
[dān mài rén]
Person with Danish nationality
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1. Persons with Danish nationality. 2. The main ethnic group of Denmark. Danes are mainly distributed in Denmark, and the rest are distributed in Sweden Norway Germany U.S.A and Canada Etc. Multitrust Lutheran Church genus Europa Nordic type, tall, fair skin, blond hair and blue eyes. use Danish , genus Indo European Germanic languages , very similar to Swedish and Norwegian. Words are spelled in Latin alphabet. Danes are deeply influenced by the culture of the European continent and have a high level of literature and art. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Main distribution
Nordic Denmark
latin alphabet
Lutheran Church
population size
About 5.63 million people (1978)

Historical evolution

In Denmark, primitive humans have lived since 10000 years ago. Around BC, it was the hometown of ancient Germanic tribes, including Jinbuli people, Jutes Anglo Saxons , Gruer people, etc. In the 5th and 6th centuries, many of these tribes moved out of the country, and the remaining ones were mixed with the Danes, another Germanic tribe from the southern part of Scandinavia, and their land was called "Denmark", meaning "the land of the Dans", with the family name of "Dans". Later, gradually absorb some Frisian and Slavic And formed a unified Danish nation in the 10th and 11th centuries.
The Danes attacked the northeast coast of England in 793. Since then, they have stepped on the European political stage and opened Vikings It is the prelude to nearly 300 years of history. In 985, small countries were merged to establish a unified Kingdom of Denmark. By 1020, the whole of England and Norway were conquered, becoming a powerful empire in the North Sea. The empire collapsed in 1042. But in 1397, it was formed with Sweden, Norway and Iceland Kalmar Union In China, Denmark is still in the dominant position. It began to decline after the 16th century and was established in 1660 Hereditary monarchy In 1849, it was changed to Constitutional monarchy

Economic culture

The economy and culture of the Danes are relatively developed, and advanced technology and iron tools have been introduced since the Celtic era and the Roman era. Since the 5th century, unique Nordic ancient characters have been formed, with strokes like blade, which are mostly carved on weapons, jewelry and tombstones. Shipbuilding, navigation, handicrafts and commerce have been developed since ancient times. But for a long time, most residents still live on agriculture, animal husbandry and fishery. the Second World War Later, industry developed into the main body of the national economy, mainly including food processing, shipbuilding, oil refining, chemistry, electronics, etc. Agriculture is dominated by animal husbandry, whose output value accounts for 90% of agricultural output value. Electrification has been widely practiced in the countryside. The fishery output is also high, and it is one of the top 10 fishery countries in the world.
Danes are deeply influenced by the culture of the European continent and have a high level of literature and art C. Hans Christian Andersen, playwright L. Holberg and other literary giants. However, it still retains many traditional characteristics in daily life. The patriarchal clan system prevails in the countryside. In addition to religious festivals, the Queen's birthday (April 16) Constitutional Day (June 5) and other festivals. Boiled eggs are commonly eaten at easter. Every May 5, in order to commemorate the liberation from German occupation, every family turns off the lights and lights candles. In rural areas, there is a harvest festival in the first ten days of September every year. On that night, all residents of the village gather in the square and sing and dance all night. Danes love swimming, skiing and hiking, especially gymnastics.

Danish architecture

The EU publishes the comprehensive innovation capability report of 27 member countries every year. Since 2005, Denmark and Finland have always ranked first and second. Many important indicators are related to education and talent cultivation. The advantages of Nordic countries in these aspects are self-evident.
Due to the lack of natural resources, human resources have become the most important resources in the Nordic countries. "Education is actually related to the Social welfare system They are linked together, "said Zhang Yunling." These countries provide security for a person from cradle to grave. Everyone has the right to education, which is both a right and a social responsibility. In Northern Europe, parents will go to prison if they don't let their children go to school. Because children are social wealth. The state should ensure that everyone is educated and adapted to the society so that they can develop better. "
Education in Nordic countries is free from primary school to university.
Denmark is just a microcosm. In fact, the education system of the Nordic countries has not only trained excellent scientists and engineers, but also a team of highly skilled ordinary workers. In these countries, colleges and universities are very important for technological invention, but vocational and technical education and enterprise technical training are more important for the diffusion of technological achievements. In terms of the number of scientific and technological papers published per capita, Sweden ranks first in the world, followed by Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States. The number of patents per million people is close to 370 in Sweden and less than 150 in the United States. If creation is a seed, the system that the government encourages invention and creation provides fertile soil for this seed. According to Xue Yanping, Nordic countries have strong innovation capacity because they have formed a set of systematic national innovation policies and adjusted the role of government in innovation very early.
Some Nordic countries, such as Finland, Denmark and Norway, have gradually surpassed or followed the United States in creativity. In the rankings of countries with global competitiveness and innovation made by the World Economic Forum in Davos and the Economist think tank EIU in recent years, Nordic countries are among the best without exception. Nordic people's admiration for creativity, science and technology, innovation can be said to have been integrated into the blood. The Nordic countries are very poor in resources. Apart from the oil found in Norway, there are no other resources. In addition, the Nordic winter is very long and the natural conditions are bad, which makes the Nordic people develop a diligent character. They do things very seriously and don't know how to be lazy. Nordic people must rely on struggle and competition to achieve success. The things made by Nordic people are very fine and of high quality. From the institutional point of view, the government does not protect the manufacturing industry, which has led to the emergence of small countries, large companies, small products and large markets. Nordic countries can make a small thing bigger and stronger. For example, hearing aids in Denmark account for almost 90% of the global market share.
In the 19th century, Northern Europe was still the poorest region in Europe. Because of the cold climate, long crop growth cycle and backward production mode, 4 million Swedes left their homes and immigrated to the United States. Today, Northern Europe has become the richest region in the world, and all this comes from creativity. Some people say that part of the creativity of Nordic people stems from this sense of loneliness. In the long night, the only thing we can do is to meditate: for example, why did the universe create people, or simply find an axe to start carpentry. The former became a thinker, while the latter made Denmark a famous "country of architects".
Denmark, a small Nordic country with a population of only 5 million, is a world famous cultural country. Denmark has bred world cultural celebrities and scientists, such as fairy tale writer Andersen, copywriter Carl Nielsen, atomic physicist Niels Bohr, sculptor Tolson, theologian Kierkegaard, dancer Bunonville, architect Jacobsen, etc; In the 20th century, 12 Danes won Nobel Prize Denmark is a world leader in architecture, astronomy, biology, environmental science, meteorology, anatomical research, immunology, speed of light calculation, electromagnetism, serum research and nuclear physics research. Pursue the cultural policy of making every member of society develop culturally, and encourage local development of cultural undertakings.
Denmark is one of the countries with the best social welfare in the world. Its citizens receive many national benefits. The average life expectancy of Danes is very long. In the development of education, the Danish government has spared no effort to pursue the cultural policy of making every member of society develop culturally and encourage local development of cultural undertakings. Since 1973, nine-year compulsory free education has been implemented, and the proportion and degree of education are relatively high. There are more than 200 museums in Denmark, which cover technology, painting, sculpture, dance, music, medicine, architecture, trams, ships, brewing, tobacco, etc. Fredericksburg, the Danish royal palace in those days, has now become a national museum of history.