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China Association of High tech Industrial Development Zones

National level associations
China Association of High tech Industrial Development Zones [1] As China's high-tech industrial development zone, high-tech entrepreneurship service center (high-tech business incubator) and High tech enterprises A national joint organization and a service organization that provides members with mutual information and experience exchange, aiming to promote the national high-tech zones, entrepreneurship service centers, and high-tech enterprises to strengthen cooperation with their counterparts in the world, promote the implementation of China's "torch" plan, and accelerate the development of China's high-tech industries.
Chinese name
China Association of High tech Industrial Development Zones
Foreign name
Competent unit
Ministry of Science and Technology
Nature of association
National level associations
Member unit
Provincial High tech Zone

scope of business

● Promote national high-tech industrial development zones, characteristic industrial bases High tech Entrepreneurship Service Center, University Park, Software Park, Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurship Park High tech enterprises Mutual understanding and information exchange;
● With a scientific attitude and the principle of seeking truth from facts, organize research on some theoretical and policy issues in China's high-tech industrial development zones, high-tech entrepreneurship service centers and the development and management of high-tech industries, and put forward relevant opinions and suggestions;
● Actively strengthen cooperation with all sectors of society, especially finance, industry, commerce, foreign affairs and other departments, and widely strive for various social resources to support the development of China's high-tech zones and high-tech industries;
● Strive to promote China's high-tech zones, entrepreneurship service centers High tech enterprises Actively carry out exchanges and cooperation with international peers to open channels for the internationalization of China's high-tech industries;
● Attracting and training professionals to develop China's high-tech industries;
● Provide members with comprehensive and high-quality services;
● Undertake the work entrusted by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Torch Center.
● On High tech Zone Some theoretical and policy problems that need to be solved in the development process of entrepreneurship service center (science and technology business incubator), high-tech enterprises, etc., hire relevant experts, scholars, officials to carry out research, and put forward suggestions to relevant departments;
● Organize the exhibition of high-tech products; Organize domestic and international academic exchanges and various forums;
● Information exchange, technical training, project review and consultation, and investment attraction
◆ Organize networking platforms for national high-tech zones and entrepreneurship centers, and establish links between the Association and relevant organizations in other countries;
◆ Organize project review, consultation and press conference;
◆ and finance , trade, media and other departments to promote the development of China's high-tech industries;
● Mutual learning, observation, investigation and cooperation among members of the organization; Regularly hold the council of the association Standing Council . Member representative assembly;
● International cooperation
◆ Establish contacts and carry out cooperation activities with International Association of Science Parks (IASP), North American Business Incubators Association (NBIA) and other organizations;
◆ Establish cooperative relations with relevant organizations and enterprises in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, the European Community, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and other countries, and carry out personnel training, investment attraction, mutual inspection, academic exchange, information exchange and other activities;
● Provide members with the publication China Hi tech Zone (monthly)

group member

Total member units: 265
Including: National high-tech zones: 65 (including one zone and multiple parks)
Provincial high-tech zones: 20
Provincial and municipal science and technology departments (committees): 14
Entrepreneurship service centers: 103
Software parks: 48
Other members: 15

Members of the Board

President Legal person: Zhang Jing'an, member of the Party Leadership Group of the Ministry of Science and Technology Science and Technology Daily President
Vice President and Secretary General: Zhang Xuguo
Vice President: (sorted by the strokes of the surname)
1. Wang Rong, Chairman of the Special Committee of Entrepreneurship Service Center of China Hi tech Zone Association
2. Liu Chuantie, Director of Wuhan East Lake High tech Zone
4. She Chunming, Assistant Mayor, Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of Jining High tech Zone
5. Zhang Xuguo, former Secretary of the Party Committee of the Torch Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology
6. Zhang Zhihong, Deputy Director of the High tech Department of the Ministry of Science and Technology
7. Li Xinghua, Director of Science and Technology Department of Guangdong Province
8. Guo Hong Director of Zhongguancun Science Park
9. Liang Gui, Director of Torch Center of Ministry of Science and Technology
10. Dong Zhimin, Executive Vice President of Software Park Branch of China Hi tech Zone Association
11. Han Chunlin Chengdu High tech Zone director
12. Cai Wenqin, Deputy Director of the Torch Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology
13. Zhai Luning Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Department of Science and Technology of Shandong Province

