Righteousness is intolerant

1989 drama directed by Wei Jiahui
open 2 entries with the same name
Hong Kong, China 50 episodes
zero Useful+1
"Yi Bu Rong Qing" is written by Hong Kong Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd Produced by Wei Jiahui, written by Deng Teshi and Chen Huiyan, Huang Rihua Wen Zhaolun Carina Lau Drama TV series starring Shao Meiqi [28-29]
This play tells that Fang was involved in a murder case and finally sentenced to death. Then the husband also left his two sons, Ah Jian and Ah Kang, to commit suicide. Aunt Yun couldn't bear to see the two children alone, so she adopted them. Twenty years later, Health and Wellness have grown up. Hou Yun has taken in his niece, Hua. Jian is interested in China, and Hua only loves Kang. Although Ah Kang is very capable, he is very cruel. But Ah Jian is very honest. Two brothers are about to start a relationship [30]
On April 3, 1989, the play premiered on the radio television station [26] In the 28th Anniversary of Taiwan, it won the award of "the most watched TV series by Chinese in the world". In the same year, Chen Baiqiang's theme song "What's the Need of Life" won the Golden Melody Award and the Best Lyrics Award of the Year, and was selected as the "30 Years and 30 Songs" of the "Chinese Golden Melody Award" in 2010 [31]
Wei Jiahui [30]
Premiere time
April 3, 1989 [26]
Chinese name
Righteousness is intolerant [30]
Foreign name
Looking Back in Anger [30]

essential information

Chinese name
Righteousness is intolerant [30]
Foreign name
Looking Back in Anger [30]
Type of work
plot [30]
Cantonese [30]
Huang Rihua [30] Wen Zhaolun Carina Lau Shao Meiqi
Opening song
What is the Life Expectation [31]
Some Sad and Some Idiot [32]
major awards
TVB's 28th Anniversary Celebrates the "Award for the Most Chinese Watched TV Series in the World" [31]
Production area
Hong Kong, China [30]
Wei Jiahui [30]
Deng Teshi, Chen Huiyan [30]
Hong Kong TVB Film and Television Base [33]
Premiere time
April 3, 1989 [26]
Premiere television station
TVB [26]
Broadcast status
Closed [30]
Number of sets
50 episodes [30]
Duration of each episode
45 minutes [30]
Issuing company
Hong Kong Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd [26]


