China Textile Engineering Society

social organization
zero Useful+1
Founded in April 1930, China Textile Engineering Society (CTES) is the first national, academic and non-profit social organization with social organization legal personality voluntarily formed by textile science and technology workers and relevant units in China. The registration management authority is Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China , the competent business unit is China Association for Science and Technology , support unit is China Textile Industry Federation [3]
According to the official website of the society in April 2023, China Textile Engineering Society has 11 offices, of which the first 6 are department level units. There are 23 branches, including 19 professional committees and 4 working committees, with more than 50000 individual members and 216 group members. [3]
Chinese name
China Textile Engineering Society
Foreign name
China Textile Engineering Society
Competent unit
China Association for Science and Technology
Registration unit
Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China
National, academic and non-profit social organizations
Club address
6/F, Main Building, No. 3, Yanjingli Middle Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Social credit code
five hundred and eleven thousand trillion and five billion ten thousand nine hundred and thirty-one
Current leaders
President: Fu Guangwei Secretary General: Gao Huifang
Date of establishment
April 1930
Legal representative
Yin Naidong
Social groups [27]

Development history

In April 1930, the China Textile Engineering Society was founded.
From August 11 to 17, 1956, the China Textile Engineering Society held the first national symposium and the second enlarged meeting of the National Council in Beijing. [4]
From September 2 to 9, 1978, the textile and chemical fiber professional group of the State Science and Technology Commission and the third council of the China Textile Engineering Society held a meeting in Wuxi. [7]
From October 22 to 29, 1982, the second session of the third National Council of China Textile Engineering Society and the symposium on technological transformation of old factories were held in Nanjing. [5]
From June 8 to 10, 1990, the China Textile Engineering Society held the 60th anniversary of the founding of the China Textile Engineering Society in Shanghai. [6]
From June 11 to 13, 2001, the 22nd National Member Congress of China Textile Engineering Society was held in Beijing. [8]
On December 8, 2010, the 24th National Congress of China Textile Engineering Society and the 80th anniversary celebration of its founding were held in Beijing. [9]
On July 6, 2011, the joint meeting of the chairmen of China Textile Engineering Society was held in Yixing, Jiangsu Province. [10]
On April 22, 2014, the eighth meeting of the 24th Standing Council of China Textile Engineering Society was held in Beijing. [11]
On October 14, 2015, the 25th National Member Congress of China Textile Engineering Society was held in Shanghai. [12]
On November 3, 2017, China Textile Engineering Society established the Party Committee of the Council.
On January 9, 2018, the leading group for party building of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology approved the report of the establishment of the Party Committee of the Council of the Chinese Textile Engineering Society. [3]
On October 22, 2021, the second enlarged meeting of the 26th Council of China Textile Engineering Society was held in Qingdao, Shandong Province; [13] On December 3, the China Textile Engineering Society was selected into the list of the first class societies with Chinese characteristics to be supported by the China Association for Science and Technology, with the proposed support amount of 950000 yuan. [1]
In January 2022, it was selected as the new media of the Association for Science and Technology Science communication list; [2] On November 17, the third enlarged meeting of the 26th Council of China Textile Engineering Society was successfully held in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province in the form of "offline+online". [14]
The third enlarged meeting of the 26th Council of China Textile Engineering Society was held

