Chinese Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine

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National social organizations
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The Chinese Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine (CAAV) is a national academic, popular science and non-profit social organization with legal personality, which is voluntarily formed by Chinese scientific and technical workers of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine. The competent unit is the China Association of Science and Technology, and the supporting unit is China Pastoral Industry and Commerce (Group) Corporation Beijing Dabeinong Technology Group Co., Ltd Placo Bioengineering Co., Ltd and China Agricultural University
According to the official website of the Chinese Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine in October 2019, the Society has 38 subject branches, 32 provincial societies, nearly 60000 individual members (including 1500 senior members), more than 400 group members, and has established business contacts and guidance relationships with 32 provincial animal husbandry and veterinary societies nationwide. [1-3]
Chinese name
Chinese Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Foreign name
Chinese Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine
Time of establishment
July 1936
Nature of running a school
Social groups
competent department
China Association for Science and Technology
Current leaders
Chairman: Huang Lusheng
Social credit code
Registration authority
Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China

Development history

In July 1936, the Chinese Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine was established in Nanjing.
In the summer of 1937, the war of Japanese imperialism against China extended to East China, and the work of the Society was at a standstill.
In 1942, some people in the animal husbandry and veterinary circles reorganized activities in Chengdu and elected the second council.
In 1950, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Professor Xiong Dashi, a member of the animal husbandry and veterinary community in Beijing, launched the activity of the Restoration Society.
In January 1955, the Third National Congress of Member Representatives was held in Beijing. As a part of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, the Society was under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture.
In January 1959, the fourth congress was held in Harbin, and the fourth council was elected.
In September 1963, the fifth congress was held in Urumqi and the fifth council was elected.
In 1966, when the "Cultural Revolution" began, learning to experience the turbulent years of the "Ten Year Catastrophe" stopped the activity.
In 1978, the Chinese Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine held the sixth national congress in Taiyuan and elected the sixth council.
In October 1982, the Seventh National Congress was held in Guiyang and the Seventh Council was elected.
On March 5, 1985, with the approval of the State Commission for Restructuring the Economic System, the Chinese Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine was again recognized as a national society.
In November 1986, the 8th National Congress of Member Representatives was held in Chengdu, and the 8th Council was elected.
In November 1991, the 9th National Congress of Member Representatives was held in Shanghai, and the 9th Council was elected.
In 1993, the Chinese Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine joined the World Society of Animal Husbandry as a national member.
In October 1996, the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Society and the 10th National Congress of Member Representatives were held in Nanjing, and the 10th Council was elected.
In December 2001, the 11th National Congress of Member Representatives was held in Beijing, and the 11th Council was elected.
In October 2006, the 12th National Congress of Representatives of Members was held in Beijing, and the 12th Council was elected.
In October 2011, the 13th National Congress of Member Representatives was held in Chengdu, Sichuan, and the 13th Council was elected.
In November 2016, the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Society and the 14th National Congress of Member Representatives were held in Shaoxing, Zhejiang, and the 14th Council was elected. [1]