Plum fragrance Lan Jieying Decoration) A mother of two children, she was inexplicably involved in a murder case that day. Although her husband and two children went around to seek justice for her, Fang was sentenced to death in the end. Then the husband left his two sons behind Ding Youjian Huang Rihua Decoration) and Ding Youkang Wen Zhaolun Decoration) Suicide. Aunt Yun Su Xingxuan Decoration) Although she is only a cleaner in the hospital, she doesn't have much income, but she can't bear to see the two children alone, so she adopted them. In addition, Aunt Yun also adopted two other orphans, five of whom live in poverty. At the age of 16, Ah Jian gave up his studies and became a taxi driver in order to make a living. Kang was very successful. With the support of his elder brother, he graduated from the Law Department of the University of Hong Kong with excellent results and successfully obtained the lawyer card. Although Ah Kang is very capable, he is very cruel, and he will do anything to achieve his goals; On the contrary, Ah Jian is very straightforward and never ambiguous in front of right and wrong.
Ding Youkang, in pursuit of fame and wealth, unexpectedly attached himself to Feng Shibang, the prosecutor who had tried to prove his mother's murder Yue Hua Decoration) Later Ding Youjian and Ding Youkang had a traffic accident due to a dispute, which led to Kang's action without any help, and Kang resented Jiansheng. Before long, Ding Youkang worked for Feng Shibang. Ding Youjian strongly objected, and the relationship between the two brothers broke down. Ding Youkang and Zhao Jiamin Shao Meiqi Decoration) She was in love, but in order to annex Feng Shibang's property, she pursued her only daughter Feng Meixin enthusiastically Shang Tian'e Decoration) When Zhao Jiamin learned of this, he was obsessed with Kang, but he was killed.
Ding Youjian finally moved Li Hua with sincerity, and the two developed feelings. But Li Hua Zhou Haimei Decoration) With the active development of their career and Ding Youjian's imprisonment for Ding Youkang, the distance between the two people is getting farther and farther. Ding Youjian's confidante Ni Chujun Carina Lau Ornament )Encouraged by Jianshizhi, Jianshizhi has failed to live up to your love. Aunt Yun suspects that the death of Zhao Jiamin is related to Ding Youkang. In order to protect himself, Kang kills Aunt Yun mercilessly. Ding Youjian was greatly stimulated by the news of Aunt Xi's death. After several investigations, he found that Ding Youkang was the murderer. Ding Youkang lost his conscience and wanted to poison Ding Youjian's family. Ding Youjian's son died because of this.
Ding Youjian learned that Ding Youkang was responsible for the poisoning incident and vowed to bring Ding Youkang to justice. First, I pretended to trust Ding Youkang and arranged for him to work in a higher vocational college. Later, when arranging Ding Youkang to go on business, I deliberately ordered his plane to land in Malaysia and notified the Malaysian police to arrest him. After being arrested, Ding Youkang was charged with murdering Xiuyun, and was sentenced to questioning and hanging. Chu Jun later learned that Ding Youkang was the mastermind of his son's poisoning death. He believed that it was Ding Youjian's benevolence towards him. Ding Youjian was the murderer who killed his son indirectly, so he could not forgive Ding Youjian for the time being. He decided to go to the third world countries with charities to do voluntary work and not return to Hong Kong. Ding Youjian wants to keep Chu Jun. Chu Jun says that if they are destined to meet again in the church where they are married ten years later, they will meet again. Chu Jun later went to Kenya when he was serving as a volunteer and met with a big earthquake, and then disappeared. Dante Youjian firmly believed that Chu Jun would keep the agreement. Ten years later, he waited for Chu Jun to appear in the church. On the appointed day, Ding Youjian stayed in the church from morning till midnight, but Chu Jun didn't show up. After midnight, Ding Youjian collapsed. A mysterious woman put down a note next to fitness and left. Ding Youjian woke up and saw the note saying, "You are dead, please forget." [2]

Diversified plot

    Episode 1
    Twentieth Century 1960s At the beginning, although Ding Yongxiang had to shoulder the responsibility of raising his wife and children, he refused to be down-to-earth, never had a long job, and often thought of developing in the future, so he was addicted to gambling and lost all his living expenses. On the first day of the new year, Yongxiang still couldn't find the money. He promised his wife to borrow it from relatives, but he never changed his mind. He lingered all day long in gambling stalls and didn't return. Fragrant could not bear to starve her son Zijian, so she was forced to return to her old job and work as a pickpocket in the street. As a result, she was suspected of a murder and was taken back to the police station for questioning. Fragrant was brutally forced to confess overnight, and she was pregnant, which made her even more miserable. Although the court arranged an experienced big statement Zhu Xiaoshan to defend Fang Fang, because the witness made false statements, it was very harmful to Fang Fang. In addition, the prosecutor Feng Shibang believed that Fang Fang was the murderer and tried his best to testify against her. Xiang Fang was finally sentenced to death for her conviction, and her sentence will be determined after she gives birth.

    Episode 2
    Fragrant and desperate, I have to nurture my baby carefully, and place my lifelong hope on the bones and flesh in my belly. Later, she gave birth to her son Youkang, who was forced to leave the prison immediately and hand over to Yongxiang, which made her very sad. Xiaoshan firmly believes that Fang Fang is innocent, and uses the witness's plan to change his confession to overturn the case for Fang Fang. However, Shibang refuses to give him the opportunity to overturn the original judgment because he obstructs justice by improper means. When Yongxiang carries the fragrance of health and health, he repents his past mistakes to her. Fragrant said that she would devote herself to raising her son in the future. On the day of Xiangfang's execution, Xiao Shan suddenly learned that the real murderer was in danger. He immediately led a Taiping gentleman to take his testimony, and then informed the Justice Department to terminate the execution. Xiang Fang came to life from a desperate situation, thinking that she could overturn the case and get rid of the crime. Unexpectedly, Shibang thinks that the witness is making false statements, so fabricating all kinds of evidence is bad for Xiangfang.

