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Central Bay

Moon Sea
Central Bay (Latin:“ Sinus Medii ”)It is a small one located at the intersection of the lunar equator and the prime meridian Moon Sea Seen from the earth, it is located in The front of the moon Therefore, it is named after the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. This area is the closest point on the moon to the earth. From here, the earth is always overhead (due to Libration There may be slight deviation). his Lunar coordinates 2.4 ° N 1.7 ° E, 335 km in diameter.
Chinese name
Central Bay
Foreign name
Sinus Medii
geographical position
At the intersection of the lunar equator and the prime meridian
zhōng yāng wān



The west of Central Bay is the island sea, and the north is Steam sea The east is a remarkable area Moon Valley Area. The northeast of Central Bay crosses Xuguinusi Yuexi , and Xuguinus Ring Mountain Just cut off the Moon Creek. The farther east is 220 kilometers long Aliyadaius Moon Creek To the east, there is the Sea of Tranquility. with Austria astronomer The Triesnecker Moon Creek named after Triesnecker passes through the primary meridian, and to its west is Trisnaker Crater
The northern boundary of the Central Bay consists of a mountainous area, Mackison Crater and Palas Crater Is one of the more prominent features. In the Central Bay, near the northern boundary Cradney Crater
Another highland area is located in the south and southeast edge of Central Bay, and several covered craters are distributed along its periphery: Framarion Crater , followed by Oberze crater and Reomo crater Zelig crater It is farther east. Flamalion Moon Creek and Opolzer Moon Creek It extends along the boundary near their corresponding craters. In addition, Reticulus crater It is located on the southeast edge and crosses and bisects the prime meridian.
There are two small craters in the western half of the Central Bay: Bruce Crater and Bleiger Crater The moon surface of Bruce Crater was once NASA Surveyor 4 and Surveyor 6 Mission landing point. And the one near the westernmost end is Schlerter Crater and Somolin Crater


British astronomer William Gilbert He was the first person to name this lunar surface area, and he called it "Insula Medilunaria"; The idea of modern names originated from "Michael Van Langren", which was published by him in 1645 Lunar chart Mark it as "Central Bay"; 1647 Johannes Hevelius In his lunar surface map, he called this feature "Mare Adriaticum"; and Giovanni Battista Rijoli In the lunar surface map published in 1651, it was called“ Wave Bay ”(Hot Bay)


Surveyor 4 and Surveyor 6 It landed at the west southwest of Bruce Crater in Central Bay.