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China High tech Industrialization Research Association

First level industry association in charge of China Association for Science and Technology
China High tech Industrialization Association (CHIA for short) was established in April 1993. It is a scientific and technological corporate association registered by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China according to law China Association for Science and Technology Supervisors, successively attached to China Aerospace Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd and China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation , with extensive social connections and influence. [1]
As of January 2023, China Hi tech Industrialization Research Association has five functional departments, 25 branches, 11 industrial alliances and one subordinate enterprise. [9]
Chinese name
China High tech Industrialization Research Association
Foreign name
China High-tech Industrialization Association
China High tech Council, CHIA
Competent unit
China Association for Science and Technology
Registration unit
Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China
Scientific and technological corporate associations
Club address
Room 315, Main Office Building, No. 8 Fucheng Road, Haidian District, Beijing
Date of establishment
April 1993
Social groups
Current leaders
President: Bao Weimin Secretary General: Liu Xia
Social credit code
five hundred and eleven thousand trillion and five billion one hundred and thirty-nine thousand two hundred and forty-six
Legal representative
Liang Xiaohong [19]

Development history

In April 1993, in order to implement Deng Xiaoping's call to "develop high-tech and realize industrialization" Wang Daheng Wang Ganchang And other famous scientists and economists launched the establishment of China High tech Industrialization Research Association. [1]
On March 31, 2009, the third member representative conference and system engineering academic conference of China Hi tech Industrialization Research Association was held in Beijing Guohong Hotel. [2]
On May 27, 2017, the fourth national member representative conference and the first meeting of the fourth council of the China Hi tech Industrialization Research Association were held in the China Science and Technology Hall. [3]
On August 18, 2018, Liang Xiaohong, Executive Vice President of China Association for High tech Industrialization, and Kong Xiaohong, Mayor of Huangshan City, Anhui Province, jointly signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement. [4]
On January 8, 2020, China Hi tech Industrialization Research Association held the fourth meeting of the fourth board of directors. [5]
On July 27, 2022, the fifth council of China Hi tech Industrialization Research Association was elected at its general meeting in Beijing. [6]
On February 21, 2023, the third chairman meeting of the fifth council of China Hi tech Industrialization Research Association was held in Beijing. [7]

Organizational system


Institutional setup

  • The highest authority
The highest authority of the Association is the General Assembly of Member Representatives.
The functions and powers of the members' congress are:
(1) Formulate and amend the Articles of Association;
(2) Elect and remove directors of the Board of Directors and supervisors of the Board of Supervisors;
(3) Review the work report and financial report of the Council;
(4) Deliberate the work report of the Board of Supervisors;
(5) Formulate and revise the membership fee standard;
(6) Decide on termination;
(7) Decide on other major issues of the meeting.
The general meeting of member representatives can be convened only when more than two-thirds of the members' representatives are present, and its resolution can take effect only when more than half of the members' representatives present vote.
The General Assembly of Member Representatives is held for 5 years. If the term of office needs to be changed in advance or postponed due to special circumstances, the Council must make a resolution by voting, report it to the competent business unit for review and obtain the approval of the society registration authority. The extension of the term of office shall not exceed 1 year. [8]
  • Actuator
The Board of Directors is the executive body of the General Assembly of Members, leading the General Assembly of Members to carry out its daily work when it is not in session, and is responsible for the General Assembly of Members.
The directors shall be scientists, experts, scholars and entrepreneurs who have made achievements in relevant academic or field, have a decent style, and can participate in the actual work of the Association, people from all walks of life who actively participate in promoting high-tech industrialization, and management personnel who enthusiastically support the work of the Association. The members shall be elected by secret ballot by the General Assembly of Member Representatives from among the candidates selected on the basis of democratic consultation.
The composition of the Council should reflect the structure of the old, middle and young echelons. Three quarters of the members of the Council should be front-line scientific and technological workers at the grass-roots level. The members of the Board of Directors shall be adjusted by no less than one third in each term.
The functions and powers of the Council are:
(1) Implement the resolutions of the General Assembly of Members;
(2) Elect and remove the executive director, vice chairman and chairman; Appoint and dismiss the Secretary General;
(3) To prepare for the convening of the General Assembly of Member Representatives;
(4) Report work and financial situation to the member congress;
(5) To decide on the admission and expulsion of members;
(6) Decide on the establishment and awarding of honorary/honorary positions;
(7) To decide on the establishment, change and termination of offices, branches, working offices, representative offices and entities;
(8) To decide on the appointment of the Deputy Secretary General and the principal heads of each institution;
(9) To lead the work of all institutions of the Institute;
(10) Develop internal management system;
(11) To raise funds for the activities of the conference and supervise the use of funds;
(12) Decide on other important matters.
The Council shall hold a meeting at least once a year, and in special circumstances, it can be held by means of communication. The board of directors can be convened only when more than two-thirds of the directors are present, and its resolution can take effect only when more than two-thirds of the directors present vote. If directors cannot attend the meeting, they can entrust representatives to attend the meeting, and the entrusted representatives have the right to vote by proxy.
The council shall have a standing council. The number of executive directors shall not exceed one third of the number of directors and shall be elected by the Council by secret ballot. Two thirds of the members of the Standing Council should be front-line scientific and technological workers at the grass-roots level. The Standing Council shall exercise the functions and powers of the Council in Article 22, Items 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, when the Council is not in session, and shall be responsible to the Council.
The Standing Council shall hold at least one meeting every six months, and in special circumstances, it may hold meetings by means of communication. The executive council can be convened only when more than two-thirds of the executive directors are present, and its resolution can take effect only after being voted by more than two-thirds of the executive directors present at the meeting.
The adjustment of directors in the middle of the session shall be nominated by the Standing Council and shall take effect only after being voted by more than four fifths of the directors present at the meeting of the Council.
Directors and executive directors shall cherish honor, faithfully and diligently, and earnestly perform their duties. A director who has been absent from the board meeting for three consecutive times without any reason and is unable to perform his/her duties normally shall generally resign from his/her position; The standing director who has been absent from the meeting of the standing council for 5 times without reason and is unable to perform his/her duties normally shall generally resign from his/her position. [8]
  • Organization
As of January 2023, China Hi tech Industrialization Research Association has five functional departments, 25 branches, 11 industrial alliances and one subordinate enterprise. [9]
Organizational Structure of China High tech Industrialization Research Association

