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Danxia clouds block the sun

Cao Zhi
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"Danxia Block the Sun" is a poet in the late Eastern Han Dynasty Cao Zhi A poem written by.
The poem is full of dissatisfaction with the fatuous monarch, and full of beautiful vision for the future Cao Cao Stand aside. At the end of the poem Han Dynasty He worries about the future and sympathizes with useless kings.
Danxia clouds block the sun
Creation era
Late Eastern Han Dynasty
Cao Zijianji
literary genre
Yuefu Poems
Cao Zhi

Original poetry

Zhou was confused, ① abusing the weak and loyal.
He Long in the Zhou Dynasty is one door with three saints. ②
Makino makes contributions, ③ heaven is also revolutionary. ④
The rise of Han Zuo and the decline of Qin.
Although there is a south side, the royal road is Lingyi. ⑤
The burning light will be lost again.


① Zhou: refers to the last monarch of the Shang Dynasty Dixin , posthumously titled Zhou King Zhou of Yin King Zhou of Shang Dynasty
② San Sheng: It means King Wen of Zhou King Wu of Zhou Duke Zhou Three founders and rulers of the Zhou Dynasty.
③ Makino: Battle of Makino King Wu of Zhou And the Shang army Makino The decisive battle carried out.
④ Revolution: replacing dynasties revolution From《 Zhouyi ·The hexagram ":" The heaven and the earth have changed in four seasons, and the Tang Wu revolution follows the heaven and corresponds to the people. "
Lingyi : refers to decline and going downhill. [1]


King Zhou Shi muddle-headed
Cruelty to the loyal and good.
How prosperous the Zhou family is.
There are three saints in one family( King Wen of Zhou King Wu of Zhou , Duke Zhou).
He was born in the wilderness and made great contributions to the world.
The world has undergone earth shaking changes.
The sudden rise of the Han Dynasty.
It also means the demise of the Qin Dynasty.
Although the emperor was in the south above the barbarians.
However, the scorching light is still deep and long.
There will be no trace of death.

Poetry appreciation

The poem is full of dissatisfaction with the fatuous monarch, and full of beautiful vision for the future Cao Cao Stand aside. At the end of the poem, he worried about the future of the Han Dynasty and expressed sympathy for the useless monarch.

About the author

Cao Zhi : (192-232), poet and writer of the Cao Wei Dynasty in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. Han nationality, born in Qiao, Peiguo (today's Bozhou City, Anhui Province), has the character Zijian. Three Cao ”Middle Cao Zhi His literary attainments are the highest. Three Caos refer to: Cao Zhi , Cao Zhi's father Cao Cao , Cao Zhi's elder brother Cao Pi