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Clergy in religion
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A bishop is a senior member of the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church. Bishop (English bishop) This word comes from the Greek "episkopos" (ε π \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. According to the tradition of the early church, the bishops were blessed with the completeness of the ordination. The bishop comes from Roman Catholicism.
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A bishop is above a priest, usually the head of a regional church. The Protestant Episcopal Church and other sects also use this name.
The ceremonial dress of the bishop shows the position and status of the bishop. In the ceremonial dress, there are special marks: dress, high crown, scepter, power ring, small round hat. Dresses have different colors due to different identity levels.
(1) Pope: In white, also known as the bishop in white.
(2) Cardinal: In red, also called Cardinal.
(3) Archbishop, Bishop: in purple, also known as Purple Bishop.
The scepter is a bishop's staff, representing his status and religious duties. The bishop can use the scepter when presiding over the ceremony, but he needs to wear a high crown when using it. Both of them can be used at the same time. Only one bishop can use the scepter when holding a joint sacrifice. You can use the scepter in your own diocese; If it is outside the diocese, it can only be used with the permission of the bishop of the diocese.
The basic hierarchy of bishops is Diocesan Bishop and Titular Bishop. Any Roman Catholic clergyman at the bishopric level, as long as he is not a bishop of the parish, must be a leading bishop, or even both. The bishop of a diocese really governs a basic diocese, while the leading bishop nominally governs a diocese that has not existed or never existed for various reasons. Bishop Emeritus and Coadujator Bishop, although they also lead bishops, will only name their own diocese and will not lead other non-existent dioceses.
Cardinal is a title of leadership, leading the bishopric duties of the seven dioceses of the Roman diocese, and the duties of priests, deacons and other clergy in these dioceses. The cardinal title at the bishop level is Cardinal Bishop.