China Finance Press

Institutions directly under the People's Bank of China
zero Useful+1
China Finance Press was established in May 1956, directly under People's Bank of China Management focuses on publishing financial books, periodicals, audio-visual electronic products Professional press [1]
Chinese name
China Finance Press
Foreign name
China Financial Publishing House
Date of establishment
May 1956
Office address
2 Yize Rd, Fengtai District, Beijing [1]
Directly affiliated institutions [3]

Historical evolution

Financial electronic audio and video publishing house affiliated to Financial Publishing House was established in 1994.
1998 Press and Publication Administration It was rated as "One Hundred National Key Social Science Journals".
In 2002, it was listed by the General Administration of Press and Publication“ Chinese Periodical Matrix ”, Peking University, etc Key universities It is listed as the national core journal of social sciences. financial view 》With the theme of "paying attention to financial affairs, being close to financial people and looking at the world", the magazine introduces the national financial policies to readers in a timely manner and transmits the latest financial information , reflecting the career experience of financial practitioners and exchanging financial life experience In addition, the Financial Publishing House also publishes《 Announcement of the People's Bank of China 》And Notice of China Insurance Regulatory Commission.
Over the years, relying on domestic first-class professional editing and production equipment, technology and talents, we have planned and published Doctor of Finance( CD-ROM )Identification of True and False RMB, Currency of the People's Republic of China (CD-ROM)《 International Finance and Settlement 》( Multimedia courseware )A large number of excellent audio, video and electronic products in economic and financial fields. More than 20 kinds of audio-visual electronic products have won National Electronic Publication Award , Financial Science and Technology Progress Award National Multimedia Courseware Competition Awards and other authoritative awards.

Main business

The financial press has formed a series of books with distinctive characteristics, such as financial theory, practical operation, financial textbooks, copyright introduction, currency appreciation, historical materials and tools, financial English, laws and regulations, etc Reading Book of Leading Cadres' Financial Knowledge 、《 Securities Knowledge Reader 》、《 Insurance Knowledge Reader 》、《 China Financial Dictionary 》And more than 120 kinds of books Sun Yefang Economic Science Works Award China Book Award , National Excellent Book Award, National Excellent Best Seller Award, National Top Ten Economic Readings Award, National Excellent Teaching Materials Award for Colleges and Universities and other awards at all levels.
Publishing books
The financial press publishes 4 journals. Among them, the《 China Finance 》The magazine is the largest magazine in the financial industry, with a circulation of 200000 copies per month in 2005. China Finance magazine is characterized by "high-end authority, high-level readers, and efficient communication", and its main purpose is to publicize financial policies, explore practical financial policies, and study practical financial problems, Long term service For financial reform and development, for financial center work, for Financial system The majority of cadres and workers are loved by the majority of readers.


1、 Book Editing Center
First editorial department
The Second Editorial Department
The Third Editorial Department
Editorial Department IV
The Fifth Editorial Department
The Sixth Editorial Department
Textbook Editing Department I
Textbook Editing Department II
Editorial Department of Foreign Cooperation
Economic Textbook Editing Department
Editorial Department of Popular Books
Digital Publishing Center
2、 Journal Editing and Distribution Center
China Finance Editorial Department
Editorial Department of Financial Expo
Editorial Department of Financial Expo Fortune
Books and Periodicals Publishing Center
Books and Publications Department
4、 Marketing Center
China Financial culture Research and Training Institute
Quality Management Department
Financial Accounting Department
Administration Department [2]


After more than 60 years of development, our society has become a professional product quality Fine competitive power A strong and fast developing professional publishing house, which was rated as "National Top 100" by the General Administration of Press and Publication work unit for publishing books ”。 [1]

