China Natural Resources Society

China's non-profit associations engaged in scientific research on natural resources
zero Useful+1
The Chinese Natural Resources Society is a national and academic non-profit society that is voluntarily formed and legally registered by all Chinese workers engaged in scientific research, engineering technology, education and management of natural resources and related disciplines Social groups Is a part of the China Association for Science and Technology.
September 1980 China Association for Science and Technology Approve the establishment of the China Natural Resources Research Association; In February 1993, it was renamed as China Natural Resources Society. [1]
As of March 2015, the Chinese Natural Resources Society has studied Professional Committee 18, 3 working committees; Sponsored 5 academic journals. [2]
Chinese name
China Natural Resources Society
Foreign name
China Society of Natural Resources
Time of establishment
September 1980
School category
Social groups
School characteristics
Non profit social groups
Current leaders
Chairman: Cheng Shengkui Secretary General: Shen Lei (concurrently)
A11 Datun Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Social credit code

Historical evolution

In September 1980, the China Natural Resources Research Association was established with the approval of the China Association for Science and Technology.
In April 1982, the founding meeting of the Preparatory Group of the China Natural Resources Research Association was held in Beijing.
In October 1983, the first national member congress of China Natural Resources Research Association was held.
Group photo of the 6th National Member Congress of China Natural Resources Society
In January 1988, the second national member congress of China Natural Resources Research Association was held.
In February 1993, the third national member congress of the China Natural Resources Research Association was held, and it was renamed the China Natural Resources Society.
In May 1998, the fourth national member congress of the Chinese Natural Resources Society was held.
In April 2004, the fifth national member congress of the Chinese Natural Resources Society was held. [1]
In October 2009, the 6th National Member Congress of the Chinese Natural Resources Society was held in Shanghai Normal University Convening. [3]
In October 2014, the 7th National Member Congress of the Chinese Natural Resources Society was held in Zhengzhou, Henan Province. [2]

Organizational system


Institutional setup

  • The highest authority
The highest authority of CNRA is the National Congress of Members, which is held every five years. The functions and powers of the National Congress of Members are:
1、 Formulate and amend the Articles of Association;
2、 Elect and remove directors;
3、 Review the work report and financial report of the Council;
4、 Formulate and revise the membership fee standard;
5、 Decide on termination;
6、 Decide on other major issues.
  • Actuator
The Council is the executive body of the National Congress of Members, leading the Chinese Natural Resources Society to carry out daily work during the intersessional period, and is responsible for the National Congress of Members. The Council shall exercise the following functions and powers:
1、 To implement the resolutions of the National Congress of Members;
2、 Elect and dismiss the chairman, vice chairman, secretary-general and executive director;
3、 Preparing for the National Congress of Member Representatives;
4、 Report work and financial situation to the National Congress of Members;
5、 With the authorization of the Council, the Secretariat of the Chinese Society of Natural Resources decides on the recruitment or expulsion of members;
6、 Decided to establish Office branch
7、 To decide on the appointment of the Deputy Secretary General and the principal heads of each institution;
8、 Decide on the establishment and candidates of honorary posts;
9、 To lead the work of various institutions of the Chinese Natural Resources Society;
10、 Develop internal management system;
11、 Decide on other major issues. [4]
  • Subordinate organizations
As of March 2015, the Chinese Natural Resources Society has 18 research professional committees and 3 working committees. [2]
Organizations under the Chinese Natural Resources Society
Research Professional Committee
Special Committee for Resources Research in Arid and Semi Arid Areas
Agricultural Resources Utilization Professional Committee
Natural Resources Information System Research Professional Committee
Special Committee for Resources Research in Tropical and Subtropical Areas
Professional Committee of Tourism Resources Research
Resource Recycling Professional Committee
Mountain Resources Research Professional Committee
Wetland Resources Protection Professional Committee
Professional Committee on Sustainable Resource Utilization and Disaster Reduction
Water Resources Professional Committee
Resource Economy Research Professional Committee
Professional Committee for Policy Research
Land Resources Research Professional Committee
Resource Ecology Research Professional Committee
Resource Industry Professional Committee
Professional Committee on Research of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Natural Drug Resources
Resource Engineering Research Professional Committee
Resource Geography Professional Committee
Working Committee
Education Committee
Youth Working Committee
Editorial Working Committee

