Ukraine crisis

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The Ukraine crisis was caused by the pro Russian President of Ukraine at the end of 2013 Victor Yanukovich Suspension and European Union The signing of political and free trade agreements and the desire to strengthen relations with Russia led to. On November 22, Ukraine's pro European faction Kiev Anti government demonstrations were launched, and the protesters demanded that the government and the EU sign an agreement, Victor Yanukovich step down, and hold elections in advance.
On February 22, 2014, Yanukovich was parliament Remove from office as president. Then in 2014 Crimean crisis and Donbas War The situation in Ukraine is precarious. On March 11, the Crimean Parliament adopted the Crimean Declaration of Independence. On April 7, the pro Russian Donetsk of Ukraine announced that "independence is planned for Russia". April 30, Alexander Turchinov It was announced that the Ukrainian armed forces had entered a state of full combat readiness and decided to recruit. May 12, Eastern Ukraine Donetsk and Lugansk Announcing the establishment of the independent "sovereign states" the Donetsk People's Republic and the Lugansk People's Republic. [1] On May 25, Ukraine held presidential elections. On the 27th, the Uzbek government said it would take back Donetsk Airport
Since February 17, 2022, the situation in eastern Ukraine has worsened. The Ukrainian government and local civilian armed forces accuse each other of launching provocative shelling in the contact line [5] On February 18, the civil armed forces in eastern Ukraine announced that due to the danger of launching military operations in Ukraine, they would evacuate local residents to Russia in a large scale from now on [6] At 10:30 on February 24, Beijing time, UN Secretary General Guterres called on Russia to "stop attacking Ukraine" at the meeting [11] On the same day, Russia made clear its request to Ukraine: let Ukraine be thorough "Demilitarization" [23]
From 8:00 on September 23, 2022 Moscow time (13:00 on September 23, Beijing time), Donetsk, Lugansk Kherson Oblast and Zaporizhia Oblast The referendum on joining the Russian Federation will be held from September 23 to 27. [63]
Chinese name
Ukraine crisis
Foreign name
Украинский кризис
Foreign name
Ukrainian crisis
Time of occurrence
October 30, 2013 [67]
Place of occurrence

Crisis background

According to the data released by Ukraine's "Union Capital" investment company, in the first nine months of 2013, Ukraine european union The export volume was 14.6 billion US dollars Russia The export volume was US $21.1 billion. Since the beginning of 2013, the trade volume between Ukraine and Russia has decreased significantly, and the Ukrainian economy has suffered a heavy blow. Azarov He said that Ukraine cannot afford to lose trade with Russia. [9]
Viktor Yanukovych
On November 9, 2013, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin When meeting with Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in Moscow, the capital, he made it clear that if Ukraine signed the agreement of associated countries, it would "lose a lot immediately, and Russia would restrict the import of Ukrainian goods"; On the contrary, if Ukraine joins the Russian led customs union, it will "immediately obtain benefits, including preferential natural gas prices". [8]
On November 21, 2013, the Ukrainian government suddenly announced the suspension of european union At the same time, Ukraine instructed relevant departments to resume consultations with the Russian led customs union. As for the reason for the sharp change to "eastward", the then Prime Minister Nikolai Azarov He said, "This is a difficult decision, but from the current domestic economic situation, this is the only feasible way." He also said that the government made this decision based on the current economic situation, and cannot give up trade with Russia for the purpose of this "EU associate member state" agreement. The Ukrainian government is financially tight, and has to pay Russia more than 17 billion dollars in natural gas costs, We will also repay US $3.7 billion in debt to the International Monetary Fund and others. [7]
On November 21, 2013, the Ukrainian Parliament voted again to reject the approval Tymoshenko Proposal to go to Germany for medical treatment. Previously, the EU took the release of former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko of Ukraine as one of the conditions for signing the agreement on associated countries. [8]
On November 22, 2013, about 3000 people gathered in the Independence Square in the center of Kiev in the rain that day, waving the European Union flag and some slogans to protest the government's abandonment of signing the agreement with the European Union [10] After years of negotiation, this agreement allows Ukraine to join the EU led free trade area , which is a milestone in the process of Ukraine's application for EU membership. The two sides initialed the agreement in March 2013, which was originally scheduled to be held in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, on November 29 EU Summit Duly signed.

Cause analysis

Political analysts believe that although the immediate cause of Ukraine's political crisis was the Ukrainian government's decision in November 2013 to suspend the signing of the associated country agreement with the EU, the most fundamental reason was the deep opposition between the domestic people on the issue of "going east" or "going west". This fundamental contradiction has not been resolved, and the soil for the escalation of the situation in Ukraine has always existed.
Fisher believes that whoever is elected president will be regarded by one faction as "his own", and the other faction as "enemy" or "spokesman" of a foreign force. This opposition has not been alleviated, thus becoming a hotbed for brewing more crises, which can easily ferment into political turbulence after events such as worsening financial crisis and sudden changes in the government's position.

Event progress



November 2013
On November 21, the Cabinet of Ukrainian President Yanukovich unexpectedly announced that preparations for a joint agreement with the European Union would be suspended and economic and trade ties with Russia would be strengthened instead. The Ukrainian parliament also voted against a bill that would allow former Prime Minister Tymoshenko to leave the country while serving a sentence. Hundreds of Ukrainian people began to gather to protest that night. On November 24, the protest expanded, and about 100000 people gathered in Kiev to protest. On November 30, Ukrainian police began operations and arrested about 35 protesters.
December 2013
Russian troops entering Crimea
On December 1, the protesters occupied Kiev Municipal Government and Independence Square and began to camp on the square.
December 3-6, Yanukovich's visit China And Russia for economic support.
On December 8, about 800000 people participated in the protest demonstration.
On December 14, the masses supporting the government were also in Maidan Square Initiate a protest.
On December 17, Russia provided a loan of US $15 billion to Ukraine and cut the price of natural gas exported to Ukraine by one third. Since then, the protests have not stopped.


January 2014
ukraine map
In January 2014, Yanukovich made concessions to the opposition and accepted the resignation of all cabinet members. Prime Minister Azarov resigned and stepped down. However, the opposition still insists that Ukraine must strengthen relations with the EU rather than Russia, and repeatedly urges President Yanukovich to resign.
On January 16, the Ukrainian Parliament passed a bill to restrict the activities of the parliament.