Social Journals

China Finance
China Finance is a national magazine sponsored by the People's Bank of China and China Finance Press financial policy Guided publications, in accordance with the guideline of "authoritative, policy oriented and practical" People's Bank of China China Banking Regulatory Commission China Securities Regulatory Commission China Insurance Regulatory Commission Under the guidance of, with the main task of "propagandizing the Party's and the country's financial guidelines and policies, exploring realistic financial policies, and studying practical financial problems", adhere to the concept of "accompanying the financial workplace, nurturing the ability to work" to run journals and provide services Financial reform To develop and serve the work of the financial center is the daily professional reading of the vast number of financial practitioners. China Finance 2008 Semimonthly Published on the 1st and 16th of each month Color printing According to the internationally popular format design, the paper is excellent and the printing and packaging are exquisite. China Finance magazine was Press and Publication Administration "One Hundred National Key Points" Journal of Social Sciences ”, was China Journal Association Economic Journal The branch was rated as the "First National Excellent Economic Journal" and was listed by the General Administration of Press and Publication in 2002“ Chinese Periodical Matrix ”, has been Peking University Wait for China Key institutions of higher learning It is listed as a Chinese core journal.
Financial Expo
Financial Expo is a domestic and foreign financial journal published publicly by the People's Bank of China and sponsored by China Financial Publishing House. With the purpose of "paying attention to financial people and expounding the world's affairs", it is a cultural garden for financial practitioners to broaden financial knowledge, exchange work experience and describe their workplace feelings. 2008 Financial Expo The magazine pays attention to the difficulties and hot spots of financial work on the basis of rich content, concise articles and easy reading; Scanning important events in the social field; perspective economic problem Views; Expo the colorful world; Exchange the experience of grass-roots front-line; Describe the ups and downs of the financial workplace; Share the joys and sorrows of financial figures; Introduce encyclopedia knowledge of life learning. Each issue is 80 pages, and it is published in full color on the first day of each month, with exquisite printing and binding.
Financial Expo Wealth
Financial Expo Wealth is a market-oriented and public oriented financial management journal sponsored by the People's Bank of China and China Financial Publishing House. In July 2007, Financial Expo Bank Customer was officially published. Since its publication, the authority and richness of its content, the depth and breadth of its hot spot analysis, and the ease and smoothness of its style of writing have all been well received by the society. The purpose of the publication is to build a bank and Customer communication The platform has become a school of financial knowledge and an assistant to investment and financing. In 2008, the journal will be provided from multiple perspectives based on the principle of "professional, popular and distinctive" National macro-control Authoritative guide to financial policy; In depth reporting Analyze financial hot spots and events; Timely deliver valuable financial service Product and innovation information; To show investment and wealth growth cases and opportunities in an all-round way; yowl investment risk Information and warnings. This journal is 80 pages per issue, published on the 16th day of each month, full color printing, excellent paper, and exquisite printing and packaging.

Main leaders

Chairman: Jiang Wanjin
General Manager: Guo Jianwei
Deputy General Manager: Zhao Xuefeng
Deputy General Manager: Cheng Jianguo
Quality Director : Peng Yuanxun
Deputy General Manager: Dong Dibin
Deputy Chief Editor: Liu Xiaoping [1]

Development achievements

By 2020, we have published more than 10000 books in total. At present, we have published more than 500 new books every year. We have formed a book system with distinctive characteristics in various categories, such as theoretical, practical, teaching materials, and introduction. More than 100 books have won the "China Book Award" and the "National Excellent Book Award" respectively“ China Outstanding Publication Award ”"Sun Yefang Prize for Economic and Scientific Works" and other awards at all levels. There are 4 journals published, of which China Finance, which was founded in 1950, is the largest one in the financial industry, and was rated as "one hundred national key social science journals" by the State Press and Publication Administration“ China Publishing Government Award Periodical Award Nomination Award ”, was awarded by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Peking University Nanjing University It is listed as the "National Core Journal of Chinese Social Sciences". Every year, more than 50 kinds of audio-visual electronic products are published, and more than 20 kinds of them have won the "National Electronic Publication Award", "Financial Science and Technology Progress Award" and other authoritative awards. At present, our press has realized the digital network publishing of books, and Digital books Online sales. [1]