Organization Member

  • Member classification
The members of China Natural Resources Society include individual members and unit members.
  • Membership conditions
To apply for membership of the Chinese Natural Resources Society, the following conditions must be met:
1、 Support the constitution of the Chinese Natural Resources Society;
2、 Willing to join the Chinese Natural Resources Society;
3、 Actively participate in activities of the Chinese Natural Resources Society;
4、 All scientific and technological workers and managers outside China who recognize the Articles of Association of the Chinese Natural Resources Society, fulfill the obligations of membership of the Chinese Natural Resources Society, and engage in natural resources research can be admitted as members.
1. Individual members
(1) . Engaged in natural resources related work, equivalent to scientific research, engineering technology, education and management workers with intermediate professional and technical titles or master's degrees or above;
(2) Undergraduate graduates from colleges and universities, who have been engaged in natural resources science and technology work in production, scientific research and teaching units for more than three years, and have a certain academic level and independent working ability, or those who have not graduated from colleges and universities but have the same educational background and work experience as above;
(3) Managers of relevant departments who actively support the research work of natural resources, and entrepreneurs who enthusiastically support the work of the Institute;
(4) Graduate students who are engaged in natural resources research and have obtained a bachelor's degree or above, and volunteers of the Chinese Natural Resources Society.
2. Unit member
Enterprises and institutions related to the disciplines or specialties of the Chinese Natural Resources Society, with a certain number of scientific and technological personnel, willing to participate in relevant activities of the Chinese Natural Resources Society, supporting scientific research, teaching, production and other work of the Chinese Natural Resources Society, as well as relevant academic social organizations established according to law.
  • Membership procedures
1. Individual members
When an individual applies for membership, after being introduced by two members or recommended by the organization, authorized by the Council and approved by the secretariat or branch of the Chinese Natural Resources Society, the Chinese Natural Resources Society will issue an "individual membership card".
2. Unit member
The Chinese Natural Resources Society will issue a "unit membership card" after the unit submits a written application for membership and is approved by the Council or the Standing Council.
  • Members enjoy the following rights:
1、 The right to vote, stand for election and vote of the Chinese Natural Resources Society;
2、 Participate in activities organized by the Chinese Natural Resources Society;
3、 Obtain the priority of the services of the Natural Resources Society of China;
4、 The right to criticize, suggest and supervise the work of the Natural Resources Society of China;
5、 Voluntary membership and free withdrawal.
  • Members shall perform the following obligations:
1、 Abide by the Articles of Association of the Chinese Natural Resources Society and implement the resolutions of the Chinese Natural Resources Society;
2、 Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Chinese Natural Resources Society;
3、 Complete the work entrusted by the Chinese Natural Resources Society and actively participate in the activities organized by the Chinese Natural Resources Society;
4、 Pay membership dues as required;
5、 Support the work of the Chinese Natural Resources Society and provide relevant materials.
  • Withdrawal instructions
When a member withdraws from the association, he/she shall notify the Chinese Natural Resources Society in writing and return the membership card issued by the Chinese Natural Resources Society.
If a member fails to pay the membership fee as required or fails to participate in the activities of the Chinese Natural Resources Society for a long time, it shall be deemed as automatic withdrawal.
If a member seriously violates the Articles of Association of the Society, he/she will be expelled after being studied and approved by the Council or the Standing Council. [4]