On January 22, two protesters were killed in clashes with the police.
On January 24, protesters began to attack the regional government office building in western Ukraine.
On January 28, the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Mykola Azarov, resigned, and the Parliament lifted the law restricting protests.
On January 29, the Ukrainian Parliament passed an amnesty decree, promising that as long as the protesters left the government building, they would not prosecute any protesters arrested during the protest. Protesters expressed doubts about the terms of the amnesty.
February 2014
Anti government demonstrators On February 18, anti government demonstrations in Ukraine suddenly escalated. Thousands of demonstrators went to protest near the parliament building with the intention of forcing the parliament to pass a resolution to restore the 2004 Constitution. Violent clashes broke out between the demonstrators and the police. The conflict has resulted in 26 deaths. On the same day, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan revealed that nearly 800 people had been injured in the conflict, including 392 law enforcement officers, 83 of whom were "seriously shot". The violence in Ukraine has spread from the capital Kiev to other cities.
On February 21, Ukrainian President Yanukovich signed a reconciliation agreement with three opposition leaders, aimed at ending the bloody street conflict that has lasted for many days.
On February 19, the government and the protesters agreed to a "truce".
On February 22, the Ukrainian parliament voted to dismiss the current president, and set the date for the early presidential election as May 25. Yanukovych had left the capital Kiev and arrived in Russia after many trips, but refused to resign, saying that he left Ukraine because "the personal safety of himself and his relatives was threatened".
On February 22, the protesters still demanded Yanukovich to step down. The EU held a special meeting of foreign ministers on the crisis in Ukraine. Yanukovich fled the presidential palace and headed for the northeastern city Kharkov (Kharkiv)。 He later delivered a televised speech, describing the situation in Kiev as a "coup" and insisting that he was the legally elected president. After that, the parliament voted to impeach Yanukovich because he was "unable to perform his constitutional duties". Former Prime Minister Tymoshenko, who has been in prison for three years, was released from prison. Oleksander Turchinov, Tymoshenko's deputy, was elected as Speaker.
There has been a regime change in Ukraine. The Ukrainian Parliament deposed President Yanukovych, amended the Constitution and elected the President on May 25.
On February 23, the Parliament approved Tuchinov as interim president.
On February 24, Yanukovich was wanted by the Ukrainian police.
On February 27, dozens of pro Russian armed men occupied the autonomous parliament and government building in Crimea. The Russian Foreign Ministry said that "Resolutely defend the rights of Crimean compatriots". Acting President of Ukraine Turkinov warned the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Crimea to stay in the base "Any military movement will be regarded as an invasion".
March 2014
On March 1, the Russian Parliament approved President Putin's proposal for Ukraine Crimea The demand for the use of Russian troops has further exacerbated tensions between the two neighbouring countries.
On the 3rd of the violent conflict in Independence Square of Ukraine, a Ukrainian air base in Crimea declared its loyalty to the Crimean government, which is pro Russian, and officially separated from the leadership of Ukraine. Located in the capital of Crimea Sevastopol The base of the 240th Tactical Aviation Brigade of the Ukrainian Air Force nearby announced its loyalty to the Crimean authorities on the 3rd. The base has more than 800 troops and about 50 aircraft.
On March 4, after the Federal Committee of the upper house of the Russian Parliament passed a resolution supporting Putin's use of force against Ukraine, some troops in the Crimea region of Ukraine defected.
On March 4, Gazprom announced that Ukraine still owed more than US $1.5 billion in natural gas fees. Since April 2014, the company will stop supplying preferential natural gas to Ukraine. In response, the United States announced its assistance to Ukraine of $1 billion to help Ukraine deal with "Russia's politically motivated trade actions". The United States is ready to provide assistance and funds to help Ukraine reduce its dependence on Russian natural gas. The United States is also ready to provide technical advice to the Ukrainian government to clarify Ukraine's share of trade with Russia World Trade Organization right.
On March 4, Russian Federal Council (Upper House of Parliament) Deputy Speaker Bushmin said that the Crimean government has requested Russia to provide 6 billion dollars of economic assistance, and the Russian Ministry of Finance has formulated relevant plans, which will be submitted to the government for review immediately.
On March 6, in this mess, Sergei Valeryevich Akshonov, leader of the Crimean Russian Unity Party, stood out by virtue of his consistent pro Russian position and was elected Prime Minister of the Crimean Autonomous Republic with Russia's support.
On March 6, the situation in the Crimea region of Ukraine was tense, and the US Navy destroyer "Truston" had sailed into the Black Sea to prepare for exercises with allies; At the same time, the US military also sent warplanes to Lithuania and Poland.
On March 8, a Ukrainian military aircraft was hit by artillery fire at the Crimean border. On the same day, nearly 100 Russian military vehicles entered this area.
Russia added more troops and 200 military vehicles entered the Crimea. On March 9, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Crimean Autonomous Republic of Ukraine, Dmitry Galiyev, said that the Kiev provisional government had blocked the electronic system of the Ministry of Finance of the Crimean Autonomous Republic and frozen its assets.
On March 11, 2014, the intricate situation in Crimea made new progress. On that day, the Crimean Parliament adopted the Crimean Declaration of Independence with 78 votes out of 81.
On March 11, 2014, Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) voted to adopt a letter of appeal requesting the United States, Britain and other countries to safeguard Ukraine's territorial integrity.
On March 17, the statistical results of all the votes in the referendum showed that 96.6% of the voters approved Crimea's accession to Russia, while only 2.51% opposed it. Russia agreed to Crimea's accession to the Russian Federation.
On the 17th, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine announced that, in view of the relevant situation in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine would recall its ambassador to the Russian Federation, Vladimir Ilichenko.
On March 20, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine said that the number of deaths caused by the riots that led to the change of state power last month had risen to 103.
On March 24, the Interim President of Ukraine Turchinov He said he had ordered the country's armed forces to withdraw from Crimea.
On March 27, Tymoshenko, the former Prime Minister of Ukraine who was recently released, said that he had decided to participate in the presidential election of Ukraine in May.
April 2014
On April 2, at the core of the conflict in Ukraine, the Acting Director of the General Office of the President of Ukraine, Leonid Pasinski, said that Ukraine had drafted a detailed list of properties to be returned to Russia, including 70 ships. These ships are mainly deployed in Crimea, which has joined Russia.