    Episode 3
    As a witness, Xiao Shan hired another imperial barrister Qiu Guozhong to defend Fang. Unexpectedly, Guozhong was troubled by family problems and failed to concentrate on the case, which greatly reduced Xiaoshan's confidence in him. In the court, Guozhong was listless, all his confessions were rejected by Shibang, and finally he lost the lawsuit, making Fanfang uphold the original judgment. Yongxiang and Xiaoshan were disappointed. Yongxiang takes the second son to see the last side of Xiangfang, and finds that his spirit has been tortured and damaged, and he is mentally demented. He can't recognize his family, which makes Yongxiang sad. Yongxiang failed to face the blow after Xiangfang was hanged, resulting in nervous disorder. He wanted to jump off a building with his body. Fortunately, he was overpowered by the police, and Yongxiang was sent to a mental hospital for treatment. Li Haoquan, a shareholder, was very sympathetic when he learned about Youjian and Youkang's life experience, and adopted him at his home. It turns out that Hao Quan and Xiuyun have been married for many years without success, but they love children very much. Therefore, in addition to adopting You Jian and You Kang, they also adopted Chen Shaoling, the illegitimate daughter of the famous actress Fang Hong at that time, and Zhou Zhiwen, who was unable to support because of their poor family circumstances. The family is very happy. Unfortunately, the good times are not always good. Hao Quan suddenly died of cerebral congestion, and his family suddenly lost its support and encountered financial difficulties. Xiuyun wants to send Jian and Kang to the "Children's Home", but she can't bear to abandon them and finally takes them home to make plans.

    Episode 4
    Xiuyun took her children to Macao to join her brother Li Li, but was rebuffed. Although Xiuyun knew that life would be hard in the future, she still gritted her teeth and decided to raise her four children by herself. Twenty years later, Xiuyun has been working as a nurse in the hospital. Even though she worked hard, she was comforted to see her children grow up. You Jian was forced to drop out of school to help his family because he was the oldest, but he still had no complaints and only hoped that his younger siblings would achieve something. Shaoling failed to enter the university after graduating from the preparatory course, and her conscious ability was limited. She decided not to retake the exam, but to work in a bank to help Youjian share family responsibilities. Youjian saw that his younger siblings had grown up and their family's economic capacity had improved, so he temporarily decided to buy a home. His younger siblings were very excited. Xiuyun later learned that Youjian had bought a house. He thought that he didn't respect his opinion and made a decision. He was secretly angry. After knowing everything, and finding that her children secretly arranged to celebrate her birthday, she turned to anger for joy. Youkang has lived up to his family's hopes and was admitted to the Law Department of the University of Hong Kong. Although Xiuyun is happy for him, he feels that family expenses are more than before, making Youjian more stressed and secretly worried about him. Shaoling and others raised money to buy an air-conditioner for their new house. They thought it would please Xiuyun, but she accused them of extravagance. Later, with Youjian's advice, he understood his children's intentions and felt happy and comforted.

    Episode 5
    Li Li, unable to take care of Li Hua, his daughter, who came to Hong Kong to study at a university, because his business had already failed, turned to Xiuyun for help. Xiuyun finally agrees to take Li Hua in despite of past grievances. Li Hua was already gentle and shy by nature. In addition, she was even more upset when she learned that her father had a bad attitude towards Xiuyun's family. She often acted rashly, which made Youjian and others laugh and laugh. When Li Hua first saw Kang, he had identified him as the prince charming in his heart, and often found opportunities to get close to him. Youkang has no love for her. He only knows that he can use this to send her to deal with trivial matters for him. After Youkang entered college, he felt inferior to his family background and often deliberately displayed his advantages in front of others, but was teased by his classmates. Youkang got to know Yaoming, the son of Shibang in the university. Yaoming wanted to use Youkang as his errand. Later, he inadvertently let Youkang get to know Shibang. Shibang appreciated Youkang very much.