Articles of Association

Articles of Association of China High tech Industrial Development Zones Association
general provisions
Article 1 Name
Chinese: China Association of High tech Industrial Development Zones (hereinafter referred to as the Association)
Article 2 Nature
1 、 association Yes Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China The registered national level social organizations carry out social activities under the guidance of the Ministry of Science and Technology.
2. The Association is a national joint organization voluntarily formed by the China High tech Industrial Development Zone (hereinafter referred to as the High tech Zone) and the High tech Entrepreneurship Service Center (hereinafter referred to as the Entrepreneurship Center), and is a non-profit social organization that provides comprehensive services to them.
3. The association is the link between the government and the national high-tech industry development zone and high-tech entrepreneurship service center; It is an assistant for the country to develop high-tech zones and entrepreneurship centers and promote the development of high-tech industries; It is a bridge to promote China's high-tech zones and entrepreneurship centers to the world and enhance international technological exchanges and cooperation.
Article 3 Purpose
association We will abide by the national constitution, laws, regulations and national policies, and comply with social ethics.
Adhere to the policy of reform and opening up, adhere to the principle of service first, cooperate with the National High tech Industrial Development Zone and High tech Entrepreneurship Service Center, and cooperate with parks and institutions with similar functions and nature around the world to promote the implementation of China's "torch" plan; Promote the close combination of science and technology and economy; We will promote the internationalization of China's high-tech industries and make them an important force in revitalizing the national economy.
Article 4 The Association shall accept the professional guidance, supervision and administration of the competent business units, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the registration and administration organ of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
Article 5 Domicile of the Association: No. 54 Sanlihe Road, Wuhan East Lake High tech Zone, Hubei Province, is the permanent establishment.
Chapter II Business Scope
Article 6 business Scope: theoretical research; Technical exchange; Training, consulting services, etc.
Chapter III Members
Article 7 All members of the Association are group members.
Article 8 All national high-tech industrial development zones and high-tech entrepreneurship service centers that recognize the association's articles of association; High tech industrial development zones and local associations of provinces, cities and autonomous regions; Relevant national departments, institutions and social organizations that care about and support the cause of the Torch Plan can become members of the Association after application and approval by the Council or the Standing Council.
Article 9 The Association will issue membership certificates to unit members approved by the Council and the Standing Council.
Article 10 Members shall enjoy the following rights:
1. The right to vote, stand for election and vote;
2. Have the right to criticize, suggest and supervise the work of the Association;
3. Attend or appoint representatives to attend the general meeting and various activities of the Association;
4. Free or preferential access to publications of the Association and participation in various activities;
5. Voluntary membership and free withdrawal.
Article 11 Members shall perform the following obligations:
1. Abide by the Articles of Association and implement the resolutions of the Association;
2. Complete the tasks assigned by the Association;
3. Group members pay membership dues on time;
4. They shall not engage in activities detrimental to the reputation and interests of the Association;
5. Report the situation to the Association and provide relevant information.
6. Actively support and participate in various activities carried out by the Association.
Article 12 When a member withdraws from the Association, he/she shall notify the Association in writing and return his/her membership card.
If a member does not pay the membership fee or participate in the activities of the Association, it shall be deemed as automatic withdrawal.
Article 13 If a member seriously violates the Articles of Association, he/she shall be expelled after being voted by the Council or the Standing Council.
Chapter IV Selection and Removal of Organizational Structure and Responsible Persons
Article 14 The highest authority of the Association is the General Assembly. The general meeting is held every four years, and may be advanced or postponed if necessary. The general meeting is composed of group member representatives, the last council and specially invited representatives.
The functions and powers of the general meeting are:
1. To formulate and amend the Articles of Association of the Association;
2. Re-election of the board of directors, election and removal of directors;
3. Review the work report and financial report of the Council;
4. Decide on termination;
5. Discuss and decide on the work tasks until the next General Assembly;
6. Decide on other major issues.
Article 15 The general meeting of members can be convened only when more than 2/3 of the members are present, and its resolution can take effect only after more than half of the members present vote.
Article 16 The membership meeting shall be held for four years. If the term of office needs to be changed in advance or postponed due to special circumstances, it must be voted by the Council, reported to the competent business department for review and approved by the society registration authority. However, the extension shall not exceed one year.
Article 17 The Council is the executive body of the General Assembly, leading the Association to carry out daily work during the intersessional period, and is responsible for the General Assembly.
Article 18 The functions and powers of the Council:
1. Implement the resolutions of the general meeting;
2. Elect and remove the chairman, vice chairmen and secretary-general;
3. Prepare for the general meeting;
4. Report work and financial status to the General Assembly;
5. To decide on the admission or expulsion of members;
6. To decide on the establishment of offices, branches, representative offices and entities; Establish relevant professional committees;
7. To decide on the appointment of the Deputy Secretary General and the principal heads of each institution;
8. To lead the work of various institutions of the Association;
9. Develop internal management system;
10. Decide on other major issues.
Article 19 The board of directors can be convened only when more than 2/3 of the directors are present, and its resolution can take effect only after more than 2/3 of the directors present vote.
Article 20 The Board of Directors shall hold at least one meeting every two years. In special circumstances, it can also be held in the form of communication.
Article 21 The Association shall establish a standing council. The Standing Council shall be elected by the Council and shall exercise the functions and powers specified in Items 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Article 18 when the Council is not in session, and shall be responsible to the Council.
