Fengning Manchu Autonomous County

County under Chengde City, Hebei Province
zero Useful+1
synonym Fengning (Fengning) generally refers to Fengning Manchu Autonomous County
Fengning Manchu Autonomous County, Hebei Province Chengde City be located Hebei Province North, west of Chengde, south Huairou District , north Zhenglan Banner Duolun County , east Weichang Manchu and Mongolian Autonomous County Longhua County Luanping County , West and Chicheng County Guyuan County Bordering. be situated Yanshan North piedmont and Inner Mongolia Plateau South edge, with a total area of 8765 square kilometers. [1] In 2022, Fengning Manchu Autonomous County will have a registered population of 403600. [3] As of June 2023, Fengning Manchu Autonomous County has jurisdiction over 1 street, 11 towns and 15 townships. [8]
In the 43rd year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1778), Fengning County was established in the meaning of "Fengwu Kangning". In 1987, Fengning County was abolished and Fengning Manchu Autonomous County was established. [1] It is one of the six Bashang counties, six ethnic counties and 14 Huanjing counties (cities and districts) in Hebei Province. The hometown of Chinese folk art and Chinese paper-cut art. 2020 China's Top 100 Summer Leisure Counties and Cities. Hebei Province is a strong county in food industry, and the first batch of new smart city construction pilots in Hebei Province. On February 29, 2020, the People's Government of Hebei Province approved Fengning Manchu Autonomous County to withdraw from the poverty county sequence. [2]
In 2022, the gross domestic product (GDP) of Fengning Manchu Autonomous County will be 15.682 billion yuan, an increase of 4.5% over the previous year. Among them, the added value of the primary industry was 4.110 billion yuan, and the added value of the secondary industry was 5.568 billion yuan. The added value of the tertiary industry was 6.002 billion yuan, and the proportion of the tertiary industry was 26.2: 35.5: 38.3. [3]
Chinese name
Fengning Manchu Autonomous County
Foreign name
Manchu Autonomous County of Fengning
area number
one hundred and thirty thousand eight hundred and twenty-six
Administrative Region Category
autonomous county
Hebei Province Chengde City
geographical position
North of Hebei Province, northwest of Chengde City
8765 km²
Area under jurisdiction
1 street, 11 towns, 15 townships
Government residence
Dage Town
Area Code
Postal Code
climatic conditions
Semi humid and semi-arid continental monsoon plateau mountain climate in the middle temperate zone
population size
403600 (2022)
License plate code
Ji H
15.682 billion yuan (2022)

Construction history

According to the "Manchurian Place Names", the name of Fengning County comes from Qianlong The emperor bestowed the word "Fengfu Kangning".
It was founded in 1778, the 43rd year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty Fengning County
In the Republic of China, Fengning was subordinate to Rehe du series
In 1940, the county government office was established by Fengshan Town Move to Dage Town.
In May 1948, it was liberated.
On December 2, 1986, Fengning Manchu Autonomous County was established with the approval of the State Council.
In April 1987, Fengning Manchu Autonomous County was officially listed.

administrative division


geographical environment


Location context

Fengning Manchu Autonomous County, located in Hebei Province North Chengde City West, south Beijing Huairou District , north Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Xilingol League Zhenglan Banner Duolun County , east to Chengde City Weichang Manchu and Mongolian Autonomous County Longhua County Luanping County , in the west and Zhangjiakou Chicheng County Guyuan County Bordering, with a total area of 8738.67 square kilometers.
Fengning Manchu Autonomous County Government

topographic features

Fengning Manchu Autonomous County is located in Yanshan North piedmont and Inner Mongolia Plateau In the south edge, the terrain rises in a ladder form from southeast to northwest, and is divided into three geomorphic units, namely, below the dam, adjacent to the dam and above the dam. Under the dam, mountains stretch and valleys crisscross. The highest elevation in the county is the main peak of Yanshan Mountains East monkey roof , 2292.6m above sea level; 2047m above sea level Yunwu Mountain It is the second main peak of Yanshan Mountains; The peak is high and the valley is deep, and the trees are luxuriant; The sky above the dam is wide.


