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Middle age

40~59 years old
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"Middle age" generally refers to middle age. Middle age is a stage of life, which generally refers to 40-65 years old, and also refers to 35-55 years old or 45-65 years old. In middle age, family and career tend to be stable, but they are experiencing a lot of pressure from family and work, and their psychological endurance is facing great challenges. With the growth of age, the physical condition begins to show aging, which is also easy to cause anxiety and depression in middle-aged people. It is suggested that middle-aged people should keep a positive and optimistic attitude and take proper exercise to relieve pressure and maintain physical and mental health.
Chinese name
Middle age
Foreign name
middle age
40-59 years old
Long time
psychology And physiologically

Female climacteric

Female menopause refers to the period from the decline of women's gonadal function to the complete disappearance, which is a period before and after menopause. Most women's menopause occurs between 45 and 55 years old, and generally lasts for 8 to 12 years.
Female climacteric It is characterized by the gradual degeneration of female secondary sexual characteristics, gradual atrophy of reproductive organs, and estrogen The tissues related to metabolism gradually degenerate; appear autonomic nervous system Some symptoms of disorder are often shown as“ Women's menopause syndrome ”The symptoms are various. These symptoms are caused by physiological endocrine changes, and are also affected by psychological and social factors.
Menopause is a natural phenomenon of middle-aged women's physiological changes. Through physiological and psychological adjustment, if you can achieve physical and mental balance, you can successfully pass this necessary transition period.

Male climacteric

Male climacteric It is the process of sexual organ atrophy and sexual function decline from exuberance.
The main characteristics of male menopause are: decreased sexual function, accompanied by autonomic nervous circulatory dysfunction, mental state and mood often change.
Menopause brings some obstacles and difficulties in adaptation to the physiology and psychology of middle-aged people. As long as we correctly understand, attach importance to prevention, actively carry out scientific adjustment, maintain an optimistic and cheerful mental state, and achieve physical and mental harmony and balance, we can easily meet the "second adolescence" of life.

Middle age transition period

Levinson classified 40~60 years of life as middle age. He pointed out that this period experienced a middle age transition period (40-45 years old) and reached the peak of middle age (55-60 years old). In the middle age transition period, individuals begin to evaluate their own lives. If they find that their hopes cannot be realized, they will revise their work, marriage, beliefs and ideals to achieve a balance between self and reality. Due to re selection, sometimes the individual's life structure will change, and some choices (such as divorce, job change, etc.) will have a significant impact on individuals. He emphasized the turning point of middle age, because in the turning point, people will change what they built in the past and build new systems. After the transition, we will enter a relatively stable period, during which we will establish our own values, beliefs and personal advantages.

Special period

The development tasks in middle age mainly come from the internal changes of individuals, social pressure, and personal values, gender, attitudes, and other aspects (Harvegister). Middle age is a special period of life. It is not only the period when individuals have the greatest impact on society, but also the period when society demands the most from individuals.
In the family towel, the responsibility of middle-aged people is to cultivate their children and make them responsible and happy; Maintain a harmonious relationship with your spouse.
In work, the satisfaction level of maintaining professional activities must be reached in the face of work pressure.
In society, social responsibilities and obligations must be accepted and fulfilled.

Midlife transition

Based on clinical observation, Goodall constructed his own theory from the perspective of individual and family relations. He believes that the most important task of middle-aged people is to educate young children, take care of elderly parents, and maintain family harmony. He pointed out that there was a painful turning point in middle age, after which individuals would become positive and optimistic.

Double test

Middle age faces family, work and social pressure. On the one hand, they should constantly improve themselves in order to achieve individual life goals; On the other hand, they should bear the responsibilities of educating children, supporting parents, caring for partners, completing work and so on.
Many researchers believe that under the pressure of various roles and responsibilities, middle-aged people have the phenomenon of midlife crisis, that is, individuals will experience a stage of physical and mental exhaustion and subjective pain in this period.
Some empirical studies also show that the sense of crisis in middle age only appears in some people, and it is not a common phenomenon in adults with basic physical and mental health, or it does not exist at all. Some studies also show that not all middle-aged people will face the same development task.

Thinking characteristics

The development of thinking in middle age has reached a more mature level. This is reflected in the reality, flexibility and wisdom of thinking activities and Dialectical logical thinking The further development of.

Three characteristics

Maturity and wisdom in middle age make them gradually show a kind of thinking pattern with relativity, flexibility and practicality in the process of solving various complex problems. The practical thinking form proposed by Labreviev refers to the characteristics of the further development of adult thinking. He pointed out that when adults face complicated practical problems, the strict form of logical reasoning tends to show limitations and rigidity, thus hindering the best new strategies for analyzing, understanding and solving problems. Therefore, the new and mature form of thinking in middle age shows the characteristics of reality, flexibility and wisdom of adult thinking.

Dialectical logical thinking

In the thinking of adults, dialectical logical thinking can be further developed. Adolescence Formal logical thinking At this time, the development of thinking reached the logic, objectivity and certainty of focusing on analysis and understanding of problems. This is a major progress in the development of thinking. However, people gradually find that the thinking at the level of formal operation is not the highest form of thinking development. Only the dialectical logic thinking developed from youth can truly reflect the internal essential relationship of things, such as the thinking forms of the complex movement laws such as the unity of opposites, quantitative change and quality, negation of negation, etc. One of the main manifestations of the maturity of middle-aged thinking activities is the further development of dialectical logical thinking ability.
Formal logical thinking It has strict regularity, while dialectical logical thinking is very complex and profound. Not all middle-aged people can reach the level of thinking dominated by dialectical logical thinking. There are obvious individual differences in the development of adults' ability to use logical thinking and dialectical thinking, and some people even lack it for life Dialectical logical thinking Ability.