Organizational system


Institutional setup

  • The highest authority
The 80th Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine and the 14th National Member Congress
The highest authority of the Institute is the National Assembly of Member Representatives. Member representatives are selected through full deliberation and negotiation of members.
The National Congress of Members is held every five years. If the meeting needs to be held in advance or postponed due to special circumstances, it must be voted by the Council or the Standing Council and reported to the competent business unit for review and approval. The postponement time shall not exceed one year. The functions and powers of the National Congress of Members are:
(1) Decide on the work policies and tasks of the Institute;
(2) To formulate and revise the Articles of Association of the Society;
(3) Elect and remove members of the Council;
(4) Review the work report and financial report of the Council;
(5) Formulate membership fee standards;
(6) To decide on other major matters as stipulated in the Articles of Association.
  • Actuator
The Council is the executive body of the National Congress of Members, leading the Institute to carry out its work when the National Congress of Members is not in session, and is responsible for the National Congress of Members. Council members are elected by equal or differential secret ballot after full deliberation and democratic consultation of national member representatives. In addition to individual directors, the Council may appropriately increase the number of unit directors.
In principle, the council members of the society and the standing members of the branch are from the senior members of the society.
The council members are composed of scientific and technological personnel from animal husbandry and veterinary societies, branch societies, relevant government and public institutions directly under the central government and enterprises in various provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) in an appropriate proportion, taking into account the proportion of old, middle, young, women and ethnic minorities. In principle, the chairman of each discipline branch is the director of the society. If the new chairman of the discipline branch is not a director of the society after the change of its term, it must be confirmed and added by the council or the standing council. The qualification of the former chairman of the branch will expire at the end of his term of office. The council or the standing council shall confirm and supplement the vacancy of the council members of the provincial associations, government, enterprises and public institutions directly under the central government due to job changes, health conditions and other reasons.
The Council meets once a year; Under special circumstances, it can also be held in the form of communication.
In principle, the board of directors can be convened only when more than 2/3 of the directors are present, and its resolution can take effect only after more than 2/3 of the directors present vote. If the directors cannot attend the meeting, they can entrust representatives to attend and have the right to vote by proxy.
Authority of the Council
(1) To implement the resolutions of the National Congress of Members;
(2) Elect and remove the executive director, vice chairman and chairman; Elect (or appoint), remove (or dismiss) the Secretary General;
(3) Preparing for the National Congress of Member Representatives;
(4) Report on work and financial situation to the National Congress of Members;
(5) To decide on the admission and expulsion of members;
(6) To decide on the establishment of offices, branches, representative offices and entities;
(7) To decide on the appointment of the Deputy Secretary General and the principal heads of each institution;
(8) Develop management system;
(9) To lead the work of all institutions of the Institute;
(10) Perform other functions and powers specified in the Articles of Association. [2]
Institutional setup of China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Association
  • Subordinate organizations
According to the official website of the Chinese Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine in October 2019, the Society has 38 disciplinary branches and 32 provincial associations. [3]
Directory of Disciplinary Branches and Provincial Societies of Chinese Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Discipline branch
Chinese Society of Veterinary Medicine
Branch of Veterinary Surgery
Branch of Veterinary Pathology
Society of Animal Infectious Diseases
Branch of Animal Nutrition
Foot and mouth disease branch
Branch of Animal Genetics and Breeding
Branch of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology
Poultry Branch
Society of Animal Reproduction
Animal Ecology Branch
Biological Products Branch
Poultry Disease Branch
Branch of Veterinary Internal Medicine and Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment
Veterinary Food Hygiene Branch
Veterinary Parasitology Branch
Society of Animal Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
Veterinary obstetrics branch
Cattle Raising Branch
Animal Quarantine Branch
Animal Environmental Hygiene Branch
Biotechnology Branch
Branch of Veterinary Imaging Technology
Pig Breeding Branch
Sheep Raising Branch
Society of Animal Genetic Markers
Branch of Animal Toxicology
Branch of Animal Microecology
Society of Animal Physiology and Biochemistry
Branch of Animal Medicine
Canine Society
Journal Editing Branch
Information Technology Branch
Animal Welfare and Health Breeding Branch
Equine branch
Rabbit Breeding Branch
Small Animal Medicine Branch
Veterinary Public Health Branch
Provincial Institute
Hebei Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Liaoning Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Society
Zhejiang Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Society
Beijing Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Shanxi Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Jilin Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Society
Anhui Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Inner Mongolia Animal Husbandry Society
Heilongjiang Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Society
Fujian Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Tianjin Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Inner Mongolia Veterinary Society
Jiangsu Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Shandong Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Henan Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Society
Guangxi Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Yunnan Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Qinghai Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Hubei Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Society
Hainan Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Society
Shaanxi Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Society
Hunan Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Sichuan Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Gansu Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Society
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Society of Tibet Autonomous Region
Guizhou Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Ningxia Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Chongqing Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine

Organization Member

  • Member type
Those who support the constitution of the society and meet the membership conditions can apply for membership and become members of the society after approval.
The members of the society are individual members (ordinary members, senior members, foreign members) and group members.
  • Membership conditions
(1) Ordinary members: scientific and technical personnel who support the constitution of the society, have the intention to join the society, and have intermediate or equivalent professional and technical titles or positions; Master degree or above; Or those who have been engaged in animal husbandry and veterinary work for a long time without the above technical titles and have made greater contributions; Management workers who are enthusiastic and actively support the work of the Institute and have corresponding professional knowledge.
(2) Senior member: animal husbandry and veterinary professional scientific and technical personnel who support the constitution of the society, have the intention to join the society, and have senior or equivalent professional technical titles or positions; Or those who have been engaged in animal husbandry and veterinary work for a long time without the above technical titles and have made outstanding contributions; Enthusiastically and actively support the senior management workers of enterprises, institutions and associations who have learned to work and have corresponding professional knowledge.
(3) Foreign members: foreign scientific and technological workers who support the constitution of the society, have the willingness to join the society, have high academic achievements, are friendly to China, and are willing to contact, communicate and cooperate with the society.
(4) Group members: enterprises that support the constitution of the society, have the intention to join the society, are related to the discipline (or specialty) of the society, have a certain number of scientific and technological personnel (including experts and consultants hired), and actively support and participate in the academic exchanges, science popularization, technical services, continuing education, journal publishing and other activities of the society Public institutions and relevant academic social organizations established according to law.
The group members of the society are divided into: group members, group members of the governing unit, group members of the standing director unit, and group members of the vice chairman unit.
The Institute has established close business relations, mutual support and collaboration with group member units. The Institute can sign specific cooperation (cooperation) service agreements with group members of governing units, group members of executive governing units and group members of vice chairman units, and clarify their rights and obligations.
  • Procedures for membership
(1) Submit the application for membership;
(2) Introduced by two members of the society or recommended by the unit;
(3) The admission procedures for senior members and group members of the Association shall be handled according to the management methods for senior members and group members respectively;
(4) With the approval of the standing council of the society, ordinary members can also be approved by the disciplinary branch authorized by the society or the provincial animal husbandry and veterinary society entrusted by the society, and reported to the society for registration.
  • Rights and obligations of members
Individual members:
(1) Abide by the Articles of Association of the Institute;
(2) Have the right to vote, stand for election and vote;
(3) Have the right to criticize, suggest and supervise the work of the Institute;
(4) Give priority to relevant academic activities of the Society;
(5) Preferential access to relevant academic materials of the Institute;
(6) Implement the resolutions of the Society, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Society, and complete the work assigned by the Society;
(7) Carry forward scientific spirit, abide by scientific morality, and constantly update knowledge;
(8) Pay membership dues as required;
(9) Voluntary membership and free withdrawal;
(10) See "Management Measures for Senior Members" for other rights and obligations of senior members.
Group members:
(1) Abide by the Articles of Association of the Institute;
(2) Give priority to relevant activities of the Institute;
(3) Preferential access to relevant academic materials of the Institute;
(4) Can request the Institute to give priority to technical consultation and technical services;
(5) Can request the Society to assist in organizing technical training courses, etc;
(6) Have the right to criticize, suggest and supervise the work of the Institute;
(7) Implement the resolutions of the Society, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Society, and accept the work entrusted by the Society;
(8) Assist in carrying out relevant academic and science popularization activities;
(9) Pay membership dues as required;
(10) Voluntary membership and free withdrawal.
  • Withdrawal instructions
A member who withdraws from the membership must notify the Institute in writing and return the Membership Card; A group member who withdraws from the association must submit a written application, which shall be approved by the standing council of the society, and return the Group Membership Certificate and the sign. If a member fails to pay the membership fee or participate in the activities of the Association for two years without any reason, it shall be deemed as voluntary withdrawal.
If a member seriously violates the Articles of Association of the Society, he/she shall be expelled after being voted by the Standing Council. [2]