Organizational system


Institutional setup

  • The highest authority
The highest authority of the Institute is the General Assembly of Members. The functions and powers of the members' congress are:
(1) To formulate and revise the Articles of Association of the Society;
(2) Elect and remove directors and supervisors;
(3) Review the work report and financial report of the Council;
(4) Deliberate the work report of the Board of Supervisors;
(5) To formulate the working policies and tasks of the Institute;
(6) Formulate and revise the membership fee standard;
(7) Decide on termination;
(8) Decide on other major issues.
The general meeting of member representatives can be convened only when more than two-thirds of the members' representatives are present, and its resolution can take effect only when more than half of the members' representatives present vote. The formulation and amendment of the Articles of Association can take effect only after more than two-thirds of the representatives of the members present at the meeting vote.
The General Assembly of Member Representatives is held for five years. If it is necessary to change the term of office in advance or postponed due to special circumstances, it must be voted by the Council, reported to the competent business unit for review and approved by the society registration authority. The term of office shall not be changed in advance or postponed for more than one year. [15]
  • Actuator
The Council is the executive body of the General Assembly of Members, leading the Institute to carry out daily work when the General Assembly of Members is not in session, and is responsible for the General Assembly of Members.
The functions and powers of the Council are:
(1) To prepare for the convening of the General Assembly of Member Representatives;
(2) Implement the resolutions of the General Assembly of Members;
(3) Elect and remove the chairman, vice chairmen, secretary-general and executive directors;
(4) Report work and financial status to the member congress;
(5) To decide on the admission and expulsion of members;
(6) Decide on the establishment and candidates of honorary posts;
(7) To decide on the establishment, change and termination of offices, branches and entities;
(8) Decide on the appointment of the Deputy Secretary General and the principal heads of each institution, and the term of office shall be the current term;
(9) To lead the work of all institutions of the Institute;
(10) Develop internal management system;
(11) Formulate the annual activity plan of the Institute;
(12) Perform other functions and powers specified in the Articles of Association.
According to the authorization of the General Assembly of Members, the Council may add or remove some directors during the session, up to one-fifth of the total number of directors.
The board of directors can be convened only when more than two-thirds of the directors are present, and its resolution can take effect only when more than two-thirds of the directors present vote.
The Council shall meet at least once a year. The meeting shall be convened by the chairman of the board of directors. If the director is unable to attend the meeting, he/she can entrust a representative to attend the meeting and has the right to vote by proxy. Special circumstances can also be held in the form of communication. [15]
  • Organization
According to the official website of the society in April 2023, China Textile Engineering Society has 11 offices, of which the first 6 are department level units. There are 23 branches, including 19 professional committees and 4 working committees. [3]
Society Headquarters
Academic Division
Science and Technology Development Division
Innovation and Development Division
Periodicals Branch
Standards Division
Membership Department
International Liaison Department
Ministry of Science and Technology Popularization
Consulting Department
Finance Department
―― [16]
Professional Committee
Cotton Textile Professional Committee
Wool Textile Professional Committee
Linen Textile Professional Committee
Knitting Professional Committee
Chemical Fiber Professional Committee
Dyeing and Finishing Professional Committee
Silk Professional Committee
Textile Machinery Equipment Professional Committee
Textile Design Professional Committee
Household Textiles Professional Committee
Garment Professional Committee
Standards and Testing Professional Committee
Professional Committee of Air Conditioning and Dust Removal
Professional Committee of Industrial Textiles
Technical and Economic Professional Committee
Information Professional Committee
New Spinning Professional Committee
Environmental Protection Professional Committee
Fashion Arts Professional Committee
―― [17]
Working Committee
Academic Work Committee
Standardization Technical Committee
Youth Working Committee
Industrial Digital Intelligent Technology Committee
―― [18]

Organization Member

According to the official website of the society in April 2023, China Textile Engineering Society has more than 50000 individual members and 216 group members. [3]
  • Member classification
The members of the society are divided into individual members and unit members. [15]
  • Membership conditions
Members who apply to join the society must meet the following conditions:
(1) Support the constitution of the society;
(2) Willing to join the society;
(3) Has certain influence in the business field of the Institute;
(4) Individual members: scientific and technological workers with certain professional technical positions or professional knowledge; Management workers who are enthusiastic and actively support the work of the Institute and have corresponding professional knowledge; Students in colleges and universities related to the major of the society.
(5) Unit members: enterprises, institutions and social organizations (excluding civil society organizations in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) that are related to the profession of the society, have a certain number of scientific and technological personnel, attach importance to scientific and technological progress, and are willing to participate in relevant activities of the society, and support the work of the society.
(6) Foreign members: foreign experts and scholars who have high academic achievements, are friendly to China, and are willing to communicate and cooperate with the Society can be recruited as foreign members after being discussed and approved by the Council or the Standing Council of the Society and reported to the competent business unit for filing. Foreign members can enjoy preferential access to academic journals and relevant materials published by the Society, and can be invited to attend academic conferences hosted by the Society in China and obtain other relevant services. The following provisions of the Articles of Association do not include foreign members.
(7) Fellows: The society formulates and implements the Regulations on Fellows of China Textile Engineering Society (for trial implementation). Fellows of China Textile Engineering Society are lifelong academic honors of members of China Textile Engineering Society. [15]
  • Membership procedures
Procedures for membership:
(1) Submit the application for membership;
(2) After discussion and adoption by the Council;
(3) Pay membership dues;
(4) The membership card shall be issued by the Council or the institution authorized by the Council. [15]
  • Rights of Members
Members enjoy the following rights:
(1) Voluntary membership and free withdrawal;
(2) The right to vote, stand for election and vote;
(3) Have the priority to participate in relevant academic activities of the Institute;
(4) Have the priority to obtain the services of the Institute;
(5) Have the right to criticize, suggest and supervise the work of the Institute;
(6) Preferential access to relevant academic materials of the Institute;
(7) Unit members can request the Institute to give priority to technical advice, and can request the Institute to hold training courses. [15]
  • Obligations of Members
Members shall perform the following obligations:
(1) Abide by the Articles of Association of the Institute;
(2) Implement the resolutions of the Institute;
(3) Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Institute;
(4) Complete the work assigned by the society;
(5) Pay membership dues as required;
(6) Reflect the situation to the society and provide relevant information;
(7) Carry forward scientific spirit, abide by scientific morality, and constantly update knowledge;
(8) Actively participate in various activities of the society, write academic papers and popular science works;
(9) Unit members shall assist in carrying out relevant academic and science popularization activities. [15]
  • Withdrawal instructions
When a member withdraws from the association, he/she shall notify the association in writing and return his/her membership card.
If a member does not pay the membership fee or participate in the activities of the Society for one year, and still does not change after being notified and prompted by the Society, it will be deemed as automatic withdrawal; Re application for membership requires re approval. Those who do not pay the membership dues cannot become candidates for the director (standing director) of the Institute.
If a member seriously violates the Articles of Association of the Society, he/she will be expelled after being voted by the Council or the Standing Council. Those who violate the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China will be automatically deprived of their membership. [15]

