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China Planning Network

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Official website of China Planning magazine
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China Planning Network is China Planning magazine Official website It is the most authoritative online communication platform in China's planning industry, and some of its contents are published simultaneously with China Planning magazine. China Planning Network has more than 100 sub columns in 12 categories, comprehensively and objectively recording the development and achievements of China's planning industry. The content of the website mainly focuses on planning information, planning knowledge, planning figures, planning cases, planning research and other aspects, and is maintained by professional editors of China Planning magazine to ensure the professionalism and readability of the website. [1]
Chinese name
China Planning Network
Related magazines
China Planning
Website content
Planning information, planning knowledge, etc
Professional intelligence consulting service organization

Website Introduction

China Planning Network - the largest and most authoritative planning industry exchange platform in China sponsored by China Planning magazine
China Planning Network [1]
As National Development and Reform Commission Training Center The member unit and initiator of the registered planner project. China Planning Network fully integrates the government and social networking resources, originates from the high-end, serves enterprises and government departments from all walks of life, and is widely praised by all sectors of society. It is known as the "miracle doctor Hua Tuo" in the industry. [1]

service content

A professional intelligence consulting service organization integrating market research, analysis and evaluation, product planning, marketing planning, advertising planning, public relations planning, brand planning, project development planning, CIS planning, large-scale event planning, urban tourism planning, enterprise strategic planning, and enterprise personnel training. [1]
Grow together with the brand and become the most trusted partner of the brand!
China Planning Network is a professional intelligence consulting service website integrating market research, analysis and evaluation, product planning, marketing planning, advertising planning, public relations planning, brand planning, project development planning, festival culture planning, large-scale event planning, urban tourism planning, enterprise disease diagnosis, and enterprise personnel training. [1]