China Sleep Research Association

Academic organizations established in Beijing in 1994
zero Useful+1
China Sleep Research Society (CSRS) was founded in 1994 by China Association for Science and Technology The national first level social organization in charge, which has been officially approved by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China, is an independent legal person social organization and a professional academic institution in the field of sleep in China. [1]
According to the official website data of the Research Association in July 2023, the Chinese Sleep Research Association has 8 working committees and 14 professional committees, with more than 3896 members. [1] [9]
Chinese name
China Sleep Research Association
Foreign name
China Sleep Research Society
Competent unit
China Association for Science and Technology
Registration unit
Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China
Social organizations at the national level
Independent corporate social organizations
Club address
Room 902, Apartment B, No. 40, Gaoliangqiao Xiejie Street, Haidian District, Beijing
Date of establishment
Current leaders
Chairman: Huang Zhili Secretary General: Zuo Heming
Social credit code
five hundred and eleven thousand trillion and five billion one hundred and sixty-one thousand eight hundred and eight
Legal representative
Huang Zhili
Social groups [17]

Development history

In 1994, the Chinese Sleep Research Association was established. [1]
On December 25, 2013, the temporary party branch of China Sleep Research Association was officially established. [2]
On November 7, 2015, the fourth national congress of the members of the Chinese Sleep Research Association was held in Beijing Kyoto Xinyuan Hotel. [3]
On December 3, 2016, the 5th Standing Council of the 5th China Sleep Research Association was held at Crowne Plaza Beijing International Arts Park. [4]
In September 2019, the Word Sleep Society officially accepted the Chinese Sleep Society as a member organization; [5] On October 25, the fifth national congress of the Chinese Sleep Research Association was held in Jinan, Shandong Province. [6]
On March 19, 2023, sponsored by China Sleep Research Association, People's Network People's Data (National Big Data Disaster Recovery Center), and China Sleep Health Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd China Sleep Big Data Center The founding ceremony was held in Beijing. [7]

Organizational system


Institutional setup

  • The highest authority
The highest authority of the association is the National Congress of Members, whose term of office is four years. If the term of office needs to be changed in advance or postponed due to special circumstances, it must be voted by the Council, reported to the competent business unit for review and approved by the society registration authority. The extension of the term of office shall not exceed one year. The responsibilities of the National Congress of Members are:
(1) Formulate and revise the association's articles of association.
(2) Elect and remove directors.
(3) Review the work report and financial report of the Council.
(4) Formulate and revise the membership fee standard.
(5) Decide on the working policies and tasks of the meeting.
(6) Decide on termination.
(7) Decide on other major issues.
The National Congress of Representatives of Members can be convened only when more than two-thirds of the members' representatives are present, and its resolution can take effect only after being approved by more than half of the members' representatives present. [8]
  • Actuator
The Council is the executive body of the National Congress of Members when it is not in session, leading its daily work and being responsible to the National Congress of Members.
The functions and powers of the Council are:
(1) Implement the resolutions of the National Congress of Members.
(2) Elect and dismiss the executive director, chairman and vice chairman.
(3) Prepare for the National Congress of Member Representatives.
(4) Report work and financial situation to the National Congress of Members.
(5) Decide on the admission and expulsion of members.
(6) To decide on the establishment, change and cancellation of offices, branches, representative offices and entities.
(7) Decide on the appointment of the Secretary General, the Deputy Secretary General and the principal heads of all agencies.
(8) To be responsible for raising funds for the activities of the Society and leading the work of all institutions of the Society.
(9) Develop internal management system.
(10) Decide on other major issues.
The board of directors can be convened only when two-thirds of the directors are present, and its decision can take effect only after being approved by more than two-thirds of the directors present.
The Board of Directors shall hold a meeting once a year. Under special circumstances, it can be held by means of communication.
The Standing Council shall be elected by the Council, and shall exercise the functions of Articles 1, 3, 5 to 9 of Article 18 when the Council is not in session, and shall be responsible to the Council.
The executive council can be convened only when more than two-thirds of the executive directors are present, and its resolution can take effect only when more than two-thirds of the executive directors present at the meeting pass.
The Standing Council shall hold a meeting at least half a year, and under special circumstances, it can be held by means of communication.
According to work needs, the association can hold working meetings or office meetings to discuss and study daily work, and major issues involving the society should be reported to the council or the standing council in a timely manner. The working meeting or office meeting shall not act on behalf of the Council or the Standing Council. [8]
  • Organization
According to the official website data of the Research Association in July 2023, the Chinese Sleep Research Association has 8 working committees and 14 professional committees. [9]
Working Committee
Member Management Department
Organization and Liaison Department
Academic Conference Department
Ministry of Continuing Education
Consulting Service Department
Achievement Appraisal and Promotion Department
China Healthy Sleep Promotion Project Organization Committee
Professional Committee
Sleep Disorders Professional Committee
Professional Committee for Sleep Apnea Disorders
Professional Committee on Sleep and Mental Health
Specialized Committee on Sleep Physiology and Pharmacology
Sleep Medicine Committee of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Youth Working Committee
Professional Committee on Sleep and Biological Rhythm
Professional Committee of Sleep Medicine Education
Children's Sleep Medicine Professional Committee
Extreme Environment and Sleep Professional Committee
Community and Grassroots Work Committee
Professional Committee on Anesthesia and Pain
Standards and Codes Professional Committee
Sleep Industry and Transformation Working Committee
―― [9]

