. With a display area of 3700 square meters, it ranks second only to the Beijing Museum of Geology and Mineral Resources in China. There are more than 1000 physical specimens and models, including many large-scale models such as artificial simulation of natural caves, radio remote control three-dimensional sand table, etc. Among the physical specimens on display are Xinjiang high-quality mineral oil, coal, beryllium lithium, mica, asbestos, chromite, sodium nitrate, mirabilite, etc. There are Hetian white jade, Manas jasper, Altay dog head gold, placer gold, etc. There are 127 kinds of useful minerals found in Xinjiang, and many specimens are displayed here. Among them, crystal quartz weighing more than 70 kg, natural copper with single crystal thin of 0.2 kg, beryl of hundreds of kg and Hetian jade of hundreds of kg are rare treasures.
Grand Buddhist Temple
Grand Buddhist Temple Located near Ka Wan in the north of Urumqi Hongguang Mountain The Hongguangshan Grand Buddhist Temple complex was built in 2002 and completed in 2010. It lasted eight years and is the largest Han Buddhist temple in northwest China. There is a bronze gilded standing Buddha in the temple, with a height of more than 40.8 meters, which is "the largest bronze standing Buddha in the Western Regions". It is now gilded with gold and has an air of detachment, standing under the western sky, shining with the sun. Behind the Mahavira Hall, the hall of Thousand Hand Avalokitesvara and 500 Arhats is elegant, simple and magnificent.
Hongguang Mountain Grand Buddhist Temple

Local specialty

Local specialty
Reference drawing
Uygur flower hats, hand embroidery, gold and silver jewelry, jade carvings, carpets, wood carvings, sheep's horn whip, Xibo cigarette bags, leather boots, Idris silk, Yingjisha knives, and Hotan carpets
Xinjiang Cuisine
local specialty
Deer Antler, donkey hide gelatin, deer blood wine, Yilitqu, wine
Grape, Hami melon, pomegranate, fig, flat peach, Korla fragrant pear, Kuche small white apricot, Aksu apple
Dried fruit
Raisins, Hami melon, pomegranate, etc
Famous Special Food in Urumqi
brief introduction
Almonds Also known as Badam, it has many nicknames. In ancient times, it was called Piantao, Pianwalnut, Potan tree, also known as Badam. It is a transliteration word in Uygur. Many countries in the world call it "almond". Xinjiang almonds were introduced from ancient Persia. China has planted almonds for more than 1300 years since the Tang Dynasty. There are records and textual research in Youyang Zazu and Ling Biao Lu Yi. It is recorded in the Tang Dynasty that some peaches came out of Persia, and Persia called them Po Tan Shu. It is five or six wen long and five feet long on Thursday. Its leaves are peach like and wide. It blooms in March and is white. The flowers are fruity and shaped like peaches, but the shape is skewed, so they are skewed to peaches. Its meat is too astringent to be tolerated, and its kernel is sweet. All countries in the Western Regions share the same treasure [25]
Horse milk wine
Horse milk wine It is to pour the freshly squeezed mare's milk into a special sheepskin bag, hang it on the wall of the yurt, and stir it with a milk tamper to ferment it for two days. Horse milk wine has rich nutrition, sweet and sour taste, and can also cure many diseases [26]
Horse milk wine

