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Linyu County

Counties set up in the Tang Dynasty
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Linyu County, established in the early years of Tang Wude, governs Hebei Province today Luanzhou City Northwest, part of Pingzhou It was abolished in the seventh year of Wude (624) and restored in the fifteenth year of Zhenguan (641), Long live In the second year (697), it was changed to Shicheng County. [1 ]
Chinese name
Linyu County
Administrative Region Category
Organizational evolution
In the early years of Wude in the Tang Dynasty (618), after the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, Lulong County was established as Linyu County Beiping County
In the second year of Wude (619), the county was changed into a state, and the local administrative system was two-level Pingzhou
In the seventh year of Wude (624), Linyu County was abandoned and the county returned to Lulong County, Pingzhou.
In the 15th year of Zhenguan period (641), Linyu County was restored.
In 697, Linyu County was renamed Shicheng County. [2] [3 ]