(Source of story reference for diversity [3]

screen credits



Huang Rihua Ornament Ding Youjian
Dubbing -
Remarks Ding Yongxiang, Mei Fengfang's eldest son
Carina Lau Ornament Ni Chujun
Dubbing -
Remarks Daughter of Ni Kun and Ni Zhang Shufen
Wen Zhaolun Ornament Ding Youkang
Dubbing -
Remarks Ding Yongxiang, Mei Fengfang's Young Son
Zhou Haimei Ornament Li Hua
Dubbing -
Remarks Daughter of Li Li and Lin Di
Shao Meiqi Ornament Zhao Jiamin
Dubbing -
Remarks medical student
Su Xingxuan Ornament Ye Xiuyun
Dubbing -
Remarks Ding Youjian, Ding Youkang, Chen Shaoling, Zhou Zhiwen's foster mother
He Jiali Ornament Chen Shaoling
Dubbing -
Remarks The adopted daughter of Li Quan and Ye Xiuyun
Zongyang Ornament He Rifu
Dubbing -
Remarks Chen Shaoling's boyfriend, married later
Liang Sihao Ornament Zhou Zhiwen
Dubbing -
Remarks The adopted son of Li Quan and Ye Xiuyun
Carlo Ornament Lin Xiuwen
Dubbing -
Remarks Zhou Zhiwen's girlfriend, married later
Huang Rihua Ornament Ding Yongxiang
Dubbing -
Remarks Ding Youjian, Ding Youkang's father
Lan Jieying Ornament Plum fragrance
Dubbing -
Remarks Ding Youjian, Ding Youkang's Mother
Guan Haishan Ornament Ni Kun
Dubbing -
Remarks Chairman of Ni Group
Zhu Chengcai Ornament Ni Zhang Shufen
Dubbing -
Remarks Ni Kun's Wife
Liu Ximing Ornament Ni Junjie
Dubbing -
Remarks Son of Ni Kun and Ni Zhang Shufen
Yue Hua Ornament Feng Shibang
Dubbing -
Remarks Chief controller of the Spring Festival murder case
Li Chengchang Ornament Feng Yaoguo
Dubbing -
Remarks Feng Meixin, Feng Yaoming's brother
Shang Tian'e Ornament Feng Meixin
Dubbing -
Remarks Feng Shibang's daughter and Ding Youkang's wife
Wu Qiming Ornament Feng Yaoming
Dubbing -
Remarks Feng Yaoguo, Feng Meixin's younger brother
Jiang Yi Ornament Li Li
Dubbing -
Remarks Lin Di's husband
Merlin Ornament Lin Di
Dubbing -
Remarks Li Lizhi's Wife
Maple Hu Ornament Li Quan
Dubbing -
Remarks Ye Xiuyun's husband
Huang Yifei Ornament Your uncle
Dubbing -
Remarks Ni Kun's Assistant
Li Jiading Ornament Du Jinshui
Dubbing -
Feng Guo Ornament Su Hualong
Dubbing -
Remarks Ding Youjian, a jailmate, later became the general manager of Ni Group
Tao Dayu Ornament Chen Zhewei
Dubbing -
Remarks Like Ni Chujun
Lin Wenlong Ornament Dicky
Dubbing -
Remarks Ding Youkang and Feng Yaoming's classmates
Wheat evergreen Ornament A Long
Dubbing -
Remarks Ding Youkang and Feng Yaoming's classmates
Chen Youhou Ornament Zhao Fu
Dubbing -
Remarks Zhao Jiamin's father
Zheng Junmian Ornament Zhu Xiaoshan
Dubbing -
Remarks Mei Fenfang's defense lawyer
Ling Liwen Ornament Mr Mai
Dubbing -
Remarks Manager of Business Development Department
Jiangning Ornament Sir Deng
Dubbing -
He Bijian Ornament Judge/warden
Dubbing -
Wei Yiyin Ornament Prison guards
Dubbing -
Deng Ruchao Ornament Police officer A
Dubbing -
Zhou Tiande Ornament Officer B
Dubbing -
receive grace Ornament Lawyer Ma
Dubbing -
Remarks Lawyer Zhu's assistant
Zhang Jing Ornament nurse
Dubbing -
District Yue Ornament Charterer
Dubbing -
Liang Baozhen Ornament Charterer
Dubbing -
Remarks The landlord of the Ding family
Chen Fengbing Ornament Mother Zhao
Dubbing -
Luo Yingjun Ornament Mr. Situ
Dubbing -
Remarks Witness of the Xinchun Murder
Luo Jialiang Ornament Huang Guoji
Dubbing -
Remarks Ni Chujun's blind date