Organization Member

  • Member classification
Its members include individual members and unit members. Individual members include members and foreign members. [8]
  • Membership conditions
Members who apply to join the association must meet the following conditions:
(1) Support the constitution of the association;
(2) Willing to join the club;
(3) It has certain influence in the business, industry and discipline of the association.
1. Individual members
(1) Members: scientific and technological workers engaged in scientific and technological research, practitioners engaged in the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements in various fields, scientific research, education, management and enterprise personnel related to the business of the Association, and personnel who are enthusiastic and actively engaged in high-tech industrialization and provide financial support for promoting high-tech industrialization and the work of the Association.
(2) Foreign members: foreign experts, scholars, and enterprise personnel who have high academic achievements, are friendly to China, and are willing to exchange and cooperate with the Association can be recruited as foreign members of the Association after being discussed and approved by the Council or the Standing Council and reported to the competent business unit for filing.
2. Unit members: enterprises, institutions, social organizations (excluding civil society organizations in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) related to the business of the association, with a certain number of scientific and technological personnel or relevant professionals who are willing to participate in the activities of the association and support the work of the association, legally established scientific research, teaching, production, design and other types of enterprises, institutions, and social organizations (excluding civil society organizations in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan), enthusiastic about high-tech industrialization Units or institutions that actively support the work of the association. [8]
  • Membership procedures
Membership procedures:
(1) Individual members
1. Members: apply by themselves; Recommended by branches or offices; The Council authorized the Association to organize the review of the Liaison Department; The Council discussed and adopted it.
2. Foreign members: apply by themselves; Review by the Council or the Standing Council, and discussion and approval by the Council; Report to the China Association for Science and Technology for approval and filing as required.
(2) Unit member
The unit applies to the association or professional committee; The Council authorized the Association to organize the review of the Liaison Department; The Council discussed and adopted it.
The membership cards of the above members shall be issued by the Council or the organization authorized by the Council. [8]
  • Rights of Members
Members enjoy the following rights:
(1) Individual members
1. Member
(1) The right to vote, stand for election and vote;
(2) Give priority to participate in the activities organized by the Association and obtain the priority of the services of the Association;
(3) Under the same conditions, priority shall be given to publishing articles in the publications of the association, and preferential subscription shall be given to the publications of the association;
(4) The right to criticize, suggest and supervise the work of the association;
(5) Voluntary membership and free withdrawal.
2. Foreign member
(1) Can be invited to participate in the academic conferences, science popularization activities and related activities hosted by the Association in China, and obtain other related services;
(2) Can be invited to participate in the business activities of the conference;
(3) Preferential access to publications and related materials of the association;
(4) Voluntary membership and free withdrawal.
(2) Unit member
1. The right to vote, stand for election and vote;
2. Give priority to participate in the activities organized by the association and receive the services of the association;
3. Give priority to the information materials of the conference;
4. Give priority to the consultation and services provided by the association;
5. Can request the association to assist in organizing relevant activities;
6. The right to criticize, suggest and supervise the work of the association;
7. Voluntary membership and free withdrawal. [8]
  • Obligations of Members
Members shall perform the following obligations:
(1) Abide by the Association's Articles of Association and implement its resolutions;
(2) To safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the association;
(3) Complete the work assigned by the association;
(4) Report the situation to the committee and provide relevant information;
(5) Pay membership dues as required. [8]
  • Other matters
Honorary members and honorary members: experts, scholars and other personnel who have made significant contributions to the development of high-tech industrialization and the work of the Association can be awarded the title of honorary members upon recommendation of the Standing Council and approval of the Council; Foreign experts, scholars and other foreigners who have made important contributions to the development of high-tech industrialization, have high prestige and influence in the field, and are enthusiastic about participating in or assisting in the organization of scientific and technological exchanges and project cooperation with the corresponding institutions in China can be awarded honorary members upon recommendation of the Standing Council and approval of the Council. [8]
  • Withdrawal instructions
A member who withdraws from the association shall notify the association in writing and return the membership card. If a member fails to pay the membership fee or participate in the activities of the club for 2 years without any reason, it will be deemed as automatic withdrawal.
If a member violates the criminal law or seriously violates the Articles of Association, he/she will be expelled after the Council or the Standing Council votes. [8]

