
One of the Six Ministers of Jin in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty
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The Zhongxing (h á ng) surname is from the Eastern Zhou Dynasty Six Ministers of the State of Jin First, it was founded in 632 BC and fell in 490 BC.
The direct ancestor of Zhongxing surname is Huanzi of Zhongxing Huanzi of Zhongxing, the Ji surname, the Zhongxing surname, was named Linfu. Because the Zhongxing surname came from the Xun surname, it was often called Xun Linfu (The year of birth and death is unknown), the posthumous title is Huan, and the history is called Zhongxing Huanzi. Xun Lin's father is a pure minister Xun Xi Elder Sun, Doctor To die The eldest son, Zhishi Primogenitor Zhizhuangzi Your brother.
Chinese name
First generation home owner
Huan Zi Lin Fu
Second generation home owner
Xuan Zigeng
Third generation family owner
Xian Zi Yan




Prince Wen of Jin
Prince Wen of Jin To seek hegemony, we have three armed forces and three armed forces, battle of Cheng Pu Xun Linfu He was the emperor of Duke Wen of Jin. One year later, Duke Wen Make three lines To prepare for Hu, Xun Linfu was the general of the middle line. Since then Xun surname A new branch, Zhongxing, was created.

Huanzi of Zhongxing

Xun Linfu (632 BC - 594 BC) Lower army , starting with six rectifications. after Zhao Dun When he was an expert in the administration of the Jin Dynasty and became powerful, Xun Linfu relied heavily on Zhao Dun for his outstanding ability; At the same time, Xunlin's father was upright, honest and kind. He did not always flatter Zhao Dun, and he was slightly dissatisfied with Zhao Dun's dictatorship. In 601 years ago, Zhao Dun died, unconventionally promote Tactful but principled Shangjun General Deficiency As Zhengqing, Xun Lin's father assisted him.
By the death of Xi Que in 597 BC, King Zhuang of Chu took advantage of the transfer of power of the Jin State to lead the Northern Expedition. Xun Linfu was ordered to reorganize the three armies in a hurry, that is, to fight with King Zhuang of Chu in the south. stay The Battle of Yu As Xun Linfu had just come to power, he had no absolute authority in the Jin army. In addition, Xun Linfu was loyal and wooden, Middle Military Assistant Xianhu and Xunlin's father's army disagreed, and they were defeated by King Zhuang of Chu in the battle of Liu. When Jin Shi returned to the country, Xun Lin's father did not commit a crime, and his official position was the same. In the following years, he worked hard for the revival of Jin. Xun Linfu's years in power were the most severe time in the Jin State for decades, but He did not have. Losing the fighting spirit and being indomitable in such difficulties, Jin gradually regained some vitality and self-confidence. In 593 BC, Xun Linfu consciously partially made up for his mistakes in the battle of Yi and announced his retirement, Scholar Association Ruling, son of Xun Lin's father Xun Geng Enter on behalf of the father Liu Qing

Xuanzi of BOC

Xun Geng (? - 576 BC), the son of Xun Lin's father, inherited his father's title in 593 BC Six Ministers of the State of Jin One, died in 576 BC. Its son Xun Yan Enthronement.

Bank of China Presents Son

Xun Yan (? - 554 BC), the Ji surname, the Zhongxing surname, the name Yan, the word Boyou, because the Zhongxing surname comes from the Xun surname, it is also called Xunyan. Jin state during Spring and Autumn period high ministers and nobles , the son of Xun Geng. After his death, Xun Geng took the post of military assistant and joined Battle of Yanling And so on. Hour Duke Li of Jin Proud and extravagant, use more confidants, and kill inappropriately. In 574 BC, Luan Shu Agitation Zhonghangyan I took a tour of Li and took it to Jiang Li. The next year, he killed Duke Li with Luan Shu and stood in mourning for Duke Li. In 572 BC, he and Han Jue Lead the princes' troops to attack and defeat Zheng outer city And defeated Zheng infantry in Weishui. The position was suppressed by Han Jue Xun Xun Scholar Transcendence, Xun Xuan rose to power after his death.
In 560 BC, Xun Gui, the commander of the middle army in the Jin State, died, and Zhongxing Yan succeeded him as the commander of the middle army and was in power. The next year, he led the Jin army to fight against the Qin Dynasty Luan The people of the Jin Dynasty said that the fight was futile“ Deferred service ”。 In 555 BC, the monarchs of Lu, Song, Wei, Zheng, Cao, Ju, Zhu, Teng, Xue and Qi of the Jin Ping Association attacked Qi. In this battle, Xingyan led the army to the dangerous pass Jingzi (today's Shandong Province Pingyin Southeast), and then surrounded by the army Linzi The Qi division dared not go out when burning Xiguo, Nanguo, Dongguo and Beiguo and attacking Yangmen (Northwest Gate) and Donglu (East Gate). The next year, when I was in charge of my class, I dreamt that Duke Li had asked for his life and died of a vicious sore. turn in one's grave, Luan Ying Xun Yan closed his eyes when he swore to fight Qi to the end. His son Xun Wu succeeded to the throne as Muzi of Zhongxing.