Business assets

  • scope of business
(1) Carry out academic exchanges around the development of animal husbandry and veterinary technology and industry, activate academic ideas, promote discipline development and promote independent innovation.
(2) Promote scientific spirit, popularize scientific knowledge, disseminate scientific ideas and methods, safeguard scientific dignity, and improve the scientific quality of the whole people.
(3) Carry out non-governmental international scientific and technological exchanges, develop friendly exchanges with relevant academic groups and scientific and technological workers outside China, and promote international exchanges and cooperation.
(4) Edit, publish and distribute animal husbandry and veterinary science and technology books, newspapers and related audio-visual products, and disseminate scientific and technological information.
(5) Keep close contact with scientific and technological workers, reflect the suggestions, opinions and appeals of members and scientific and technological workers, safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, and promote the construction of scientific ethics and style of study.
(6) Put forward scientific and technological suggestions for national and industrial science and technology policies, regulations and national affairs, and promote scientific and democratic decision-making.
(7) Carry out demonstration and consultation services in science and technology, hold science and technology exhibitions, and support scientific research; Accept the entrustment to undertake the formulation of industry science and technology and economic development plans, project evaluation, scientific and technological achievements appraisal, and technical evaluation; Participate in and undertake the social service functions transferred by the government, such as the formulation of technical standards, professional and technical qualification review and certification; Promote advanced technology and promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.
(8) Carry out commendation and reward, continuing education and training, and cultivate and recommend talents.
(9) Promote the construction of the institute's office, improve the efficiency of serving members and scientific and technological workers, and build a home for scientific and technological workers.
(10) Establish social public welfare undertakings that conform to the articles of association and are conducive to the development of animal husbandry and veterinary science and technology and industry.
  • Source of funds:
(1) Membership fees;
(2) Donation;
(3) Government and social support;
(4) Income from activities or services carried out within the approved business scope;
(5) Society Fund;
(6) Other legitimate income.
The funds of the Society must be used for the business scope and career development as stipulated in the Articles of Association of the Society, and shall not be distributed among members. [2]

Construction achievements


Activity communication

According to the official website of the Chinese Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine in October 2019, the academic activities of the Society and its 38 branch disciplines combined with the hot spots, difficult problems and actual production in the field of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine, and held more than 60 academic seminars, technical exchanges, science and technology forums and other special exchange activities every year.
Since 2003, it has insisted on holding a large annual academic conference every year and a quadrennial academic seminar for young scientific and technological workers in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine. It has undertaken international academic exchange activities such as the 2007 World Conference on Poultry Diseases, the 2013 International Symposium on Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome, the 2013 Eleventh World Conference on Livestock, the 11th World Conference on Rabbit Science, and the 25th World Conference on Poultry. [1]