On April 3, Acting Interior Minister Arsen Avakov of Ukraine accused the deposed former President Yanukovich of issuing a "criminal order" to shoot demonstrators during the riots in Kiev in February. Yavakov said that Yanukovich issued a "criminal order" from February 18 to 20, ordering to shoot the demonstrators. Russian Federal Security Agency This statement is denied.
On April 7, a mass rally broke out in Donetsk State in the southeast of Ukraine. Some members of parliament established the "Donetsk People's Committee" and announced the establishment of the "Donetsk Independent Republic", demanding the introduction of peacekeeping forces from Russia and a referendum on joining the Russian Federation before May 11.
On April 13, the chain reaction of Crimea's independence in Ukraine has made Kiev authorities uneasy. The pro Russian armed forces are in eastern cities of Ukraine Slaviyansk Once again, the Ukrainian government began to mobilize the national security forces to launch the "anti-terrorism action".
On April 15, the Ukrainian government troops dispatched tanks, armoured personnel carriers and helicopters to launch a military operation in the eastern Donetsk State to eliminate pro Russian armed personnel.
On April 25 Kramatorsk A Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopter at the civil airport exploded after being shot by local militia grenades, and detonated an adjacent An-2 aircraft.
On April 27, Deakin, Director of the Crisis Management Center of NATO Military Headquarters, announced that 40000 Russian soldiers had gathered at the Ukrainian border, and more than 100 places had deployed tanks, helicopters, artillery, special forces, combat aircraft and logistics forces. They have been on standby there for weeks, and some troops are only 40 kilometers away from the Ukrainian border.
On April 28, Obama The President sought to exert greater pressure on Russian President Putin. The White House of the United States announced that the United States imposed sanctions on 7 Russian officials and 17 companies because Russia continued to "intervene" in the situation in Ukraine.
On April 30, Ukrainian Parliament Speaker Turchinov, acting as President of Ukraine, announced that Ukrainian armed forces had entered a state of full combat readiness. He acknowledged that the Kiev authorities had been unable to control the situation in Donetsk and Lugansk in the east. Prime Minister of the Interim Government of Ukraine Azeniuk Meeting with the Chairman of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe and the Austrian Foreign Minister Kurtz And the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Yaglan said that the current situation in Ukraine is very complex, and Ukraine has taken all political means to mediate the current crisis.
May 2014
On May 2, the comprehensive battle of Ukrainian government forces against Slaviyansk began. Russian troops stationed on the border with Ukraine have also started operations. Two Ukrainian army helicopters were shot down by missiles, one pilot was captured and one died. The military action of the Ukrainian government forces in Slaviyansk has made rapid progress: they seized a roadblock, controlled the television and radio stations, and billowed smoke in the urban area. The pro Russian armed forces are facing the situation of being completely eliminated, and there is no possibility of escape. So far, Slaviyansk pro Russian armed forces have 7 OSCE observers in their hands, including a German colonel and more than 30 Ukrainian politicians and journalists, who have become human shields. On the same day, clashes between pro government and anti government groups occurred in Odessa, a city on the coast of the Black Sea in southern Ukraine, resulting in 43 deaths and 214 injuries, 25 of which were very serious.
On May 5, armed conflict broke out again in Slaviyansk, a Russian speaking city in eastern Ukraine. Four government soldiers were killed and about 30 others were injured. Civilians in the city also suffered casualties.
On May 6, 48 people disappeared after the Odessa conflict that killed dozens of pro Russian demonstrators. Vadim Savinko, a Soviet senator from Odessa State, Ukraine, said that 116 people died in the Odessa incident.
On May 11, a referendum was held in Donetsk and Lugansk states in eastern Ukraine to decide whether to become independent. Voting began at 8:00 local time and will continue until 22:00 on the same day. There is only one question in this referendum, that is, whether to support the establishment of the "Donetsk People's Republic". The issue of the Lugansk referendum is the same, that is, whether to support the establishment of the "Lugansk People's Republic".
On May 12, the results of the referendum in Donetsk and Lugansk states in eastern Ukraine were released, with 89% and 96% of the votes supporting independence respectively. Subsequently, the two states announced the establishment of an independent "sovereign state".
On May 13, an armored convoy of the Ukrainian army was ambushed near the city of Kramatorsk in the eastern Donetsk state. Seven people were killed and seven injured in the battle. This is the largest number of casualties in a battle by the Ukrainian military since Ukraine launched the "anti-terrorism operation" in the eastern region in mid April.
Ukraine is scheduled to hold presidential elections on May 25. This is considered to be the most important election since Ukraine's independence 23 years ago, and may become a key step to resolve the crisis in Ukraine. The most critical and most likely candidate in this election is known as the "Chocolate King" Peter Poroshenko The speaker of Ukraine's acting president, Alexander Turchinov, called on voters to vote 25 days ago to avoid Ukraine's division. There are 21 candidates in this presidential election, and about 35 million people are qualified to vote. Many public opinion surveys show that Petro Poroshenko, a sugar tycoon, has a big lead. A new survey shows that Poloshenko's support rate is close to 45%, while his strongest opponent, former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko's support rate is about 7.5%.
On May 27, the Ukrainian government announced that it had resumed "special operations" in the eastern region and had fully controlled Donetsk International Airport, which was occupied by pro Russian militia forces the day before.
according to CNN (CNN) reported that Alexander Lukyanchenko, the mayor of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine, said on the 27th that 40 people were killed and another 31 were injured in the fierce battle at Donetsk airport. Among the dead were two civilians, and the injured included four civilians.
June 2014
On the 14th, opposition forces shot down a Ukrainian transport plane, killing 49 people on board.
On the 27th, Poloshenko signed the agreement on EU associated countries, marking the official launch of Ukraine's preparation for joining the EU.
July 2014
On May 6, the opposition fell to Slavyansk, and the government troops recovered the area.
On the 17th, Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was shot down by missiles in the eastern opposition controlled area, killing all 297 people on board. The government and the opposition accused each other of shooting down the aircraft. 7 · 17 Malaysia Airlines passenger plane crash )。
On the 29th, the EU and the United States accused Russia of destabilizing eastern Ukraine and announced economic sanctions against Russia.
August 2014
On the 7th, Russia decided to implement anti sanctions against the United States and the European Union, banning most of the food imports from the EU and the United States.