Fengning Manchu Autonomous County has a semi humid and semi-arid continental monsoon plateau mountain climate in the middle temperate zone. It is windy and dry in spring, hot and humid in summer, cool and cool in autumn and cold and dry in winter. The annual average temperature is 0.9-6.2 ℃, and the frost free period is 110-145 days, On the dam The effective annual accumulated temperature of the area is 1082 ℃, and the effective annual accumulated temperature of Baxia area is 1489 ℃. The sunshine is 2903.6 hours/year, and the temperature difference between day and night is large. The annual precipitation is 350-550 mm.


Fengning Manchu Autonomous County is the main water source for entering Beijing Miyun reservoir River of Chaohe River Is also the main source of water supply in Tianjin Luanhe River Water source. Chaohe River, Luanhe River Mangniu River Tanghe Tianhe 5 main rivers.

natural resources


land resource

Fengning Manchu Autonomous County has 5.72 million mu of forest land and 7.36 million mu of grassland.

Water resources

Beijing Tianjin ecological barrier and important water source in Fengning Manchu Autonomous County. Chaohe River Luanhe River Originating from Fengning, respectively Miyun reservoir panjiakou reservoir 56.7% and 13.6% of the total water inflow.

mineral resources

Fengning Manchu Autonomous County has more than 30 kinds of iron, molybdenum, gold, silver, lead, zinc, platinum, palladium, copper, titanium, phosphorus, oil shale, marble, granite, etc. Molybdenum resource reserves rank first in China.

Population and nationality

In 2022, the registered population of Fengning Manchu Autonomous County will be 403600, an increase of 53 over the previous year; Including: 98496 urban population and 305173 rural population. There were 2622 births and 1204 deaths in the year. [3]
As of September 2022, Fengning Manchu Autonomous County has Manchu Mongolian Hui nationality 34 ethnic minorities, accounting for 72.5% of the total population of the county, including the Manchu population accounting for 64.97% of the total population.




In 2022, the gross domestic product (GDP) of Fengning Manchu Autonomous County will be 15.682 billion yuan, an increase of 4.5% over the previous year. Among them, the added value of the primary industry was 4.110 billion yuan, an increase of 4.9% over the previous year; The added value of the secondary industry was 5.568 billion yuan, up 7.9% over the previous year; The added value of the tertiary industry was 6.002 billion yuan, up 1.7% over the previous year. The primary and secondary industries rose slightly, while the tertiary industry declined. The proportion of the tertiary industry was adjusted from 25.7:31.9:42.4 in the previous year to 26.2:: 35.5:38.3.
Industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 34% over the previous year. Profits and taxes were 2285.62 million yuan, a decrease of 215.53 million yuan or 8.1% over the previous year. The disposable income of urban residents was 30588 yuan, up 5%, and the per capita disposable income of rural residents was 12422 yuan, up 6.9%. The proportion of total fiscal revenue in GDP was 11.2%, 2.6 percentage points lower than that of the previous year. [3]
People's life
In 2022, the per capita disposable income of urban residents in Fengning Manchu Autonomous County will be 30588 yuan, an increase of 1456 yuan or 5% over the previous year. The per capita disposable income of rural residents was 12422 yuan, an increase of 802 yuan or 6.9% over the previous year. [3]
Investment in fixed assets
In 2022, the fixed asset investment (excluding farmers) in Fengning Manchu Autonomous County will be 9712.14 million yuan, an increase of 8.3%, and the fixed asset investment in construction projects will be 7289.78 million yuan, an increase of 24.7%, of which the real estate investment will be 2422.36 million yuan, down 22.4%; The sales area of commercial housing was 179851 square meters, down 31.9%; Private investment accounted for 45.6%, of which real estate development investment accounted for 54.7% of private investment; The investment rate is 68.5%.
In the urban and rural fixed asset investment, the primary industry investment was 886.67 million yuan, up 95.6%, accounting for 12.2% of the construction project investment, an increase of 7.1 percentage points over the same period; The investment in the secondary industry was 5113.52 million yuan, an increase of 7.7%, accounting for 70.1% of the investment in construction projects, an increase of 17.2 percentage points over the same period, of which 96.42 million yuan was invested in technological transformation, an increase of 8.8%; The investment in the tertiary industry was 3711.95 million yuan, down 1.4%, accounting for 50.9% of the investment in construction projects, up 8.9 percentage points over the same period.
The number of construction projects in the year reached 103, an increase of 32 over the previous year, and 67 new projects were started this year. Among them: 37 projects with a value of more than 100 million yuan and 13 new projects with a value of more than 100 million yuan. [3]
In 2022, the total financial revenue of Fengning Manchu Autonomous County will be 897.57 million yuan, down 47.94% over the previous year, and the general public budget revenue will be 665.38 million yuan, up 20.8% over the previous year. The total financial expenditure was 4987.64 million yuan, down 3.16% from the previous year. [3]
Limited service industry
In 2022, there will be 5 service enterprises in Fengning Manchu Autonomous County, with total assets of 1049.25 million yuan, down 2%; The operating revenue was 96.058 million yuan, up 1.9%; The operating cost was 92.308 million yuan, an increase of 24.6%; Tax was 4.905 million yuan, up 40.9%; The total profit was -26.845 million yuan, up 56.4%; Payroll payable was RMB 14.352 million, down 36%; 120 employees, down 80.7%. [3]