Sister city

Domestic sister cities
International Sister Cities
Date of conclusion
Date of conclusion
April 1984
Counterpart support city
July 12, 1985
Pakistan Islamic Republic Peshawar city
September 1985
Supporting sister cities
September 7, 1992
Belarus republic Minsk city
October 1985
Sister city
March 4, 1993
Kyrgyzstan republic Bishkek city
November 2, 1985
November 17, 1993
Kazakhstan republic Almaty city
August 1987
Sichuan Province Guangyuan City
May 23, 1996
October 1987
Sister city
September 10, 1999
September 19, 1990
September 27, 2000
November 1, 1991
April 23, 2004
September 7, 1992
November 21, 2008
Kazakhstan Astana city [49]
September 10, 1992
August 9, 2012
Malaysia Klang city [50]
Sichuan Province Mianyang City
September 3, 2013
Kyrgyzstan Osh city [51]
December 10, 1992
July 25, 2015
Iran Islamic Republic Yazd city [52]
September 8, 1993
Sichuan Province deyang
November 15, 2012
Iran Mashhad [53]
July 30, 1994
Shaanxi Province Xianyang City
Sister city
June 2017
August 11, 1994
Hebei Province Shijiazhuang City
Sister city
September 2016
August 24, 1994
Henan Province Kaifeng City
September 2016
Iran Semnan city
October 20, 1994
September 2016
November 9, 1994
Sichuan Province Nanchong City
September 2016
Pakistan Karachi city
July 28, 2001
Letter of Assistance for Comprehensive Cooperation
September 2016
April 1, 2001
Jilin Province Liaoyuan City
Economic cooperation city
September 2016
December 3, 2003
June 2004
September 2008
October 2008
Henan Province Zhengzhou
November 2008
Jiangsu Province Lianyungang City
The city that signed the friendship intention and memorandum
Agreement time
Sister city
December 8, 2000
Mashhad, Iran
November 5, 2001
Letter of Intent
July 26, 2002
Russia Chelyabinsk city
Letter of Intent
November 3, 2003
Letter of Intent
November 10, 2012
Gaziantep, Turkey [59]
Letter of Intent
November 29, 2013
Letter of Intent
March 26, 2015
Omsk, Russia [61]
Letter of Intent
September 5, 2014
Kabul, Afghanistan
Letter of Intent
September 5, 2014
Letter of Intent
September 5, 2014
Letter of Intent
September 5, 2014
Letter of Intent
September 5, 2014
Serbia Tuting City
Letter of Intent
September 5, 2014
turkey Antalya city [62]
Letter of Intent

Famous people


Honorary title

The Capital of Asia
National low-carbon pilot city
Top 50 Cities with the Most Investment Potential in China
Forbes Top 100 Best Commercial Cities in China
Top 100 Cities of Tourism Competitiveness in China
National Intellectual Property Demonstration City
China's Top Ten Cities with the Most Development Potential
National Science and Technology Advanced City
National pilot cities for comprehensive reform of service industry
National innovative city
Top 200 Charming Cities with Chinese Characteristics
China's 50 Best Cities for Investment Environment
National innovative pilot city
National Civilized City
China's Top Ten Ice and Snow Tourism Cities [28]
Top 200 Charming Cities with Chinese Characteristics [29]
Top 50 Cities with the Most Investment Potential in China [30]
Visit 100 cities in China in 2018 [31]
Top 100 Best Commercial Cities in Mainland China [32]
China's Top 100 Foreign Trade Cities [33]
Pilot city of national urban medical consortium construction [34]
The fourth batch of pilot areas for home and community elderly care service reform supported by the central finance [35]
Top 100 Cities in China fifty-first [36]
Ranking 58th in China's urban green competitiveness [37]
Top 100 in the overall well-off index of prefecture level cities in China [38]
2019 China Urban Science and Technology Innovation Development Index No. 54 [39]
Top Ten Cities of Ice and Snow Tourism in China in 2020 [40]
Advanced city in the middle of the "Seventh Five Year Plan" [41]
China's Top 100 Foreign Trade Cities in 2019 [42]
National Transit Metropolis Construction Demonstration City
National Model City of Double Support in 2020
2020 China's livable city [44]
National pilot cities for industrial and financial cooperation [45]
The first batch of national culture and tourism consumption pilot cities [46]
2020 China's Top 100 Foreign Trade Cities [64]
2021 Top 100 Cities in Digital Transformation [66]
Top Ten Cities for Ice and Snow Tourism in 2022 [67]
Systematically promote the construction of sponge city as a demonstration city in 2021 [68]
No. 84 in 2022 China's Top 100 Dynamic Cities [69]
List of "Waste free Cities" during the 14th Five Year Plan Period [70]
Construction of recycling system of waste materials in key cities [71]
National pilot cities for modernization of municipal social governance [90]
reference material: [2] [47-48]