On the 22nd, the Ukrainian government accused Russia of "direct aggression" when the disputed Russian motorcade crossed into Lugansk.
On the 25th, the opposition launched a counter offensive in southern Ukraine.
On the 26th, Poloshenko and Putin held talks at the EU Summit in Minsk, but no results were achieved.
On the 28th, the Ukrainian government said that the opposition had occupied the border town of Novo Azovsk, accusing Russia of direct invasion. NATO said that the number of Russian troops entering Ukraine exceeded 1000, and that a large number of heavy weapons entered Ukraine, which the Russian side denied.
On the 29th, Ukrainian Prime Minister Jacenyuk said that Ukraine would start its plan to join NATO.
On the 31st, Putin first described the eastern region of Ukraine with "national status", but then the Russian side denied that it was misunderstood.
September 2014
On the 1st, Ukrainian government troops withdrew from Lugansk Airport, and then from some other opposition controlled areas. The government accused Russia of "launching a huge war", which resulted in tens of thousands of deaths.
On the 3rd, France announced the suspension of delivery Northwest class helicopter carrier To Russia, on the same day, Putin launched the "seven point peace plan" after a telephone conversation with Boroshenko.
On the 4th, the NATO Summit opened, and the crisis in Ukraine became the main topic of discussion. Boroshenko said that he would order the army to implement a conditional ceasefire the next day, which received a positive response from the opposition.
On the 5th, the two parties to the conflict in Ukraine signed a 12 o'clock ceasefire agreement in Minsk, which came into force at 23 o'clock on the evening of Beijing time. Southeast port Mariupol The eastern city of Donetsk gradually recovered its tranquility. On the same day, the NATO Summit, Rasmussen Announced the establishment of a rapid reaction vanguard force aimed at Russia. On the same day, the EU announced sanctions against Russia, which will be officially implemented on the 8th.
On the 6th, most parts of eastern Ukraine remained calm, with sporadic friction. Government forces and the opposition accused each other of violating the ceasefire agreement. The Russian Foreign Ministry warned that Russia would respond to the EU sanctions if they were implemented. On the same day, Putin talked with Boroshenko by telephone, saying that the ceasefire had been well implemented and that he hoped for a long-term ceasefire in the region.


February 2015
On the 11th, leaders of Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany Belarus Minsk, the capital, held the "Normandy Quartet" talks.
On the 12th, Russian President Putin announced in Minsk that all parties to the crisis in Ukraine agreed to start a ceasefire on February 15.
On the 21st, Ukrainian civilian armed forces and government forces exchanged prisoners of war.
Some analysts believe that there are still countless obstacles to "let peace shine into the reality of Ukraine". For example, what is Poloshenko's ability to balance the domestic warlords and peacemakers? How can Obama coordinate with the hardliners and conciliators in his country? What is Putin's ability to influence forces in eastern Ukraine? european union What is the mediation capacity of peacemaking? These series of questions can not find accurate answers all at once.
May 2015
US Secretary of State Kerry He said that in order to implement the peace agreement aimed at ending violence in eastern Ukraine, it is a "critical moment" for Russia and pro Russian separatists.
Kerry met with Russian President Putin and Foreign Minister in the Russian resort city of Sochi Lavrov Kerry said in Russia that there is no other way to deal with complex global issues such as the armed conflict between Ukraine and Syria, which must be directly discussed by key decision-makers.


On February 15, 2022, with the high-profile announcement of the Russian Ministry of Defense to withdraw some land troops deployed on the Russian Ukrainian border who were participating in large-scale military exercises, the crisis in eastern Ukraine that lasted from October 2021 to February 2022 seemed to show a slow cooling trend. [4]
Since February 17, 2022, the situation in eastern Ukraine has worsened. The Ukrainian government and local civilian armed forces accuse each other of launching provocative shelling in the contact line [5] On February 18, the civil armed forces in eastern Ukraine announced that due to the danger of launching military operations in Ukraine, they would evacuate local residents to Russia in a large scale from now on [6]
At 10:30 on February 24, Beijing time, the Secretary General of the United Nations Guterres At the meeting, Russia was called on to "stop attacking Ukraine". [11]
February 24, 2022 (local time), Ukraine The administration announced the closure of national airspace. Earlier, Russia The aviation management department has informed the civil aviation companies that the airspace of the areas bordering Ukraine has been closed. [12] On February 24 local time, Ukrainian President Zelensky said that Ukraine would enter a state of war State. [13]
On February 24 local time, the President of Ukraine Zerensky He said that the National Security and National Defense Commission of Ukraine has entered into emergency operation and has mobilized all military forces and special forces. On the 24th, Ukraine Chuguyev Airport The Russian Defense Ministry said that it was using precision guided weapons to destroy the military infrastructure, air defense facilities, military airports and aviation forces of the Ukrainian army. [14] [16] On the same day, the Ukrainian military said that Ukrainian air defense forces shot down a Russian aircraft in eastern Ukraine. [17] On the same day, the Ukrainian military said that it shot down five Russian warplanes and one helicopter in eastern Ukraine. [18] The Ukrainian National Guard headquarters was destroyed. [18-19] On the same day, according to the Ukrainian General Staff, the Russian armed forces launched missile attacks on airports in several cities in Ukraine, including Borispol, Chuguyev, Karamatorsk and other cities [20] On February 24, 2022 local time, according to the Ukrainian State Border Service, the Russian army is breaking through Kiev defense. [21] On February 24, the Russian Federal Security Service said that the Ukrainian border guards had abandoned their positions on the Russian Ukrainian border. In addition, 440 Ukrainian soldiers requested the Russian side to open humanitarian channels and successfully enter Russia Rostov [22]
On February 24, according to the German news agency Moscow, President of the Russian State Duma (lower house of parliament) Vyacheslav Vorokin Said that the Russian side intends to completely "demilitarize" Ukraine, which is the only way to avoid the European war. President of Russia Vladimir Putin Previously, it said that Moscow would be committed to the demilitarization and de Nazization of Ukraine. [23] On February 24 local time, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that one Ukrainian armed helicopter and four attack UAVs were shot down during the military operations of the Russian armed forces. During the Russian air raid, 74 military facilities in Uzbekistan were destroyed, including 11 air airports, 3 command posts, 1 naval base and 18 radar stations for S-300 and beech air defense missile systems. [25]
In the morning of February 24, 2022 local time, the Russian side Donbas Region Launch special military operations. As of about 8:00 p.m. local time, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that the Russian armed forces had successfully completed all scheduled tasks on the 24th. The Ukrainian side said the same day that the Russian army had entered the Russian Ukrainian border Chernigov State Sumei Prefecture Kharkov State , Lugansk and parts of southern Ukraine, and move towards Kiev. [27] On the same day, adviser to the Office of the President of Ukraine Puerto Rico An article on social media said that the Ukrainian army had lost control of the Chernobyl nuclear facility [28]
On February 24, 2022, United Nations Secretary General Guterres announced that the United Nations would immediately allocate $20 million from its Central Emergency Response Fund for emergency humanitarian needs in Ukraine and its surrounding areas. [30]
On February 25, 2022 local time, Ukrainian President Zelensky said that 137 Ukrainians had died and 316 had been injured in the past day and night. [24]
On February 25, 2022 local time, the Russian Ministry of Defense said that the Russian army had taken control of Ukrainian cities Melitopol The Russian Defense Ministry said that after the Russian army landed on the coast near Melitopol on the evening of the 25th, it entered the city without any resistance. [31]