Business assets

  • scope of business
1、 Carry out academic exchanges at home and abroad, activate academic ideas, and promote discipline construction and the development of resource science. The main contents of academic exchange activities include: the application of natural resource research theories, methods and new technologies; Research achievements and experience exchange in comprehensive research, management evaluation and sustainable development of regional natural resources, as well as tracking the new progress and development trend of theoretical research and practical application technology and methods of natural resources at home and abroad.
2、 Popularize resources science and technology knowledge, disseminate scientific ideas and methods, promote advanced technology, and carry out mass education activities on resources science and technology, especially for young people.
3、 Undertake the scientific and technological demonstration of major decisions in China's national and regional resources development strategies, policies and economic and social construction, play a consultative role in the investigation, evaluation, development, utilization and management of China's national and regional natural resources, and actively put forward reasonable suggestions.
4、 Edit and publish academic works, journals and popular reading materials related to natural resources, improve people's understanding of resources and that sustainable use of resources is the basis for sustainable economic and social development, establish a new view of natural resources, and promote the establishment, improvement and development of China's resource science system.
5、 Excellent recommendation Scientific and technological talents , approved and commended excellent resources according to regulations scientific and technical worker , safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of scientific and technological personnel, reflect the suggestions of members, and organize various activities for members and resource scientific and technological workers.
6、 Carry out the volunteer activities of the Association, promote the mutual recognition of volunteers, and explore new working methods of the organization management of the Association.
7、 Carry out technical consultation and technical services, engage in scientific and technological development and technology transfer related to the development and utilization of natural resources and ecological and environmental protection.
8、 Other activities in line with the purpose of the Chinese Natural Resources Society. [1]
  • Source of funds
1、 Membership fees;
2、 Donation;
3、 Subsidy from government or relevant institutions;
4、 Income from activities or services carried out within the approved business scope;
5、 Other legitimate income. [4]

Construction achievements


Activity communication

  • Annual academic meeting
In November 2018, sponsored by the Chinese Natural Resources Society, Central South University The 2018 annual academic conference of the Chinese Natural Resources Society organized by the Hunan Institute of Economic Geography and the Hunan Natural Resources Society was held in Changsha, Hunan Province. The theme of the annual conference was "new era, new opportunities, new journey, scientific and technological innovation and management reform of natural resources". Academicians and experts were invited to make the keynote report of the conference; The Professional Committee and the Working Committee of the Society, together with resource colleges, research institutions and national key laboratories in China, organized and hosted 16 sub venues and 4 professional forums; Party building featured activities; Award for Young Outstanding Papers. [5]
  • The Third National Forum of Young Scientists in Resource Science
Group photo of the 3rd National Resources Science Young Scientists Forum
May 2018, by Zhengzhou University The third National Young Scientists Forum on Resource Science co sponsored by and the China Natural Resources Society was held in Zhengzhou. The theme of the forum was "China's natural resources and ecological environment management in the new era - responsibility and mission, challenges and opportunities". The experts present made 15 relevant leading reports, and carried out discussions and collisions, He has contributed many innovative ideas and management schemes to China's natural resources and ecological environment management. [6]

Newspaper resources

Journal of Natural Resources 》By JST Japan Science and Technology Promotion Agency Database (Japan) (2013) CSCD China Science Citation Database (2017-2018) (including extended version) CSSCI Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (2017-2018) (including extended version) Peking University Overview of Chinese Core Periodicals 》(The second edition in 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2011, 2014), etc. [7]
Journal of Applied Basic and Engineering Sciences 》Was EI Engineering Index (US) (2016), Source Journals of CSCD China Science Citation Database (2017-2018) (including extended edition), Peking University's Compendium of Chinese Core Journals (2011 edition, 2014 edition), etc. [8]
Resource science 》It was included in JST Japan Science and Technology Promotion Agency Database (Japan) (2013), CSCD Chinese Science Citation Database Source Journal (2017-2018) (including the expanded version), CSSCI Chinese Social Science Citation Index (2017-2018) (including the expanded version), etc. [9]
The Journal of Resources and Ecology was included in the source journal of CSCD China Science Citation Database (2017-2018) (including the expanded version). [10]
Journal of Arid Land 》(Arid Zone Science) was included in SCI Scientific Citation Index (US) (2017), P ∨ (AJ) Abstract Journal (Russia) (2014), CSCD China Science Citation Database (2017-2018) (including extended version), etc [11]

personnel training


Award setting

  • "Excellent Science and Technology Award", "Youth Science and Technology Award"
The "Outstanding Science and Technology Award" and "Youth Science and Technology Award" of the Chinese Natural Resources Society were established in 2013 to commend and reward scientific and technological workers who have made outstanding contributions in the field of resource science and technology, advocate the spirit of innovation, realism, cooperation and dedication, cultivate high-level scientific and technological innovation talents, and play the role of the Society in serving society and promoting discipline development. The award is selected once every two years. [12]