Newspaper resources

Sponsored by China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Association《 Chinese Journal of Animal Husbandry 》《 Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine 》《 Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine 》《 Journal of Animal Nutrition 》Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, Animal Nutrition, six national scientific and technological journals and News, jointly organized with the Farmers Daily《 Pig industry observation 》Jointly established with Hebei Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Association《 Northern animal husbandry 》。 [1] [4]
Founded in 1953, China Journal of Animal Husbandry is a comprehensive guidance journal for animal husbandry sponsored by the Chinese Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine China Core Journal (Selection) Database Wip And other databases. [5]
The Chinese Veterinary Journal is a national Chinese core journal, a Chinese agricultural core journal, a Chinese natural science core journal, an online journal of the National Science and Technology Commission's "Science and Technology Periodicals Network Service System", a national key advertising media, a scientific and technological journal group of China Wanfang System (China Institute of Science and Technology Information), and a Chinese academic journal (CD version) entered into the journal (Tsinghua University) China Journal Network (Tsinghua University), Chinese Science and Technology Journal Database (Chongqing Weipu), China Science Citation Database (CSCD), China Academic Journal Comprehensive Evaluation Database (Tsinghua University), China Agricultural Science and Technology Literature Database (Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences), China Science and Technology Paper and Citation Database (China Institute of Science and Technology Information) Chinese academic journal abstracts (China Association for Science and Technology), etc. [6]
Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine CA Chemical Abstracts (USA) (2014) and JST Japan Science and Technology Promotion Agency Database (Japan) (2018) are the source journals of CSCD China Science Citation Database (2019-2020) (including extended version), and Peking University《 Overview of Chinese Core Periodicals 》Source journals (1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2011, 2014, 2017). [7]
Journal of Animal Nutrition China Science Citation Database (CSCD) core library (C library) source journals, Chinese quality scientific and technological journals, Chinese core journals, Chinese core scientific and technological journals, authoritative journals of China Science Evaluation and Research Center (A+level journals), Chinese agricultural core journals, top 100 journals with digital influence (academic journals), journals included in the UK CAB Abstracts and journals included in the US Chemical Abstracts database. [8]
The Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology (Journal of Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology) was included by CA Chemical Abstracts (US) (2014), SCI Science Citation Index (US) (2018), JST Japan Science and Technology Promotion Agency Database (Japan) (2018), and is the source journal of CSCD China Science Citation Database (2019-2020) (including the expanded version). [9]

Spiritual culture


Association emblem

Emblem of China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Association
(1) The emblem is round and the shape and outer circle of the letters are gold, symbolizing the bright future of the animal husbandry and veterinary industry.
(2) The emblem is composed of two English letters, A and V, which are the initials of the English words Animal and Veterinary.
(3) The pattern composed of A and V abstractly represents the image of livestock. The middle of A is like an egg, indicating the poultry industry.
(4) The background color of the pattern is green, indicating grassland and feed industry. [10]

Purpose of the Institute

(1) We should hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, follow the guidance of Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of Three Represents, and the Scientific Outlook on Development, thoroughly implement the spirit of Comrade Xi Jinping's important speeches, and build a moderately prosperous society in all respects, deepen reform in all respects, and rule the country by law in all respects The strategic layout of strictly governing the Party in an all-round way, conscientiously performing the work functions of serving scientific and technological workers, serving innovation driven development, improving the scientific quality of the whole people, serving the scientific decision-making of the Party and the government, strengthening self construction, promoting the prosperity and development of science and technology, promoting the popularization and promotion of science and technology, and promoting the growth and improvement of scientific and technological talents, We will promote the implementation of the innovation driven development strategy, create a good scientific and cultural atmosphere, unswervingly follow the path of the development of socialist groups with Chinese characteristics, constantly enhance the political, advanced and mass character, closely unite scientific and technological workers around the Party, and strive to realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese people.
(2) Learn to abide by the Constitution, laws, national policies and regulations, and social ethics; Implement the science and technology work policy of independent innovation, key leap forward, supporting development and leading the future, promote the fashion of respecting labor, knowledge, talent and creation, advocate the spirit of innovation, realism, cooperation and dedication, and adhere to the principle of independence and democracy and the policy of "letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend".
(3) The Society holds high the banner of patriotism, strengthens scientific and technological exchanges with Hong Kong, Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan, maintains national unity and promotes the reunification of the motherland. [2]