Article 22 The standing council can be convened only when more than 2/3 of the standing directors are present, and its resolution can take effect only after more than 2/3 of the standing directors present vote.
Article 23 The Standing Council shall hold a meeting at least once every six months. In special circumstances, it may also hold a meeting in the form of communication.
Article 24 The chairman, vice chairmen and secretary-general of the Association must meet the following conditions:
1. Adhere to the Party's line, principles and policies, and have good political quality;
2. Great influence in the business field of the Association;
3. The maximum age of the chairman, vice chairman and secretary-general shall not exceed 70, and the secretary-general shall be full-time;
4. Good health, able to work normally;
5. Not subjected to criminal punishment of deprivation of political rights;
6. Have full capacity for civil conduct.
Article 25 If the chairman, vice chairmen and secretary-general of the association exceed the maximum age for holding office, they can only take office after being voted by the board of directors, reported to the competent business unit for review and approved by the association registration management authority.
Article 26 The term of office of the president, vice president and secretary-general of the Association is four years. [The longest term of the chairman, vice chairmen and secretary-general of the association shall not exceed two terms] If the term of office needs to be extended due to special circumstances, it must be approved by more than 2/3 of the members of the general meeting, reported to the competent business unit for review and approved by the registration and management authority of the association before taking office.
Article 27 The chairman of the association is the legal representative of the association [The legal representative of the association is generally held by the chairman of the association. If the vice chairman or the secretary-general is required to act as the legal representative due to special circumstances, it will be reported to the competent business unit for review and approved by the registration and management authority of the association before acting as the legal representative].
The legal representative of the Association shall not concurrently serve as the legal representative of other organizations.
Article 28 The chairman of the association shall exercise the following functions and powers:
1. Convene and preside over the council (or standing council);
2. Check the implementation of resolutions of the General Assembly, the Council or the Standing Council;
3. Sign relevant important documents on behalf of the Association;
4. Other relevant powers.
Article 29 The Secretary General of the Association shall exercise the following functions and powers:
1. Preside over the daily work of the office and organize the implementation of the annual work plan;
2. Coordinate the work of each branch, representative office and entity;
3. Nominate the Deputy Secretary General and the main heads of all offices, branches, representative offices and entities, and submit them to the Council or the Standing Council for decision;
4. To decide on the employment of full-time staff of offices, branches, representative offices and entities;
5. Handle other daily affairs.
Chapter V Principles of Asset Management and Use
Article 30 The main sources of funds of the Association are:
1. Membership fees;
2. Donation;
3. Government funding;
4. Income from activities or services carried out within the approved business scope;
5. Interest;
6. Other legitimate income.
Article 31 The Association collects membership fees in accordance with relevant national regulations.
Article 32 The funds of the Association must be used for the development of the business scope and cause specified in the Articles of Association, and shall not be distributed among members.
Article 33 The Association shall establish strict Financial management system Ensure that the accounting materials are legal, true, accurate and complete.
Article 34 The Association shall be staffed with accountants with professional qualifications. The accountant shall not concurrently serve as the cashier. Accountants must conduct accounting and exercise accounting supervision. When an accountant is transferred or leaves his/her job, he/she must go through the handover procedures with the receiver.
Article 35 The assets management of the Association must follow the national regulations Financial management system , subject to the supervision of the General Assembly and the financial department. If the source of assets belongs to the state appropriation or social donation or subsidy, it must be subject to the supervision of the audit institution, and the relevant information must be disclosed to the public in an appropriate way.
Article 36 The association must accept the financial audit organized by the registration administration organ of the association and the competent business unit before changing its term of office or legal representative.
Article 37 No unit or individual may misappropriate, privately divide or misappropriate the assets of the Association.
Article 38 The wages, insurance and welfare benefits of the full-time staff of the Association shall be implemented with reference to the relevant provisions of the State on institutions.
Chapter VI Procedures for Amendment of the Articles of Association
Article 39 Amendments to the Articles of Association of the Association shall be reported to the General Meeting for deliberation after being voted by the Council.
Article 40 The revised articles of association of the Association shall come into force within 15 days after being approved by the general meeting, examined and approved by the competent business unit, and submitted to the registration and management organ of the Association for approval.
Chapter VII Termination Procedures and Disposal of Property after Termination
Article 41 The Council or the Standing Council shall put forward a motion for termination if the Association needs to be cancelled due to the completion of its purpose, dissolution of itself or division, merger or other reasons.
Article 42 The motion for termination of the Association must be voted by the general meeting and reported to the competent business unit for approval.
Article 43 Before the termination of the Association, a liquidation organization shall be established under the guidance of the competent business unit and relevant authorities to clear up claims and debts and deal with the aftermath. During liquidation, no activities other than liquidation shall be carried out.
Article 44 The association shall be terminated upon the cancellation of the registration formalities by the association registration administration authority.
Article 45 The remaining property after the termination of the Association shall, under the supervision of the competent business unit and the registration and administration organ of the Association, be used for the development of undertakings related to the purposes of the Association in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.
Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions
Article 46 The Articles of Association was approved by the third general meeting of the Association in August 2001, and modified according to the model text of the Articles of Association of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
Article 47 The board of association reserves the right to interpret the Articles of Association.
Article 48 The Articles of Association shall come into force as of the date of approval by the registration authority of the association.