Neutrino detector

Experimental equipment for neutrino observation
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Neutrino detector Is observation neutrino Experimental equipment. Because neutrinos only participate Weak interaction Generally, detectors need to be built large enough to receive enough neutrino signals. Neutrino detectors are usually built deep underground to shield cosmic rays And others Background radiation Neutrino astronomy It is not yet mature, and the only confirmed signal sources from outside the earth are sunlight And supernovae SN 1987A However, in the future, the neutrino observatory will "provide astronomers with a new perspective to analyze the universe".
Chinese name
Neutrino detector
Foreign name
Neutrino detector

brief introduction

Neutrino detector Is observation neutrino Experimental equipment. Because neutrinos only participate Weak interaction Generally, detectors need to be built large enough to receive enough neutrino signals. Neutrino detectors are usually built deep underground to shield cosmic rays And other background radiation. Neutrino astronomy It is not yet mature, and the only confirmed signal sources from outside the earth are sunlight And supernovae SN 1987A However, in the future, the neutrino observatory will "provide astronomers with a new perspective to analyze the universe".
There are many ways to detect neutrinos.

Neutrino observatory

  • Shengang detector (Japan), opened in 1983.
  • Super Kamioka detector (Japan), expanded on the basis of the Shinoka detector in the 1990s.
  • Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (Canada), opened in 1999.
  • IceCube Neutrino Observatory (USA), launched in 2010.
  • Barker Third Neutrino Observatory (former Soviet Union), opened in 1977. [1]


neutrino (Italian: Neutrino , which literally means "tiny electrically neutral particles" Neutrino )It is electrically neutral Elementary particle Spin quantum number Is ½, marked by the Greek letter ν. Now there is evidence that it has quality. But its mass is very small even compared with other subatomic particles. It may be the only one that has been detected dark substance , is a kind of Hot dark matter
Since neutrinos are electrically neutral and also a kind of lepton, they do not participate Electromagnetic interaction as well as Strong interaction It only participates Weak interaction as well as Gravitational interaction Because the interaction distance of weak interaction is very short, and the gravitational interaction is very weak at the subatomic scale, neutrinos will not be blocked too much when passing through ordinary substances, and it is difficult to detect.
Neutrinos can pass through Radioactive decay as well as nuclear reaction And so on. Because nuclear reactions are taking place in the sun all the time Supernova Production and other processes will also be accompanied by intense nuclear reactions, so cosmic rays Neutrinos can be detected in. Most of the neutrinos detected near the Earth originate from the sun. In fact, the area of the Earth facing the sun will pass through about 65 billion neutrinos from the sun every second in every square centimeter.
It is now recognized that neutrinos will be in different flavors during flight oscillation , such as Beta decay The electric neutrinos generated in may become μ neutrinos or τ neutrinos during detection. This phenomenon indicates that neutrinos have mass, and the quality of neutrinos with different flavors is also different. According to the present cosmology The sum of the neutrino masses of the three flavors is less than one millionth of the electron mass in the detected data. [1]

Weak interaction

Weak interaction (also known as weak force or Weak nuclear force )It's natural Fundamental force One of the three is Strong nuclear force Electromagnetic force and Universal gravitation Subatomic particle It is caused by radioactive decay of Hydrogen fusion It also initiates the process of. The weak interaction will affect all Fermion , i.e. all spin Half odd number of particles.
stay Particle physics Of Standard model The theory of weak interaction points out that W and Z bosons The weak force is caused by the emission (or absorption) of bosons, so it is a Non-contact force The most famous of these launches is Beta decay , it is radioactivity A performance of. Heavy particles are unstable in nature. Since Z and W bosons are much heavier than protons or neutrons, the interaction distance of weak interaction is very short. This interaction is called "weak" because the probability of beta decay is much lower than that of strong interaction, which means that its general intensity ratio electromagnetism and Strong nuclear force Several weak Order of magnitude Most particles will decay through weak interaction after a period of time. The weak interaction has a unique characteristic that is quark Taste changes - other interactions cannot do this. In addition, it will destroy Parity symmetry and CP symmetry The flavor change of quarks enables quarks to“ taste ”Interchangeable.
The earliest description of weak force is in the 1930s, which is four Fermion Contact interacting Fermi theory : Contact refers to no operating distance (i.e. completely physical contact). But now it is better to describe it in terms of a field with an effective distance, although that distance is very short. In 1968, electromagnetic and weak interaction were unified. They are two aspects of the same force, now called Weak current interaction
Weak interaction in the Beta decay Is the most obvious in hydrogen production Deuterium and helium The process (energy source of star thermonuclear reaction) is also very obvious. Radiocarbon dating This is the decay Carbon-14 Decay through weak interaction Nitrogen - 14 It can also create Radiant cold light , common in Superheavy hydrogen Lighting; Has also created Beta volt This application field ( Beta ray The electrons of are used as current). [1]

Experimental items

In May 2022, it was learned from the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences that the second large-scale neutrino experiment project, Jiangmen Neutrino Experiment, hosted by China, is under construction 700 meters underground in Dashi Mountain, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province. In the 700m underground experimental hall, the lifting platform installed from top to bottom to achieve the perspex ball layer by layer has been installed and jacked up to 38m, like a giant "Transformers Tower", preparing for the next installation of the perspex ball. [2]