Community leaders


Current leaders

The 15th Council of Chinese Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine [13]
President: Huang Lusheng
Vice Chairman: Qiao Yufeng, Li Ming, Yang Hanchun, Bu Zhigao, Wu De, Guo Yuming, Zhang Xuke, Chen Weisheng, Chen Qijun, Shao Gengang, Qin Yuchang, Jiao Xin'an, Liao Ming, Xue Tingwu
Secretary general: Yang Hanchun (concurrently)
Honorary Chairman: Wu Changxin, Chen Huanchun, Yan Hanping [14]
Senior consultant: Yan Hanping [15]
Academic Advisor (sorted by strokes of last name) Yin Yulong, Liu Shouren, Liu Xiufan, Li Defa, Wu Changxin, Shen Jianzhong, Zhang Yong, Zhang Gaiping, Chen Hualan, Chen Huanchun, Jin Ningyi, Hou Shuishui, Yao Bin, Xia Xianzhu, Gao Fu, Huang Lusheng, Qiao Shiyan [16]
standing director (sorted by strokes of last name) Ma Zhiyong, Wang Zhigang, Wang Chuduan, Wen Jie, Kong Pingtao, Basang Wangdui, Deng Xuming, Ye Junhua, Tian Jianhui, Tian Kegong, Bai Yueyu, Zhu Shanyuan, Qiao Yufeng, Liu Quan, Liu Zuohua, Liu Jinhua, Liu Di, Liu Qun, Li Chuanye, Li Hongquan, Li Ming, Li Shengli, Yang Hanchun, Yang Ning, Bu Zhigao, Wu De, Gua Yuming, He Kongwang, Zou Jianmin, Wang Yizhen, Song Weiping, Zhang Xuke, Zhang Yingjie, Zhang Xinling, Chen Weisheng, Chen Qijun, Chen Yaoxing, Shao Genhuo, Lin Hai, Luo Tingrong, Zheng Wenxin, Zheng Haixue, Zhao Yanling, Hong Qionghua, Qin Yuchang, Qin Yinghe, Chai Tongjie, Gao Feng, Gao Tengyun, Tu Changchun, Huang Weizhong, Huang Lusheng, Cui Sheng, Jiang Zongyong, Jiang Taozhen, Han Guocai, Jiao Xin'an, Liao Ming, Xue Tingwu, Mu Xiang [17]
director (Sorted by strokes of family names): Diao Youxiang, Ma Chuang, Ma Zhiyong, Ma Baohua, Wang Zhonghua, Wang Gang, Wang Chuanbin, Wang Zhigang, Wang Jinyong, Wang Jianlong, Wang Jundong, Wang Xiaojun, Wang Jiwen, Wang Chuduan, Wei Qipeng, Wen Xintian, Wen Jie, Yin Jingdong, Kong Pingtao, Basang Wangdui, Deng Ganzhen, Deng Xuming, Shi Juan, Ye Junhua, Tian Jianhui, Tian Kegong, Bai Jieying, Bai Yueyu, Bao Jun, Mang Lai, Bi Yuhai, Zhu Qiyun, Zhu Li, Zhu Zixiang, Zhu Shanyuan, Qiao Yufeng, Ren Xinjun, Liu Hanzhong, Liu Xiangping, Liu Quan, Liu Honglin, Liu Zuohua, Liu Guoshi, Liu Jinhua, Liu Jianzhu, Liu Zhongjie, Liu Jianfeng, Liu Shengwang, Liu Di, Liu Lin, Liu Huili, Liu Qun, Liu Jue, Jiang Qingyan, Qi Xiaolong, An Lei, Sun Zhiliang, Sun Jianhe, Su Rui, Li Qianjun, Li Chuanwu, Li Ning, Li Yongqing, Li Gang, Li Chuanye, Li Chengjun, Li Xiubo, Li Hongquan, Li Yongjun, Li Ying, Li Chang, Li Ming, Li Mingzhou, Li Zejun, Li Jianxi, Li Junping, Li Junya, Li Shengli, Li Xiao, Yang Kailun, Yang Hanchun, Yang Ning, Yang Lifeng, Yang Qingchun, Yang Xiaojing, Yang Zhangping, Yang Chaowu, Bu Zhigao, Xiao Shijun, Xiao Xiao, Wu De, Kuang Yuming, Qiu Liwei, Qiu Changwei, He Kongwang, Zou Jianmin, Wang Yizhen, Wang Yang, Song