On February 25, 2022 local time, the United Nations Security Council voted on the draft resolution on the situation in Ukraine submitted by the United States and Albania. Since Russia voted against the draft, The resolution was not passed. [32]
On February 26, 2022 local time, international rating agencies Fitch International (Fitch) lowered Ukraine's long-term sovereign credit rating from B to CCC. [33]
On February 26, 2022, the EU listed Russian President Putin and Foreign Minister Lavrov on the sanctions list, and relevant documents have been published. [34]
On February 26, 2022, Mikhail Podoliyak, the adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, said at a press conference that the negotiation process would be decided tonight (26), in which the position would be decided by Ukraine. [36] Russian satellite news agency reported on February 26 that the Russian Ministry of Defense said that the Russian army had destroyed 821 Ukrainian military targets. [37] According to CCTV news, as of the 26th local time, 19 Russian federal entities had received 118000 residents evacuated from Donbas to Russia. [38] On February 26, the Polish Prime Minister said, "The Polish border is open to all Ukrainians without valid identity certificates." He added that they are welcome to take their pets with them. According to the United Nations, 100000 people are expected to flee Ukraine in the past 48 hours. The Polish intelligence department announced on the 25th that 29000 people had poured into Poland from Ukraine in the past 24 hours. As the situation between Russia and Ukraine continues, it is still impossible to predict the number of refugees in the future. [39] On the 26th local time, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Lugansk armed forces have moved forward 46 kilometers since the start of the operation, controlling Shaskiya and Muratovo settlements. [40] On the evening of February 26 local time, the Russian Ministry of Defense issued a statement saying that the formation of 16 speedboats from the Ukrainian navy was moving from Shedao The Russian fleet evacuating 82 surrendering Uzbek soldiers launched an attack. Russia believes that the purpose of this action is to "revenge" the surrendered soldiers and accuse Russia of killing prisoners of war. 82 Uzbek soldiers have been safely transferred to Sevastopol by the Russian side. Earlier, the Ukrainian side recognized that 82 people had died, and President Zelensky announced that he was awarded the title of "Ukrainian hero". [41]
On February 26, 2022, according to the information of UNHCR, nearly 120000 Ukrainians have entered Poland and some surrounding countries from Ukraine. Poland has previously announced the opening of its border with Ukraine, allowing people to enter from Ukraine. The Polish government said on the 26th that more than 100000 Ukrainians had entered Poland in the past 48 hours. [43]
On February 26, 2022 local time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina issued a statement, and after a meeting with the Foreign Ministries of Latin America, it was unanimously agreed to help the nationals of various countries withdraw from Ukraine through the consular cooperation mechanism. In the statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina pointed out that it was cooperating with the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Chile, Brazil, Peru, Uruguay, Paraguay, Mexico, Colombia, Bolivia and Ecuador to coordinate actions and obtain useful information so as to be able to provide assistance to the diaspora as much as possible under current conditions. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan also added: "Only when the evacuation route is safe, can we promote the implementation of the plan of evacuation of overseas Chinese. [45]
On February 27, 2022, according to CNN, a huge explosion lit up the night sky southwest of Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, early on the 27th local time. The media reporter said that the explosion seemed to be 20 kilometers, or about 12 miles, from the center of the Ukrainian capital. The night sky was illuminated for several minutes by the explosion. [42] On February 27 local time, the Federal Aviation Administration of the Russian Federation announced that, in response to the unfriendly decisions taken by the aviation authorities of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Slovenia against Russia, the Russian side decided to close the airspace of the airlines of the above-mentioned countries and prohibit their aircraft from flying in Russia, including transit through Russia. [48]
On February 27, 2022, according to RIA Novosti, the head of the Russian delegation announced that Ukraine had agreed to hold talks in Gomel State, Belarus sentence [49] On February 27 local time, the United Nations Security Council held a meeting and voted to adopt resolution 2623, which was proposed by the United States and others, calling for an emergency special session of the General Assembly on the situation in Ukraine. Zhang Jun, the Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, attended the meeting, abstained in the voting and made an explanatory statement on China's voting position. [50]
In the early morning of February 28, 2022, President Zelensky of Ukraine has met with the President of the European Commission on Ukraine's accession to the European Union Von Delain conversation. [51] It was reported on the 28th that the Ukrainian delegation participating in the Russia Ukraine negotiations had arrived in Belarus on the same day. [52]
On February 28, 2022, Ukrainian President Zelensky announced that he had made a decision to release prisoners who had participated in combat operations and had actual combat experience from Ukrainian prisons in order to let them "atone". [53]
On March 12, 2022 local time, Ukrainian President Zelensky said that since the outbreak of the Russian Ukrainian conflict, about 1300 Ukrainian soldiers have died. [54]
On March 26, 2022 local time, Republic of South Ossetia The leaders announced that South Ossetian troops had left for the Donbas region to participate in the Russian special military operations. [56]
On April 5, 2022, according to the French News Agency Geneva, the United Nations International Organization for Migration said that since Russia launched a special military operation against Ukraine, it is estimated that more than 7.1 million Ukrainians have been internally displaced [58]
On April 10, 2022, according to Agence France Presse, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said that as of April 10, 2022 local time, the number of Ukrainian refugees reached 4503954, 90% of whom were women and children, because Ukraine prohibited men of military age from leaving the country. [59]
According to RIA Novosti, on May 11, 2022 local time, the vice chairman of the civil and military administration of Kherson State in southern Ukraine Kiril Stremusov It was announced that Kherson Oblast would apply to Russian President Putin to join the Russian Federation. [60]
According to a report on the website of the New York Times on May 23, 2022, three months after the Ukrainian war, the first batch of American heavy artillery - the most lethal weapon provided by the West so far - was deployed in the battle in eastern Ukraine. This includes American made M777 howitzer [61]
On September 20, 2022, the self established "Donetsk People's Republic" (DPR) and "Lugansk People's Republic" (LPR) announced that they would hold a referendum on joining the Russian Federation from September 23 to 27. Both DPR and LPR have not been recognized by the international community. [62]
From 8:00 on September 23, 2022 Moscow time (13:00 on September 23, Beijing time), Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporoge began to hold a referendum on joining the Russian Federation, which lasted from September 23 to 27. [63]
On September 30, 2022 local time, Ukrainian President Zelensky, Ukrainian Speaker Stefanchuk and Ukrainian Prime Minister Shmigar signed the apply. [64]
On December 1, 2022, according to the UNIAH news agency of Ukraine, the consultant to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine, Baldriac, stressed that on the same day, according to the official assessment issued by the General Staff Department and the Supreme Commander of Ukraine, since February 24, the number of Uzbek troops killed in battle has ranged from 10000 to 12500 to 13000. [65]

Reaction of all parties

Ukrainian Parliament Performs All Martial Arts
On April 7, 2014, Ukrainian Speaker Turchinov, acting as President, issued a statement on the situation in the eastern states, saying that the events in Crimea would not be allowed to repeat in eastern Ukraine, and demanded to safeguard the eastern border and territorial integrity.