Employee List

Supervised by Wei Jiahui
director Li Guoli Ye Zhaoyi Yuan Yingming Feng Boyuan Lian Chixun
Associate Director (Assistant) Yin Meilan, Lin Qianyi, Li Guohui, Huang Lifen, Guan Yongzhong, Lin Jianlong
Scriptwriter Wei Jiahui Dentesh Phyllocyanine Lin Sulan Liang Wenhua Huang Yaohui Zhang Xiaoxian Ruan Shaona Liang Shaofen Li Zanxiang Yu Lizhi
Photography Feng Xixin, Gao Zhaolin
clothing design Xu Bitang
lighting Wang Cuiqi, Li Qiliang
Theatrical affairs He Yaoyuan, Liu Longhua
(Reference source of cast member list [4]

Role Introduction

performer Huang Rihua
dubbing -
Ding Youjian is upright and family centered. He is very filial to his adoptive mother and loves his brother. The traditional loyalty, filial piety and righteousness are too kind and ignore the ugly side of human nature. In the end, Ding Youjian became rich, but all his relatives were lost: his son was killed by Ding Youkang, and his wife, Ni Chujun, went to Kenya to work as a volunteer when she met with a big earthquake, and then disappeared.
performer Wen Zhaolun
dubbing -
Mei Fangfang was born in a death row and lost her parents when she was young. Although she had the love of foster parents and her brother, she also developed an extreme character. He is eager for quick success and instant benefits, and will do anything to achieve his goal. In order to stand out and enjoy the splendor and wealth, he tried every means to frame others, even his own family. He killed his girlfriend and adoptive mother, extorted his father-in-law, forced his wife to death, and kidnapped his son. Finally, his eldest brother Ding Youjian formed a deep hatred against him and got rid of him in anger.
performer Carina Lau
dubbing -
Ni Chujun is the daughter of Ni Kun, the chairman of Ni Family Group. She is an urban woman with an extremely distinctive personality. She is independent, persistent, headstrong, but kind-hearted. When Ding Youjian was frustrated, Ni Chujun encouraged him, and then they married. Ni Chujun later learned that Ding Youkang was the mastermind of his son's poisoning death. He thought it was Ding Youjian's benevolence towards Ding Youkang, so he decided to leave Hong Kong.
Li Hua
performer Zhou Haimei
dubbing -
Li Hua, who has just arrived at the Ding family, is depressed, weak and self pitying. After being cheated by his second cousin, Li Hua finally understands that Ding Youjian is the best for him. But Li Hua doesn't know how to cherish this hard won love. So Ding Youjian gave up her and ended this beautiful relationship.
Ye Xiuyun
performer Su Xingxuan
dubbing -
He used to be a hospital cleaner. He was compassionate. After his husband died, he raised four non biological children on his own with a small income. Because Ding Youjian paid a lot for his family, Yun cared about Ding Youjian very much. In the end, he was killed by Ding Youkang because he found that Ding Youkang had killed someone.
Feng Shibang
performer Yue Hua
dubbing -
A senior prosecutor, who claimed that he never let a bad person escape legal punishment, made Mei Fangfang go to the gallows twice in the trial of the New Year murder case because of his own obsession, and finally died of injustice. Several years later, he went into business and recruited Ding Youkang as his son-in-law. However, his daughter was forced to die by him, his grandson was kidnapped by him, and his family property was taken away by him. He was regretful and thought he had suffered retribution.
expand all
(Reference source for role introduction [5-6]

Music soundtrack

Filling words
Wang Jie [8-12]
Wang Jie
Wang Wenqing

Behind the Scenes

  • play Lan Jieying As Mei Fanfang, the mother of Ding Youjian as a child, she studied with Wei Jiahui many times before she was buried. When she filmed the scene of Lai Niao, Wei Jiahui went into the set to see how she would act [13]
  • The mysterious woman at the end of the film is actually Ding Youjian's sworn sister Chen Shaoling, originally He Jiali But Wei Jiahui only wants a pair of beautiful legs to appear in the play, so Carina Lau Acting instead of He Jiali [13]

