Subjective initiative

Philosophical concept
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synonym subjectivity (Subjectivity) generally refers to subjective initiative
Subjective initiative is a philosophical concept, also called "conscious initiative", which refers to the impact of human subjective consciousness and practical activities on objective world The active role of. Subjective initiative has two meanings: one is that people can actively understand the objective world; The second is to actively transform the objective world under the guidance of consciousness. On the basis of practice, we should unify the two, that is, show the subjective initiative of people different from things.
Pre Marxist Materialism Although most people realize that Consciousness is the reflection of objective existence The subjective consciousness is regarded as a negative and intuitive reflection of the objective world, and has no understanding of the role of subjective initiative Mechanistic theory Error; idealism Although admitted objective law However, it is believed that human consciousness can play a subjective role at will without material conditions and objective laws, so it is easy to distort subjective initiative into subjective randomness, thus falling into Voluntarism
Chinese name
Subjective initiative
Conscious initiative

Literal interpretation

subjective : See "Subjectivity and Objectivity" for details.
Initiative : To respond positively and selectively to external or internal stimuli or influences. Human initiative and Inorganic , organic organism lower animal It is called subjective initiative. It is characterized by consciously, purposefully and systematically reacting to objective world



world outlook

  • People can understand the world actively
Subjective initiative
Consciousness activities are purposeful and planned People are reflecting objective world We always have a certain purpose and motivation, and we need to formulate blueprints, goals, action methods and action steps in advance before implementing actions. Bees build nests, spiders weave webs, etc. It seems that there are some predetermined goals and plans on the surface, but they are not. They do not know what they are doing or why they are doing it. Their operation is purely aimless and instinctive.
Consciousness activities have initiative, creativity and conscious selectivity. Consciousness reflects the objective world actively and selectively. It does not reflect what the objective world has. Consciousness can not only reflect the external phenomena of things, but also grasp the essence and laws of things. It can not only "copy" the current object, but also trace back to the past, speculate about the future, and create an ideal or fantasy world.
  • People can transform the world actively
Consciousness plays a guiding role in transforming the objective world. Under the guidance of consciousness, people can actively transform the world, that is, through practice, they can turn things in consciousness into real things, and create things that can never appear without the participation of people. Animals have no conscious consciousness, do not understand the meaning of their activities, and cannot grasp the essence of things. Therefore, they can neither understand the world nor transform it.
Consciousness can regulate and Control function Consciousness depends on the physiological process of the human body, and has a dynamic reaction to the physiological process. High spirit can urge people to make progress; The dispirited spirit will make people pessimistic, depressed and lose their fighting spirit.
Respecting the objective laws is the premise to fully and effectively exert the subjective initiative. Law is objective, it is not transferred by human will, and it can neither be created nor destroyed. The existence of laws and whether they play a role do not depend on human will. law objectivity It is primary, and subjective initiative is secondary. The objectivity of laws restricts people's subjective initiative.
Exerting subjective initiative is to understand and master objective laws necessary condition In the face of objective laws, people are not powerless. On the basis of understanding and grasping the law, people can use the law according to the conditions and forms under which the law functions to transform the objective world for the benefit of mankind. Understanding laws can not be separated from the exertion of human's subjective initiative. Similarly, the use of laws to transform the objective world cannot be separated from the exertion of human subjective initiative.


  1. one
    We should establish correct ideology and overcome wrong ideology. The nature of consciousness is different, and its effect on matter has positive and negative effects, that is, positive and negative effects. The consciousness of correctly reflecting objective things and their development laws can guide people to effectively carry out practical activities and promote the development of objective things; Distortion of the consciousness reflecting objective things and their development laws will lead people's activities astray and hinder the development of things.
  2. two
    In the process of understanding and transforming the world, We must follow laws and act in accordance with objective laws. Once the objective law is violated, people will be punished by the law. To understand and transform nature, we should respect the laws of nature; To understand and transform society, we must respect social laws. People can create history, but not at will. Just as people cannot freely choose productive forces and production relations, they cannot freely choose one or another social form. Ignoring and violating laws can only make things worse.
  3. three
    We should give full play to our subjective initiative. Specifically, it requires people to persist in arming their minds with scientific theories, guiding practice, constantly emancipating their minds, keeping pace with the times, exploring the essence and laws of things with the spirit of seeking truth and pragmatism, and testing and developing truth in practice. Acknowledging the objectivity of laws does not mean that people are powerless in front of laws. Through conscious activities, people can understand the objective laws and the objective conditions under which they act, and open the way for the use of laws to transform the world, create and change various material conditions, and play the role of objective laws. For example, in the process of using the laws of nature to transform nature, we often encounter many problems and difficulties such as material equipment, technical conditions, terrain and climate. Only by giving full play to our subjective initiative can we overcome the obstacles on the way forward and promote social development.
  4. four
    We should organically combine giving play to subjective initiative and respecting objective laws. We should oppose the negativity of denying subjective initiative and turning people into regular slaves Fatalism And oppose those who ignore objective laws, exaggerate the dynamic role of consciousness and take risks subjectivism and Voluntarism


Marxist philosophy On the basis of production practice, the difference between man and things points out that the difference between man and animals is that man has subjective initiative and can consciously think about problems and do things. People should objective law And objective conditions to give full play to subjective initiative.
People should Know the world and Transform the world We must give full play to our subjective initiative, because: first, the essence and laws of things are hidden in the phenomenon, and people only have to give full play to their subjective initiative abstract thinking Ability can reveal the essence and law of things through the phenomenon of things, so as to guide people's actions correctly. Second, things will not automatically meet people's needs. Only when people give full play to their subjective initiative, take concrete actions, and use laws and conditions, can they transform the world and create a better life. Third, in the process of understanding and transforming the world, people will inevitably encounter all kinds of difficulties, setbacks, and even temporary failures, which requires strong will, full drive, and energetic mentality People's subjective initiative, also known as the initiative of consciousness, refers to the unique ability and role of human beings to actively reflect and transform the world. Consciousness exists in our minds. People can only express it in words, record it in words, not use it Direct action to objective things Although simple consciousness will not cause changes in objective things, consciousness has a kind of ability. That is, as an invisible force, it constantly tells people what to do and how to do it. In practice, consciousness always directs people to use one material thing to act on another material thing, thus causing changes in the specific form of matter. This force is human subjective initiative.


Animals have“ Initiative ”, but there is no "subjective initiative"
Subjective initiative is unique to human beings. It is a characteristic that distinguishes human beings from animals. For animals, there is no relationship between subjectivity and objectivity. Although animals also have initiative, it cannot be called subjective initiative. The activity and activity of animals and their Life activities It is unified and not subjective. some Higher animal The activities of“ Purposiveness ”"Planned", the ability to take action in advance to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, is just an instinct formed in long-term adaptation activities, which is different from people's purposeful conscious activities. Marx once used the metaphor of "bee" and "architect" to vividly illustrate the significant difference between human and animal activities. All animals' actions can not leave its mark of will in the nature. Only people can "create the object world through practice", dominate the nature and serve their own purposes. Human activities are purposeful Consciousness and Consciousness , indicating that people are right Surrounding world He has a positive and active attitude, and his consciousness is subjective.