primary industry

In 2022, the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery in Fengning Manchu Autonomous County will be 7052020000 yuan, an increase of 12.49% over the previous year. The total sown area of crops was 83101.84 hectares, down 2684.78 hectares or 3.13% from the previous year, including 58695 hectares of grain, down 7.32 hectares or 0.01% from the previous year, 4737.3 hectares of oil seeds, down 91.9 hectares or 1.9% from the previous year, and 11014.48 hectares of vegetables, up 628.05 hectares or 6.05% from the previous year. The total grain output was 180388 tons, an increase of 2188 tons or 1.2% over the previous year. The total oil production was 10093.56 tons, an increase of 153.37 tons or 1.54% over the previous year; The output of vegetables reached 601000 tons, an increase of 4.12% over the previous year.
In 2022, the output value of animal husbandry in Fengning Manchu Autonomous County will be 3246010000 yuan, an increase of 13.07%. The total output of meat reached 52053.72 tons, up 3.82%. Milk output was 63197.22 tons, up 21.5%. The output of eggs was 10045.52 tons, down 17.56%. There were 12881 large livestock on hand, a year-on-year decrease of 28.33%, and 218009 sheep on hand, an increase of 12.55%.
The production and sales of the four production bases of almonds, beef cattle, cows and vegetables grew rapidly, with an output value of 253.66 million yuan and a sales output value of 244.71 million yuan, down 6.17% and 6.37% respectively from the previous year. The number of leading enterprises reached 29, with sales revenue of 1946.26 million yuan, down 6.42%. [3]

the secondary industry

In 2022, the total industrial added value of Fengning Manchu Autonomous County will be 3962.71 million yuan, up 6.9%. Among them, the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size was 3715120000 yuan, up 6.7% over the previous year; The added value of industrial enterprises below designated size was 310 million yuan, up 8.9% over the previous year. The prospective energy output value is 4015.13 million yuan, accounting for 37.9% of the industrial output value above designated size.
The main business income of industrial enterprises above designated size was 11265650000 yuan, up 26.3% over the previous year; Profits and taxes reached 2285.62 million yuan, 8.6% less than that of the previous year; Of which, the total profit was 1855.22 million yuan, a decrease of 213.15 million yuan over the previous year. According to the type of economy, the profits and taxes of joint-stock and other economic enterprises are 13227200000 yuan, and the profits and taxes of private enterprises are 962990000 yuan. [3]
construction business
In 2022, the added value of the whole social construction industry in Fengning Manchu Autonomous County will be 1608.13 million yuan, an increase of 9.6%. There are 11 construction enterprises above the qualification level, with the construction industry output value of 226.074 million yuan, an increase of 14.8%, and the housing construction area of 112834 square meters decreased by 38.7%. [3]