Bank of China Muzi

Xun Wu (? - 519 BC): Ji surname, Zhongxing surname, Wu name, posthumous title "Mu". Because the Zhongxing surname comes from the Xun surname, it is also called Xunwu, and in historical data, it is called Zhongxing Muzi. One of the six ministers of the Jin State in the Spring and Autumn Period, he is a strategist.
In 555 BC, the Jin army Zhonghangyan Under his leadership, he attacked Qi on a large scale and once attacked Linzi, the capital of Qi. In the second year, Zhonghang Yan became critically ill due to acclimatization and other reasons, and finally died before leaving. At the end of his life, he was in the middle of the line, staying alone Scholar , oral will, make Xun Wu As the leader of the Zhongxing family, Wu became the fourth generation leader of the Zhongxing family.
BOC Wu Honest and upright Rick Front bumper However, his leading ability is slightly lacking in literary grace, relatively dull, and even simple and honest. In Shixuan Shi Yang With the help of his father and son, he settled down in Liuqing. In the first 548 years, Zhengqing When a scholar dies a deputy Zhao Wu In governing, Yanwu Xiuwen became the new governing program of Jin. In 546 years ago, Zhengqing Zhao Wu and Chu State district magistrate Seed wood In the Song Dynasty, Jin and Chu contend for hegemony At the end of the war, the bellicose Central Executive Wu also lost its place in the Central Plains, and had to use its outstanding military talents mainly to nomadic people On the battlefield.
Unlike Han Qi and Shi Yang, the Bank of China Wu only knows how to carve up, extract and empty the country's property, but chooses to non-Chinese peoples of the north and west The land and power of strategic target As a famous general in the Spring and Autumn Period, the Central Executive Wu often led the Jin army to crusade against Rong and Di, and made great contributions in a series of major battles such as attacking Xianyu, which eliminated the foreign invasion of the Jin State and helped the six ministers of the Jin State realize Feudalism The transformation creates stable external conditions. At the same time, a large number of Rongdi lands occupied by Zhongxing Wu were incorporated into the Zhongxing family, which promoted the Ethnic integration In his whole life, although he never served as the country's ruling party (Han Qi's life span was too long), he was still an important politician of Jin in the late Spring and Autumn Period.
In 519 BC, Wu Zhongxing died suddenly, his son Xun Yin He then became the leader of Zhongxing Family, and was called Zhongxing Wenzi.


Xun Yin , the son of Xun Wu. Duke Ding of Jin When, Cai Zhaohou Because he was bullied by the State of Chu, he asked the State of Jin to attack the State of Chu with his son as his pledge, which has already combined the armies of 17 countries. However, Wen Ziyin and Fan Xianziyang, who were in power in the State of Jin, were both corrupt and asked for bribes from Marquis Cai Zhaohou. Marquis Cai argued for no answer, which eventually led to the abortive attack of Chu in 17 countries, and finally, Marquis Cai Zhaohou was transferred to the central government and the king of Wu Helu Only then did Chu suffer a heavy blow.


Zhao Jianzi
Later, the internal struggles among the Qing clans of the Jin State intensified. The Zhongxing family and the Fan family were in harmony and married. In 497 BC defend one's country There are differences on the resettlement of 500 civilian families who have paid tribute, Zhao Jianzi Kill his own clan son, Doctor Handan Zhao Wu , and Zhao Wu is BOCY My nephew. So Zhongxing, Fan and Handan Zhao's Attack Zhao Family in Jinyang together. but Zhishi He wants Liang Yingfu, his favorite minister, to replace Zhongxing Yin for Qing, Westergren han They also disagreed with the Zhongxing Family and Fan Family, so they got Duke Ding of Jin He led the soldiers to help the Zhao family out of the encirclement. Zhongxing Family and Fan Family were defeated and occupied Chaoge, including Zhou Tianzi It was not until 8 years later that the Zhongxing family and Fan family fled to Qi State The rule of the Zhongxing family perished.


Xuanzi of BOC( Xun Geng )594-577 BC
Bank of China Presents Son( Xun Yan )577-554 BC
Bank of China Muzi( Xun Wu )554-519 BC
Zhongxingwenzi( Xun Yin )519-490 BC