Business assets

  • scope of business
The following business activities will be carried out around high-tech industrialization and related fields.
(1) Carry out high-tech industrialization research and research demonstration activities, and play the role of think tanks and consultants. Undertake the tasks entrusted by the government and relevant institutions, put forward policy suggestions, and promote the construction of the national innovation system.
(2) Carry out academic exchanges and cooperation at home and abroad and in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, develop friendly exchanges with relevant organizations and scholars abroad and in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, carry out non-governmental international scientific and technological exchanges, and promote international cooperation.
(3) In accordance with the relevant regulations, we will edit and publish "High Technology and Industrialization" journals and other books, newspapers, periodicals and audio-visual products related to high-tech industrialization.
(4) Accept the entrustment of the government, relevant departments and units to undertake scientific and technological achievements evaluation, project evaluation, thesis review and other tasks.
(5) Promote advanced technology, promote discipline development, promote the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements, provide scientific and technological information, technical consultation and technical services, and provide services for SMEs to undertake high-tech achievements.
(6) Popularize scientific knowledge, promote science and technology, carry forward the spirit of science, disseminate scientific ideas and methods, safeguard the dignity of science, and improve the scientific quality of the whole people.
(7) Carry out training and other work.
(8) In accordance with relevant regulations, host or undertake various conferences, seminars and exhibitions that are consistent with the purpose of the association, carry out activities to promote high-tech industrialization achievements, cultivate and develop scientific and technological markets, and promote multi party scientific and technological and industrial cooperation.
(9) Accept the entrustment of the government and relevant departments to undertake the social service functions of government function transfer, such as innovation evaluation, project demonstration, scientific and technological achievements appraisal, professional title review and certification, business training, technical standard formulation, etc.
(10) Carry out the preparation and release of group standards in relevant disciplines and disciplines.
(11) In accordance with relevant national regulations, organize the selection, commendation and award of individuals and units that have made important contributions to high-tech innovation, entrepreneurship and achievements transformation and application (without charge).
(12) Recommend the talents needed for high-tech industrialization, exchange the experience of high-tech industrialization at home and abroad, establish a technology innovation system with enterprises as the main body, and comprehensively improve the independent innovation ability of enterprises.
(13) Keep close contact with scientific and technological workers, entrepreneurs and relevant social forces, reflect the opinions and requirements of members, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of members, and build a member home.
(14) Establish social public welfare undertakings that are consistent with the purpose of the association.
Matters within the business scope that must be approved according to laws, regulations and rules shall be carried out after being approved according to law. [8]
  • Source of funds
(1) Membership fees;
(2) Donation;
(3) Special funds and government subsidies;
(4) Income from carrying out activities and providing services within the approved business scope;
(5) Interest;
(6) Supported by relevant units;
(7) Other legitimate income. [8]