Organization Member

According to the official website data of the Research Association in July 2023, there are more than 3896 members of the Chinese Sleep Research Association. [1]
  • Member classification
Its members include individual members (including student members, ordinary members, senior members, lifelong members and honorary members) and unit members (including group members and enterprise members). [8]
  • Membership conditions
Members who apply to join the association must support the association's constitution, voluntarily join the association, and meet the following conditions respectively:
(1) Student members: graduate students majoring in sleep science and related majors in colleges and research institutes.
(2) Ordinary members: personnel engaged in sleep science (including sleep and other disciplines related to sleep) in research, education and production enterprises.
(3) Senior members: actively participate in various activities of the society, and naturally become senior members after reaching a certain contribution value.
(4) Lifetime member: A member who has paid membership dues continuously for 30 years or has paid membership dues at one time up to or above the same amount can be registered as a lifelong member.
(5) Honorary members: Chinese sleep scientists who have outstanding academic achievements, support the work of the society or make contributions to China's sleep science, or foreign sleep scientists who meet the above conditions and are friendly to China, can be conferred the title of honorary member after discussion by the Council or the Standing Council, and reported to the Chinese Association for Science and Technology for record. Honorary members are exempt from membership fees.
(6) Members of group type units: those institutions engaged in scientific research and teaching related to the professional scope of the association, as well as relevant academic social organizations registered according to law, who are willing to participate in relevant activities of the association and support the workers of the association, can apply for membership of group type units.
(7) Enterprise type unit members: any production and marketing unit of products related to the professional scope of the association, willing to participate in relevant activities of the association and support the workers of the association, can apply for enterprise type unit members. [8]
  • Membership procedures
Membership procedures:
(1) Submit the application for membership.
(2) It shall be reviewed and approved by the council or standing council of the association.
(3) The Council shall authorize the Secretariat to issue membership cards. [8]
  • Rights of Members
Members enjoy the following rights:
(1) Ordinary members, lifelong members and unit members of the Association enjoy the right to vote, stand for election and vote; Student members have the right to vote and vote.
(2) The right to suggest, criticize and supervise the work of the Association.
(3) The priority of attending the academic meetings and activities of the Association.
(4) Enjoy the service of the association and have priority in obtaining relevant academic materials.
(5) Freedom to retire. [8]
  • Obligations of Members
Members shall perform the following obligations:
(1) Abide by the Association's Articles of Association and implement its resolutions.
(2) Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the association.
(3) Complete the work entrusted by the committee.
(4) Actively assist and support the technical training organized by the Association and the academic and science popularization activities organized by relevant departments; Report the situation to the meeting and provide relevant information.
(5) Pay membership dues according to regulations. [8]
  • Withdrawal instructions
A member who withdraws from the association shall notify the association in writing. Members who fail to perform their obligations within 2 years shall be notified by the association, and those who still fail to perform their obligations after the notification shall be deemed to withdraw from the association automatically. The membership card shall be marked with the validity period, and new membership cards can be issued after the renewal.
If a member seriously violates the Articles of Association, he/she shall be expelled after being voted by the Council or the Standing Council. [8]

Business assets

  • scope of business
The business scope of the association is mainly to carry out the following business activities around related disciplines in the field of sleep science:
(1) Hold academic activities in the field of sleep, including academic conferences, symposiums and lectures.
(2) Edit and publish publications, books, audio-visual products, etc. in the field of sleep science.
(3) Carry out the popularization, continuing education and training of sleep science knowledge, and promote the advanced technology and scientific research achievements in the field of sleep.
(4) We will carry out and promote international exchanges and cooperation in sleep science and technology, and develop friendly exchanges with sleep related scientific and technological groups and scientific and technological workers abroad.
(5) Actively participate in the scientific and technological policy formulation and subject research in the national sleep field. Organize members and scientific and technological workers to put forward scientific and technological suggestions on the formulation of national science and technology policies, regulations and national affairs, and promote scientific and democratic decision-making.
(6) Promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and industrial scientific and technological progress, and make contributions to improving the independent innovation capability of enterprises.
(7) Carry out scientific demonstration, information exchange, consulting services, business training, and put forward policy recommendations; Undertake government transfer functions, accept entrustment to undertake project evaluation, achievement appraisal, technical evaluation, participate in technical standard formulation, professional and technical qualification review and certification and other tasks; With the approval of government departments, scientific and technological awards are carried out to cultivate and recommend talents.
(8) Do other work entrusted by relevant government departments. [8]
  • Source of funds
(1) Membership dues.
(2) Appropriation from government or superior competent department.
(3) Donation.
(4) Income from activities or services carried out within the approved scope.
(5) Interest.
(6) Other legitimate income. [8]