the service sector; the tertiary industry

Posts and telecommunications
In 2022, the total postal business of Fengning Manchu Autonomous County will be 21.02 million yuan, a decrease of 13.25%. The number of fixed line telephone users reached 11500, an increase of 1424 over the previous year, and the penetration rate of fixed line telephones was 3/100, the same as that of the previous year. There were 108000 Internet users, 68 fewer than the previous year. Mobile phone users reached 375000, 572 fewer than the previous year. On average, 93 out of every 100 people are mobile phone users. [3]
Domestic trade
In 2022, the total retail sales of consumer goods in Fengning Manchu Autonomous County will be 3557816000 yuan, an increase of 2.4% over the previous year. Among them, the retail sales of rural consumer goods were 765.207 million yuan, a decrease of 168.063 million yuan or 18% over the previous year; The retail sales of urban consumer goods were 2792.609 million yuan, an increase of 249.781 million yuan or 9.8% over the previous year. By industry, the sales volume of wholesale and retail industry was 355.857 million yuan, up 3.1% over the previous year; The turnover of accommodation and catering industry was 435.416 million yuan, an increase of 7.1% over the previous year; The retail sales above the designated size were 487.013 million yuan, up 34.4%, and the retail sales below the designated size were 3053.577 million yuan, up 75.8%. [3]
Foreign economy
In 2022, Fengning Manchu Autonomous County will introduce 1 million dollars of foreign capital. The total import value is 1.87 million US dollars; The total export volume was 4.868 million US dollars, up 50.7%. [3]
In 2022, Fengning Manchu Autonomous County will receive 1.4 million tourists. There are 11 A-level tourist attractions (spots), 500 tourist hotels and an average monthly reception capacity of 1.5 million person times. The social benefits of tourism reached 800 million yuan, a decrease of 3.2 billion yuan over the previous year. [3]
In 2022, the deposit balance of all financial institutions in Fengning Manchu Autonomous County will be 27457.86 million yuan, an increase of 2574.2 million yuan over the beginning of the year and 10.3% over the previous year. Of which, the balance of household deposits was 22427450000 yuan, an increase of 2459190000 yuan over the beginning of the year and 12.3% over the previous year. The balance of various loans was 49689.05 million yuan, an increase of 4069.43 million yuan over the beginning of the year and 78.66% over the previous year.
The premium income was 353.197 million yuan, an increase of 7.27% over the previous year. Of which, the property insurance premium income was 193.227 million yuan, up 102.05% over the previous year, and the life insurance premium income was 159.97 million yuan, up 6.72% over the previous year. Compensation payment was 86.1127 million yuan, up 11.9% over the previous year, including 73.4956 million yuan for property insurance, up 12.76% over the previous year, and 12.6171 million yuan for life insurance, down 7.19% over the previous year. [3]


111 National Highway [15] National Highway 112 [14] Zhangjiakou Tangshan Railway [4] Zhangcheng Expressway [5] Through Fengning Manchu Autonomous County.
In 2022, the highway mileage of Fengning Manchu Autonomous County will reach 3862.24 kilometers, including 540.198 kilometers of national and provincial trunk lines; County level rural roads are 3423km long. The asphalt road network covers 26 townships and 1 development zone in the county. [3]


secretary of the county Party committee
Li Dong
county magistrate
Zeng Qingpeng
As of November 2023 [11-12]

social undertakings



In 2022, Fengning Manchu Autonomous County will have 17 general middle schools, including 4 senior high schools and 13 junior high schools; 1 vocational and technical school; 52 primary schools, 125 teaching points; One special education school. 5681 students in ordinary high schools, a decrease of 21.6%; 16941 junior high school students, down 1.9%; 22537 primary school students, down 7.2%; There were 3081 students in secondary vocational schools, down 13.7%; There were 219 students in special education schools, down 3.9%. The enrollment rate of school-age children in primary schools is 100%. The area of school buildings at all levels and in all types of schools was 913785.99 square meters, an increase of 1.1% over the previous year. [3]

Science and technology

In 2022, Fengning Manchu Autonomous County will have 9066 professional technicians, including 1804 with senior technical titles, 4208 intermediate technicians and 2794 junior technicians. [3]

Cultural undertakings

National tertiary libraries: Fengning Manchu Autonomous County Library. [13]
In 2022, Fengning Manchu Autonomous County will have a library with 34481 books. One Manchu Museum. One radio station, 98% of the broadcasting population. At the end of the year, there were 38000 cable TV users, the same as the previous year; The television population coverage rate is 80%. [3]

medical and health work

In 2022, there will be 542 health and medical institutions in Fengning Manchu Autonomous County, including 421 county hospitals, TCM hospitals, Fengshan Second Hospital, 4 maternity and child hospitals, and health centers and branch hospitals. There are actually 2001 beds; There were 1971 health technicians, 678 more than the previous year. On average, there are 4.89 health technicians per 1000 people, an increase of 0.93 over the previous year; There are 61 beds in hospitals and health centers for every 10000 people. [3]

social security

In 2022, the number of urban residents with minimum living security in Fengning Manchu Autonomous County will be 1624, 82 fewer than the previous year; The capital expenditure for urban subsistence allowance was 7735850 yuan, a decrease of 1136200 yuan over the previous year; The number of rural residents with subsistence allowances was 30494, 108 fewer than the previous year; The rural minimum living security fund expenditure was 101.4899988 million yuan, an increase of 3.7343908 million yuan over the previous year. 262000 people participated in basic endowment insurance; 24000 people participated in unemployment insurance. The number of urban and rural residents participating in medical insurance was 315100, 9398 fewer than the previous year. [3]