Construction achievements


Activity communication

On September 8, 2018, the 5th Nobel Laureate Medical Summit was opened in Haikou, Hainan Province. The Summit was co sponsored by the Chinese Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China Chemical Pharmaceutical Industry Association, China Association for High tech Industrialization, Hainan Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission, Hainan Provincial Department of Commerce, China International Science and Technology Exchange Center, Nobel Laureate International Science and Technology Exchange Association (ISSCNL), Beijing Sinomedicine Exchange Center It was undertaken by Hainan First Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. and supported by Hainan Provincial Party Committee and Government and China Cancer Foundation. With the theme of "frontier and direction of innovative tumor treatment", the summit will exchange and discuss ideas on tumor treatment innovation. [13]
On November 28, 2020, under the guidance of the China Association for Science and Technology, co sponsored by the China Association for High tech Industrialization, the Hong Kong Association of Scientists, the Ningbo Association for Science and Technology, and Ningbo University, the International Exchange and Cooperation Center of the China High tech Association The "2020 Dialogue between Mainland and Hong Kong Young Scientists: Summit Forum on Immune Assessment and Immunotherapy and Ningbo Summit on Immune Health for the Elderly" jointly organized by the Affiliated Hospital of Ningbo University School of Medicine was held in Ningbo. Experts and scholars in the field of immunization from the mainland and Hong Kong, China, held dialogues around the theme of "protecting immunity and health", and exchanged and discussed hot, difficult and key issues in the fields of immune assessment, immunotherapy and elderly immune health. [10]
On November 18, 2021, the "2021 International Seminar on the Peaceful Use (Health) of Space Technology" was opened online in Beijing. The conference was co sponsored by China Aerospace Society, China High tech Industrialization Research Association, China Association of Remote Sensing Applications, China Aviation Society, China Electronics Chamber of Commerce, and the International Peace Alliance (Space). Scientists, astronauts, entrepreneurs, educators, financiers and others from China, the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy and other countries launched an online exchange dialogue around global issues in the space field to jointly explore the peaceful use of space technology. [11]
From August 23 to 24, 2022, the "2022 (Second) Digital Transformation Industry Development Conference of National Defense Equipment Manufacturing Industry" jointly sponsored by the China Association for Peaceful Use of Military Industry Technology and the China Association for High tech Industrialization, co organized by the Military and Civil Dual Use Technology Innovation Working Committee of the China High tech Conference, and specially co organized by Huizhuan Technology Group Co., Ltd. was held in Guangzhou Oriental Hotel. [12]

Academic journals

High technology and industrialization 》It is a comprehensive central level magazine of industrial economy jointly sponsored by the Director of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the National Science Library of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Documentation and Information Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences), the China Association for High tech Industrialization, and the China Association for the Promotion of Science, Technology and Finance. [14]
High Technology and Industrialization

personnel training

  • Science popularization activities
On August 21, 2020, the "Mars Rover Design Contest" of the "Mars Exploration Plan" series of popular science activities of the China Hi tech Industrialization Research Association opened in the Cold Lake Mars Camp in Qinghai. The "Mars Rover Design Contest", co sponsored by the China Association for High tech Industrialization and the China Science and Technology Museum, and co sponsored exclusively by FAW Volkswagen Audi, aims to stimulate and guide the public, especially young people, to pursue their dreams, advocate science, explore the unknown, and forge ahead fearlessly, to design excellent Mars rover works, and to explore the vast universe, develop the aerospace industry Contribute more creative inspiration and smart solutions to building a space power. [15]

Cultural tradition


Image logo

The emblem of China Hi tech Industrialization Research Association is composed of the Great Wall, blue ribbons, and the English abbreviation CHIA. The Chinese name of the Association is on the top, in blue, and the English name of the Association is on the bottom, in red. [1]
Research Association Emblem

Group purpose

Guided by Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of "Three Represents", the Scientific Outlook on Development, and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we should unite and organize scientific and technological workers, entrepreneurs, and relevant units engaged in high-tech research, development, and the transformation of achievements, and build a modern socialist country in an all-round way The strategic layout of comprehensively deepening reform and opening up, comprehensively governing the country in accordance with the law, and comprehensively governing the party with strict discipline, conscientiously performing the service for scientific and technological workers, for innovation driven development, for improving the scientific quality of the whole people, for the scientific decision-making of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government, strengthening the work function of self construction, and promoting the development of high-tech industrialization, Promote the combination of high-tech achievements transformation and economic and social development, promote the popularization and promotion of science and technology, promote the implementation of innovation driven development strategy, unswervingly follow the path of socialist group development with Chinese characteristics, constantly enhance the political, advanced and mass character, closely unite and rally members and social forces around the Communist Party of China, To strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. [8]

Community leaders


Current leaders

Leaders of the 5th Council of China Hi tech Industrialization Research Association (2022-2027)
name list
Bao Weimin
Executive Vice President
Liang Xiaohong
Vice President
Zhao Hui (resident), Feng Jichun, Kang Jincheng, Li Feng, Li Xuemei (female), Wang Tao, Wang Qiuliang, Zhou Zhiquan, Chen Yu
Secretary general
Liu Xia (female) [16]

Successive leaders

Session and time
name list
The First Council (1993-1999)
Wang Daheng
The Second Council (1999-2009)
Liu Jiyuan
The Third Council (2009-2017)
Xu Dazhen [17]
The 4th Council (2017-2022)
Bao Weimin [18]