Business assets

  • scope of business
(1) Keep close contact with textile science and technology workers, publicize the line, principles and policies of the Communist Party of China, reflect the suggestions, opinions and appeals of textile science and technology workers, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of textile science and technology workers, and build a home for textile science and technology workers;
(2) Carry out academic exchanges, activate academic ideas, advocate academic democracy, optimize the academic environment, promote the development of disciplines, and serve the construction of the national innovation system;
(3) Organize textile science and technology workers to carry out scientific and technological innovation, participate in scientific demonstration and consulting services, put forward policy suggestions, build an "industry university research" exchange platform, hold technology exhibitions, science and technology exhibitions and other activities with the approval of relevant government departments, accelerate the transformation and application of textile scientific and technological achievements, help innovation and development, and make contributions to enhancing the independent innovation capability of textile enterprises;
(4) Carry forward the scientific spirit, popularize textile scientific knowledge, promote textile science and technology, disseminate scientific ideas and methods, carry out continuing education and technical training, and improve the scientific quality of the whole people;
(5) Improve the self-discipline function of the scientific community, promote the establishment and improvement of the integrity supervision mechanism for scientific research, and promote the construction of scientific ethics and style of study;
(6) Organize textile science and technology workers to participate in the consultation and formulation of national science and technology strategy, planning, layout, policies, laws and regulations, as well as political consultation, scientific decision-making and democratic supervision of national affairs, and build a high-level textile science and technology innovation think tank with Chinese characteristics;
(7) Entrusted by relevant government departments, undertake government transfer functions, undertake scientific and technological evaluation, professional and technical personnel level evaluation, technical standard formulation, recommendation and certification of academic awards of China Textile Engineering Society;
(8) Publicize and recommend textile science and technology talents; Carry out the evaluation and commendation of academic awards of China Textile Engineering Society with the approval of relevant government departments; Focus on stimulating young people's interest in science and technology, discover and cultivate outstanding young textile scientists and innovative teams;
(9) Carry out international textile science and technology exchanges and cooperation, strengthen friendly exchanges with foreign textile academic groups and textile science and technology workers, and provide services for overseas textile science and technology talents to innovate and start businesses in China;
(10) In accordance with the relevant regulations, carry out the editing, publishing and distribution of textile science and technology journals, books and materials, as well as relevant digital publishing activities, and provide textile science and technology knowledge services.
Matters within the business scope that must be approved according to laws, regulations and rules shall be carried out after being approved according to law. [15]
  • Source of funds
(1) Membership fees;
(2) Donation;
(3) Government funding;
(4) Income from carrying out activities and providing services within the approved business scope;
(5) Interest;
(6) Other legitimate income. [15]

Construction achievements


academic exchange

From November 3 to 5, 2017, China Textile Academic Annual Conference was held in Wuhan. This annual meeting is the first high-end event held by the China Textile Engineering Society after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. With the theme of "Rongzhi Rongchuang", it was organized by Wuhan Textile University and co organized by Fulida Group Co., Ltd., and supported by Jiangnan University, Tianjin University of Technology, Xi'an University of Engineering, China Textile Science Research Institute and other units. Liu Yadong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Service Center of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, Sun Ruizhe, President of the China Textile Industry Federation and President of the China Textile Engineering Society, Zhang Lina, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Sun Jinliang, Jiang Shicheng and Yu Jianyong, Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Li Lingshen, Vice President of the China Textile Industry Federation attended the meeting. [19]
From October 23 to 24, 2021, the 11th China Textile Academic Annual Conference hosted by the China Textile Engineering Society will be held in Qingdao. The School of Materials, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology hosted the branch conference on high-performance fibers and composites. The meeting was held in the form of offline reports and live pictures. More than 200 people, including experts and scholars from relevant universities in China, teachers and students of the college, attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Professor Yao Juming, Vice President of Ningbo University, and Professor Zhang Xianming, Dean of School of Materials of Zhejiang University of Technology. [20]
The 11th China Textile