Cultural customs

Fengning paper cutting
Fengning paper cutting
Fengning Manchu Autonomous County has a long history of paper-cut. The folk paper-cut of Fengning began in the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty. At first, it was used to reinforce window paper. Later, it developed into colorful window flowers and red paper-cut, which formed a unique style in the Qianlong period. At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, Fengning paper-cut entered a prosperous period. After the founding of New China, it has further developed in form and content. After 1960, he fell into the creative trough. In 1982, Fengning folk paper-cut team was re established, and its works had a wide impact at home and abroad with various exhibitions and overseas performances. In 1993, Fengning was named "the hometown of Chinese folk paper-cut art" by the Ministry of Culture. Fengning paper-cut is divided into two types: cutting and cutting, which are used for interior decoration and appreciation of collections. As a symbol of festivity, its window decorations are very popular with the masses for the decoration of the Spring Festival. Its artistic characteristics are mainly in the sun engraving, supplemented by the yin engraving, and the composition is mainly in the line, supplemented by the surface, rich in change, exquisite and smooth; The content mainly includes flowers, birds, insects, fish, folk legends, and dramatic characters, which can be dyed or monochrome. The local flavor outside the Great Wall is very strong, and the shape is simple and simple, and both refined and popular taste.
Teng's cloth paste painting
In 2014, the Ministry of Culture released the Announcement on Publicizing the List of Recommended Projects of the Fourth Batch of National Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative Projects on its website, and Fengning Teng's Cloth Paste Painting was successfully included in the fourth batch National Intangible Cultural Heritage List Teng's cloth paste painting He is a folk artist in Fengning, Hebei Tengteng The new kind of painting invented by Mr. Yu is a combination of painting, sculpture, embroidery, Thangka, paper cutting and other techniques. It is made of exquisite materials, colorful, delicate operation, realistic pictures and a wide range of materials.