Science popularization activities

  • Public Science Day
In May 2018, the Society of Natural Resources Society of China hosted a science popularization lecture to participate in the 14th Public Science Day of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Liu Hongtao, deputy director of the Science Popularization Committee of the Society and associate researcher of the Institute of Geographic Resources of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, delivered a science popularization lecture on the theme of "the story behind garbage classification". Through organizing popular science lectures, learn garbage knowledge, master the methods of reducing domestic garbage and classifying garbage correctly, and then improve the public's environmental awareness. [13]
  • TV Science Popularization Feature Film
In January 2006, the TV science popularization feature film "China's Resources Security Warning Record", which was organized by the Chinese Natural Resources Society and co produced by the Science Popularization Department of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology and the Institute of Geographic Science and Resources of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was broadcast on Beijing TV. The film consists of four episodes, namely, water resources security, land resources security, mineral resources security and energy resources security, Each episode lasts for 20 minutes. [14]

Cultural tradition


Image logo

Emblem of China Natural Resources Society
The emblem of the Chinese Natural Resources Society consists of the capital letter "C", maps of the People's Republic of China, horizontal books, and the English abbreviation "CSNR" of the Chinese Natural Resources Society. [4]

Spiritual culture

The purpose of the Chinese Natural Resources Society is to unite and mobilize members and scientific and technological workers, take the Scientific Outlook on Development as an important guide, and focus on promoting the construction of resource disciplines and serving the national economic and social development, strengthen the comprehensive research of natural resources, promote the development and prosperity of resource science and technology, and promote the popularization and promotion of resource science and technology, Promote the growth and improvement of resource technology talents, and promote the combination of resource technology and economic society. Serve the vast number of members and scientific and technological workers, serve the national economic and social development, serve to improve the scientific and technological quality of citizens' resources, promote the construction of socialist material civilization, political civilization, spiritual civilization and ecological civilization, work hard to build a resource conserving society and an innovative country, and realize the Chinese Dream.
In its activities, the Chinese Natural Resources Society abides by China's national constitution, laws, regulations and socialist morality, adheres to the principle of democratic organization and the policy of "letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend", adheres to the scientific attitude of seeking truth from facts and the fine style of learning of integrating theory with practice, and unites all members and scientific and technological workers to implement the policy of rejuvenating the country through science and education Make contributions to the rational development and utilization of China's resources and the sustainable development strategy of social economy. [4]