Alexander Turchinov, the interim president appointed by the Ukrainian Parliament, said that the Supreme Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine would consider a bill to increase the criminal responsibility of separatism on the 8th, and would also raise the issue of banning a series of political parties and social organizations.
Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Tymoshenko has been shuttling between central and eastern Ukraine for several days. On the 25th, she held talks with pro Russian elements in Lugansk and expressed the hope that the dialogue between pro Russian armed forces and Ukrainian authorities could be facilitated.
On April 25, the Prime Minister of the Interim Government of Ukraine, Yazeniuk, accused Russia of trying to trigger global conflict: "The world has not forgotten the Second World War, and Russia is trying to launch the Third World War." He condemned Russia's performance "like a bandit armed to the teeth", and called on the international community to "unite to fight against Russian aggression".
On May 1, Ukrainian Speaker Turchinov, acting as President, signed the order of "Measures to improve national defense capability" and decided to recruit soldiers. According to the newly signed order, according to the Law of Ukraine on Military Obligations and Military Service, healthy men aged 18 to 25 who have no right to exempt or postpone their military service should be recruited into the Ukrainian armed forces or other military organizations in 2014.
On February 24, 2022, senior officials of the customs department in Lviv, Ukraine Daniel Minshkov A Facebook post said that because Ukraine has entered a wartime state, Ukrainian male citizens between the ages of 18 and 60 will be prohibited from leaving Ukraine. [29]
On February 27, 2022 local time, Ukrainian President Zelensky said that Ukraine had filed a lawsuit against Russia with the International Court of Justice in The Hague. [47]
european union
EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy Ashton said on February 19, 2014 that representatives of EU member states to the EU held an emergency meeting in Brussels that day to study "all possible options" to deal with the crisis in Ukraine, including measures to sanction Ukraine. Foreign ministers of EU members held an emergency meeting in Brussels for this purpose on the 20th.
On the evening of March 1, 2014, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Ashton said that Russia's decision to use armed forces against Ukraine was "regrettable" and called on Russia not to send troops but to express its views in a peaceful way. She said. The sovereignty and territory of Ukraine must be respected. The EU cannot accept the violation of the principles. It held a meeting on March 3 to discuss it.
President of the European Commission Barroso On March 5, 2014, it announced that it would provide Ukraine with a package of assistance of at least 11 billion euros (about 15 billion dollars).
Barroso said that this includes 1.6 billion euros in loans, 1.4 billion euros in grants, and European Investment Bank € 3 billion loan.
Merkel After meeting with US President Barack Obama in Washington, he said: "The EU is preparing a package of measures. We will implement the third phase of sanctions against Russia. I want to emphasize that this is not necessarily consistent with our will."
On May 12, 2014, the press secretary of the EU Foreign Minister Maya Kosyachik said that the EU believed that the referendums in Donetsk and Lugansk were illegal and did not recognize their results. According to British media reports, EU foreign ministers agreed to increase sanctions against Russia, adding 2 Crimean companies and 13 individuals to the sanctions list against Russia. Previously, a total of 48 Russians and Ukrainians were subject to the EU's asset freeze and visa ban because of Russia's annexation of Crimea.
On February 24, 2022 local time, EU leaders held a special summit Urgent consultations were held on the situation in Ukraine and it was agreed to take a further package of "major" sanctions against Russia. [26]
the United Nations
Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki moon On February 19, 2014, through his spokesman, he called on all parties involved in the conflict in Ukraine to end the conflict as soon as possible, and stressed that the use of violence was "unacceptable". He also called for effective dialogue to begin as soon as possible.
The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Pillay issued a statement on the 19th, strongly condemning the serious casualties caused by the violent conflict, and urging the Ukrainian authorities and demonstrators to ease the situation as soon as possible and find a peaceful solution to the crisis.
security council On March 1, a rare consecutive emergency meeting was held on the situation in Ukraine. UN Secretary General Ban Ki moon was unable to attend the emergency meeting of the day due to his foreign visit. He issued a brief statement through his spokesman, demanding respect for Ukraine's territorial sovereignty.
On May 2, the Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki moon, issued a statement through his spokesman, expressing grave concern about the deteriorating situation in eastern and southern Ukraine, calling on all parties to exercise maximum restraint, and calling on those who have been wronged to express their voice peacefully to avoid more bloodshed.