Weiping, Zhang Longxian, Zhang Xuke, Zhang Zhiping, Zhang Yingjie, Zhang Qiang, Zhang Xinling, Chen Yulin, Chen Daiwen, Chen Weisheng, Chen Qijun, Chen Xiang, Chen Shufang, Chen Yaoxing, Shao Hongze, Shao Gengang, Wu Xufeng, Wu Rui, Fan Xuebin, Lin Boquan, Lin Hai, Lin Xiangmei, Lin Degui, Yi Ganfeng, Luo Tingrong, Luo Hailing, Jin Yipeng, Zhou Zhenlei, Zhou Xiaogui, Zheng Wenxin, Zheng Haixue, Zhao Shuhong, Zhao Yongju, Zhao Baoyu, Zhao Yanling, Zhao Qianjun, Hao Zhihui, Shi Shourong, Jiang Yifeng, Jiang Shijin, Hong Qionghua, He Jianhua, Qin Yuchang, Qin Yinghe, Qin Dechao, Yuan Ximin, Geng Zhaoyu, Nie Qinghua, Xia Youcai, Chai Tongjie, Yan Xianghua, Ni Xueqin, Xu Shixin, Xu Chuang, Yin Shengzhang, Gao Feng, Gao Yuwei, Gao Huajie, Gao Tengyun, Tu Changchun, Huang Weizhong, Huang Ruihua, Huang Qinlou, Huang Lusheng, Mei Shuqi, Cui Sheng, Hu Rongliang, Jiang Zongyong, Jiang Taozhen, Han Guocai, Han Bo, Cheng Anchun, Jiao Xin'an, Lu Hong, Tong Guangzhi, Jin Yaping, Lu Hao, Zhan Kai, Gun Shuangbao, Dou Xinhong, He Xiaoyan, Liao Ming, Xiong Benhai, Yan Jingchen, Xue Tingwu, Mu Xiang [18]
Party Committee of the 15th Council of the Chinese Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine [19]
Secretary of the Party Committee: Huang Lusheng
deputy Party secretary (sorted by strokes of surname): Yang Hanchun, Qin Yuchang
Discipline inspection committee: Wang Jinluo
Member of the Party Committee (sorted by the strokes of the surname): Tian Jianhui, Qiao Yufeng, Li Ming, Bu Zhigao, Song Weiping, Zhang Xuke, Jiao Xin'an, Liao Ming, Xue Tingwu
The First Board of Supervisors of the Chinese Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine [20]
Chief Supervisor: Wang Jinluo
Deputy Chief Supervisor: Spade
supervisor (sorted by the strokes of the surname): Li Huaming, Cui Yanshun, Dai Youli
Leaders of the 14th Council of the Chinese Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
name list
Honorary Chairman
Vice President
Feng Zhongwu, Zhu Qing, Qiao Yufeng, Yang Hanchun, Bu Zhigao, Kuai Yuming, Zhang Xuke, Chen Weisheng, Shao Genhuo, Qin Yuchang, Yin Hong, Jiao Xin'an, Liao Ming, Xue Tingwu, Cai Xuepeng, Bao Jun
Secretary general
Under Secretary General
Ma Chuang, Kong Pingtao, Tian Jianhui, Liu Lin, Sun Jinzhong, Li Gang, Li Chuanye, Xiao Shijun, Song Weiping, Zhou Xiaogui, Yuan Ximin, Xia Youcai
Reference source [11-12]

Successive leaders

Successive leaders of China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Association
full name
The first session
The second session
Chen Zhichang
The third and fourth sessions
Chen Lingfeng
The fifth and sixth sessions
Cheng Shaojun
The seventh and eighth sessions
Chen Lingfeng
The 9th and 10th sessions
Chen Yaochun
The eleventh session
Wu Changxin
The 12th and 13th sessions
Chen Huanchun
Reference source [1]