Academic journals

Journal of Textiles 》Founded in 1979, it is a monthly magazine, which is managed by the China Association for Science and Technology and sponsored by the China Textile Engineering Society. Adhering to the purpose of "academic, authoritative, forward-looking and international", the journal aims to promote academic exchanges and promote the progress of textile science and technology. It mainly reports the original research results of textile science and technology, involving basic theoretical research of textile science, textile materials, fiber manufacturing, textile technology, dyeing and finishing technology, clothing technology, textile machinery and equipment and other fields. [21]
Wool spinning technology 》It was first published in 1973. It is a national Chinese core journal. It is a comprehensive scientific and technological journal managed by China Textile Industry Federation and sponsored by China Textile Information Center and China Textile Engineering Society. It has been included in the Dutch Scopus, American EBSCO, Russian AJ, Chinese academic journals (online edition), Wanfang Chinese journal database, Chinese science and technology journal database, etc. [22]
Journal of Textiles
Wool Textile Technology

personnel training


Award setting

  • Academic Award of China Textile Engineering Society
In order to fully mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of textile scientific and technological workers, cultivate young scientific and technological talents, commend scientific and technological workers with outstanding achievements in textile scientific and technological innovation, and promote the sustainable development of China's textile industry, the China Textile Engineering Society established and undertook the "China Textile Engineering Society Academic Award" (hereinafter referred to as CTES Academic Award). [23]

Popular Science Education

  • Science popularization activities
On July 29, 2021, in order to thoroughly implement the directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping that "scientific and technological innovation and scientific popularization are the two wings to achieve innovative development, and scientific popularization should be placed on the same important position as scientific and technological innovation, China Textile Engineering Society and the Palace Museum jointly launched the science popularization lecture activity of "Clothing Culture in the Palace Museum". [24]
On September 17, 2021, in accordance with the unified deployment of the 2021 National Science Popularization Day of the China Association for Science and Technology, and based on the principle of facing the grassroots and benefiting the masses, the China Textile Engineering Society held the "2021 National Science Popularization Day - China Textile Engineering Society Science Popularization Lecture Hall into Campus" activity in Xibaipo Hope Primary School, Pingshan County, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province. The society invited Professor Li Xianghong, a science communication expert of China Textile Engineering Society (Textile and Garment College of Hebei University of Science and Technology), to explain the structure, function and use of high-tech fibers, yarns and fabrics to students of Xibaipo Hope Primary School, with the theme of "modern technology and textiles", from the return of the "Shenzhou 12" spaceship. [25]
Activity site of Science Popularization Lecture of China Textile Engineering Society

Cultural tradition


Image logo

The emblem of China Textile Engineering Society is composed of textiles and the society in Chinese and English. The Chinese name of China Textile Engineering Society is on the top, and the English abbreviation CTES of China Textile Engineering Society is on the bottom. The circle in the center is red, and the inside of the circle is textiles. [3]
Association emblem

Purpose of the Institute

The purpose of the Society is to adhere to the guidance of Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of "Three Represents", the Scientific Outlook on Development, and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, conscientiously perform the service for scientific and technological workers, innovation driven development, and improving the scientific quality of the whole people The responsibility of serving the scientific decision-making of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government should be positioned, and democratic meetings should be held to promote the scientific spirit. Advocate dialectical materialism and adhere to the scientific attitude of seeking truth from facts; Paying attention to scientific morality; Safeguard the dignity of science, oppose pseudoscience and superstition; Advocate the spirit of dedication, innovation, realism and collaboration, and fully carry forward academic democracy. Unite and organize textile science and technology workers, promote the popularization, promotion, prosperity and development of textile science and technology, improve the scientific literacy of social members, promote the growth of textile science and technology talents, build an open, hub and platform society organization, and become a social group under the leadership of the Communist Party of China to unite and contact textile science and technology workers, Work hard to realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. [15]

Current leaders

The 26th Council of China Textile Engineering Society
name list
Fu Guangwei
Executive Vice President
Yin Naidong
Vice President
Wang Yuzhong, Zhu Meifang, Li Lijun, Li Pengfei, Zhang Chuanxiong, Chen Wenxing, Chen Li, Jiang Junhua, Gao Weidong, Gong Jinli
Specially invited Vice Chairman
Wang Yuping, Wang Qiming, Zhu Lihua, Zhuang Xiaoxiong, Liu Di, Liu Lin, Yang Xun, Xiao Lihua, Zhang Yueping, Zhang Xianshun, Zhang Guoliang, Zhou Yejun, Zhao Liang, Ke Qinfei, Shi Qingdao, Xia Guoxin, Xu Weilin, Cheng Bowen, Pan Yuejin
Secretary general
Gao Huifang
chief engineer
Liu Jun [26]