In the early morning of February 24, 2022 local time, Russian President Putin announced the launch of "special military operations" in the Donbas region. At the same time, the United Nations Security Council is holding an emergency meeting on the situation in Russia and Ukraine. At the meeting, representatives of Russia and Ukraine clashed fiercely. Sergei Kislitzia, Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations, said that Russia's move meant "a declaration of war against Ukraine". In response to this, Russia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Nibianja said that Russia's move was "self-defense" allowed by the Charter of the United Nations Action ". [15]
On February 25 local time, UN Secretary General Guterres delivered a speech on the situation in Ukraine. Guterres announced that he had appointed Amin Awad As the United Nations crisis coordinator in Ukraine, Amin will lead and coordinate all efforts of the United Nations on both sides of the line of contact, including the humanitarian work of the United Nations. Guterres called on all parties involved in this conflict to respect international humanitarian law and ensure the safety and operations of United Nations staff and other humanitarian workers Freedom. [35]
On March 23, 2022 local time, the United Nations Security Council voted on the draft resolution on humanitarian issues in Ukraine proposed by Russia. The voting result was 2 in favor, 13 abstention, and the resolution was not passed. Among them, Russia and China voted in favour. [55]
People injured in the conflict severely condemned the violent conflict in Kiev on February 19, 2014. Press Secretary of the President of Russia Peskov Said that Russian leaders believe that extremists bear complete responsibility for the conflict, and Russia saw "coup attempt" in the actions of Ukrainian extremists. At the same time, he refuted the claim that Russia tried to interfere in Ukraine's internal affairs. The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement on the same day, calling on the Ukrainian opposition to immediately resume dialogue with the legitimate regime, and said that Russia would use its full influence to restore peace and tranquility in Ukraine.
On March 24, 2014, the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev He said that Ukraine owed Russia $16 billion and that Russia could not lose this money because of budget difficulties.
Since the middle of March 2014, Russia has been conducting military exercises in the border area between Russia and Ukraine, with 45000 troops participating. According to the documents released by the Royal United Services Research Institute in April, Russia has mobilized several motorized infantry brigades, mechanized divisions, armored divisions, etc. from the Western Military Region, the Central Military Region and the Southern Military Region, and stationed all along the Russian Ukrainian border.
On April 3, 2014, the Russian Federal Security Service denied participating in the shooting of demonstrators during the Kiev riots in February.
On April 25, 2014, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov denounced the Kyiv authorities' actions in the southeast as "bloody criminal acts". The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement urging the United States to let the Ukrainian authorities immediately stop "anti-terrorism" in the east. The statement expressed regret that Lavrov did not make telephone contact with US Secretary of State Kerry scheduled for 23-24.
On April 28, 2014, Ryabkov said that Russia would respond to the new round of sanctions imposed by the United States, and said that this response would have a "painful impact" on the United States.
On May 2, 2014, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on its website, saying that Russia was indignant at the "punitive action" carried out by Ukrainian authorities in the eastern city of Slaviyansk, and demanded that Ukraine immediately stop such military action.
On May 7, 2014, Putin said that the Russian army was not in the border area between Russia and Ukraine and had withdrawn to the shooting range where it regularly held exercises. However, Ukrainian media and the United States said that Russian troops had not withdrawn from the border area.
On May 12, 2014, the Russian President's Information Bureau issued a statement saying that Russia noted the high voter turnout in the local referendums in Donetsk and Lugansk states of Ukraine, and respected the will expressed by the people of the two states in the referendums. The result of the referendum needs to be achieved through dialogue between representatives of Kiev and the eastern two states to avoid the recurrence of violence. In order to achieve dialogue, the Russian side welcomes all mediation efforts, including those through the OSCE. The Russian side condemns the use of force, including the use of heavy weapons against civilians and the resulting deaths.
On February 27, 2022, press secretary Peskov of the Russian President said that the Russian delegation aimed at negotiating with Ukraine had arrived in Belarus, and "we are ready to hold negotiations in Gomel". The Russian delegation is composed of representatives from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of National Defense, the General Office of the President and other departments. According to the Russian news agency, in response to the statement that the Russian delegation has arrived in Belarus, Ukrainian President Zelensky said that Ukraine hopes to negotiate with Russia and end the war. The negotiation may take place in Warsaw, Bratislava, Budapest, Istanbul or Baku. [46]
On February 19, 2014, Hua Chunying, spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, expressed the hope that all parties concerned in Ukraine would put national interests and national interests first, eliminate differences through consultation and dialogue, and restore normal social order at an early date. The international community should play a constructive role in this regard.
Liu Jieyi, the Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, pointed out in his speech at the emergency meeting of the Security Council on Ukraine on the 2nd that tensions in parts of south-eastern Ukraine had escalated and caused casualties. China is deeply concerned about this. China hopes that all parties concerned will take a calm and restrained attitude in order to safeguard the fundamental interests of all ethnic groups in Ukraine and the overall situation of regional peace and stability, so as to avoid further deterioration of the situation.
On May 12, 2014, the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China said that Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity should be respected, and that the settlement of this issue should comprehensively weigh and fully consider the legitimate and reasonable concerns and rights of all parties, and properly handle relevant differences within the framework of law and order.
In February 2023, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs released China's Position on Political Settlement of the Ukrainian Crisis. [66]
At noon on March 7, 2024, the Special Representative of the Chinese Government for Eurasian Affairs, Li Hui, arrived in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, by train to continue the second round of shuttle diplomacy on promoting a political solution to the crisis in Ukraine. [68]
In May 2024, Chinese President Xi Jinping was invited to hold a trilateral meeting with French President Malcolm and European Commission President Von Delaine at the Elysee Palace in Paris. Xi Jinping pointed out that the Chinese side, the French side and the European side all hope to cease the war as soon as possible and restore peace in Europe, and all support the political solution of the crisis in Ukraine. [69]
In May 2024, Xi Jinping pointed out that China has repeatedly clarified its position on the crisis in Ukraine. China is neither a crisis maker, nor a party or participant, but we have not watched from afar, but have been playing an active role in achieving peace. At the same time, we are opposed to using the Ukrainian crisis to dump the pot, discredit third countries and incite the "new cold war". [70]
On August 27, 2024, the Special Representative of the Chinese Government for Eurasian Affairs, Li Hui, held a briefing in Beijing on the fourth round of shuttle diplomacy on the Ukrainian crisis, introducing relevant information to diplomatic envoys in China and Chinese and foreign media reporters. [71]
Britain, France and Germany
On February 19, 2014, senior officials from Britain, France, Germany and other countries, as well as EU leaders, issued statements condemning the bloody conflict in Ukraine and saying that the Ukrainian government should be responsible for it. French President Hollande and Polish Prime Minister Tusk urged the EU to take "targeted" sanctions against those responsible as soon as possible.