Construction achievements


academic exchange

From May 14 to 17, 2021, the 3rd Asian Sleep Society Academic Conference and the 13th National Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Sleep Research Association, hosted by the Asian Sleep Society and hosted by the Chinese Sleep Research Association, was held in Beijing, the capital. The opening ceremony of the conference was presided over by Professor Huang Zhili, chairman of the Chinese Sleep Research Association and co chairman of the conference. The chairman of the conference, Professor Han Fang, delivered a welcome speech. Cheng Wei, Vice Minister of the Academic Department of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, and Professor Seung Bong Hong, President of the Asian Sleep Society, delivered speeches and congratulated the conference. [13]
From September 2 to 4, 2022, the 14th National Academic Annual Meeting of China Sleep Research Association, hosted by China Sleep Research Association and organized by West China Hospital of Sichuan University, was held in Chengdu Global Center, Sichuan Province. With the purpose of focusing on and highlighting the discussion and academic exchange of basic and clinical related topics, the conference annotated the opportunities and challenges facing the current development of sleep science from multiple dimensions such as the diagnosis and treatment of sleep diseases, research progress, cutting-edge dynamics, and the construction of sleep centers. [12]
On January 6, 2023, the Chinese Sleep Research Society, together with the Amur State Medical College of Russia and the Pirogov Medical University of Russia, held the "Preparatory Meeting for the Sino Russian Sleep Medicine Summit Forum" in Jixi, Heilongjiang Province. The meeting specially invited relevant leaders and experts to participate in the preparatory meeting. The meeting was directed by Jixi Municipal Party Committee and Government, Hulin Municipal Party Committee and Government, hosted by China Sleep Research Association, and undertaken by Heilongjiang Quanle Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. The meeting was chaired by Zuo Heming, Secretary General of China Sleep Research Association. [11]
From February 3 to 4, 2023, the fourth session of the National Natural Science Foundation application exchange meeting hosted by the China Sleep Research Association was held in Sanya, Hainan Province. A total of 50 sleep medical workers from different hospitals and universities across China came to the meeting. The purpose of the exchange meeting was to understand the requirements of the application guide of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, improve the writing level of the application for scientific research funds of the members of the association, discuss the cutting-edge issues of sleep wakefulness science, and refine the scientific issues of sleep medicine. Chinese experts and professors in clinical sleep research and basic sleep research were invited to share and exchange for the participants. [10]

Honor recognition

In December 2016, the Chinese Sleep Research Association was awarded the "2016 National Science Popularization Outstanding Unit". [14]

personnel training

  • Thematic activities
On March 17, 2022, the launching ceremony of the Chinese theme conference and science popularization activities for the 2022 "3.21" World Sleep Day, co sponsored by the China Sleep Research Association and the Moose Group, was held in the China Science and Technology Hall. [16]
On March 17, 2023, Huang Zhili, president of the Chinese Sleep Research Association, announced the 2023 World Sleep Day to the society. The Chinese theme is "good sleep, the source of health". [15]

Cultural tradition


Image logo

The emblem of the Chinese Sleep Research Association consists of Tai Chi and Snake Stick, which are symbols of China and sleep respectively. The Chinese name of the Association is on the top, and the English name of the Association is on the bottom. [1]
Image logo

Group purpose

The purpose of the association is to promote the prosperity and development of sleep science, promote the popularization and promotion of sleep science and technology, promote the growth and improvement of sleep science and technology talents, and promote the combination of sleep science and technology with economy. Reflect the opinions of sleep science and technology workers, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of sleep science and technology workers. Serve social and economic development, improve the scientific quality and health quality of the whole people, serve the construction and development of sleep discipline, promote socialist economic construction, political construction, cultural construction and social construction, build a harmonious socialist society, and strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. [8]

Current leaders

name list
Huang Zhili
Vice President
Chen Guihai, Li Qingyun, Luo Yuanming, Shi Jie, Sun Hongqiang, Xu Ying, Zhan Shuqin, Zhang Bin, Zuo Heming [18]
Secretary general
Gao Xuemei [9] [18]