Community leaders


Current leaders

Leaders of the 7th Council of China Natural Resources Society
full name
Honorary Chairman
Sun Honglie, Shi Yulin, Liu Jiyuan
Vice President
Wang Yanglin, Wang Yanfen, Jiang Yuan, Wu Wenliang, Shen Lei, Chen Fahu, Chen Xi, Lin Jiabin, Zheng Lingzhi, Feng Zhiming, Xia Jun, Gao Jun, Pu Lijie
Secretary general
Shen Lei (concurrently)
Reference source [2]
List of members of the 8th Council of China Natural Resources Society [22]
President: Cheng Shengkui
Vice Chairman: Xia Jun, Wang Yanglin, Wang Yanfen (female), Jiang Yuan (female), Wu Wenliang, Feng Zhiming, Gao Jun, Pu Lijie, Deng Wei, Gu Shuzhong, Wu Taiping, Yang Hongsheng
Secretary general: Pu Lijie (part-time)
Executive Secretary General: Shen Lei
List of Standing Councils (sorted by the strokes of the surname): Bao Anming, Chen Songlin, Chen Tongbin, Chen Xingwei, Cheng Jinhua, Cheng Shengkui, Deng Wei, Deng Xiangzheng, Dong Suocheng, Duan Jin'ao, Feng Zhiming, Gao Jun, Gu Shuzhong, He Chunyang, Hong Zenglin, Huang Jianbai, Huang Xisheng, Huang Xianjin, Jia Wenlong, Jiang Rongfeng, Jiang Yuan (female), Li Xiubin, Liu Hongyu (female), Liu Ronggao, Liu Yansui, Ma Jinzhu, Mi Wenbao, Min Qingwen, Pu Lijie, Shen Lei, Shi Minjun, Wang Huimin, Wang Wen, Wang Xiaodan, Wang Yanfen (female), Wang Yanglin, Wang Yingjie, Wei Xiao (female), Wu Taiping, Wu Wenliang, Xia Jun, Yang Hongsheng, Zhang Wenzhong, Zhao Ming, Zhen Feng, Zhen Lin (female), Zheng Xinqi, Zhou Qixing, Zuo Qiting
List of Councils (sorted by the strokes of the surname): An Haizhong, Bao Anming, Cao Xia (female), Chen Congxi, Chen Fusheng, Chen Liping (female), Chen Shang, Chen Songlin, Chen Tongbin, Chen Weiqiang, Chen Xingwei, Chen Yi (female), Cheng Jinhua, Cheng Shengkui, Cui Jianyu (female), Cui Xiaoyong, Dai Tao, Delphi, Deng Wei, Deng Xiangzheng, Dong Suocheng, Duan Jin'ao, Duan Xuejun, Fang Jiangping, Feng Zhiming, Gao Jun, Ge Yong (female), Gu Shuzhong, He Chunyang, Hong Zenglin, Hu Chunyuan, Hu Desheng, Hu Xiasong, Huang Jianbai, Huang Qiuhao, Huang Xisheng, Huang Xianjin, Jia Wenlong, Jiangdong, Jiang Rongfeng, Jiang Yuan (female), Jiang Lianhe (female), Jiang Luguang, Jiao Wenjun (female), Jin Xiaobin, Ke Xinli, Lei Mei (female), Lei Xiangdong, Li Fujia, Li Jinhuan, Li Jing (female), Li Renjie, Li Tianhong, Li Wei (female), Li Xinlin, Li Xiubin, Liao Heping (female), Liu Chengqing, Liu Gang, Liu Hongyu (female), Liu Hongtao, Liu Jintong, Liu Ronggao, Liu Xiaohuang, Liu Xuehua (female), Liu Yansui, Liu Yanjun, Liu Ying (female), Longhualou, Lu Song, Lu Rucheng, Lu Xiujun (female), Luo Huailiang, Luo Yi (female), Ma Jinzhu, Ma Yuan, Mi Wenbao, Min Qingwen, Peng Li, Pu Lijie, Qi Xiaoming, Shao Liuguo, Shen Lei, Shen Yongming, Shi Minjun, Su Changgui, Su Qin, Sun Fubao, Tan Rong, Tang Chengcai, Tao Jiange, Tu Jianjun, Wang Silong, Wang Yunjia, Wang Fuqiang, Wang Huimin, Wang Jinliang, Wang Limao, Wang Lixin, Wang Shaoqiang, Wang Wen, Wang Wenjie, Wang Xiaodan, Wang Yanfen (female), Wang Yanglin, Wang Yingjie, Wei Suqiong (female), Wei Xiang, Wei Xiao (female), Wen Qi, Wu Jiasheng, Wu Qinan, Wu Taiping, Wu Wenbin, Wu Wenliang, Xia Jun, Xie Binggeng, Xie Hualin, Xu Wei, Xu Zengren, Xue Dongqian, Yan Xudong, Yang Cunjian, Yang Hongsheng, Yang Yanzhao (female), Yang Zisheng, Yin Ping (female), You Fei, Yu Jianhui, Zhang Min (female), Zhang Wenzhong, Zhang Xianzhou, Zhang Yaojun, Zhang Guangxin, Zhao Cuiwei (female), Zhao Ming, Zhao Yongjiang, Zhao Yuan (female), Zhen Feng, Zhen Lin (female), Zheng Xiangmin, Zheng Xinqi, Zheng Yi, Zhou Lizhi, Zhou Qixing, Zhu Gaofeng, Zhu Lianqi, Zhu Xiaohua, Zhu Xuehong (female), Zuo Qiting

Successive leaders

full name
China Natural Resources Research Association
Preparatory group
group leader
Qi Kechang
The first session
Hou Xueyu
Secretary general
Guo Shaoli
The second session
Sun Honglie
Secretary general
Chen Chuanyou
China Natural Resources Society
The third session
Sun Honglie
Secretary general
Chen Chuanyou
The fourth session
Shi Yulin
Secretary general
Chen Chuanyou
The fifth session
Liu Jiyuan
Secretary general
Shen Lei
The sixth session
President Yu
Sun Honglie, Shi Yulin
Liu Jiyuan
Secretary general
Shen Lei
Reference source [15-21]