Fengshan Guandi Temple
Fengshan Guandi Temple Covering an area of 1676 square meters, it was first built in 1729 (the 17th year of Yongzheng's reign in the Qing Dynasty), and later expanded by the Qianlong and Jiaqing dynasties, forming the main hall, side hall, Buddhist temple, bell and drum tower, archway and other ancient buildings. In the 11th year of Guangxu's reign (1885), the royal family issued a plaque with the name "Yu Tian Shen", which was hung in the center of the archway. It is the larger royal temple north of the Great Wall. [6] It was listed as a key cultural relics protection unit in Hebei Province in 1982 and upgraded to National key cultural relics protection units [7]
Fengshan Theater
Fengshan Theater It is a key cultural relics protection unit in Hebei Province. It is located in Fengshan Town, Fengning Manchu Autonomous County, northwest of Chengde City. It was built in the 10th year of Yongzheng (1732) and rebuilt in the 11th year of Guangxu (1885). It was repaired again in 1983. The theater is 25.5 meters long from north to south, 12.88 meters wide from east to west, 8.88 meters wide from the stage, 12 meters high and 265.3 square meters in area. Brick, stone and wood structures, strip stone platform foundation, Xieshan coupon roof.
Lama Mountain
Lama Mountain It is located 28 kilometers northwest of Fengning Manchu Autonomous County, 250 kilometers away from Beijing. It was originally called Heishan Mountain. Because there are lamas living and practicing here, it is called Lamashan Mountain. Lama Mountain Scenic Area starts from Daxigou in the east, ends at Heishan Mouth in the west, starts from Xiaobazimao Mountain Gully Gate in the north, and ends at Kulong Mountain Ridge in the south. Its main peak is 1198 meters above sea level, with a total area of 366 square kilometers. It is a county-level nature reserve. The Lamashan Shanguang Gallery is characterized by rock landscape and Buddhist culture. The vast majority of Lama Mountain is exposed granite landform. There are many strange peaks, dangerous caves and different rocks formed by stones. It is also the most important and outstanding landscape in this scenic spot, including: Pantao Stone, Pantao Stone, Buddha Pearl Cave, Pig Head Stone, Hammer Stone, Maoshan Mountain, Yin Yang Stone, Mother and Child Kulong Mountain , Zhenshan seal, cliff statue, saddle stone Lama Cave , Yuezhu Temple, etc.
Fozhu Cave
Fozhu Cave It is the first scenery of Lama Mountain. The cave is a 500 meter natural cave. There are 18 huge stones outside the cave, which looks like a string of Buddha beads, so it is called Buddha Pearl Cave. Fozhu Cave is a strong evidence of ancient glacial relics. Like the ice mortar around the Fozhu Cave, it is distributed in the ridges, peaks and foothills.
Bingjiu Park
Bingjiu Park The Lama Mountain Scenic Area, 28 kilometers north of Fengning County, 208 kilometers away from Beijing, is the only way to the first grassland in northern Beijing. Here are steep peaks and quiet canyons. There are many magical landscapes on both sides of the road. The main peak, Lama Mountain, is 1198 meters above sea level. There are a group of ice mortars like "Tianguo". In addition, there are hanging wall Zen caves, pommel horse stone carvings, Lama Buddha, God split stone, tower on the peak, folding rock, Jiunv Peak, Kulong Mountain and other strange peaks and rocks created by nature, It has formed a landscape gallery with a length of 15 kilometers.
Jiulong Pine
Jiulong Pine It is located in Wudaoying Township, 15 kilometers northwest of Fengning County. This tree was planted in the middle of the Northern Song Dynasty and has a history of more than 980 years since 2013. Nine Dragon Pine is named for its shape like nine dragons.
Baiyun Ancient Cave
Baiyun Ancient Cave , located in Fengning Manchu Autonomous County Heishanzui Town Chaohe River west bank. Baiyun Ancient Cave, also known as Baiyun Canyon and Chaoyang Cave, is the general name of the scenic spot composed of several peaks, caves, valleys and temples. The ancient trees and vines in the Baiyun Ancient Cave Scenic Spot block out the sky; Spring and stream, ding dong sound; Handsome birds sing in harmony, and melodious songs form a rhyme; Strange flowers and plants compete for beauty. Especially around the Dragon Boat Festival, azaleas, apricot flowers, cherry blossoms, etc. have opened one after another, which makes a wonderful contrast with pines and cypresses.
Khan's Palace
Khan's Palace , located in Fengning Manchu Autonomous County Datan Town The first grassland in northern Beijing is The First Grassland in North Beijing The largest scenic spot in Shanghai. With its unique regional culture as the background, it is a "Genghis Khan Palace" modeled on Mongolian historical records and Ordos folk culture. The "Great Khan" refers to Genghis Khan, and the "temporary palace" is the palace on the way, because the palace during Genghis Khan's war was a large yurt built on a Lele cart, so it is named. The main building of the palace is a large yurt with unique shape. With the historical background of Genghis Khan's invasion of the Western Xia Dynasty, the auspicious number 13 of Mongolia is composed of five round yurts and eight square military tents, which are lined up like eagles on the grassland. The Mahan Palace, based on Mongolian characteristics and long national culture, shows the history and realistic culture of the Mongols.
Zhalaying Village
Zhalaying Village, located in Datan Town, Fengning Manchu Autonomous County, is the core area of Beijing North No.1 Grassland Scenic Spot. In 1989, Fengning Tourism Development Corporation established the first resort in the county - Beijing North No.1 Grassland Resort (the predecessor of Dongshan Holiday Hotel). Zhalaying Village has 15000 mu of original wetland grassland, with beautiful scenery and lush water and grass. Here is the Mongolian ancient city site of the Liao Dynasty, which is a key cultural relics protection unit at the county level. It is also a Manchu village. In 2011, it was rated as "Chengde Characteristic Tourism Village". Zhalaying is adjacent to Datan Town in the east and Guyuan County in the west. There are Lightning Lake, Mongolian Khan Palace and other scenic spots around.