Behind the scenes production

"Justice brooks no mercy" is supervised by Wei Jiahui Write the framework, and then other writers write the drama separately [14] Wei Jiahui said that some of the inspiration in his creation comes from his own real life. The experience of Mei Fenfang, played by Lan Jieying in "No Affair", is the shadow of Wei Jiahui's mother [15] In the play, Mei's neighbor knocks at the door to invite Mei to eat rice cakes during the New Year. Mei embraces her son and pretends not to be at home because she has no money to seal the market. This plot comes from Wei Jiahui's childhood memories [13]
At the end of writing the script, many writers objected to the death of Ni Chujun. Some writers thought about different versions. For example, after the earthquake, Ni Chujun disfigured himself and didn't want to see Ding Youjian again, but when the script came to Wei Jiahui, it was all rejected. The reason is that when he wrote the theme song, Wei Jiahui had asked someone to write the lyrics of the song. He got what he didn't want, but lost what he wanted. So in the end, Wei Jiahui must have Ding Youjian lose Ni Chujun. Ding Youjian didn't want to be developed, but in the end, he had a lot of money, but all he wanted failed, which is the theme of "Righteous" [16]

Broadcast information

Broadcast time
Broadcasting platform
April 3, 1989
Premiere [26]
May 17, 1990
Zhujiang Platform
to replay [27 ]
June 21, 2004
to replay [17]
September 29, 2005
Pearl River Channel
to replay [18]

Drama evaluation

The fashion family love and hatred drama produced by TVB has reached a climax by the time of "No Love":《 Rogue tycoon 》And inspired more classic dramas of the same type (Review of Beijing News) [1] In the late 1980s, when the audience criticized that the quality of Hong Kong TV dramas was getting worse, the appearance of "No Affair" restored the audience's confidence in Hong Kong TV dramas (Qianlong Online Review) [19]
In the early 1990s, this TV play caused a sensation when it was broadcast in mainland China (NetEase Review) [20] It has made Chinese mainland audiences interested in the long modern Hong Kong dramas. The excellent script of the play and the exquisite performance of many actors made the mainland people feel the shock of "humanization" of modern Hong Kong dramas for the first time. In addition to the success of the production of the TV series, the theme song of the series, "What's the Need of Life", also enables mainland audiences to integrate the TV series, songs and the fate of the singers, restoring the reflection on the truth, goodness and beauty in their memory (Sina Online Review) [21]
The first three episodes of the play have reached climax one after another, without complicated and gorgeous scenery and costumes, or twists and turns in the plot, but it can move people's hearts. In the play, Lan Jieying plays a gentle mother who has a sensible son, Li Yonghao, but "marries the wrong man", making the whole family penniless because her husband Huang Rihua became addicted to gambling. Lan Jieying is a pickpocket in order to live, but stealing is also theft, so she is involved in the robbery case innocently. From the grief and frustration at the beginning, to the hope of having a chance to get revenge later, to the despair of being sentenced to death finally. Lan Jieying's emotional transformation is not affected by affectation and affectation. In just three episodes, she has brought her acting skills into full play and established her status as an actress. The last scene was dressed in red. Lan Jieying's empty eyes and the visual shock of the tragic death made the scene a classic. Of course, the success of the drama does not depend on one person alone. Each character in the drama has a distinctive personality. Huang Rihua is a "rogue" who refuses to step on his strength and dreams of becoming rich all day long. He regrets that he was not stimulated so much that he became crazy. Looking at it, Li Yonghao can be said to be the most surprised "colored egg". At the age of 8, he came to the audience with tears that killed the audience. He cried with all his heart. Any animal with feelings would feel "uncomfortable" (Sina Entertainment Review) [22]
At the end of the play, Ni Chujun runs away from home. Ding Youjian has been waiting for him. The last scene is a woman in high heels slowly opens the door, and then suddenly stops; This suspensive approach not only makes the ending of the play pioneering, but also breaks the consistent tone of the TV play (Sina Online Review) [21]
"Yi Bu Rong Qing" is a classic love and hatred drama, but also a tragedy. The play starts with Mei Fengfang's unjust case and ends with her son Ding Youkang's criminal conviction. Ding Youkang was born on death row and died on the gallows (Time Online Review) [23] The play shows the brotherhood thoroughly and brutally (commented by Guangzhou Daily) [24] Ding Youkang, such a traitorous and evil person, is also the first time to appear in Hong Kong TV dramas. Wen Zhaolun successfully portrays the person who brings human weakness to the extreme. Compared with Ding Youjian, the elder brother played by Huang Rihua, who is tolerant, self restrained, affectionate and righteous, the brotherly show of gratitude and resentment has since had a standard template that can be copied (commented by Beijing Youth Daily) [25]