Intellectual development

To study intellectual development, we must face the question of whether intellectual development is single dimensional or multi-dimensional, one-way or multi-directional, and intellectual development researchers always put forward the development model of intelligence. The pattern of intelligence development refers to the track of intelligence level changing with age. No matter what kind of intelligence development theory, the same conclusion has been drawn about the intelligence development of children and adolescents that the intelligence level shows an upward trend with age. However, people have different views on the development and changes of intelligence in adulthood.

Early Views

Before the 1950s, a scholar (Wexler) believed that "the decline of intelligence with age is a part of the general aging process of the whole organism", that is, the decline of intelligence is similar to the decline of physiological function. At that time, this view was widely accepted.

Intelligence theory

After the 1950s, some scholars (cartels) began to study the relationship between special intelligence and age, and proposed two basic forms of adult intelligence: crystal intelligence and liquid intelligence, which showed different development trends.
Liquid intelligence refers to the ability to process information and solve problems. It develops and changes with the development and maturity of the nervous system, such as perceptual speed, mechanical memory, recognition of graphical relationships, etc.
Crystalline intelligence is the intelligence acquired through mastering social and cultural experience, also known as cultural knowledge intelligence, such as vocabulary concepts, speech understanding, common sense and other abilities based on information stored in memory.
These two trends of intelligence development and change, in youth, increase with age; In the adult stage, liquid intelligence began to decline, showing a declining trend, while the development of crystalline intelligence has remained relatively stable, and with the accumulation of experience and knowledge, it still shows a certain upward trend in the middle and old age.


Self is an important part of personality, and the development of self is actually the basis of personality development. Scholars have made a more comprehensive and systematic discussion on self-development. Luwenger put forward the theory of self-development on the basis of the existing views.


First, self is the core of personality. To understand the development of personality, we must understand the development of self.
Second, self is the first "organizer". Self has the ability to integrate morality, value, purpose and thought process.
Third, the change of self means the change of individual's thinking, value, morality, goals and other organizational methods.
Fourth, self development is the result of the interaction between individuals and the environment.

Development level

Self development in adulthood mainly goes through four stages, and each stage represents a level of self-development.
1. Compliance level
The follower is to act according to the rules, and the individual's behavior is subject to the social rules. If they violate the social rules, they will have a sense of self blame. This is because individuals at this level have a strong need for social belonging. Only a few people are at this level in middle age.
2. Level of fairness
Individuals at this level can internalize social and external rules into their own rules, that is, rules internalize themselves; Individuals have their own set of ideals and goals; Formed the standard of self-evaluation and developed the thought of self reflection; They began to realize the complexity of the world, but their ideological understanding has duality, and they tend to simply distinguish complex things into opposite poles, such as independence or dependence.
3. Autonomy level
The outstanding feature of this level is that it can recognize and accept the contradictions and conflicts in interpersonal and social relations, and shows a high degree of tolerance for these contradictions and conflicts. For example, it is recognized that between self-evaluation and social rules, between personal needs and the needs of others, there will not always be harmony, and there will be various contradictions and conflicts; In terms of interpersonal relations, we can realize that we should fully respect the independence of individuals and also see the simple dependence between people.
4. Integration level
Individuals who reach this level can not only face up to internal contradictions and conflicts, but also actively resolve these conflicts. They are good at giving up goals that cannot be achieved and making new choices. This is the highest level of self-development. Only a few people can achieve this level of self-development.

influence factor

1. Age factor. Research shows that self-development is related to age.
2. Education level. Self development is closely related to individual education level.
3. Cognitive development level. The level of cognitive development is an important variable that affects self-development, and there is a close relationship between them.

personality characteristics


Personality stability

The stability of personality structure contains two basic meanings: one is that the components of personality structure remain unchanged, and the other is that the average level of each component remains unchanged. Compared with other age groups, the personality composition in middle age keeps relatively stable. The famous longitudinal follow-up study found that in the course of 12 years, the personality traits of most of the more than 100 subjects aged 20-90 did not change with age, which indicates that the personality traits of adults remained relatively stable.

Personality maturity

The personality traits of middle-aged people remain relatively stable, but due to the changes in physiological functions and the increase in life experience, the personality of middle-aged people becomes more mature, specifically as follows:
1. Increasingly obvious introspection
According to Jung's theory, from youth to old age, personality has become more and more introverted from young extraversion, that is, middle-aged people are no longer as impulsive and daring as young people, but focus on the inner world.
2. The psychological defense mechanism is maturing
When facing setbacks or conflicts, more and more middle-aged people use mature psychological defense mechanisms such as humor, sublimation, altruism, and rarely take negative defense mechanisms such as denial, distortion, and regression.
3. Becoming more sophisticated
It shows that understanding and handling problems are not as rigid as young people, but more flexible.

Increasingly integrated

On the basis of the original male personality, middle-aged men gradually show female characteristics such as gentleness, sensitivity and consideration, while middle-aged women gradually show male characteristics such as determination, generosity and initiative, that is, there is a trend of "feminization" of men and "masculinization" of women. This "assimilation of men and women" personality is generally considered as a "perfect personality".