William Hague William Hague On March 1, he condemned Russia's military action resolution and said that he had summoned the Russian ambassador to express his concern about the matter.
German Foreign Minister Steinmeier He planned to go to Ukraine on the 13th and said he was willing to make efforts for the Kiev authorities to carry out dialogue with the armed forces in eastern Ukraine.
On March 1, 2014, Canadian Prime Minister Harper said that Canada recalled its ambassador to Moscow to discuss the Ukrainian crisis and suspended preparations for participating in the G8 Sochi Summit.
At the scene of the violent conflict, at the request of the US side, Putin and Obama held a 90 minute telephone conversation on the situation in Ukraine on March 1. Both sides have different opinions: Putin stressed that if the violence continues to spread, Russia has the right to safeguard its own interests and protect Russian language residents; But Obama said that Russia's "invasion" of Ukraine had violated international law, warning the United States and its allies that they might take revenge.
The White House also said that Obama called on Putin to withdraw Russian troops to bases in Crimea. Obama also warned that Moscow authorities continue to violate international law, which is bound to lead to "further political and economic isolation.".
The White House of the United States issued a statement saying that the United States condemned "Russia's military intervention in Ukrainian territory". The White House said that the United States would suspend its participation in the preparatory meeting of the G8 Summit held in Sochi.
On March 19, 2014, President Obama of the United States said that the United States would not intervene militarily in the situation in Ukraine and stressed that the impasse with Russia should be resolved through diplomatic means.
On April 7, 2014, the US government expressed its concern and urged Russian President Putin to stop sabotaging Ukraine. If the situation in Ukraine worsens further, the United States is prepared to impose further sanctions on Russia, which will target the Russian economy.
On April 24, 2014, US Secretary of State John Kerry accused Russia of "making trouble" in Ukraine.
On April 25, Obama held a teleconference with the leaders of major EU countries, demanding that the Russian side "stop threatening".
On April 28, the White House of the United States announced that because Russia continued to "intervene" in the situation in Ukraine, the United States imposed sanctions on 7 Russian officials and 17 companies.
On May 9, the Pentagon announced that three military exercises would be held in the Baltic Sea to deal with tensions.
On May 11, the United States said that it would not recognize the results of the independence referendum held in eastern Ukraine on May 11, calling it an "illegal" act that created division and chaos. The US State Department announced that Richard Stengel, the Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, will visit Ukraine to further emphasize the US support for the interim government of Ukraine.
G7 countries
On March 24, 2014, the G7 issued a statement, saying that if Moscow did not ease the Ukrainian crisis that shook relations with the international community, the G7 was ready to strengthen sanctions against Russia.
The G7 issued a statement after the crisis meeting on Russia's annexation of Crimea held in The Hague, pointing out that if Russia continues to escalate the situation, the G7 is still ready to strengthen its actions, including coordinating sanctions and strengthening the fight against the Russian economy.
The statement instructs that the diplomatic channels for cooling the situation remain open, encourages the Russian government to adopt it, and calls on Moscow to use the mediation provided by the international community to start negotiations with Ukraine.
International Monetary Fund
On April 30, 2014, the Executive Board of IMF approved an aid loan plan for Ukraine with a total amount of about US $17 billion to help the country promote economic reform and get out of trouble.
In a statement issued on the same day, IMF said that the loan plan, which lasts for two years, will be used to support Ukraine to restore economic stability, strengthen economic governance and improve policy transparency, and protect vulnerable groups while achieving stable and sustainable economic growth.
European Security Organization
On May 7, 2014, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe The Chairman in Office of the (OSCE) and the President and Foreign Minister of the Swiss Confederation, Burkhart, said in Moscow that the convening of a new round of Geneva Conference on Ukraine was not in the plan for the time being. Instead, the OSCE will propose a specific action plan, that is, a "road map" of work.
On September 11, 2015, NATO's Deputy Secretary General in charge of political issues and security policy said that NATO did not intend to send troops to conflict areas in eastern Ukraine to assist the Ukrainian army. [2]
On October 2, President Putin of Russia, President Hollande of France, Chancellor Merkel of Germany, and President Poloshenko of Ukraine held talks at the Elysee Palace“ Ukraine ”A four country summit was held, focusing on the situation in eastern Ukraine and the implementation of the New Minsk Agreement signed in February 2015. The leaders of the four countries talked about many aspects of the Ukrainian issue, especially the local elections in eastern Ukraine, the ceasefire agreement, strategic weapons, etc. [3]
On October 3, NATO countries will carry out the largest military exercises since 2002 in Italy, Spain and Portugal. This exercise will improve the readiness of the troops against the background of the Ukrainian crisis. This is called“ Trident contact ”The drill will last from November 3 to November 6, involving more than 36000 officers and soldiers from more than 30 countries. [3]
On February 26, 2022 local time, the Swiss Federal Secretariat for Immigration Affairs said that, according to estimates, the duration and intensity of the Russian Ukrainian war, hundreds to 2000 people could come to Switzerland to seek refuge. Switzerland is willing to show solidarity. In principle, its asylum system is designed to cope with fluctuations, and emergency plans can be activated in the event of large-scale migration. [44]

social influence

On February 18, Ukraine's US $1 billion due in June 2014 Bond yield It soared by more than 1200 basis points to 35%. Ukrainian dollar bond prices fell to a record low.
On the day of the 18th conflict, the five-year sovereign CDS spread of Ukraine soared 105 basis points to 1303 basis points, hitting a five-year high.
equity market
The Ukrainian stock market has been falling since the fourth quarter of 2013. On the day of the escalation of the conflict on the 18th, the Ukrainian stock market plunged 4.2%.
Since the domestic turmoil in November 2013, the Ukrainian currency Griffner (Hryvnia) has depreciated by 10%, and the exchange rate against the US dollar has plunged to a historical low. One hryvna is about $0.123.
On April 5, 2022 local time, the United Nations International Organization for Migration said that since Russia launched a special military operation against Ukraine, it is estimated that more than 7.1 million Ukrainians have been internally displaced. The survey was conducted from March 24 to April 1. [57]