Local specialty

Huangqi millet
Huangqi millet , a specialty of Fengning Manchu Autonomous County, Hebei Province, and a national geographical indication product of China.
Fengning Manchu Autonomous County, with a continental monsoon climate, is a golden area rich in high-quality millet. The natural environment is free of any pollution, so it is known as the "Rice Valley". Millet is plump, golden in color, large in volume, high in density, and superior to similar products in various nutritional indicators. It is the best among the known millet families in China, and is highly praised by consumers. [18]
On July 4, 2016, the former AQSIQ approved the implementation of geographical indication product protection for "Huangqi Xiaomi". [19]

Famous people

Xian Guoyi
Xian Guoyi , male, Manchu, born in Fengning, Hebei Province in April 1970, started work in April 1995 and joined the Communist Party of China in December 1997, with a postgraduate degree and a doctor's degree in economics. incumbent Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Vice Chairman of the People's Government, member of the Party Leadership Group, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chief Inspector of the Public Security Department of the Autonomous Region. [20]
Liu Haiwang
Liu Haiwang, male, from Fengning County, Hebei Province, Han nationality, participated in 1964 the Chinese People's Liberation Army , joined in 1969 Communist Party of China He joined the public security work in 1976, and served as the director of the local police station of Biriga Township in 1994, a second level police supervisor. On January 23, 1995, he was posthumously awarded the title of national public security front first level hero model. [21]
Wei Wen'e
Wei Wen'e , female, Manchu nationality, born on May 13, 1961, is a farmer in Dage Town, Fengning County, Hebei Province, a member of China Arts and Crafts Association, a member of China Paper Cutting Society, a member of China Folk Artists Association, and a famous folk paper cutting artist in Chengde. In 2008, she was listed as the inheritor of intangible cultural heritage in Hebei Province.
Shi Junfeng
Shi Junfeng , female, Manchu, graduated from Hebei University College of Arts and Crafts. He is a member of the Chinese Folk Artists Association, a master of arts and crafts in Hebei Province, and the deputy director of the Hebei Provincial Paper cut Professional Committee. In 1995, he was awarded the title of "Folk Crafts Artist" by UNESCO and the Chinese Association of Folk Artists. One of the top ten young folk artists in Hebei Province, a top professional and technical talent in municipal management.
Zhang Dongge
Zhang Dongge , No.: Master of Mud Fragrance Room (Pavilion), First Class Artist. The male Manchu is from Raoyang, Hebei Province. Born in Fengning in 1945. He learned calligraphy and painting by himself when he was young. Later, he learned from Mr. Qi Jingzhi. He learned Chinese painting, figures, flowers and semi cursive script. In 1974, he began to research and create folk paper-cut, and since 1987, he has been committed to the research and creation of Manchu folk culture and art.

Honorary title

In March 2018, Fengning County was selected as an observation point for intangible cultural heritage protection and inheritance by the Ministry of Culture. [24]
In July 2018, Fengning County was selected as one of the first batch of "Intangible Cultural Heritage+Poverty Alleviation" key support areas. [29]
In June 2020, Fengning County was selected into the second batch of revolutionary cultural relics protection and utilization areas and counties. [9]
In September 2020, Fengning County was selected as a strong food industry county in Hebei Province (cultivation type). [31]
In October 2020, Fengning County was selected as one of the first batch of new smart city construction pilots in Hebei Province. [30]
In January 2021, Fengning County was selected into the third batch of national rural entrepreneurship and innovation typical counties. [10]
In October 2021, Fengning County was selected as the pilot of county-level urban and rural passenger transport integration in Hebei Province [32] And won the title of Forest City in Hebei Province. [23]
In December 2021, Fengning County was selected as a model city and county for safe China's construction in 2017-2020 [16] The 13th Double Support Model City in Hebei Province to be named [17] Class C county with county level scientific and technological innovation capacity in Hebei Province. [22]
In November 2022, Fengning County was selected into the sixth batch of ecological civilization construction demonstration areas. [28]
On December 7, 2022, Fengning County was selected as the provincial demonstration county of "Four Good Rural Roads". [33] On the 29th, Fengning Manchu Autonomous County was selected as one of the fifth batch of water-saving society construction counties. [26]
In January 2023, Fengning County was selected into the tenth batch of national unity and progress demonstration areas. [25]
In September 2023, Fengning County was selected as one of the first batch of famous tourism counties in Hebei. [27]